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高等教育自学考试毕业证查询和学历认证,有两种情况: ① 2001年12月(含)后毕业的毕业生可通过 "中国高等教育学生信息网 (学信网) " 在线查询认证。 ② 2001年6月(含)前毕业的毕业生由需要对考生的自考毕业证书进行认证的用人单位或招生院校向中国高等教育学生信息网或发放毕业证书的省自考办出具《学历认证委托函》以及考生的毕业证书、身份证原件及其复印件,办理相关查询认证手续。


University of Yunnan finance and economics takes an examination of graduation to apply for flow oneself one: The graduation application time that teachs oneself an exam is first half of the year in June 15~20 day, second half of the year is in December 15~20 day. Apply for the examinee that graduates first half of the year, order of amalgamative standard textual criticism must be handled before May 1, turn one's deceased father, avoid one's deceased father, the examinee that the data that check record corrects formalities; applies for second half of the year to graduate, order of amalgamative standard textual criticism must be handled before November 1, turn one's deceased father, avoid one's deceased father, the data that check record corrects formalities. The person that exceed the time limit is dealt with, cannot apply for this second graduation.

University of Yunnan finance and economics takes an examination of graduation to apply for flow oneself 2: The examinee that graduation of conduction undergraduate course applies for, ask the appraisal of record of formal schooling of the record of formal schooling before be being dealt with ahead of schedule, so that be in when application graduation in the meantime,refer. Apply for the graduate of this year's specialized subject that undergraduate course graduates first half of the year, but defer comes premise made identification of record of formal schooling on August 5. Press a regulation but defer refers appraisal of record of formal schooling, prove by appraisal of duplicate of examinee proper motion, make clear the information such as major of city of apanage of date of standard textual criticism, place, graduation on Xerox,

University of Yunnan finance and economics takes an examination of graduation to apply for flow oneself 3: Application deals with administration to learn (independent undergraduate course paragraph) the examinee of professional finish school,

University of Yunnan finance and economics takes an examination of graduation to apply for flow oneself 4: need to ask to provide qualificatory letter by major.

University of Yunnan finance and economics takes an examination of graduation to apply for flow oneself 5: The graduate archives checking record of examinee is examinee assess title, salary is adjusted, the important basis with fluctuant job. After examinee gets the graduate record that check record, answer to pay government of branch of place unit human affairs in time, examinee of working unit unfixed can reach the graduate record that check record talent communication center to govern on somebody's behalf.

University of Yunnan finance and economics takes an examination of graduation to apply for flow oneself 6: Concern a provision according to Ministry of Education, card of self-study exam graduation loses or mar fill no longer do. If examinee needs, can apply for to open " graduation certificate " (this proof is opened only, ask examinee appropriate custodial) . Application deals with " graduation certificate " flow and requirement are: ① examinee beard publishs graduation card in provincial daily or provincial education the press examinee of ② of; of lost property notice is held carry graduation card this the newspaper of lost property notice, person Id, graduate examines and approve registration form photocopy and individual application to reach the raw land that send card, city, city, take an examination of oneself by place do graduation is opened to prove; ③ him examinee holds ground city to be taken an examination of oneself after checking do opened proof to reach afore-mentioned material expect municipalities to be taken an examination of oneself do deal with " graduation certificate " .

Higher education teachs oneself inquiry of exam graduation card and attestation of record of formal schooling, have two kinds of cases: ① in December 2001 (contain) hind the graduate of graduation can pass website of student of " China higher education (net learning a letter)"Online inquiry attestation. ② in June 2001 (contain) before the unit of choose and employ persons that the graduate of graduation studies diploma to undertake attestation oneself by what need pair of examinee or recruit students school to Chinese higher education student website or extend the province of diploma is taken an examination of oneself do issue " attestation of record of formal schooling entrusts letter " and original of the diploma of examinee, Id and, deal with formalities of relevant inquiry attestation.
