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什么是特色?每个人都有不同的看法,有些人认为产品 " 新 "" 奇 "" 异 " 才叫特色,但你问他,什么叫 " 新 "" 奇 "" 异 " 他又讲不清。其实,我认为,简单点就是你的主打产品(或模式)周边没有或少有竞争对手,就算有竞争对手,但你的产品口味和品质远胜过对方(但这一点不好把握,很多失败的创业者就是倒在这条自以为是的自信上),这就是你的特色。比如:某一区域没有经营川菜 ( 或火锅 ) 的,我们去开一家正宗的川菜馆 ( 火锅 ) (这就必须要正宗,物料、厨师尽可能从四川、重庆那边来),那这样,你的餐馆就叫有特色了,成功的可能性就非常高了。假如这一区域有多家经营川菜(或火锅)的,新创业者尽量不要再经营同类的项目(还是上面那句话,不要盲目的自以为是的认为自己的产品和服务能打败其他竞争对手。这种情况,当然有成功的范例,但更多的可能是失败)。



餐饮与其他产品一样,不断的会推陈出新,在某一时段会突然流行某一产品和模式,比如 : 前几年南方忽然流行 " 迷宗蟹 ",如是各种品牌的迷宗蟹加盟店纷纷冒出来,一个小城市短短几个月出现了 10 几家经营迷宗蟹的餐厅。但是最后能撑下来的只有 1、2 家,现在可能有些城市已经全部关完了,这种例子很多,如:柴火鸡、土家烧饼、潮汕牛肉火锅等。我们在投资的时候,遇到突然流行的东西,一定要沉着气,那有些人会说,等你沉着气,别人跑到你前面去先干了,别人赚钱了,是的,前面说了,有些人赚钱,完全是运气,当然我的意思并不是这种东西我们不能做,我们一定要知道,太流行的东西在中国,模仿者会非常的多,竞争会非常激烈,最后留下的往往是有足够资金实力(能长时间承担亏本)的投资者(店面位置最好的也有可能)。如果我们没有足够的资金(或最好的店面位置)我真的不建议大家进行非常流行的产品和模式的投资。


做餐饮要获得顾客的认可,最重要的是产品要过硬,口味和质量要稳定。餐饮产品很大程度依赖厨师的个人水平和发挥,好的厨师一是工资高,二是不好管理,万一那天什么原因,厨师不干了,你就得两眼一抹黑。资金实力不强的投资者 ( 自己是厨师的除外 ) 尽量找一些产品制作可以量化、可以标准化的产品来创业(资金实力雄厚就无所谓了,因为钱总能解决大多数问题),因为这些产品可以通过短期培训和学习就可以掌握,这样一是可以保证产品质量的稳定、二是方便人员的管理、三是降低人员的工资。





Do poineering work join in what should notice?

In last few years, the person that joins meal poineering main force is increasing, have large investment, have small try water, adept person, dilettante person is in time this time of water. But everybody always sees others is in however make money, oneself however month in and month out sustains losses in business, fast prop up no less than going to. Is this how to return a responsibility after all? Actually, choosing meal project is the first pace that meal does poineering work, crucial, the project was not chosen right, it is to waste hard again. How to choose meal project after all? Yuan writes down the flesh to place steamed bun to take everybody to look together today!

One, characteristic wants bright, but should accord with masses taste

What is characteristic? Everybody has different view, some people think " of different of strange "" of product " new "" just makes distinguishing feature, but you ask him, what calls " " of different of new "" strange "" he is told again not clear. Actually, I think, simple point is you advocate make a product (or mode) periphery is done not have or rare competitor, even if have a competitor, but your product taste and character Yuan Sheng pass each other (but this are bad to hold, the person do poineering work of a lot of failure is namely on this self-righteous self-confidence) , this is your characteristic. For instance: Some area did not run plain course (or chaffy dish) , we go to an authentic plain food shop (chaffy dish) (this must want authentic, stock, chef as far as possible from Sichuan, Chongqing there come) , that such, your cafeteria makes have distinguishing feature, successful possibility is very tall. If this one area has much home to run plain course (or chaffy dish) , the new person that do poineering work does not manage congener project again as far as possible (or above that word, do not want blind to think his product and service can beat other competitor self-righteously. This kind of circumstance, have successful model of course, but more likelihoods are failure) .

Also the person that we do poineering work must notice still have a side, some things are to have distinguishing feature it seems that, but this thing is not in a popular style, change daily, it is small only numerous or now and then consumptive product, then we are not cast as far as possible, because good, the dining-room that make money is to should rely on what the customer will prop up to turn round certainly, and turn round the guest leans is many average customer base will precipitate, small numerous and now and then the likelihood of consumptive product cannot precipitate to turn round too much guest.

2, trend of follow closely popularity, but want vision long-term, follow not blindly

Meal and other product are same, ceaseless meeting get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh, in some period of time product of can abrupt popular some is mixed mode, for instance: Suddenly before a few years popular " confuses south a crab " , so of all sorts of brands confuse a crab to join in inn appears in succession come, a few a small town is short the month appeared a few 10 run the restaurant that confuses a crab. But can maintain finally have 1 only, 2, possibly now some of city has closed entirely, this kind of example is very much, be like: Chaffy dish of beef of sesame seed cake of home of firewood chicken, earth, wet Shan. When we are investing, encounter the thing of sudden popularity, must imperturbable air, then some people can say, wait for you imperturbable air, people runs go working first before you, others made money, yes, said in front, some people make money, it is luck completely, of course my meaning is not we cannot do this kind of thing, we must know, too popular thing is in China, copyist will be exceedingly much, competition will be very intense, what stay finally often is to have sufficient financing actual strength (can assume lose money in business for long) investor (storefront the position is best possible also) . If we do not have sufficient financing (or best storefront the position) the investment that I do not suggest everybody has very popular product and pattern really.

3, the product can be standardized, depend on chef not overly

Do meal to want those who win a customer to approbate, the most important is the product wants excellent, taste and quality want to stabilize. Very old rate depends on meal product the individual level of chef and play, good chef is salary tall, 2 it is bad to manage, in case that day what reason, chef did not work, you have to two one bring shame on. The investor with capital not strong actual strength (the except that oneself are chef) it is OK to look for a few products to make as far as possible quantify, the product that can standardize will do poineering work (capital actual strength is abundant was indifferent to, always can solve most problem because of money) , because these products can be passed short-term groom and learn OK control, it is OK so the stability that assures product quality, 2 management that are convenient personnel, 3 it is the salary that reduces staff.

4, rational choice

A lot of person that do poineering work are in just entering meal industry is to be able to compare much choice to join in, this is a better kind of poineering means, but joining in is a Shuang Renjian, what the project chooses is good can make money, those who choose is bad not only the business sustains losses in business to still get many brushstroke to join in cost. So the choice joins in product and brand are gotten serious again serious, careful again careful. The choice joins in the straight battalion shop that must want headquarters goes making an on-the-spot investigation on the spot.

Additional, join in also can divide kind of case, one kind is whole pattern of brand and product joins in, one kind is product technology join in (some companies join in without alone technology, but also can negotiate) . Former cost is higher, latter charge is inferior. Do poineering work to a few people that had pursued meal trade, if join in the brand is not the brand with witting higher rate (this kind of brand is taken without value, fostering a brand for them instead) , can consider product technique join in, such meetings greatly reduce poineering cost.

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