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当今的社会损,随着人们生活水平的提高 生活生活的压力也随之而来 竞争的压力也越来越强 人们迫切希望走进自然,亲近大自然 而是片刻的宁静 忘记世俗 自然享受大自然带来的安静与宁静 所以很多城里面的人到了周末或者假期都会走进自然。给心里一个彻底的洗涤









1. 解释原因:春天是万物复苏的季节,自然界万物开始萌发、成长、繁衍,一片生机勃勃的景象。在自然环境中,呼吸着清新的空气,感受着和谐的自然气息,可以让人们心情愉悦,放松身心。同时,近距离感受大自然,可以帮助我们更深刻地体会到生命的可贵和自然界的美妙,对于个人的心灵成长和人类文明的发展都有重要的意义。

2. 内容延伸:春天走进大自然的方式可以多种多样,比如徒步旅行、野外露营、植物观赏等等。对于城市常年在尘土弥漫中的人们来说,走进自然可以让人们彻底放松心情,释放自己的压力,重新审视生活和工作中的迷茫或疑惑。在这个过程中,人们可以与自然相互交流,融入自然,感受到自然界万物生灵气息的讯息。这些体验可以启发人们对于自然和生命的认知和理解,进而为个人心灵的成长和文化认知的拓展奠定基础。

3. 具体步骤:想要春天走进大自然,建议可以遵循以下步骤:首先,选择适合自己的走法,比如短途徒步、铺盖在野外露营等。其次,准备必要的装备,比如防晒衣、登山鞋、帐篷等。再次,注意生态保护,在野外体验时,要尊重自然,保护生态环境。最后,多和自然交流,在走进大自然的过程中,可以与花草树木互动,与小动物玩耍,这些可以让人们感受到更多生命的质感,增强与自然的联系。














































  正确答案:A B C D
















  漆黑的 ------

  正确答案:漆黑的 ------夜晚




  把自己变成 吧,去 。

  正确答案:小鸟 体验飞翔的自由



1. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。——陆游《游山西村》

2. 天高地迥觉宇宙,乾坤乘气任我游。——李白《将进酒》

3. 远看山有色,近听水无声。——郭沫若《山行》

4. 日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。——李商隐《夜泊牛渚怀古》

5. 空山不见人,但闻人语响。返景入深林,复照青苔上。——王维《山居秋暝》


One, walk into nature only beautiful sentence?

1, walk into nature, in mirth, in observation, in feeling, search beautiful trace, experience the glamour of nature.

2, the afterglow that I know a village is more delicate than the afterglow in the city. The week that afterglow overflow gives and abstruse, sadness and beautiful enough flap surging thoughts or emotions. After afterglow is filtered by the branches and leaves of the fruiter, asperse in lukewarm on soft ground, draped on the ground confuse colour.

3, when the beautiful scenery that enjoys nature every time, can listen to the book that oneself had read. Can feel nature and intellectual blend at that time for an organic whole. Peaceful is contented. Want to read the book of a long time everyday, to digest and remember, after can seeing, numerate will record come down. Listen to knowledge at the same time, consider which pronunciation and mouth form need to notice at the same time. The effect of the heart that does not suffer the outside calmly is to result from really the force that knowledge brings. The person arrives middleaged, him hope has a plenty of details, is not the body.

4, this is the one sky before Zhang Ji day is illuminated, weather is very similar recently, morning still is blue blue sky, turn afternoon shade, already very long had not seen afterglow, the school still is in when seeing morning glow last, and fail record happiness that momently.

5, do not be small grievance sad, life is alive, be destined to want to suffer a lot of grievance. A person succeeds the more, the grievance that he suffers is more also. Want to make oneself life wins extreme value and dazzle prize, cannot too care about grievance, the heart that cannot let their hold tight tighten you is disturbed your life. You should learn dismiss with a laugh, detached wait for, want to learn to change potential energy. Wisdom person know bear, excuse those people all round, let us be in good-tempered in expand.

6, nature is a magical charmer, become world everythings on earth multicoloured. Every season is very beautiful, the color of Dan Chungu's woman is most. Nature gives this. Nature gave spring lots and lots of thing. It is nature asperses blasted bark full the different color; such as red Bai Lu is nature adorns the hillside colourfully; is nature silvan concerto on chart movement; is nature put on beautiful and bright-coloured clothes for flower, the fragrant faint scent on gush, make they each contends for beautiful to fight colourful, good not beautiful. What I adore nature is colourful!

7, the water of close white Ma Hu, with the hug that spend the sea, travel together with joy, what enjoying nature adequately to bring is relaxed with satisfied, extremely!

8, the clay scent of early morning is tangy and come, breathe out greatly the breath of nature, quiet appreciation spends the new clothes after careless arboreous transhipment of through cargo, enjoy this wonderful spring scenery to the top of one's bent.

9, the life ought not to machine-made, now and then a bit green is added in the home, enjoy the pure and fresh breath of nature.

10, afterglow loves beautiful girl like really, change fiery and fiery big cotton-padded jacket a little while, change orange to admire to spend apron colourfully a little while, really unpredicatable 1000 appearance 100 condition!

2, the sentence that walks into nature to loosen the mood?

Walk into nature, the heart that lets us gets cheerful. The beauty with individual nature and mysterious force, it is the optimal place that our body and mind is loosened and calms undoubtedly. Place oneself is mixed at tree of flowers and plants, laky, river between ocean, listening rumour, underwater acoustic with twitter, experiencing natural breath and metre, loosen the mood, restore inner calm, it is a kind of magical and wonderful experience. So, walk into nature, it is an organic whole with natural be in harmony, can let us forget sadness, stretch body and mind, let a heart get loosen and calming.

3, walk into nature analytic?

Current social caustic, the increases life life pressure as people living standard also subsequently and the pressure that will compete is stronger and stronger also people is pressing the hope walks into nature, close nature however a short while halcyon those who forget lay nature to enjoy nature to bring is quiet with halcyon so the person inside a lot of cities arrived on the weekend or holiday is met walk into nature. Give a complete catharsis in the heart

4, it is good to walk into the history to love my nation hand to report a duplicate to sentence?

"56 nations, 56 branches are beautiful, 56 brother sister is. Do 56 kinds of languages collect: of a word?  curb thanks? to love my China, love my China. Love my China..

5, does children walk into nature result?

Walk into nature, my sense seems into another world, exceedingly happy.

Scatter when the first golden light of early morning like the earth, on the path that goes in sunshine bright, casual dekko, a leaf, slide in branch, accompanying a few fallen leaves, fall flyingly on the ground, gentle breeze is swayed gently, took them that distant horizon...

Stop when us fragrant forest, total noise removes mild and indirect by the side of ear and pleasant in succession bird language, blast a singing. The bird that flies on blue sky, volant hovered lanneret. They convey themselves with their kindest language to nature love, the singing that uses the softest beauty conveys the acknowledgment to nature, acknowledgment nature gave him life, acknowledgment nature gave him the home of a good happiness.

6, does spring walk into nature article table?

Conclusion: What spring walks into nature to be able to let people experience nature is wonderful with life flourishingly, be helpful for health of body and mind and heart growing.

1.Explain a reason: Spring is the season that everythings on earth anabiosises, nature everythings on earth begins shoot, grow, multiply, a vibrant picture. In environment, breathing fresh air, experiencing harmonious natural breath, can make people mood cheerful, loosen body and mind. In the meantime, close quarters experiences nature, what can help us experience life deeplier is commendable with nature wonderful, the heart to the individual grows and the development of human civilization has important sense.

2.Content is outspread: The means that spring walks into nature is OK varied, hike for instance, field shows battalion, plant to view and admire etc. Diffuse in dust all the year round to the city for medium people, walk into nature to be able to make people complete loosen the mood, release oneself pressure, in examining the life and work afresh confused or interrogative. In this process, people can communicate each other with nature, blend in nature, experience the message of breath of the people of nature everythings on earth. These experiences can inspire people the acknowledge to nature and life and understanding, grow cleverly to be extended cognitively with culture for individual heart then lay a foundation.

3.Concrete step: Want spring to walk into nature, the proposal can follow the following move: Above all, choose those who suit oneself to take a way, for instance outdoors of pedestrian, bedclothes shows short distance battalion. Next, prepare necessary equipment, prevent for instance bask in the garment, climbing boot, tent to wait. Again, notice zoology is protected, when outdoors experiences, want to respect nature, protect zoology environment. Finally, communicate with nature more, in the process that walks into nature, can interact with tree of flowers and plants, with puppy amuse oneself, these can let people feel the simple sense of more life, enhance the connection with nature.

7, does summer walk into nature article table?

Summer walks into nature, we resemble hypostatic wind, the ground of the natural scene that has gone having accident surprise more very much, had treated mixed beautiful lake, had sampled the cate of different region, local customs that has enjoyed place; Feel accidentally unfamiliar to be familiar with again, this is the preexistence memory of our soul remaining.

Summer walks into nature, wind has been blown, blast blast catharsis of cloud and mist of Shan Yu general, hill body knead, wait for the sun to rise, pleasant to see a viridescence, it is satisfied also be to jubilate.

8, the flow that walks into nature?

There are trees of a lot of flowers and plants in the school, already afforest campus, beautification the environment of the school. Classmates are in after school time, always like to pick up deciduous leaf play. The whole world shares a plant more than kinds 40, plant of avery kind of has its specific configuration and color, wrap around for example needle form, wrap around a variety of needle form, egg form, form pouring egg, 20 leaf form such as circle, elliptic, triangle. Some foliaceous predestined relationships still have versatility, have zigzag, moire form, notch look; Some surfaces are slick, some bestrews fluff; Some is strong, some is soft. Really Xie Xie is not identical, have change piece pieces. Every kinds of lamina has its characteristic and charm, because this lets a student walk into campus, village, park or Shan Ye, develop observation dug activity, the growth that understands leaf characteristic and grow the circumstance such as the environment, the literature that concerns with leaf and scientific knowledge are gained in this process, arouse the interest that observes leaf, produce dug floral desire, have deep love for the affection of nature.

9, walk into nature to read the result?

Walk into nature

Chasing after birdie, walk into close forest,

Chasing after brook, walk into remote mountains,

Chasing after butterfly, seeking wild flower,

We walk into nature.

Let little weight knock wake each hill stone,

Let paintbrush visit each leaf,

Raise white insect net high,

The net lives of each season multicolored.

Turn oneself into large tree,

Go experiencing the clement; of the earth

Turn oneself into Bai Yun,

Go feeling the distance of blue sky.

oneself only be in harmony enters nature,

Ability knows the life how bright.

Walk into nature,

Have deep love for nature,

Wait for you to return from nature,

You can tell young associate stealthily:

What is pure,

What is good,

What is wisdom,

What is affection...


1. Word of line giving a picture chooses correct pronunciation.


A.n á N

B.l á N

Right answer: B

2. Word of line giving a picture chooses correct pronunciation.


A.sh ú N

B.ch ú N

Right answer: B

3. According to article content, choose correct version. (Much selection of subject)

A. Nature is OK church children what is chasteness, happiness, wisdom and affection.

B. Children were full of to all friends in nature yearning with pursuit.

C. From inside the first bar we can numerate the lively, cheerful, dear, keen state of mind that children walk into nature.

D. In children in the eye, hill stone, petaline, fall has life.

Right answer: A B C D

4. The term is tie-in.


Right answer: ? Sigh vertebra? -----Hada


Right answer: ? Choke archives? -----Colour

Of distance. ------

Right answer: ? Move round a bit? -----Sky


Right answer: ? Che Song? -----Shoulder


Right answer: ? See Bao? -----Scenery


Right answer: ? Is condyle loved? -----Classroom


Right answer: ? Salty department? -----Jiang Shui


Right answer: ? Does Min closely question? ------Night

5. Copy writes a sentence.

Turn oneself into large tree, go experiencing the dark; of the earth

Turn oneself into Bai Yun, go experiencing the distance; of blue sky

Become oneself, go.

Right answer: Birdie experiences volitant freedom

10, the line that walks into nature?

Nature gives us endless inspiration, it is a few line that walk into nature below:

1.Answer doubt does not have hill heavy water road, promising another village. -- Liu You " swim Shanxi village "

2.Day upland fars away become aware the universe, heaven and earth holds the post of me to swim by gas. -- Li Bai " will drink wine "

3.Far coloured seeing hill, listen to water nearly breathed. -- Guo Mei if " hill goes "

4.Sunshine censer gives birth to violet smoke, before Yao sees chute hang plain. Fly flow to issue 3000 rule continuously, doubt is the Milky Way falls empyreal. -- Li Shang concealed " nocturnal berth Niu Zhuhuai is ancient "

5.Empty hill does not see a person, but famous man signal is loud. Return scene into deep forest, a note in reply is lichenous go up. -- Wang Wei " Shan Juqiu sets "

上一篇:时尚购物文案? 青岛哪里购物时尚便宜?英文双语对照
