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Pet leaves the country, quarantine is very important, to the pet without wholesome certificate, most country and area reject his to enter a country commonly, and when be being returned, also will forbidden enter a country. The procedure that brings pet to go abroad is as follows:

1, the animal hospital that appoints to bureau of discrepancy condition quarantine makes vaccine. Because vaccinal become effective needs proper time, if be the feline Mi that never has made vaccine,should taking a month to hit stitch, a week before boarding a plane hits stitch again.

2, inside before be being faced 14 days (before at latest is going a week) take pet and sanitarian certificate to deal with formalities of discrepancy condition quarantine to bureau of discrepancy condition quarantine, after quarantine ends, send a plant quarantine the proof, close sheet to wait, board a plane by these prooves, pass custom. Extend a data: Pet consigns a note: Breakfast reachs the designated position: Because carry pet to must match the plane of stock oxygen hold, order cabin ahead of schedule so and freight point reachs in before taking off 4 hours, the carry away when can making sure your pet is pressed is the same as with you machine arrive. Avoid extruding: Want to prepare strong and durable special boat empty eontainers to carry pet above all, it is domestic each airline on one hand to live body goods pack the demand with have particular, also be for the safety of pet itself on the other hand; Have again, you can use adhesive plaster to bind a plastic products in the upper part of aviation box, lest carry personnel,will other goods are pressed on the case. Offer water: Meet inside all boat empty eontainers almost accessary watering trough. You can put replete drinking bowl in the aspic in freezer to become ice cube first, when when boarding a plane, go to their installation again inside aviation box, need not worry about water by overturn, bunch of faze that pet anhydrous can drink. Fasten a favourable turn: As long as itinerary in not a favourable turn, pet is met toward the possibility of different ground by miscarriage small much. If what you take plane behind schedule takes off, you can ask freight place is some later send pet toward cabin of replenish onr's stock, in order to ensure its safety. After plane be born, consignee should hold carry only pick up the goods as soon as possible. If you did not seize the opportunity at the same time, let him pet only solo flight, code of odd numbers of fate of person of pick up the goods of the announcement after the plane takes off and airliner date still have carry this person id card (firm recommendation) before go pick up the goods. Concerned byelaw 1, the consignor consigns goods to should fill in domestic freight transport consigns a book and by him dweller Id or other and effective identity document, if ask consignor when issueing unit recommendation or other and valid proof, the consignor also should be offerred. 2, the consignor is consigned fresh and perishable article, live body animal, when urgent article and the goods that time limits a demand, answer to book a scheduled flight to airline freight branch first, date, tonnage, deal with by conventional time and place consign formalities.

3, the consignor consigns civil aviaton limitation to carry and want classics public security, the concerned branch such as quarantine handles the goods of formalities, ought to produce valid proof document.

4, the authenticity that the consignor answers each content in filling goods to consign a book and offerred data and file and accuracy are responsible.

5, the goods that because traffic condition is different,the consignor is consigned or cannot transport together because of goods property, part of one's job does not fill in freight consigns a book.

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