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The child's growth development is a very important process, need fine understand without being told of the parent to consider. Grow and development is inseparable, development is it is a foundation in order to grow, growth change reacted organ and the mature circumstance that organize a system.

Every age of the child has different feature, no matter be,still anatomize on physiology on. According to the different feature of every phase, can differentiate roughly for the following phase. But because unripe long growth is a continuous process, so between every phase differentiate and do not have so strict, and connection is closer also between every different level.

Level of growing growth phase

1. embryo sends Yo period

Embryo sends Yo period is with ovum encountering from spermatozoon union begins to calculate, go to the 8th week all the time. Inside this paragraph of time, embryonic organ and organization, system can split up quickly development and preliminary have person look. This phase is the crucial period of fetal baby development. If is sufferred come from the outside or immanent itself adverse element action, the normal growing growth with fetal block up, the child may have congenital deformation.

2. is fetal period

Form the 8th week to calculate from oosperm till be born,rise, this phase is become fetal period. In this phase, fetal body organ can be brought up gradually, development also gradually approach is mature, growing growth rate is rapidder.

3. baby period be born from the child begin consideration, to child full a week year old, this paragraph of time is become infantile period, also can say it is sucker period. Rate of growing growth of this phase child is the rapiddest, because this needs compensatory and enough quantity of heat and nutriment, should notice to satisfy its to be opposite especially protein demand, but from breast kind in obtain. With be born when than, 1 year short the child's height will add former in part. When weight can grow to be born double the left and right sides, the child's cerebra also is met in this phase rapid growth. Wait for full a week when year old, the child already sat up via the society, creeping, how to and begin study walk. The development process that the child moves can generalize probably for the following two words: 2 carry 4 turn over 6 meetings to sit. 7 boil 8 climb Zhou Hui to go.

One one full year of life goes to 4. infancy child the child is not full this paragraph of time between 3 one full year of life is become infancy. Compared with before a few period, the speed rein in of child growing development, especially the development of constitution. In this phase, of the child before bittern closes completely, and deciduous teeth also grows entirely. The child's neurological growth the speed of development also begins to decelerate, right now the child's cerebra has had adult 4/5 big. Before the child's territory is compared wider, all round thing of bring into contact with is more also, before accordingly intellectual growth can be compared better, ability of the gift of tongues, thinking and ability of meet an emergency increase gradually.

5. learns age to begin to calculate from the elementary school on the child case (it is age of 67 years old commonly) this paragraph of time before entering adolescence to the child becomes the school age that be become period. Generally speaking, the boy 13 years old, the girl enters adolescence 12 years old respectively. Inside this paragraph of time, the speed of child growing development is stabilized basically, constitution growth is steady, besides genital official, the growth rate of other organ is already subadult person. The configuration of cerebrum basically also is mixed adult is same, intelligence also got rising further. Ability of control ability of the child, savvy, analysis and integrated ability also are becoming better gradually. Right now the development of lymphatic system of the child lies apogee. Usually, when the child grows, deciduous teeth has dropped light entirely, all constant tooth besides the 3rd grind one's teeth also has grown.

Growing growth pattern

1. process is continuous and have level sex

This one process is continuous all the time, but different level has a characteristic each, rate is endless and same. Usually, speed suffers the effect of the age. It is with constitution development exemple, the more year young its growth rate jumps over the child fast, stay child full a week after year old, the speed of growing development is met gradually incline to Yu Ping is firm, but wait for after entering adolescence, meet again accelerate rate quickly.

Each 2. organs grow development is lopsided

The body the growth rate of each organs is different, have have quickly slow, and the time of germinate is abhorrent also. Neurological growth is very rapid at the beginning, but meet gradually slow down; And the time of reproductive system germinate is later; Lymphatic system is very fast at the beginning, can answer later shrink; When the child is smaller, hypodermic and adipose growth is rapidder; Usually, enter age of enter a school when the child, musculature growth rate can become fast.

3. grows according to certain order development

Usually, growing development is according to on to below, left to right, elementary come supreme class, simply complex order undertakes.

Individual growing development puts 4. in the difference

The child's growth development is inside certain limits, can get the influence of congenital element and acquired element, because this lies,may compare with the difference between the child of one phase big.

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