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江西财经大学是一所国家财政部与江西省人民政府共建,以经济、管理类学科为主,法、工、文、理等学科协调发展的多科性教学研究型大学。2008年2月6日,温 家宝总理与江西财大师生共度除夕,发表了重要讲话,并称赞说:“你们学校是所很好的学校”,激励着学校 温总理寄语江财:你们学校是一所很好的学校永葆奋斗精神,办好人民满意的教育。2008年暑假,中央委员、江西省委书记苏荣在江财来信中批示:江西财经大学是江西高校的一张名片,社会广泛欢迎,是最好的重点大学。












2002年和2007年,学校顺利通过教育部本科教学工作水平评估,两次均获“优秀”等次。2001年和2009年两次获得国家优秀教学成果奖。拥有6门国家精品课程、2门国家级双语示范教学课程、2个国家级教学团队、1个国家级实验教学示范中心、2个国家级人才培养试验区 ;为全国大学生创新性试验计划项目学校、大学生英语教学改革示范点项目学校和教育部大学生文化素质教育基地。具有推荐本科生免试攻读硕士研究生资格,可以推荐硕博连读。普通本科实行弹性学分制(3-6年毕业),可以修读第二学位或第二专业。设立奖学金8项,奖学金最高金额5000元/年。














学校连续17年被评为“暑期三下乡大学生社会实践全国先进单位”,先后获“全国精神文明建设先进单位”、“全国教育系统先进单位”、“全国民族团结进步模范集体”、 “全国高校艺术教育先进单位”、“全国大学生军训先进集体”、“全国五四红旗团委”、“全国模范职工之家”、“江西省文明单位”、“江西省高校党建工作先进单位”、“江西省高校校风建设文明单位”、“江西省平安单位”、“江西省大学生思政工作先进高校”等荣誉称号。


University of Jiangxi finance and economics is government of treasury department of a state and Jiangxi province people is built in all, with economy, management kind course is given priority to, the research of education of much division sex that the course such as law, labour, article, manage coordinates development university. On Feburary 6, 2008, premier Wen Jiabao and Jiangxi money big teachers and students spend the New Year's Eve in all, published serious talk, praise say: "Your school is a very good school " , does incentive school lukewarm premier send word river money: ? J of  of eggplant n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor and admire of badger of  of Piao of heir of bud of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of  of scar of  of fat of Du of another name for Taishan Mountain of base of S of difficult  of Mei of feng4huang2  Xiong escapes  ?008 year summer vacation, su Rong of secretary of provincial Party committee of central committee member, Jiangxi makes instructions in river money incoming letter: University of Jiangxi finance and economics is a piece of calling card of Jiangxi college, the society welcomes extensively, it is best key university.

Managerial history

The predecessor of university of Jiangxi finance and economics is 1923 autumn the Jiangxi that establish provincial business school, established institute of Jiangxi finance and economics 1958, 1978 answer school, 1996 more the name is university of Jiangxi finance and economics.

Managerial characteristic

Since running a school, school concise " letter quick Lian Yi " school example and " the Le Qun that respect property, attain Yu Zhishan " university spirit, formed " foster hard have ' letter quick Lian Yi ' of quality do poineering work model talent " managerial characteristic. The school holds to market of Jiangxi of ego of base oneself upon, base oneself upon, base oneself upon, hold to quality to establish school, characteristic to start school of school, talent strong officer, law rule of virtue, formed breed on laterite ground do poineering work model managerial mechanism of the talent, walked out of in owe develop the way that the area does people satisfaction college, hard forward " the talent is bred it is important to have bright characteristic, professional course has achievement of competitive advantage, scientific research influence " the whole nation is top-ranking the development target stride of research of education of much division sex university.

Managerial condition

The school is located heroic city Nanchang, water of green jade of river of another name for Jiangxi Province is faced east, mei Ling is received to mist and clouds in the twilight on the west, north absorbs the clever gas of samite cottage hill, the spirit of ridge of well of Na Naxiong Wei. Garden of bridge having a mythical creature capable of invoking storms and flood, wheat cottage garden, maple garden of Lin Yuan, green hill 4 campuses, cover an area of a face to accumulate more than mus 2260, floor area 900 thousand square metre, holding is of all kinds books 3.1 million. Campus a faint fragrance is elegant static, strewn at random have send, layer jackknife is emerald green, lake light billows, it is countrywide afforest one of 300 beautiful units. Of all kinds classroom more than 500, of all kinds lab 52, education computer 10272, common classroom, multimedia classroom and speech lab seating 33888; Base of solid example of exercitation of school inside and outside 156, save undergraduate society to carry out demonstrative base among them 5; Campus net is enclothed completely, high capacity, efficient, came true " one cartoon " ; Gross area of place of of all kinds motion 230 thousand much square metre.

Orgnaization setting

The school sets industrial and commercial managing institute of institute of trade of classics of courtyard of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of tax of institute, wealth and fair condominium, accounting courtyard, international, economy institute, finance and statistic, information management, MBA institute, international institute, professional technology institute, continue to teach 4 management such as the institute college, and an independent institute is contemporary economic government institute. Set " contemporary finance and economics " institute of academy of progress of magazine company, Jiangxi economy, industrial economy academy, higher education (center of guidance of poineering education research) , development of accountant development research center, finance and risk are on guard group of research center, industry and company grow a research center.

Course major

Have 4 postdoctoral flow such as science of applied economics, academic economics, government and project, industrial and commercial management to stand; Administrative science and project doctor's degree accredit orders an one step, business affairs of economics of industrial economics, plutonomy, cameralistics, west, accounting, information management and information system, electron and electronic government affairs, economy management is decision-making wait for 9 2 class with theory of analysis, government and business management dot of doctor's degree accredit, master degree program of course of 6 one degree, master degree program of course of 55 2 degree (include MBA, MPA, JM, MPAcc, MSW to wait for accredit of 5 professional master's degree to nod) , 47 undergraduate course are professional; Obtained batch of Jiangxi to save power of first EMBA education 2009; Have emphasis of a nation to breed trait of level of 4 course, states 16 professional, Jiangxi save key course.

Education works

Mixed 2002 2007, the school passes level of job of teaching of undergraduate course of Ministry of Education smoothly to evaluate, all obtain twice " outstanding " grade. Mixed 2001 won a state twice 2009 award of outstanding education achievement. Have class of 2 course of 6 countries high-quality goods, countries handsome appearance of level of 2 demonstrative center of education of experiment of level of a group of education of level of 2 courses of bilingual demonstrative education, states, state, states develops experiment area; For countrywide undergraduate innovation sex experiment plans education of English of project school, undergraduate to reform quality of school of demonstrative dot project and culture of undergraduate of Ministry of Education to teach base. Have recommend an undergraduate students to avoid try assiduously study qualification of Master graduate student, can recommend large rich to be read repeatedly. Ordinary undergraduate course executes stretch credit to make (3-6 year graduation) , can repair read the 2nd degree or the 2nd major. Establish fellowship 8, fellowship is highest amount 5000 yuan / year.

Scientific research works

2009 project approving of project of foundation of national company division 12, college of house whole nation the 28th, first what reside Jiangxi the 12nd times since 1997, before all ranking school of countrywide finance and economics nearly 4 years 3; 2009 project project approving 13, school of finance and economics of house whole nation the 2nd; Project approving taught humanitarian company division to study a project commonly 2009 21, house Jiangxi visits college first place, countrywide finance and economics kind college the 4th. Those who sponsor (monthly magazine) selected " 30 beautiful companies of countrywide sign up for scientificly " and " news publishs arrange 100 strong outstanding periodical " , (bimonthly) selected " science of countrywide preeminent company signs up for " .


Existing teach a worker 2200 people, 1332 people of full-time teacher, have a professor among them 370 people of 207 people, associate professor; 362 people of doctoral, reading a doctor 213 people; 91 people teach outside; 356 people of 53 people of doctoral student adviser, Master unripe adviser; 2 people are obtained batch " award of division of name of national level education " , 23 people are enjoyed, project of foundation of division of company of 3 factitious whole nations evaluates an expert, 2 people are countrywide model teacher, 10 people are judged to be countrywide outstanding teacher, committee member of committee of guidance of education of college of 3 factitious whole nations, 3 people are selected Ministry of Education " " ; 71 people save leader of course of the youth in the college for Jiangxi, 43 people are teacher of backbone of the youth in Jiangxi province, 17 people are saved for Jiangxi " division of college education name " , 17 people are saved for Jiangxi 1 billion the first, talent of 2 administrative levels.

Enrol unripe obtain employment

Carry old development, formed with the graduate student education is forerunner, yo of this science and education gives priority to body, high post education, continue education of education, student studying abroad is additional education pattern. The school faces recruit students of 30 province, municipalities directly under the Central Government of countrywide, municipality, ordinary undergraduate course has 23 province to be admitted in key batch. Existing and of all kinds in book student 39 thousand person, full-time student 30 thousand more than person. The undergraduate students has 24 thousand person; 4089 people of graduate student, among them 188 people of doctoral student. Obtain employment job carries good state, nearly 3 years obtain employment leads graduate of ordinary undergraduate course year all 85% above, the graduate student is 98 % , high post is unripe for 90% . Obtain Jiangxi to save early or late " job of obtain employment of average college graduate is advanced and collective " , " job of obtain employment of average college graduate assesses outstanding order and degree " wait for honor.

International education

The school holds to enlightened education, open education, with university of Austrian Vienna economy, , England Lankasite is technical institute of new York of university, United States, Finnish abstruse Lu university, Korea on the west the cooperation that 75 renown school of 17 countries such as river university and area built stability and communication concern. The diplomacy of condition of student of each administrative levels such as existing graduate student, undergraduate course, high post sheds a project, among them the international that avoids the tuition outside the condition completely exchanges unripe project 11, study abroad at one's own expenses project 70 many. In school student studying abroad (a year of above) 13 people. The school established international institute 2002, class of experiment of education of start undergraduate course, set business affairs of finance of international accountant, international, international 3 professional direction, existing student 2200 much people, education means and resource and international conform, at present already preliminary formed " match well of teaching benefits teachers as well as students, Chinese and Western, outside bring inside couplet, exalted engraft " managerial characteristic.

Dang Jiansai politics the job

The school holds to with Deng Xiaoping academic, " 3 delegates " serious thought and scientific progress view are guidance, according to " defend way, coagulate popular feeling, hurried develops " the party builds working train of thought, hold socialistic education way, strengthen civilization of spiritual civilization, politics and social civilization construction energetically. The school holds to for years " ensign rises every day, meddlesome month in and month out is judged, Gong Ge is sung year after year " . "Bright heart net " be judged to be Jiangxi to save a college to show plasticity website. Mixed 2003 twice province party built the job to evaluate 2007 all obtain judge " outstanding " grade.

Social fame

The emerge in large numbers in graduate Beijing of Wang Wen of president of the vice-chairman of countrywide business association, software that use friend, zheng Yuewen of president of group of luck of vice-chairman of business association of raw throughout the country, division, shanghai builds bridge group president large quantities of famous entrepreneur such as Zhouxingzeng, wei Chaoan of undersecretary of long Liu Jiayi of audit of national audit arrange, Ministry of Agriculture, Jiangxi saves large quantities of outstanding party card such as vice-governor Xie Ru to lead a cadre, wu Xiao of assistant of president of university of distinguished economist, people is begged, large quantities of famous expert scholars such as Qin Rongsheng of Party committee secretary. Nearly 3 years, CCTV, xinhua net, " People's Daily " , " bright daily " , " China teachs a newspaper " , " Jiangxi daily " , Jiangxi is defended inspect etc numerous the had nearly 1000 times to the school with local media story central. The school was judged to be 2009 " Jiangxi school of satisfaction of 10 old people " .

School honor

The school is judged 17 years to be continuously " society of undergraduate of 3 go to the countryside practices summer vacation time countrywide advanced unit " , obtain early or late " countrywide cultural and ideological progress is advanced unit " , " the whole nation teachs Yo system advanced unit " , " collective of model of progress of countrywide nation solidarity " , " countrywide college art teachs advanced unit " , " countrywide undergraduate military training is advanced and collective " , " .

