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1 、大学生智力正常且充分发挥。   智力是指人的认识问题、解决问题的能力,包括人的观察力、注意力、记忆力、想象力、创造力、思维能力和实践活动能力等的的综合,是人在经验中学习或理解的能力、获得和保持知识的能力,迅速而又成功的对新情景作出反应的能力,运用推理有效地解决问题的能力等。智力正常是大学生学习、生活、工作的最基本的心理条件,是大学生胜任学习任务、适应周围环境变化需要的心理保证,因此,是衡量大学生心理健康的首要标准。一般来说,大学生的智力是正常的,甚至相对与同龄人,其智力总体水平较高,因而衡量大学生的智力,关键在于看大学生的智力是否正常地、充分的发挥了效能。   大学生智力正常且充分发挥的标准是:有强烈的求知欲和浓厚的探索兴趣;智力结构中各要素在其认识活动和实践活动中都能积极协调地参与并能正常地发挥作用;乐于学习。   此外,一些非智力因素包括理想、兴趣、爱好等也是构成心理健康的重要标准。   

2 、情绪健康   情绪健康的主要标志是情绪稳定和心理愉快。这是大学生心理健康的一个重要指标。 因为情绪在心理变态中起着核心的作用,情绪异常往往是心理疾病的先兆。大学生的情绪健康应包括以下内容:   (1)愉快情绪多于不愉快情绪,一般表现为:乐观开朗,充满热情,富有朝气,满怀信心,善于自得其乐,对生活充满希望;   (2)情绪稳定性好,善于控制和调节自己的情绪,既能克制约束,又能适度宣泄,不过分压抑,使情绪的表达既符合社会的需求,也符合自身的需要,在不同的时间和场合有恰如其分的情绪表达;   (3) 情绪反应是由适当的原因引起的,反应的强度和引起这种情绪的情境相符合。   3、意志健全 意志是人在完成一种有目标的活动时,所进行的选择、决定与执行的心理过程。意志健全者在行动的自觉性、果断性和自制力等方面都表现出较高的水平。   意志健全的大学生在各种活动中都有自觉的目的性,能适时地作出决定并运用切实有效的方法解决所遇到的各种问题,在困难和挫折面前能采取合理的反应方式,能在行动中控制情绪和言行,而不是顽固执拗、言行冲动、行动盲目、轻率鲁莽,或害怕困难、意志薄弱、优柔寡断。   4、人格完整   人格在心理学上指个体比较稳定的心理特征的总和。人格完整就是指有健全统一的人格,即个人的所想、所说、所做都是协调一致的。大学生人格完整的主要标志是:   (1)人格结构的各要素完整统一;   (2)具有正确的自我意识,不产生自我同一性混乱;   (3)以积极进取的人生观作为人格的核心,并以此为中心把自己的需要、愿望、目标和行为统一起来。   5、自我评价正确   正确的自我评价乃是大学生心理健康的重要条件。大学生是在与现实环境、与他人的相互关系中,在自己的实践活动中,认识自己的。一个心理健康的大学生对自己的认识应比较接近现实,有“自知之明”。对自己的优点感到欣慰,但又不至于狂妄自大;对自己的弱点既不回避,也不自暴自弃,


Mental health: Individual the environment that can get used to development to wear, have perfect individual character feature; And its are cognitive, mood reaction, volitional behavior is in active position, can retain normal adjusting control ability. In life practice, can know ego correctly, control oneself self-consciously, correct treatment outside influence, make psychology poises harmonious, already had the main feature of mental health. Combine the point of view of domestic and international expert, be as follows according to the basic standard of undergraduate mental health:   

Intelligence of 1, undergraduate is normal and sufficient play. Intelligence is the understanding problem that points to a person, ability that solves a problem, ability of the observation that includes a person, attention, memory, imagination, creativity, thinking and practice activity ability integrated, it is the ability that the person learns in experience or understands, ability that obtain and retains knowledge, rapid and the successful ability that makes response to new scene, the capacity that uses inference to solve a problem effectively. Intelligence is the most fundamental psychology condition of undergraduate study, life, job normally, it is the task of undergraduate competency study, psychology that gets used to surroundings change need assures, accordingly, it is the principal level that measures undergraduate mental health. Generally speaking, the undergraduate's intelligence is normal, opposite even with with age person, its are intellective and overall the level is higher, measure the undergraduate's intelligence consequently, whether normal ground, the intelligence that the key depends on seeing an undergraduate is sufficient developed efficiency. Undergraduate intelligence is normal and the standard that develops adequately is: Have seek knowledge strongly be about to mix strong exploration interest; Each element is in intellective structure in its understanding activity and practice activity can coordinate the ground actively to participate in and can produce effect normally; Be happy to learn. In addition, element of intelligence of a few blame includes ideal, interest, hobby to wait also is the important standard that makes mental health.   

The main mark of health of mood of   of health of 2, mood is a mood stability and psychology are happy. This is a of undergraduate mental health main index. Because the mood is having the effect of core in psychological allergy, the mood often is the foreboding of psychological disease unusually. Mood health of the undergraduate should include the following content: (1) happy mood over unpleasant mood, average performance is: Hopeful and optimistic, be full of enthusiasm, be full of spark, with confidence, be good at be content with one's lot, be full of a hope to the life; (2) mood stability is good, be good at control and adjusting oneself mood, can restrain a tie already, can measurable drain, cent is depressive nevertheless, make the expression of the mood accords with social demand already, also accord with the need of oneself, there is the mood expression of appropriate in different time and circumstance; (3) mood reaction is caused by proper reason, the intensity of reaction and the circumstances conform to that arouse this kind of sentiment close. 3, the volition is perfect the volition is a person when finishing a kind of activity that has a cause, the choice that has, decision and executive psychological process. The volition is perfect person the consciousness that acting, decisive sex and abstain the respect such as force to show higher level. The undergraduate with perfect volition has self-conscious purpose sex in all sorts of activities, make a decision can timelily and apply cogent and effective method to solve an all sorts of problems that encounter, reasonable reaction kind can be taken before difficulty and setback, mood and words and deeds can be controlled in the action, is not stubborn impulse of obdurate, words and deeds, action is imprudent and blind, harum-scarum, or fear difficult, feebleminded, indecisive. 4, character is whole   character points to on psychology individual the summation of stabler psychological feature. Character is whole point to namely have the moral quality that unites soundly, namely the individual's place thinks, be said, what doing is harmonious and consistent. The main mark with undergraduate whole character is: (1) each element of character structure is complete and unified; (2) have correct self-awareness, do not produce ego oneness disorder; (3) the core that serves as character with the philosophy of active enterprising, it is a center to unite his need, desire, target and behavior with this rise. 5, the fundamental condition that ego evaluates the ego assessment with correct accurate   to be undergraduate mental health. The undergraduate is to be in with the real environment, correlation with other in, in oneself practice activity, know oneself. The undergraduate of a mental health answers to be close to reality quite to his understanding, have " self-knowledge " . Feel gratified to oneself advantage, but unapt arrogant and conceited; Evasive to oneself weakness both neither, not abandonment also,

