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大自然石塑地板好吗? 石塑地板环保吗,石塑地板怎么养?英文双语对照


大自然石塑地板好吗? 石塑地板环保吗,石塑地板怎么养?英文双语对照











主要原料是高品质的聚氯乙烯树脂,聚氯乙烯是环保无毒的再生资源,天然环保,100% 不含甲醛、苯、无重金属及致癌物,无可溶性挥发物,无辐射。SPC地板是响应国家减排而发明的新型材料,硬质SPC室内地板,在国外家装市场非常普遍流行,用于家居地饰是非常完美的呈现。








1. 耐磨耐压:石塑地板表面经特殊处理,具有强耐磨耐压性,不易划伤,并且易于清洁。

2. 环保健康:石塑地板采用聚合物材料,无毒无味,对人体无害。而且其生产过程中不需要配合任何有害化学物质,对于室内空气质量有保障。

3. 防水防潮:石塑地板具有优秀的防水性能,在司空见惯的潮湿环境下不变形,因此不怕受潮受潮发霉。

4. 色泽丰富:石塑地板的颜色款式比较丰富,具有不同的花纹及呈现效果,因此可以满足不同消费者的需要。

5. 施工方便:石塑地板的安装比较方便,施工起来非常快捷,这也是其相较于其他类型地板的一个明显优势。







1. PVC(聚氯乙烯):石塑地板的基层通常由PVC材料制成,PVC是一种耐用的塑料材料,具有抗水、抗污染和耐磨损等特性。这一层主要提供地板的稳定性和支撑力。

2. 石粉:石塑地板的表面层使用石粉混合物,这些石粉可能是天然石头或人造石材的粉末。石塑地板通过将石粉与PVC树脂混合,形成一种仿石纹理的表面。

3. 粘合剂:在制作石塑地板时,粘合剂被用来将不同层的材料粘合在一起。这有助于提供地板的结构稳定性和耐用性。

4. 添加剂:为了改善石塑地板的性能,一些添加剂,如防火剂、防菌剂、抗氧化剂等,可能会被添加到石塑地板的制作过程中。
















1. 锁扣石塑地板和PVC石塑地板有一些区别。2. 锁扣石塑地板是一种采用锁扣连接方式的地板,它的安装非常简便,只需将地板板块按照锁扣方式拼接即可,无需使用胶水或其他固定材料。而PVC石塑地板则是一种使用胶水或胶粘剂固定在地面上的地板。3. 锁扣石塑地板的安装速度快,拆卸方便,适合临时使用或者需要频繁更换的场所。而PVC石塑地板安装相对较慢,但固定性更好,适用于长期使用的场所。另外,锁扣石塑地板的拼接方式使得地板板块之间更加紧密,不易出现开裂或变形的情况,而PVC石塑地板则需要注意胶水的固化时间和施工质量,以免出现开裂或起泡等问题。4. 此外,锁扣石塑地板和PVC石塑地板在材质上也有一些差异。锁扣石塑地板通常采用PVC材料,而PVC石塑地板则是由PVC材料与石粉等添加剂混合而成。这使得锁扣石塑地板更加柔软、耐磨,而PVC石塑地板则更加坚硬、耐用。5. 总的来说,锁扣石塑地板适用于需要频繁更换或临时使用的场所,而PVC石塑地板适用于长期使用的场所,且更加坚固耐用。选择哪种地板取决于具体的使用需求和预算考虑。


One, is floor of nature stone model good?

I feel OK still, brand of a gleam of

Nature is plastic floor green environmental protection, exceed light ultrathin, quality is good, quite good. Had better not use in outdoor, because the temperature outdoor and humidity are more abominable. Although plastic floor has certain water proofing property, but just also live waterproof.

Model floor is the floor of economic material benefit, sound-absorbing, and have a lot of choices. Stone model floor is durable, prevent slippery, dustproof, maintain extremely easily reach maintain cost low, color is beautiful.

2, environmental protection of stone model floor, how is stone model floor raised?

1, green environmental protection, but second birth

The environmental protection sex that decorates building materials is the key that a lot of people pay close attention to all along, and the main raw material of stone model floor is natural stone pink, do not contain any emissive material, won't bring pollution, the ground that is special green health decorates material, additionally it is OK second birth uses, to resource conservation, protection environmental respect also is very good part

3, floor of Spc stone model and distinction of floor of Pvc stone model?

Both distinction is:

SPC floor:

Main raw material is high quality polyvinyl chloride colophony, polyvinyl chloride is the renewable resources with avirulent environmental protection, natural environmental protection, 100% do not contain formaldehyde, benzene, reach carcinogenic substance without heavy metal, without solubility volatile, without radiation. SPC floor is the new-style data that answer a country to decrease a platoon and originates, horniness SPC indoor floor, the market is held in foreign home very universal popularity, use at living in the ground to act the role of dispute to often appear faultlessly.

PVC floor:

It is current world get on a very popular kind new-style small system ground decorates material, also call " material of small system ground " . It is one kind is in Euramerican day of Han An that reachs an Asia's welcome product, fashionable abroad, from 80 time begin to enter Chinese market first, be in up to now of home big in the city has gotten be admissived generally, use very extensive, for instance family, hospital, school, office building, factory, public, supermarket, commerce, wait for all sorts of places.

4, ply of stone model floor?


Does stone model floor exceed light ultrathin: ? Brandish?-3mm ply, every smooth rice weight only 2-3KG, it is the new-style the earth's surface that a kind of high quality, high-tech studies to development comes out decorate material, use natural marble pink to make high density, tall fiber the substantial basic level of reticulate structure, exterior Fu in order to exceed the layer of wear-resisting of high polymer PVC of strong wear-resisting,

5, does stone model floor suit family expenses? Advantage of stone model floor?

Stone model floor suits a family to use very much. It is the advantage of stone model floor below:

1.Wear-resisting compression: Classics of surface of stone model floor is special processing, have sex of strong wear-resisting compression, not easy cut, and easily clean.

2.Environmental protection is healthy: Stone model floor uses polymer data, avirulent insipidity, harmless to human body. And do not need to cooperate any harmful and chemical material in its production process, have safeguard to indoor air quality.

3.Waterproof and moistureproof: Stone model floor has outstanding waterproof properties, changeless body leaves in common damp environment, because this is not afraid that be affected with damp be affected with damp of be affected with damp be affected with damp is mildewy.

4.Colour and lustre is rich: The color design of stone model floor is richer, have different decorative pattern to reach present the result, because this can satisfy the need of different consumer.

5.Construction is convenient: The installation of stone model floor is more convenient, construction rises very quick, this also is its photograph relatively a at other type floor clear advantage.

6, what is stone model floor, the actor defect of stone model floor?

1, stone model floor makes a way normally is PVC sheet floor, it is raw material with stone pink, PVC and processing aid, wear-resisting layer is PVC material pledges, pass coating technology or delay via pressing, crowded go out or become.

2, stone model floor is material of a kind of new-style adornment of small system ground, diversity of its green environmental protection, breed, wear-resisting fights concussion, be in nowadays country is big in the city gets be admissived generally.

3, defect: Stone model floor is taller to construction demand, because its are sensitive to the reaction of the ground rate is high, the ground before requirement construction must level off, smooth, clean wait, need to be made the same score with do as one pleases, undertake spreading sticking again. Should notice not to want in later period use process by butt burn or by edge tool cut.

7, stone model floor is made with what material, is stone model floor used?

Stone model floor is the composite material that constitutes by different material. Its are main component includes:

1.PVC (polyvinyl chloride) : The basic level of stone model floor is made by PVC material normally, PVC is a kind of durable plastic material, have fight water, fight the character such as pollution and wear-resisting caustic. This one stability that basically provides a floor and the force that prop up.

2.Stone pink: The exterior layer of stone model floor uses stone pink compound, these stone pink may be the powder of natural stone or man-made stone material. Model floor passes stone to mix stone pink and PVC colophony, form the surface of grain of stone of a kind of copy.

3.Adhesive: When floor of model of the stone that make, adhesive is used to the material agglutinate of will different layer is together. This conduces to the structural stability that provides a floor and durable sex.

4.Additive: To improve the performance of stone model floor, a few additive, wait like the fire prevention agent, agent that prevent bacterium, antioxidant, in the making process that may be added to stone model floor.

Overall for, stone model floor board is made through the mixture of PVC material and stone pink. Combination of this kind of material gifted wear-resisting of stone model floor, waterproof, easily cleanness and fight the characteristic such as pollution, make its make a kind of welcome floor choice.

8, floor of Spc stone model and floor of Pvc stone model which good?

Stone model floor is flooring of a kind of environmental protection, wear-resisting, waterproof, can divide for floor of floor of SPC stone model and PVC stone model. Generally speaking, photograph of floor of SPC stone model is more outstanding than floor of PVC stone model. Because floor of SPC stone model used new-style data, have taller fight press gender and wearability, have better waterproof properties at the same time, more environmental protection. In addition, floor of SPC stone model still has better sound insulation and heat preservation property, it is a kind of more high grade flooring. Accordingly, from the point of each respect, it is better that floor of SPC stone model should compare floor of PVC stone model.

9, the actor defect of stone model floor? How is stone model floor installed?


Performance of ① , environmental protection is high. Basically be a needle this bit to the wooden floor in our home. Because of the main raw material of stone model floor, it is natural stone pink actually. These stone do not allow to contain any radioelements in pink, those who contain contaminant also do not allow to use. Facing is PVC cladding, also release without any pollution. Stone model floor is a kind of product that got attestation of international green environmental protection.

Performance of ② , wear-resisting is good.

Stone model floor comes up in this bit say, have very superior performance. Because stone model floor has the transparent wear-resisting layer of a special processing, the revolution of wear-resisting layer, make clear according to checking data, can achieve 30 thousand turn. Compare traditional aggrandizement wood floor like us, it is merely 13000 turn, better namely 20 thousand turn. And the revolution of the exterior wear-resisting layer of floor of model of black lead stone is exceedingly tall. Wear-resisting performance is very so strong, use fixed number of year is very high also. Show actually in a few public section, those who use is more still.


The first pace, detect the moisture content of ground level ground and temperature. Generally speaking, people can use temperature hydrothermograph to measure indoor temperature and upper temperature, looking is 15 ℃ left and right sides, and basic level moisture content is less than 3% , yes word this environment is OK of laid wood floor. Need is main is, the environmental lower berth that should not reach 30 ℃ above below in 5 ℃ establishs stone model floor board, lest damage. If moisture content is more than 3% , and anxious construction, inorganic agent of interface of oxygen of so usable annulus undertakes render is handled.

The 2nd pace, before stone model floor is installed, ground level ground needs to undertake constant processing, people should use machine of burnish of ground level ground to undertake integral burnish to ground level ground, make floor level good construction. After burnish, cleaner of people application industry undertakes aspiration cleanness to ground level ground, inhale dust, hold the ground clean. If ground level ground has break, should undertake repairing.

The 3rd pace, to render of ground level ground. If basic level is absorbefacient, should use mortar of concrete, cement to wait close render, if dispute is absorbefacient, can use the render such as ceramic tile, marble.

The 4th pace, agitate do as one pleases makes the same score an oar, when agitate takes smooth starch oneself, must not have agglomerate, flow equably.

The 5th pace, floor of laid stone model, the do as one pleases with good agitate the makings that make the same score an oar falls on the ground level ground of construction, with do as one pleases smooth deflate platen rolls gently. When laid of stone model floor, juncture should not exist between floor and floor, should not have seam join.

10, the distinction of floor of lock stone model and floor of Pvc stone model?

1.Floor of lock stone model and floor of PVC stone model have a few distinction. 2. Floor of lock stone model is a kind of floor board that uses lock join means, its installation is very handy, need only the floor board piece according to lock means joining together can, need not use glue or other and fixed data. And floor of PVC stone model is a kind of use glue or adhesive secure in ground floor. 3. The installation rate of floor of lock stone model is rapid, disassemble convenient, suit to be used temporarily or need the room that changes often. And installation of floor of PVC stone model is opposite slower, but fixity is better, apply to the room that uses for a long time. Additional, the joining together means of floor of lock stone model makes floor board piece between more close together, appear not easily craze or metabolic circumstance, and the solidify time that floor of PVC stone model needs to notice glue and construction quality, lest appear craze or wait for a problem frothily. 4. In addition, floor of lock stone model and floor of PVC stone model pledge in material go up to also have a few difference. Floor of lock stone model uses PVC data normally, and floor of PVC stone model is mix by the additive such as PVC material and stone pink and become. This makes floor of lock stone model more soft, wear-resisting, and floor of PVC stone model is more hard, durable. 5. As a whole, floor of lock stone model applies to the room that need changes often or uses temporarily, and floor of PVC stone model applies to the room that uses for a long time, and more hard usage. Choose which kinds of floor to depend on specific use requirement and budgetary consideration.
