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拜耳和拜尔的区别? 拜尔和拜耳的区别?英文双语对照


拜耳和拜尔的区别? 拜尔和拜耳的区别?英文双语对照








西蒙·拜尔斯(Simone Biles),1997年3月14日出生于俄亥俄州哥伦布市,美国职业体操运动员,效力于美国女子体操队。身高145cm,体重47kg。她拥有着惊人的爆发力和卓越的稳定性,是集力量、技术、心理素质于一身的体操选手。












身高1米87。英文名字:Dli Baier。体重 92kg,臂展达到 1米96。是一名男子网球运动员。1992年3月17日出生于奥地利维也纳。拥有奥地利和英国双重国籍。2009年前往英国伦敦读大学,毕业于剑桥大学。2013年毕业后回到奥地利训练,2014年前往德国参加男子网球世锦赛。


国籍是意大利。全名:尼克曼.迪里拜尔。英文名字:Nkeman Dlbair。是一名男子排球运动员。身高 1米92,体重 140kg,臂展达到 2米01。1991年4月25日出生于意大利罗马。2007年前往美国加利福尼亚州读大学,毕业于肯塔基大学。2011年返回意大利加入国家队,备战2012年男排世锦赛。




One, do obeisance to ear and the distinction that do obeisance to Er?

Germany does obeisance to ear group (Bayer) is the whole world is most famous " fortune " one of 500 strong companies of world, global pharmacy tycoon. Innovate in material, the numerous domain such as crop science and medical health care ranks industry front row. The chemical industry with the biggest whole world and one of enterprises of medical health care, in life science, high polymer the numerous domain such as material and careful chemical industry ranks industry front row. Bai Ersi protects skin path husband company is German hamburger city to taste manufacturing company, held water 1882, production and sale protect skin high qualitily to taste, cut is stuck reach the brand product such as adhesive plaster.

2, the distinction that Bai Erhe does obeisance to ear?

Do obeisance to Er to nurse as the oral cavity of a Germany the production that the brand devotes oneself to electric toothbrush all the time is made and research and development. Doing obeisance to Er electric toothbrush is the oral cavity of professional class whole world that most dentist recommends the whole world nurses brand.

Do obeisance to ear group, be the first of all in chemistry and pharmacy industry domain internationally enterprise, the company that do obeisance to ear is one of 500 strong companies of the world's most well-known world.

The headquarters of the company is located in German Lewokusen, it is the industrial group with the biggest Germany.

3, is Bai Ersi much taller?

· Bai Ersi is cheated on the west (Simone Biles) , was born in Ohio Columbus city on March 14, 1997, american profession gymnast, effectiveness at team of American woman gymnastics. Height 145cm, weight 47kg. She is having breathtaking outbreak force and outstanding stability, it is quality of market strength, technology, psychology the gymnastic player at a suit.

The place on put together is narrated, 145cm of Bai Ersi height.

4, is peaceful Bobaier Germany does obeisance to ear?

Yes, peaceful Bobaier is the wholy-owned subsidiary that Germany does obeisance to ear company. Because Germany does obeisance to ear company to own many branches and subsidiary in the whole world,this is, peaceful Bobaier is a when its are in China wholy-owned subsidiary. And the management concept that it also is following Germany to do obeisance to ear company and product quality standard, assured the standard of the quality of the product and service. In addition, doing obeisance to ear also is the transnational corporation with a long history, there are extensive professional work and force in global each district.

5, is the engine oil that do obeisance to Er good use?

Must burn engine oil, 2014 my, one maintains cycle does not see an end to engine oil, master of inn following 4S chats, they also admit this Ailishe burns engine oil, and probability is bigger. Do not have method, can standing him engine oil adds cough up, will look at present ran 30 thousand kilometer, besides burn engine oil, other side still is two good cars really.

Big mistake of it doesn't matter, it is reverse gear anew the car begins to often still be hanged now do not enter, do not calculate big question. Hope Ailishe can withstand time trial.

6, engine oil of Bai Erdao's husband how?

Used the Si Daofu that do obeisance to Er this is oily, quality is very good, those who use is CH, what use previously is the oil of housing card R4. After changing the Si Daofu that do obeisance to Er, feel dynamical side, respect of engine quiet tone, the respect that save oil should compare housing card much stronger, I use the Si Daofu that do obeisance to Er all the time now

7, is Dilibaier prentice?

Singer of soprano of florid ornamentation in Chinese opera singing Dilibaier, be Professor Guo Lingbi, Professor Shen Xiang, Professor Li Jinwei is prentice.

8, Dilibaier height?

Height 1 meter 87. English name: Dli Baier. Weight 92kg, the arm is exhibited achieve 1 meter 96. It is athlete of tennis of a man. Was born in Austrian Vienna on March 17, 1992. Have Austria and British dual nationality. Headed for British London to read an university 2009, be graduated from Cantabrigian university. Graduation hind returned Austrian training 2013, man tennis life enters toward Germany before 2014 bright and beautiful contest.

9, Dilibaier citizenship?

Citizenship is Italy. Full name: Ni Keman. Dilibaier. English name: Nkeman Dlbair. It is athlete of volleyball of a man. Height 1 meter 92, weight 140kg, the arm is exhibited achieve 2 meters 01. Was born in Italian Rome on April 25, 1991. Headed for American California city to read an university 2007, be graduated from Kendaji university. Returned Italy to join national group 2011, prepare for war world of male 2012 platoon bright and beautiful contest.

10, which country is doing obeisance to Er?

Doing obeisance to ear is Germany, its headquarters is located in German Lewokusen.

上一篇:北京经济实惠美食? 龙岗好吃又实惠滴美食在哪呢?英文双语对照
