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华谊兄弟音乐公司前身战国音乐是于1999年由袁涛先生创建的音乐品牌。签约艺人有陈楚生、姚贝娜、何洁、张佑赫 / 韩、果味VC乐队、牛奶咖啡组合、刘明辉、高级珠宝设计师 Aster Ma / 马兰等。可提供的服务内容包括歌曲的制作、发行、艺人经纪、演唱会组织运作等,在音乐方面拥有强大的新闻宣传网络,在国内音乐公司中综合执行力名列前茅。



























One, is city of culture of Hua Yi's brother sold how?

City of culture of China friendship brother is located in hill of level ground of level ground hill, average price is 25000 yuan / ㎡, traffic condition is convenience, be apart from 14 lines - Sha Hu, 2000 meters or so, clothbound trims delivery, cubage is led 5.54, one room one price. Industry of culture of movie and TV of this project China " new aircraft carrier " .

2, do Hua Yi's brother and China friendship broker concern?

Their relation is the company that two brother join. Report a company now all the time deficit

3, group of Hua Yi's brother?

Inc. of medium of China friendship brother is chinese mainland famous omnibus group of civilian battalion entertainment, by Wang Zhongjun, Wang Zhonglei brother founded 1994, the film that invested celebrated director Feng Xiaogang 1998 " perpetual " , the film that Jiang Wen directs " devil came " industry of movie of make one's bow.

4, boss of Hua Yi's brother?

The boss of China friendship brother is Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei two brother.

5, predecessor of Hua Yi's brother?

Music of the Warring States of predecessor of company of music of China friendship brother is the musical brand that founded by Mr Yuan Tao 1999. The autograph makes an appointment with actor to have old Chu Sheng, Yao Beina, He Jie, Zhang Youhe / Ma Lan of Aster Ma / of stylist of combination of band of VC of flavour of Han, fruit, white coffee, Liu Minghui, high-quality jewelry. The service content that can provide includes tune make, issue, organization of actor broker, concert is run etc, powerful news is had to publicize a network in musical respect, implement power integratedly in domestic music company be among the best of candidates.

Company name

Company of music of China friendship brother

Establish time


Headquarters site


Scope of operations

Broker company, disc is issued, movie and TV films

Company type

Joint ventures

Famous actor or artist

Yao Beina, He Jie, Chen Chu is unripe

6, Hua Yi's brother how?

China friendship brother is authorising of recreation of one domestic general movie and TV, brand true condition recreation and Internet recreation Wu of 3 great undertaking board piece the recreational medium industry that reachs industrial investment to realize effective conformity, it is catenary of the industry inside course of study the company with complete, resourceful recreation. The whole that unites platform in the company is run below, each business board piece develop in coordination.

The omnibus entertainment group with famous chinese mainland, by Wang Zhongjun, Wang Zhonglei brother founds 1994.

7, identity of Hua Yi's brother?

China friendship brother is company of group of industry of omnibus culture of a China, business covered the film, TV, music, act art wait for many domains. Those who regard Chinese film as the industry is important, the development that China friendship brother devotes oneself to to promote Chinese movie all the time and expand, what already made Chinese film trade is important one of person that lead. In addition, china friendship brother extends overseas market actively also, with international famous movie company cooperates, made the movie that a series of internationalization, characteristic changes, obtained favorable market result. China friendship brother has taller brand in domain of Chinese culture industry famous spend and consequence, it is one of important delegates of world of Chinese culture trend.

8, Hua Yi's brother and the relation of China friendship Tecent?

Announcement of China friendship brother, the international of wholy-owned subsidiary Hua Yi of the company and recreation of China friendship Tecent were signed on May 2, 2019 " cooperative framework agreement " , both sides will spread out the following collaboration: Project of drama of cooperative investment motion picture, teleplay, TV program, net and network program, music reachs copyright, project and collaboration buy project of recreation of movie and TV to issue the right related recreation of etc movie and TV; Recreation of China friendship Tecent appoint the project of recreation of movie and TV that hires Hua Yi to brother is had for recreation of Hua Yi Tecent or already bought China to issue right is offerred publish a service. Recreation of China friendship Tecent is company correlation square, this second trade form correlation to trade.

9, does Hua Yi's brother follow Hua Yi is brotherly movie same?


World of film of China friendship brother (Suzhou) it is You Huayi brotherly group denounce is gigantic endowment the key is made, the world-class film culture that gives priority to a problem with intellectual property of control oneself film experiences a project.

Its collect passes through type is visited, be enmeshed style experience, star changes service, Internet to consume at a suit, it is one overturns traditional entertainment experience, deliver the film dream world that touch and shows Chinese culture marrow!

10, does Hua Yi's brother manufacture the film?

" mobile phone " , " the world does not have a thief " , " baby plans " , " build up date " , " be not sincere not faze " series, " the king of kongfu " , " rumour " , " shake of Tang Shan earth " , " Di Renjie

上一篇:拜耳和拜尔的区别? 拜尔和拜耳的区别?英文双语对照
