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宠物用品有哪些? 宠物用品冷门类目有哪些?英文双语对照


宠物用品有哪些? 宠物用品冷门类目有哪些?英文双语对照


1. 食品类 (零食、咬胶、奶粉)

2.用品类 (香波、梳子、牵引绳、衣服、笼子食盆等)

3.玩具类 (球、棉绳球等)

4.保健品类 (发育宝、钙片、美毛粉、海藻粉、等)

5.狗猫粮类 (宝路、皇家、冠能、顶制等)































1. 上海华东宠物用品第一街:上海华东宠物用品第一街位于闵行区航北路航西路交又口西北50米,货很齐全,但上海的产品普遍偏贵。

2. 大沥新城南宠物市场:大沥新城南宠物市场位于广东佛山市南海区钟边路与工业大道是中国最大的宠物用品批发市场,这里很多厂家的货,也有不少做库存尾货的,谁都知道库存东西很便宜,都能赚到钱。

3. 义乌宠物用品国际市场:义乌小商品市场宠物用品批发进货渠道也少不了声名远扬的义乌小商品市场,义乌这边厂家非常多,还有就是可以拿到很多库存尾货,优势还是挺大,我就是在义乌这边做库存的,感觉还是很不错的。

4. 北京梨园宠物用品商城:北京的通州梨园宠物用品批发市场坐落于北京市通州区梨园镇云景南大街国际汽配城 ,市场规模不大,但基本都有,价格普遍没优势,二批比较多。

5. 广州花地湾花鸟鱼虫市场:广州花地湾花鸟鱼虫批发市场则格外有名这里又名“广州市越和花鸟鱼艺大世界”,占地达十万平方米 ,厂家多,但这里的宠物用品是五花八门的,做外贸的多。

6. 青岛南山宠物市场:青岛南山宠物市场是中国10个最大的宠物用品批发市场之一,也有相当的规模,总体来说还是很不错。

7. 东门宠物用品一条街:位于深圳罗湖区老街的东门宠物用品批发市场一半面对来自东南亚,欧洲,北美,非洲和中东的客户,深圳宠物市场规模一般,外贸的为主!

8. 武汉堤角花鸟宠物世界:堤角花鸟宠物世界位于江岸区堤角幸福村,是华中地区最大的综合性花鸟市场之一 ,市场规模比较大,总体很不错。

9. 金凤宠物市场:金凤宠物市场位于汕头市汕樟路汕樟邮电局东侧是汕头宠物摊最集中的经营场所,占地面积大约20000多平方米 ,市场挺大,但商户不是很多,市场感觉有点冷清。

10. 郑州南三环盈合万货城:南三环盈合万货城位于郑州市二七区开发路,郑州玩具批发市场最重要的玩具集散地,市场规模一般,价格水深。








One, what does pet things have?

1.Feed category (snacks, bite glue, milk powder)

2. uses class (rope of shampoo, comb, drawing, dress, basket feeds a basin to wait)

3. toy kind (tetherball of ball, cotton)

Category of 4. health care (pink of development treasure, calcium tablet, beautiful hair, algal pink, wait)

Food of 5. dog cat kind (treasure road, royal, coronal can, the top is made etc)

Other still have what pet clothes, pet bed, pet bag, clean things, medical articles for use is waited a moment.

As people living standard rise, this plants pet economy to new-style economy is born subsequently and flourish. Trade from original pet the market, arrive " pet main forces " a series of industries that derive gradually, like pet food, hospital, hairdressing, wash protect, fosterage, training, sepulchral, even place of pet marriage interpose, cover pet birth every link, "Qian Jing " auspicious. A complete industrial chain already formed pet back gradually.

2, what does eye of pet things cold class have?

Food and snacks: ? Is Mei of hook of  of  of ⒂ of field of Kang of ⒘ of field of have a nightmare of Liu of comb of Jing  ǔ loved take?

Toy and game: ? Is drought of fragrance Ы of ⒐ of to fold of slave-girl of Xie of ㄟ of ⒚ of Sui of グ of ㄗ of ⒚ of two of high and steep of ⒐ of Jie of ㄇ of Wu ┌  taken?

Bed and cushion: ? Does ill ⒐ of Californium of comb of ǔ of Wu ┌  return model of ⑽ of Jin of Jin ⒚ ǖ ?

3, does pet things appear on the market what does the company have?

Comfort is garden share, medium Yue of biology of general of share of share of industry of drug of state of herd share, country, Kang Huasheng content, biology, Tian Kangsheng content, He Feng, Pu Laike, luck, a person of extraordinary powers nurses, 3.

4, what is the pet things inn of Jinan to have?

A few bigger, noble, province museum on the west adjacent, inclined on it is Zhen Mu, these two things are wholer, medical treatment, hairdressing, appliance has, more expensive also, big one one club, it is south swallow Shanxi road paragraph, tsinghua garden in, the price is relatively a few flatter, without the doctor.

Rehabilitation pet hospital, the iron in pasture willow village on 14 bureaus, dr Zhou medical skill and medical ethics are first-rate, medicines and chemical reagents and articles for use are fuller.

5, what does brand of pet things entrance have? Beg the introduction to fall?

Too much, good and evil people mixed up, good bad have, nevertheless a brother that makes pet articles for use often is in a company that makes favorite trade to take money, say to a lot of import old brand, the product also has been believed, not clear nevertheless, yourself can be checked.

Also have classical big shop sign what the royal, auspicious that compare luck of what.

6, what pet things to sell profit tall?

Pet shop is managed most most profitable is food of dog of various cat food, and the snacks of feline dog can of finish machining, for example cutlet.

It is things of feline dog cleanness next, for example the water washing hair of each price, drop ear fluid, dry-clean pink.

Having again is pet things, birdbath of pet meal basin, pull a string, toy, pet underpants is taken. Moreover still a few brush the pet medicines and chemical reagents of the edge. Above character covered pet shop kinds or types of goods basically.

7, what does pet things have kind eye?

Food and snacks: This includes replenishers of pet staple food, snacks, nutrition to wait.

Toy and game: These include ball, bone, cat to catch board, feline Mi toy, dog bites glue to wait.

Bed and cushion: These include mat of pet bed, dog, cat mat, nest to wait.

Wash bath and nurse: This includes dew of pet shampoo, bath, towel, brush, fingernail to cut etc.

Decorate kimono to install: These include dress of necklace, rope, pet, adorn article etc.

Health and nurse: These include antibacterial, anthelmintic, oral cavity to nurse things.

The car carries things: These include net of space of pet safety belt, railroad car to wait.

Manage and train: These include toilet of arenaceous basin of mat of dog basket, toilet, cat, dog to wait.

Journey and open articles for use: These include tent of go-cart of pet knapsack, pet, pet, water bottle to wait.

8, where to have pet articles for use wholesale?

Pet things terminal market is very much, arrange the 10 big markets that provide completely state-owned effect for you:

1.Things of Shanghai Hua Dongchong content the first street: The first street is located in things of Shanghai Hua Dongchong content the road makes boat of road of north of boat of Min travel area on the west buccal northwest 50 meters, goods is very all ready, but the product of Shanghai slants generally expensive.

2.Market of the pet austral big drop new city: Market of the pet austral big drop new city is located in way of frontier of bell of area of Nanhai of Guangdong Fosan city and industrial highway is China's biggest pet things terminal market, here is very much the goods of manufacturer, also have what make money of stock remaining part not less, everybody knows inventory thing is very cheap, can gain money.

3.Justice black bestows favor on content things international market: Things of pet of market of justice black small commodities is wholesale channel of replenish onr's stock is little also not the justice black small commodities of reputation Yuan Yang the market, justice black here manufacturer is very much, still have even if can take money of remaining part of a lot of stock, the dominant position is quite large still, I am in namely justice black here become stock, the sense is very good still.

4.Store of things of pet of Beijing the operatic circle: The terminal market of things of pet of the operatic circle that tell a state of Beijing is located at Beijing to connect state division the operatic circle to press down steam of international of the ave austral cloudland to match a city, market scale is not large, but have basically, the price does not have an advantage generally, 2 batches more.

5.Guangzhou spends market of water flea of ground bay painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style: Terminal market of water flea of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of bay of Guangzhou beautiful ground is famous all the more here renown " Guangzhou city is jumped over with painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style piscine art macrocosm " , cover an area of amount to 100 thousand square metre, manufacturer is much,

6.Market of pet of the hill austral Qingdao: Market of pet of the hill austral Qingdao is one of 10 the biggest pet things terminal market of Chinese, also have the dimensions that comparative, overall for very pretty good still.

7.East door pet things a street: Be located in old market of region of Shenzhen collect lake east half of terminal market of door pet things is faced come from southeast Asia, europe, north America, the client of Africa and middle east, scale of Shenzhen pet market is average, of foreign trade give priority to!

8.World of pet of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of Wuhan bank role: World of pet of bank role painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is located in village of happiness of role of bank of river bank area, be China in one of markets of omnibus painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style with the biggest area,

9.Golden phoenix bestows favor on content market: Market of golden phoenix pet is located in camphor tree post and telecommunications office of Lu Shan of camphor tree of Shan of Shan head city east side is booth of Shan head pet most management place of concentration, cover an area of a face to accumulate about 20000 much square metre, the market is quite big, but business door is not very much, the market feels cold and cheerless having a place.

10.The 3 annulus austral Zhengzhou are filled with shut city of 10 thousand goods: 3 annulus are filled with south add up to city of 10 thousand goods to be located in 27 districts of Zhengzhou city to develop a way, the toy distribution centre with Zhengzhou toy the mainest terminal market, market scale is average, price depth of water.

9, what is pet things wastage greatly?

Pet things wastage has greatly, the staple food of pet, of pet protect wash hair things, pet helminthic medicine, with the toy, the snacks of pet is waited a moment.

10, is there pet articles for use over there Shenzhen wholesale?

Buy these things to arrive of course market of water flea of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style.

Do not know you live in which area, the introduction gives you a few times: Market of water flea of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of treasure chicken path, I am preferred, at the back of mansion of auspicious on Nanjing road business, although here price has some of on the high side, but go every time bank when river path shops OK go round turns.

Market of water flea of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is started east, in the square of trade advising line of business that makes part of the northwest below the bridge in Dong Xingli, with ascend hair adornment city and adjacent of photograph of city of southern lamps and lanterns, very lively on the weekend. Additional,

