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豫园附近游玩攻略? 豫园附近酒店推荐?英文双语对照


豫园附近游玩攻略? 豫园附近酒店推荐?英文双语对照



1. 参观豫园:豫园以其精美的建筑和园林设计而闻名。您可以漫步于曲径通幽的园林中,欣赏传统的园林景观、假山、湖泊和古建筑。不要错过有名的云山居、缓怡斋、蓼园、慈溪桥等景点。

2. 游览城隍庙:位于豫园附近的上海城隍庙也是一处值得游览的地方。这是一座有着悠久历史的道教庙宇,供奉着上海的守护神城隍爷。在这里,您可以感受到浓厚的历史氛围,参拜庙宇,品味各式小吃和纪念品。

3. 品尝本地小吃:在豫园附近,您可以尝试一些地道的上海小吃。在城隍庙周边有许多小吃摊位和餐馆,可以尝试小笼包、生煎包、蟹壳黄、汤圆等传统美食。

4. 购物和购物中心:豫园附近有一些著名的购物街和商场,如南京东路步行街和新世界城等。您可以在这些地方购买到各种时尚商品、特色纪念品以及国际品牌。

5. 参观外滩:从豫园出发,您可以步行或搭乘地铁前往外滩,欣赏黄浦江两岸的迷人景色。夜晚时分,外滩灯火辉煌,是拍照和夜景欣赏的绝佳地点。

6. 参观上海博物馆:如果您对上海的历史和文化感兴趣,可以前往上海博物馆,了解更多关于上海的过去和现在。



我推荐豫园酒店 因为豫园酒店靠近豫园景区,有很多酒店服务、美食和旅游景点,可以让你的旅行更加方便此外,豫园酒店设施完善、服务优秀,价格也比较合理,是豫园附近一个不错的选择其他推荐的酒店还有上海百悦丽兹、花语酒店等,但是价格会比豫园酒店高一些,如果预算允许,可以考虑选择


















湖滨美食楼:虾仁小笼 , 双味锅贴 , 鲜肉锅贴 , 美味豆花 , 上海炒面 , 桂花拉糕

Josephine:红烧羊肉 , 战斧牛排 , 响油鳝丝 , 刀鱼馄饨 , 大刀鱼 , 蛇毒啤酒 , 皇金芽 , 炸酱面。





有田子坊 新天地 城隍庙 外滩 南京东路步行街 东方明珠 世博会 欢乐谷 上海博物馆 杜莎夫人蜡像馆 长风海洋世界 上海科技馆 新场镇等地方值得一去。




1. 丰富多样2. 因为华山附近地理位置优越,吸引了众多游客和旅行者,所以周边的美食种类非常丰富,包括本地特色菜、各种地方小吃、国际美食等等。3. 此外,华山附近还有一些知名的美食街和夜市,提供了更多选择,让人们可以尝试到更多不同的美食。如果你是美食爱好者,华山附近的美食绝对能够满足你的口腹之欲。


One, near comfort garden amuse oneself strategy?

The one place that pleaseds garden is Shanghai is famous tourist attraction, be located in road of garden of comfort of area of Shanghai yellow riverside, be considered as Shanghai to provide one of representative classic park most normally. It is comfort garden below a few proposals of strategy of around amuse oneself:

1.Visiting comfort garden: Comfort garden is famed with its elegant structure and gardens design. You can stroll in the gardens at a winding path leading to a secluded spot, appreciation is traditional gardens landscape, rockery, laky with ancient building. Do not miss famous cloud hill house, delay the tourist attraction such as bridge of brook of garden of happy fast, knotweed, kind.

2.Visit town god's temple: Be located in the Shanghai town god's temple near comfort garden also is one place deserves excursive place. This is a Taoism temple that having long history, consecrate is worn the Palladium town god of Shanghai as form of a address for an official or rich man. Here, you can experience grumous historical atmosphere, temple of pay homage to, savour various and fastfood with the souvenir.

3.Sample this locality is fastfood: Around comfort garden, the Shanghai that you can try a few tunnels is fastfood. There are a lot of fastfood stalls and cafeteria in periphery of town god's temple, can try case of bag of small basket bag, crude fry in shallow oil, crab the traditional cate such as yellow, stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup.

4.Shop and shopping centers: Pleased there are a few famous shopping streets and market near garden, be like Nanjing east road shopping mall and new world city. You can buy souvenir of all sorts of fashionable commodity, characteristic and international brand in these places.

5.The beach outside looking around: Cong Yuyuan sets out, the beach outside you can walk or taking the subway to head for, enjoy the attractive picture of two sides of yellow riverside river. Night time, outside beach lights is brilliant, it is the superexcellent place that takes a picture to be admired with night scene.

6.Visiting Shanghai museum: If you are right,the history of Shanghai and culture are interested, can head for Shanghai museum, understanding more is mixed about the past of Shanghai now.

Above is a few proposals only, the hope pleaseds to yours amuse oneself is helped somewhat near garden. Journey is happy!

2, is the hotel recommended near comfort garden?

Because pleased garden cafe nears area of comfort garden scene,I recommend comfort garden cafe, have service of a lot of hotels, cate and travel tourist attraction, the ride that can let you is more convenient in addition, facilities of comfort garden hotel perfect, service is first-class, the price is more reasonable also, it is comfort garden an around pretty good option is other commendatory hotel still has Shanghai hotel of 100 Yue Lici, beautiful words, but the price will be a few higher than comfort garden cafe, if the budget allows, can consider to choose

3, does the strategy jockey near comfort garden?

Go wanting to jockey near comfort garden have multiple choice, show enumerate to consult for everybody as follows, specific place sees figure:

1, parking lot of Jin Yuan field, parking space makes an appointment with 100, come on foot comfort garden about 3 minutes.

2, parking lot of square of town god's temple, parking space 170, come on foot comfort garden about 5 minutes.

3, parking lot of road of day bright and beautiful, street edge parking space 75; Inside field 65, come on foot comfort garden about 5 minutes.

4, E Er is much this parking lot, parking space 250, come on foot comfort garden about 5-6 minute.

5, parking lot of Shanghai beach edifice, parking space 250, come on foot comfort garden about 10 minutes.

6, Hong Kong name parking lot, parking space 240, come on foot comfort garden about 8 minutes.

7, parking lot of large area road, parking space 150, come on foot comfort garden about 10 minutes.

4, the 5 big cate of comfort garden?

Comfort garden regards Shanghai ground as one of mark, significant position is held in Shen Cheng history. Demon historical inheritance and development, show in each horny falling body of comfort garden. The old flavour on the tip of the tongue is the calling card of a city more. This period " citizen culture sitting room " share of garden of You Xinhua medium, comfort and explain vivid house is sponsorred jointly, try to be in first nightly hold, walk out of a bookshop, come to the maritime the operatic circle inside comfort garden store. The spot invites Shanghai to make children's folk of language of Ma Shanglong of assistant manager thing, Shanghai sing person Wang Yuan to exceed, guide everybody to walk into the old name in comfort garden delicate. Everybody's familiar brand, will show on oneself fascia is delicate: Corridor of soup of gram of building of dew of pear syrup of old town god's temple, loose crane, green wave is delicate bit, Na Xiang is small basket steamed bread... steamed bread inn returns the Na Xiang that just spends 120 years old of birthday will special appear " Hubei gust " , cate of above sea characteristic takes money for Hubei people.

The festival that carry midday will come, mobile spot still will make Duan Wuxiang bag, the herbal recipe of Tonghan spring hall, let wirh fixed attention of person static heart. Shanghai UniCom will is " citizen culture sitting room " the operatic circle on Yu Yuanhai advocate the assembly room offers UniCom 5G signal to be used at mobile direct seeding, field inside and outside is interactive, explore the story of cate backside jointly.

5, is the tourist attraction recommended near comfort garden?

The place with comfort amused garden: 9 bridges, 9 bridges are in the center of comfort garden store the position, the place with most tourist, build antiquely all round, the bridge issues purl, very good-looking.

Delicious fastfood: The inn of Na Xiang steamed bread on 9 bridges edge, eat on one small basket steamed bread, too assist.

6, where does be to one's profit have a meal near comfort garden?

Deep-fried dough cake of green of lakeside cate building, Josephine, grandmother.

Lakeside cate building: Shelled fresh shrimps is small basket, double flavour fried dumpling, fresh pork fried dumpling, delicate beans is beautiful, shanghai chow mien, sweet-scented osmanthus pulls cake

Josephine: Hotpot of braise in soy sauce, battle-ax beefsteak, silk of noisy oily eel, saury wonton, bolo fish, snake venom beer, huang Jinya, face of fried bean sauce.

Grandmother green deep-fried dough cake: Green deep-fried dough cake.

7, where petty gain to jockey near comfort garden?

There is one to be in resettlement plot to be used at near comfort garden temporarily parking lot, stop fare horary 10 yuan, 2 hours come four yuan are controlled afternoon. But this is temporarily, half an year says the possibility one year likely also not complete, of course compared with stop a garage or south outside the parking lot of the beach wants petty gain a lot of. Of course you also need not leave to drive oneself, also be very convenient by subway, 10 lines arrive directly.

8, what is there near comfort garden amused?

Nanjing of the beach outside having town god's temple of Tian Zifang new scope of operation east new field of house of science and technology of Shanghai of world of ocean of wind of curator of waxwork of museum of Shanghai of can happy cereal Mrs. Du Sha presses down rich of world of bright phearl of east of road shopping mall and other places just is worth to go.

9, which accommodation is good near Shanghai comfort garden?

Comfort garden 10 thousand beautiful big public house, town god's temple of the beach outside Shanghai of entire season hotel inn, appropriate thinks of a hotel surely, the United States resides a hotel, it is the room public house that has compared near Shanghai comfort garden, deserve a consideration.

10, near Mount Hua cate?

1.Rich diversity 2. Because situation is advantageous near Mount Hua, attracted numerous tourist and tourist, circumjacent cate sort is very so rich, include all sorts of dish of this locality characteristic, places cate of fastfood, international is waited a moment. 3. In addition, there still are a few famous cate streets and night fair near Mount Hua, offerred more alternative, make people OK try more and different cate. If you are cate lover, of the food that the cate near Mount Hua can satisfy you absolutely desire.

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