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①价值决定价格。随着石油开采技术的革新,石油开采和冶炼的成本逐渐下降,石油价值降低,导 致价格下降。

②供求关系影响价格。石油产量增加,供给扩大,经济增长减缓,对石油的需求量不断减少,石油供过于 求,导致价格下降。

③商品价格的涨落受相关商品需求量变动的影响。石油和天然气是互为替代品,由于人们对天然气需求的 增加,从而减少了对石油的需求量,导致了石油价格的下降。



有处于全面建成小康社会 有利于体现社会主义的本质要求,追求共同富裕,有利于社会和谐和社会公平。










企业强强联合,体现了市场配置资源的原则,有利于企业采用市场机制合理使用经济资源, 有利于企业发挥规模效应,发展生产力,向社会提供价廉物美的商品。



抓住国际产能合作机遇,顺应时代潮流,加快自身发展。(2分) ②提高自主创新能力,依靠技术进步、科学管理等手段,推进产品结构优化升级,形成自己的竞争优势。(2分) ③坚持“引进来”与“走出去”相结合,诚信经营,树立品牌意识提高产品的国际竞争力。(2分) ④坚持独立自主、自力更生的原则,树立规则意识,提高应对贸易摩擦的能力和水平。(2分)













Use economic life knowledge cannot - how to apply specification of economic life knowledge to enhance our country science and technology to innovate can?

The country promotes development of innovation of science and technology through following measure:

Of activities of pair of industry technology innovation such as ① play finance, taxation give aid to strength.

② fulfils innovation system to execute the law, respect the place of own innovation main body of the enterprise, develop the market the decisive action of configuration endowment, strengthen macroscopical adjusting control of the government at the same time, produce the energy that technology of medium and small businesses innovates adequately.

③ is perfect factor of production shares distributive system by contribution, perfect innovation drive policy, build the assignment system that is helpful for intellectual property protection soundly to spend.

④ rises in the round open to the outside world level, drive bring endowment, cite ability, bring wisdom organic union, raise our country to introduce, digest, absorb and innovate again ability.

⑤ holds to economy of a variety of system of ownership to develop jointly, the diversity that forms popular science enterprise throws a mechanism.

Apply please " does economy live " is knowledge brief answer: ?  of  of Wei of coil up of θ of cleanse of large bamboo hat?

If I am business operator, want to learn economic knowledge, know the market, follow closely market needs, production is saleable the commodity of satisfy the need. The direction of management that wants the company with right establish and strategic otherwise break the competition ability that enhances a business, strengthen business science to manage, improve manufacturing technology to want lawful sincere letter is managed, abide by market regulation, establish good business reputation and figure to want to assume social responsibility actively, care laborer should implement national industry policy actively, change develops way, development watchs science of carry out travel.

Apply economic life knowledge to analyse the reason that oil price rises?

① value decides the value. As the innovation of oil exploitation technology, oil extracts and the cost of smelt drops gradually, oil value is reduced, cause price fall.

Price of influence of ② supply demand relations. Oil output increases, supply expands, economy grows slow down, to petrolic demand decreases ceaselessly, petroleum supply exceeds demand, cause price fall.

The fluctuate of ③ commodity price suffers the effect with relevant commodity fluctuant demand. Oil and natural gas are each other is substitute, as a result of the people addition to natural gas demand, reduced pair of petrolic thereby demand, those who caused oil price drop.

Apply specification of economic life knowledge to hit win deficient to attack battle meaning?

Be helpful for carrying out implement scientific progress concept, it is with the person this, implementation people shares reform to develop fruit.

Have be in the substaintial demand that builds comparatively well-off society to be helpful for reflecting socialism in the round, pursuit is collective and rich, be helpful for society and concordant society fairness.

Apply direct seeding of economic life knowledge to take the economic advantage of goods?

Direct seeding takes goods to regard a kind of burgeoning economy as mode, its economy advantage basically reflects in the following respects:

Optimize resource configuration: Direct seeding takes goods to interact to be analysed with big data through real time, help businessman more essence of life holds market demand definitely, optimize manufacturing structure and resource configuration thereby. The businessman can adjust manufacturing plan and product strategy according to the real time feedback of consumer, the effective configuration that realizes resource and the biggest change use.

Reduce trade cost: Mode of goods of direct seeding belt dropped businessman and customer between trade cost. Traditional sale pattern needs a businessman to attract customer through the means such as advertisement, sales promotion, and goods of direct seeding belt is passed advocate sowed consequence and interactive sex, make consumer directer, more thorough the ground understands a product, reduced the search cost of sale cost of the businessman and consumer thereby.

Enlarge market dimensions: Direct seeding takes goods to adopt Internet platform, broke the limitation of district and time, make consumer can watch direct seeding to buy a product at any time and place. This enlarged market dimensions greatly, provided vaster development space for the businessman.

Stimulative industry upgrades: Mode of goods of direct seeding belt was driven the industry upgrades and innovate. The businessman needs to raise level of Wu of product quality kimono ceaselessly, in order to satisfy the requirement of consumer. In the meantime, direct seeding took goods to also promote the development of relevant industry, if content flows, pay etc, the development that is whole industry catenary provided power.

Increase consumer experience: Direct seeding takes goods to be recommended with individuation through interacting in real time, offerred for consumer more individuation, convenient shopping experience. Product news knows while consumer is watching living broadcast, participate in interactive, enjoy privilege to wait, the shopping satisfaction that improved consumer spends He Zhongcheng.

The place on put together is narrated, direct seeding takes goods mode to have the economic advantage of many sided, brought real profit for businessman and consumer. The ceaseless development as Internet and gain ground, direct seeding takes goods mode hopeful to continue to produce bigger effect in future.

Use economic life knowledge, talk about an enterprise the meaning of powerful powerful combination?

The company is strong powerful combination, reflected the market to configure the principle of resource, be helpful for an enterprise using market mechanism resource of sound use economy, be helpful for an enterprise producing scope effect, develop productivity, offer good in quality and cheap in price goods to the society.

Use economic life knowledge, how does the enterprise realize mutual benefit win-win?

(1) ① formulates right management strategy.

Capture international to produce can cooperate good luck, comply with tendency of the day, accelerate oneself development. (2 minutes) ② increases own innovation capacity, rely on the method such as technical progress, science management, advance product structure to optimize upgrade, form oneself competitive advantage. (2 minutes) ③ holds to " introduce come " with " go " be united in wedlock, sincere letter is managed, establish brand consciousness to enhance the international competition ability of the product. (2 minutes) ④ insists to paddle one's own canoe, self-made principle, establish regular consciousness, raise the ability that answers trade friction and level. (2 minutes)

Use economic life knowledge, analyse the reason that house price rises continuously?

1, the growth of people material standard of living;

2, people asks to increase to living conditions;

3, macroscopical adjusting control is opposite the country the support of real estate;

4, the combination of estate business drives up house price;

5, the idea that the Chinese's inherent house has its house;

6, wealthy person investment buys a room to cause house price to grow secondhand.

How does the concerned knowledge answer that economy lives take off deficient to help deficient up?

Take off deficient to help deficient up, want to strengthen a technology to groom, increase agricultural investment, play land increase production is added close, it is the first job that helps deficient up.

Does the concerned knowledge specification that uses economic life call the account that loses a sale?

Be full of stretch commodity, depreciate the sales revenue that can raise a manufacturer, for instance apple, car. To lacking the goods of flexibility, depreciate can make the sales revenue of the manufacturer decreases, for instance salt, soap.

