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pidan宠物饮水机亮黄灯? pidan宠物饮水机说明书?英文双语对照


pidan宠物饮水机亮黄灯? pidan宠物饮水机说明书?英文双语对照







pidan 宠物饮水机内镶嵌了一颗记忆芯片,能够实行感应式缺水保护机制,实时水位观察,如果水位过低,会自动关闭水泵,避免干烧。当然它还拥有倒计时换芯提醒,贴心的同时,更显智能。

强化过滤方面,这款宠物饮水机拥有着 3 层强化过滤 ( 包括前段过滤网络、中段高密度多孔棉精细过滤、后段精工椰壳活性炭强化过滤 ) ,4 重弯道循环,能够将有害物质层层拦截,让宠物饮水更安全















pidan创始人马文飞于2014年在法国巴黎成立了pidan studio,专注为猫咪设计产品。















香味:刚开始用感觉没什么味道,用一段时间,觉得稍微有点奶油香…有点奇怪 还是没有香味的比较好。



不可以堆肥,因为猫的尿骚味儿太重了 。


One, does Pidan pet water machine bright Huang Deng?

Water engine light shines not to heat. Heat canister or heat the canal is bad, temperature controller is bad, by maintenance technician maintenance.

2, water engine light does not shine not to heat. It is normal to investigate check power source first, if refrigeration light is bright,heat the light is not bright, the specification is temperature lukewarm accuse implement bad, because previous and drinkable mineral water heats,the likelihood is the furring in the canister is too much be caused by, clean furring.

3, water machine not refrigeration (electronic refrigeration) . The light is not bright not refrigeration, circuit board is bad, change fan of circuit board; turns but water is not cool, for electronic refrigeration piece bad; water is cool but refrigeration cannot stop machine, be in all the time refrigeration, for temperature probe bad; is maintained by maintenance technician.

2, does Pidan pet water machine manual?

Pidan pet waters the manual of machine

Pidan pet waters chip of a memory was enchased inside machine, can execute inductive type to be short of water to protect a mechanism, real time water level observes, if water level is too low, can shut water pump automatically, avoid to work burn. Of course it still is had time change core to remind, close while, more show intelligence.

Aggrandizement filters respect, this pet waters machine having 3 aggrandizement to filter (before including paragraph high density of screen pack sth resembling a net, middle spends poriferous cotton to filter subtly, after paragraph aggrandizement of activated carbon of shell of energy industry coconut filters) , path of 4 serious turns circulates, can will harmful material is layer upon layer intercept, let pet water safer

3, does Pidan brand introduce?

Pidan is wholesale business brand.

Pidan is chorion pet things (Shanghai) card of inferior of limited company banner.

Chorion pet things (Shanghai) limited company held water 2015, the address is located in recovery of region of Shanghai general Tuo on the west road 165.

4, Pidan brand story?

Pidan (leather egg) it is a brand that gives priority to with pet things, its brand story results from Chinese traditional food -- leather egg. The author of Pidan gets the inspiration of leather egg, hope to offer extraordinary for pet, high quality product and service.

The core concept of Pidan brand is " grow jointly with pet " . They believe, pet is a of the family, should get equal care and esteem. Pidan devotes oneself to to offer healthy, safe, fashionable product for pet, help pet and host establish closer relationship.

The products plan of Pidan is distinctive, fashionable, pay attention to detail and character. Their product includes pet food, cat nest of arenaceous, cat, cat is caught board etc, each product is mixed through elaborate design choose strictly, in order to ensure of pet comfortable with happiness.

Pidan brand still is paid attention to environmental protection and can develop continuously. They use environmental protection data, devote oneself to to reduce the effect to the environment. They still take an active part in commonweal activity, attention roams about the welfare of the animal, support an animal to protect an organization through donating with cooperative project.

The brand story of Pidan reflected the passion to pet and consideration, and the pursuit to character and innovation. They hope to pass their effort, for pet and master creation better life experiences.

5, what brand is Pidan?

Pidan is dedicated the brand that designs a product for pet. Grasp hold " be full of well-meaning, rich creativity, brave and stable " tenet, aspire is become " good pet lives " author.

Its hope to pass the product of Pidan and service, let love to bestow favor on a person to be raised more scientificly, simply not only bestow favor on, let pet be in the coexist with the person at the same time, gain more and happy experience.

Of brand praise highly " good pet lives " accord with young generation to move a gender.

Pidan author Ma Wenfei established Pidan Studio at was in French Paris 2014, dedicated the Mi that it is a cat designs a product.

After to founding he is attributed to the chance of Pidan simply even if oneself raised leather egg at that time, cannot buy liked product, do with respect to oneself, also do not have any the mission that so called what has to change the world, this kind of ambitious ideal.

6, what class is Pidan?

Pidan those absurd (Pidan of the following abbreviation) it is the pet lifestyle brand that 36 krypton pay close attention to continuously, the feline arenaceous basin that wins red dot award the earliest with cuts pet things market. The B of Pidan annulus financing happened 2018, be in two rounds during financing, through 2-3 year fumble and think, the group determined the development course of the brand afresh, change direction with category from focusing pet namely make brand of lifestyle of whole class pet, class is carried in.

7, is Pidan day of look forward to?

Pidan is not day of look forward to.

PIDAN (those birth) , it is business of research and development of things of cat of a pet, be subordinate to belongs to chorion pet things (Shanghai) limited company, with in sale of product of high-grade pet series gives priority to business Wu, cooperate content He Yawen to turn circumjacent product, build brand camp to attract vermicelli made from bean starch, among them product cat toilet " Xue Wu " distinction go up at market common basin written complaint, or square shuts type cat arenaceous basin.

8, the distinction of Pidancat and Pidan?

"pidancat" and "pidan" are Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, but they represented two different terms.

"pidan" is a kind of food, also call a skin the egg, it is the food of the souse duck's egg of tradition of a kind of China. Its appearance is black, the surface has meshy grain, in-house yoke and albumen also produced chemical change, present a distinctive mouthfeel and flavour, it is the cate that a lot of Chinese love.

"pidancat" is diction of a network, it is the breed that points to a kind of cat, because its color and "pidan" are similar, be called so "pidancat" . The hair color of this kind of cat is black and white normally, also can have occasionally brown or maize stain, outside and distinctive, very suffer netizens love.

Accordingly, "pidan" and "pidancat" differ completely on semantics, one represents provision, one represents feline breed.

9, is Pidan cat arenaceous which are good?

The sweet Nai that Pidan is bound of feline Mi things, conscience brand, the ~ price that all products are beautiful beautiful beauty has little a little expensive, but still be in can accept the ~ inside limits

Knot round sex: Written guarantee water imbibition of round very fast ~ has been compared, of the shovel very convenient also

Fragrance: Just began to taste with sensory it's nothing, with period of time, feel to have bit of cream a little sweet... a bit strange what still do not have fragrance is better.

Peng embellish earth and bean curd cat are arenaceous be restricted only monolayer cat arenaceous basin uses ~ not to buy a fault

10, is Pidan cat arenaceous can compost?

Not OK compost, the uric coquettish flavour because of the cat too heavy.

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