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飙酷车神(The Crew 2)是育碧制作的一款竞速游戏,游戏采用了无缝大地图和全程实时多人联网,玩家可以在单人和多人模式之间自由切换。

尘埃4是经典赛车游戏尘埃系列的第4部正统续作。 尘埃4内置两种不同的游戏模式,一种是娱乐的休闲模式而另一种完美还原了真实的拉力赛。游戏除正统拉力赛外,也包括前作的场地赛、越野赛等赛事。



《理查德·伯恩斯拉力赛》(Dirt Rally):这是一款非常逼真的拉力赛车游戏,玩家需要在各种复杂的地形和天气条件下驾驶各种不同类型的赛车。游戏中有多种模式可供选择,包括单人模式和多人模式。

《WRC 9》:这是一款基于世界拉力锦标赛的正式授权游戏,玩家可以在各种真实的赛道上驾驶各种真实的赛车。游戏中有多种模式可供选择,包括单人模式和多人模式。

《DIRT 5》:这是一款非常刺激的赛车游戏,玩家可以在各种不同类型的赛道上驾驶各种不同类型的赛车。游戏中有多种模式可供选择,包括单人模式和多人模式。










FIA规定的最低重量为600公斤。一般是:单体壳50公斤,发动机90公斤,前部7.5公斤,后部11公斤,变速箱40公斤,离合器0.9公斤,车轮10公斤,车手70公斤。加上悬挂等。 参赛资格 就像一般的道路驾驶一样,F1也需要驾照。那是一张由FIA(国际汽车联合运动理事会,简称“国际汽联”。


英语里面是Rally意思是集合、聚集的意思。拉力赛原本就是一堆车聚集起来,分赛段进行比赛的赛事。所以就有了个名字Rally Racing音译过来就成了拉力赛



根据国际汽联比赛规则,参赛车辆必须为年产量超过2 500辆的原型车,发动机最大功率不准超过221千瓦(300马力)。同时对于赛车改装后的尺寸、质量以及排量、功率等都有严格的标准。




依据发动机排量不同,A组义分为A5组(1 400毫升以下)、A6组(1 401毫升~1 600毫升)、A7组(1 601毫升~2 000毫升)和A8组(2 001毫升以上)四个级别。其中A8组只有厂商车队才能参与,每站的前八名能获得积分,分别是10、8、6、5、4、3、2、1。



依据发动机排量不同,N组义分为N1组(1 400毫升以下,含1 400毫升)、N2组(1 401毫升~1 600毫升)、N3组(1 601毫升~2 000毫升)和N4组(2 001毫升以上,含2 001毫升)4个级别。








1989年第五代Celica(T180)上市。这一代Celica在造型方面同样受到时代的影响,没有了之前棱角分明更加圆润的造型能够有效的减小风阻。外形上最明显特征就是增加了跳灯设计。在动力方面高性能车型Celica GT-Four(ST185)采用四轮驱动,升级后的第二代3S-GTE引擎;通过将中冷器由第一代的水冷改为传统的风冷,微微上调至8.8:1的压缩比,使用全新Twin entry技术的CT26涡轮增压器(大家所熟悉的双涡流或双涡管)以及简化引擎结构与降低重量等一些列措施;将动力提升至225Ps/6000rpm、304N.m/3200rpm。ST165Celica GT—Four成为了丰田的第一台全轮驱动拉力赛车,也让丰田在WRC这最高水平的竞技舞台上有了一席之地。它采用的是2.0升涡轮增加发动机是其后三代赛车的动力来源。


One, what does game of Steam tensile racing bicycle have?

The game of interesting tensile racing bicycle on Steam has cycle racing to plan 2, god of car of violent wind cruel 2, dust 4 wait. Below introduce these a few game simply.

Cycle racing plans 2 it is a contest game of fast racing bicycle. Compared with before make this making accuse to go up in the drill of cycle racing have great progress. Play is new used LiveTrack3.0 technology, can implement variation of real time weather and seasonal change.

God of car of violent wind cruel (The Crew 2) is a contest that Yo green jade makes fast game, game was used without seam old map and whole journey net of couplet of real time much person, the player can be between single person and much person mode free switch.

The 4th be series of dust of game of classical racing bicycle 4 lineal add make dust. Dust 4 inside the game mode that buy differs two kinds, one kind is recreational recreational mode and another kind perfect and reductive real tensile competition. Game is surpassed except lineal pulling force outside, the field that before also including, makes is contest, cross-country the match such as contest.

2, game of Ps4 tensile racing bicycle which amused?

There are games of a lot of interesting tensile racing bicycle on PS4, it is a few more welcome game below:

" pulling force surpasses Richard Burns " (Dirt Rally) : This is a game of very distinct tensile racing bicycle, player need drives below all sorts of complex landform and weather condition the racing bicycle of all sorts of different types. There are a variety of modes to be able to offer an alternative in game, include single person mode and much person pattern.

" WRC 9 " : This is a formal authorization game that is based on world tensile tounament, the player can drive on all sorts of true circuit all sorts of real motorcycle race. There are a variety of modes to be able to offer an alternative in game, include single person mode and much person pattern.

" DIRT 5 " : This is a very exciting cycle racing game, the player can be in all sorts of differring the racing bicycle that all sorts of different types drive on the circuit of the type. There are a variety of modes to be able to offer an alternative in game, include single person mode and much person pattern.

Above is game of a few more welcome PS4 tensile racing bicycle, you can choose to suit your game according to your be fond of.

3, the computer of game of tensile racing bicycle that a few firm recommends to me plays game?

Distinct having " highest grade 14 " , " highest grade 15 " and " Mai Kelei pulling force surpasses division forest: Dust " , 14 belong to amusement very strong cycle racing game is a bit truthless; 15 belong to game of real department racing bicycle, too professional, reckon you can be overcome ~

~ " dust " belong to tensile contest, very true, playing very cool also, share 3 generation now, game quality is very high! Accepted now best cycle racing game is dust! PS: " ridge racing bicycle: Infinite " year end may land PC, that ability is true classical ah! !

Expect well ~~

4, is tensile racing bicycle genetic?

"Tensile " language of one etymology Yu Ying " Rally " , original idea is " build up with restore " . Use formally " tensile " the name that one word regards this kind of car as the match should only then in January 1911 " Monte Carlo rally " , did not use this name before this.

And the fountainhead of the car competition that has with tensile contest form criterion but restrospect to initiated by the newspaper office of a Paris 1894 " Paris - Lyons " be not Ma La car to surpass.

5, weight of tensile racing bicycle?

The lowermost weight that FIA sets is 600 kilograms. Be: commonly? ヌ Jian?0 kilogram, engine 90 kilograms, forehead 7.5 kilograms, hind 11 kilograms, gear-box 40 kilograms, clutch 0.9 kilograms, wheel 10 kilograms, car hand 70 kilograms. Add suspension to wait. Take part in the match the qualification drives like general road same, f1 also needs a driver's license. That is one Zhang You FIA(international car combines athletic board, abbreviation " international steam couplet " .

6, why tensile racing bicycle should make tensile racing car. Why should tensile racing bicycle make pull?

The Rally means gather, meaning that gather is inside English. Tensile contest piles a car to gather namely originally rise, cent surpasses paragraph of match that has the competition. Had a transliteration of name Rally Racing to came over to become tensile game so

7, does tensile racing bicycle discharge an amount?

Tensile racing bicycle classifications

According to regulation of competition of international steam couplet, join contest car to must exceed 2 500 to produce per year a quantity archetypal car, engine most high-power forbids to exceed 221 kilowatt (300 horsepower) . The dimension after changing his costume or dress to cycle racing at the same time, quality and platoon quantity, power have strict level.

Race racing car basically is divided into A group and N group.

A group racing bicycle

Say to change one's costume or dress again group racing bicycle, except reservation cycle racing exterior and former plant indicate beyond, almost all components can change his costume or dress, if use bigger brake, strengthen pensile system to reach change transmission.

According to engine platoon quantity differs, justice cent is A group A5 group (1 400 milliliter is the following) , A6 group (milliliter of 1 600 of ~ of 1 401 milliliter) , A7 group (milliliter of 2 000 of ~ of 1 601 milliliter) with A8 group (above of 2 001 milliliter) 4 level. Among them only manufacturer motorcade ability participates in A8 group, before 8 of every station can obtain integral, it is respectively 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

N group racing bicycle

Call former plant group cycle racing again, it allows to undertake safety changes its costume or dress with finite function only, engine interior must maintain the level of civil car, do not allow to alter. The player is spare player or novice commonly.

According to engine platoon quantity differs, justice cent is N group N1 group (1 400 milliliter is the following, contain 1 400 milliliter) , N2 group (milliliter of 1 600 of ~ of 1 401 milliliter) , N3 group (milliliter of 2 000 of ~ of 1 601 milliliter) with N4 group (above of 2 001 milliliter, contain 2 001 milliliter) 4 level.

At the same time regulation sets, in each station match, every groups should have 5 racing bicycle to take part in the match the least, if join contest car to be not worth 5, criterion cycle racing does not take part in the match on classify one group.

8, grade of tensile racing bicycle?

Autocycle, car (limits arrives from dene cross-country car small truck) with the truck

9, does tensile racing bicycle shift gear?

Seeming is not box of what cross wave, it is the wave box with semi-automatic machinery, only upgrade is pushed and play two kinds of options downward, specific good is to shorten shift gear time and achieve reduce horsepower loss, fundamental was to use dual clutch, in an archives fast the 2nd separation and reunion when ending already next archives get ready, this can be achieved rise with the shortest time or downshift, this kind of archives can arrive accurately basically 0 a few seconds, because cost is too high, and suit not quite with use daily (durable sex is not tall) , can use extensively at cycle racing industry only so

10, tensile racing bicycle?

Tensile competition ground, besides WRX of EVO of 3 water chestnut, Si Balu, still have the Celica that is Feng Tian.

1989 Celica of the Five Dynasties (T180) appear on the market. This generation Celica gets likewise in modelling respect the influence of the times, edges and corners is trenchant before was being done not have more fruity modelling can reduce wind block effectively. The most apparent feature increased to jump namely on the appearance lamp design. In dynamical respect high-powered model Celica GT-Four (ST185) introduce four-wheel drive, the engine of the 2nd acting 3S-GTE after upgrading; Pass will medium cold implement by the water-cooling instead of generation traditional wind is cold, go up slightly move to 8.8:1compression ratio, use brand-new the CT26 turbine supercharger of Twin Entry technology (the double backset that everybody is familiar with or double eddy canal) and simplify engine structure and drop a few measure such as weight; power promotion reachs 225Ps/6000rpm, 304N.m/3200rpm. ST165Celica GT, the first when Four became Feng Tian complete racing bicycle of round of drive pulling force, also let Feng Tian be in WRC had position on this athletics arena of top level. What it uses is 2 litres of turbine adding engine is ever since the dynamical source of 3 acting racing bicycle.

