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索尼W300是定位准专业的数码相机,装备1/1.7英寸1360万像素SuperHAD CCD,刷新目前一般DC的像素标准,同时也是目前像素密度最高的感光元件之一。W300装备3倍光学变焦卡尔·蔡司镜头,2.7英寸23万像素LCD,具有笑脸快门、照片管理等新功能。4224×3168的最高分辨率相当震撼,在超高感模式下,W300可以支持ISO 6400的感光度。索尼W300还具有丰富的配件,通过不同的搭配来扩展性能。

三、canon/佳能ixus 145数码相机好不好?

入门级卡片机, 拍摄效果与现在的手机可能差不了多少。

佳能IXUS 145这款时尚卡片相机传感器采用1/2.3英寸,有效像素达到了1600万,最高分辨率4608x3456,画面成像十分柔和细腻。










除了GF2,还建议考虑SONY NEX-5,有更大的感光元件,实现比较优秀的画质,但个人认为样子不怎么的,看你感觉~~~

我觉得OLYMPUS E-P1 E-P2 帅~~造工足,手感好!画质根GF2类似。


拍出来好不好跟镜头关系也很大,单电配可以配各种老镜头,包括旁轴头~~爱玩的人可以试,有个推荐 GF2+KONTAX G45 (45X2=90MM 2.0光圈~)2000元可买,却能数进相机好头排名榜的,不过装在GF2上要手动对焦.




























One, is digital watch for a chance good with dry cell?

The advantage of lithium battery can be designed according to the appearance of camera, what can design is very thin, suit small-sized number camera, have batteries capacity additionally bigger also, without memory effect, defect is the price expensive, charge time is longer (require 2-3 hour commonly) .

If want the word that go out,a batteries is insufficient, just should one reserves batteries, as a result of former outfit too expensive, a lot of battery plants of domestic produce compatible cell now, the price probably 5, 60 yuan, cheaper, resemble mobile phone batteries same, buy 9 to reserve batteries. Nickel hydrogen charges on the watch for an opportunity that batteries uses in moderate volume commonly (camera weight is in 170G above) , the advantage is a capacity big (highest 2700mHA, the cell that uses 1800mHA above commonly) , the price is relatively low, carry convenient also, much preparation is a few, buying a charger is necessary, had better buy what can charge quickly, can shorten charge time, want to charge ten hours otherwise, also do not have memory effect, can charge repeatedly 500-1000 second, calculate come down very economical, use an occasion next much, the place that wants to be able to use 5 cell only can be used, the merit is very so much, if you care about camera size, the proposal buys the machine that can use 5 cell.

2, is W300 of camera of Suo Ni number good?

Suo Ni W300 is the digital camera of fixed position accurate major, equipment 1/1.7 inch 13.6 million SuperHAD CCD resembling element, break is current and general the standard resembling element of DC, also be to resemble one of sensitive component with element highest density at present at the same time. W300 equips camera lens of department of Cai of · of Er of card of 3 times optical scorch, 2.7 inches of 230 thousand LCD resembling element, have the new function such as smiling face shutter, photograph management. 4224 × the highest resolution of 3168 comparatives shock, in freeboard feeling mode falls, w300 can support the speed of ISO 6400. Suo Ni W300 still has rich fittings, will expand through different collocation function.

3, Canon/ beautiful can is watch for a chance of Ixus 145 number good?

Machine of introductory class card, film how much the effect and present mobile phone may differ.

Beautiful can sensor of camera of this fashionable card uses IXUS 145 1/2.3 inch, achieved effectively like element 16 million, highest resolution 4608x3456, the picture is become picture very downy and exquisite.

Camera lens is used telescopic, surround extensive role to Jiao Fan: 10mm- is boundless far, long anxious: 1.3m- is boundless far, facial to scorched area intelligence preferential, dog automatically right anxious.

Choose to go up in airframe, this camera has black, argent, gules, purple and colorful fashionable airframe can offer a choose and buy.

4, camera of number of Suo Ni H50 after all good?

Do individual proposal and viewpoint offer your reference: ? Qia Zuo 50 it is long anxious machine, the optical scorch of tall fold, anxious paragraph of 31-465mm, basic and OK one lens takes the world, comprehensive hand is moved film function, OK when film the effect that more blends in yourself to want, filmed fun and space will be larger, filming especially when photo of pure night scene, move through the hand adjust after the parameter such as exposure, aperture, ISO, qing Chejie of gotten photo picture effect does not have any a confusion of voices to nod completely, it is the so-called program pattern that uses and so on of mode of similar night scene (common weighs goofy mode) camera films become what cannot compare like the effect. Extensive role end is opposite to what grow Jiao Duan anxious rate is a bit slow, shutter time lag is a bit long, it is the biggest drawback, actually this also is the common fault on consumptive monitor anxious DC. Buy camera and like buying computer, suiting what you use is best.

5, it is good that is digital camera bought in beauty of boreal Bei country?

See you buy the digital camera of what brand, if be beautiful can, suo Ni, below the pine, the price difference of national beautiful electric equipment and computer city is to clinch a deal nevertheless 1% of valence- - 3% , computer city choice is more, can compare a gender strong, had better look for the friend that knows digital camera to accompany you to go computer city is bought, if not be at ease computer city JS is much, reelection choose country is beautiful

6, is GF2 of camera of the number below the pine good use?

GF2 is good with, light make you OK be being taken at any time pat everywhere, this is the tweak that improves a technology! It is good that although the picture is qualitative,sheet is turned over so a bit, but not be everybody can insist taking him to pat every day greatly too!

Only report let you find card resembling Lai such by of the axis light!

Besides GF2, still suggest to consider SONY NEX-5, have larger sensitive element, the painting with finer implementation is qualitative, but the individual thinks of appearance not very, see you feel ~~~

I feel handsome ~~ of OLYMPUS E-P1 E-P2 makes work sufficient, feel is good! GF2 of picture qualitative root is similar.

Additional, (Section of compensatory chaos water)

It is good to be patted concern with camera lens very big also, only report deserves to be able to mix all sorts of old scene, include by the person that axial head ~~ loves to play can try, have recommend ~)2000 of aperture of GF2+KONTAX G45 (45X2=90MM 2.0 yuan can buy, can count good into camera head to rank a list of names posted up however, install nevertheless the hand wants to move on GF2 right anxious.

7, why does digital camera call a number camera?

Just as its name implies, the gain that its photography scores digital camera is digital information, it and film camera distinction depend on, film camera films exposure is the chemical reaction of film coating, film is obtained video (need to rinse) ; And digital camera films exposure process is transition of sensitive component photoelectricity, those who obtain is digital signal information stock memory Carrie, digital watch for an opportunity is the greatest advantage is not to need to use film material of this kind of bad news.

8, is watch for a chance of number of Lai card V-Lux4 good with defect of actor of camera of number of V-Lux4 of good Lai card?

It is the machine sticking a card below a pine. . Not necessary buy those who buy a pine to fall can be cheap several 1000

9, it how is good that guest gets K-3II number watch for a chance?

Light says airframe, sexual price is compared top-ranking, thrust. Speak of whole system, sexual price is compared general. For must individual play special recommend, professional photography is not recommended (but the introduction is an introduction, this K70 locates namely the introduction plays, any brands are same) .

Advantage: Cheap, durable, the camera lens 50 years ago is compatible, inside the functional sex of buy is very strong, all sorts of ordinary it is too good that small function feels true in the person eye of need, each respect is compared those who be the same as price is strong too much.

Defect: Camera lens group (amount, phyletic) less, secondhand trade the quantity is little. Cheap camera lens spends slow noise to Jiao Su mostly big. It is good to film video still is inferior to a mobile phone with (chase after anxious ability extreme difference) . Tell the truth, a few the biggest macula are actually:

The first: Insufficient to anxious ability, but be the same as price to the focus for not little also, after all airframe 3000 odd, weak to Jiao Jian environment played the cross at 9 o'clock enough also.

And full automatic right anxious (Quan Bing is opposite automatically anxious) applicable limits is not an imagination in so big, below circumstance of very much relatively complex environment, it won't be right anxious pair of anxious places consider in you (be opposite normally anxious nod recently in what approach central range) , so, play camera center to be opposite anxious be must learn (pursue to Jiao Zaigou first) .

What guest must differ is high-end airframe only is not much also to the focus.

The 2nd: It is pair of anxious speed, not be airframe to anxious speed however single issue, the question of camera lens is bigger (cheap the head is airframe screwdriver is opposite normally anxious) . Had pair of good anxious motor to be like the 553plm camera lens that goes out newly, reach the most camera lens of comfortable horse, what spend a respect to Jiao Su and did not differ is particularly much.

Because chase after anxious ability to have hardly,mobile is patted very hard is only.

(this is the problem that guest gets whole system, feel even if take seriously not quite, because guest gets 21 centuries be on the wane,also be)

The 3rd chases after anxious ability namely, chase after anxious ability the strongest should be Suo Nijia can two, and in low end chance, suo Ni is the strongest perhaps. However the price of 4000 less than, you can look to have beautiful to be able to all alone the machine of the Buddhist nun.

Say so: Chasing after anxious ability is the biggest pain spot that guest gets: But if chase after anxious Ok, guest gets a machine is not this price absolutely. So, to video, mobile film and ask without what, want to play to draw the machine with qualitative, the most powerful function with lowermost price again, choose guest to get right.

If later period wants to photograph those who resemble making a living in order to photograph,be K70 or K1 no matter, guest can use practice hand, but you affirm later period or can destroy of the door, although K1 is insufficient still,still can feel perfect.

In full frame, the most professional machine no more than or Ni Kangjia can.

Guest must resemble the Ma Zida in the car, research black science and technology while however others the first thing that can see difference, the something that other firm values very much is despised changed.

10, maintenance number camera, how to give digital camera discharge?

After need discharges, nickel cadmium cell charges, have memorial effectiveness easily otherwise.

Although nickel hydrogen batteries remembers effectiveness lighter, also had better use the use strategy with enough consumed. After using period of time commonly, use sufficient discharge to charge adequately, will activation of batteries most high capacity.

The memorial effectiveness of lithium report is negligible not plan, before charging so, need not discharge.

Some is aimed at charger of appropriative of nickel cadmium cell, itself takes discharge function, put electric hind to turn automatically to charge condition.

If want to use digital watch for an opportunity multi-purpose report will complete batteries discharge process, it is meaningless to digital camera wear away, the loss outweights the gain, still do not use this kind of method had better.

Suggest to be used in all sorts of electric equipment that put batteries to dynamoelectric toy to perhaps use use cell, had better be those electric equipment with working older electric current, discharge in that way time but some shorter.

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