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万马轮胎质量? 帕万马桶质量?英文双语对照


万马轮胎质量? 帕万马桶质量?英文双语对照




















万马联合控股集团有限公司是中国知名的民营企业集团,创立于1989年。29年来,已成长为拥有员工6000人、业务覆盖电气电缆、高分子材料、通信电子、医疗器械制造等多个投资领域的多元化集团公司。总部位于杭州市天目山路天际大厦,主要工业制造基地位于杭州青山湖科技城。万马集团是中国民营企业500强、 中国制造业500强 ,先后获得“全国五一劳动奖状”“中国著名品牌”、“浙江省知名商号” 等多项荣誉。


wàn mǎ chí chěng

















One, quality of tire of 10 thousand horses?

Tire of 10 thousand horses should be pretty good still, gallop the 10 thousand horses that use before B70, a lot of cars had run now 449 kilometers. A bit hard, but still calculate compare wear-resisting, hear fetal wall is weaker, if blow loiter flank,allow easy bad.

Balata of Hua Na of out of tire of 10 thousand horses, it is dinkum democratic brand, its product component is SUV of series of series of passenger car tyre, snow ground tire, city and cross-country series, business to use series of case load tire, have product of figure of 1200 many standards. The function of different tire decorative pattern and utility side focal point are different.

2, Pamoma bucket quality?

This closestool quality is good, I feel to had been held out, the closestool of ourselves home and my Mom home is to use handkerchief of 10 thousand, noise is little, very province water, also do not have peculiar smell, and those who rush is very clean, crucial price is substantial also, have sales promotion all the time, recommend strongly, use to now all the time.

Advanced complete conduit uses glair technology, wall is smooth level off, enhance blowdown ability, do not hang dirty not to hide corrupt.

Use water of force of rich of high quality auspicious, feel is lightsome, have prevent siphon to flow backwards design, make sure water quality is wholesome.

3, is conspicuous of 80 thousand horses much faster?

One horse conspicuous calculates roughly is one times velocity of sound almost 340 meters of every seconds, conspicuous of 80 thousand horses is equivalent to 80 thousand times velocity of sound, this speed mankind is inconceivable, sure our fastest vehicle aircraft can achieve velocity of sound roughly also.

4, does group of 10 thousand horses introduce?

10 thousand horses control a group limited company jointly is with electric cable, estate development, medicine makes those who give priority to business Wu one civilian battalion joint stock company, department China manufacturing industry 500 strong companies. The company held water 1989, cover an area of a face to accumulate 60 much square metre, hangzhou of group headquarters locate. President Comrade Zhang Desheng is province of home of outstanding town enterprise of delegate of Zhejiang province National People's Congress, whole nation, Zhejiang city of outstanding communist, Hangzhou model worker, was judged to be Zhejiang to omit public figure of economy of blame state ownership 2005 " builder of career of socialism of outstanding China characteristic " , obtained 2006 " award of responsibility of society of business of short for Zhejiang Province " .

10 thousand horses control a group limited company jointly is group of China's famous civilian battalion industry, found 1989. 20 one's remaining years come, the enterprise obtained greater progress, already grew to have stuff 5200 people, business enclothes electric cable, electron, medicine to make, the diversity group company of the many investment field such as development of estate development, commerce of intelligent photoelectricity illume, nonferrous metal, agriculture. 2012, the company realizes business income 12.5 billion yuan, relatively go up year of growth 23% . Subordinate cable of 10 thousand horses (stock code: 002276) appear on the market for home company.

5, what are 10 thousand Marseilles?

10 thousand Marseilles are " sea thief king " medium part

This uses the whole scenario that overflow promote development by 10 thousand Marseilles, flying like leading role road also is same, his purpose is to arrive at this place to become sea thief king, as to get doing not have getting this treasure to Lu Fei the sense is not great, but the islands that if want,becomes sea thief king to must ascend Pliocene bound end.

6, what is 10 thousand horses?

10 thousand horses, currently hold the post ofhall of judicatory of the Xizang Autonomous Region vice secretary of Party committee of management board of jail of deputy floorwalker, municipality, politics appoint.

7, share of 10 thousand horses how?

Company very rely on very chart, normal major, development foreground is very good.

10 thousand horses control a group limited company jointly is group of China's famous civilian battalion industry, found 1989. Come 29 years, already grew to have stuff 6000 people, business enclothes electron of material of electric cable, high polymer, communication, medical apparatus and instruments to create the diversity group company that waits for many investment field. Headquarters is located in edifice of horizon of road of hill of eye of Hangzhou city weather, main industry makes base be located in city of science and technology of lake of Hangzhou green hill. Group of 10 thousand horses is enterprise of Chinese civilian battalion manufacturing industry of 500 strong, China 500 strong, obtain early or late " 51 labor certificate of merit of countrywide " " Chinese well-known trademark " , " Zhejiang saves famous firm " wait for multinomial honor.

8, 10 thousand Ma Chi gallopping pronunciation?

Ng of ě of Ch of í of Ch of ǎ of W à N M

"10 thousand (simplified) " also only then see article of Yu Jia bone, original meaning is unidentified, still be in as quantifier to period of age the Warring States use, go up in this meaning with " 10 thousand " synonymous. Above justice reads W à N.

10 thousand read M ò again, surname with Yu Fu " 10 thousand wait " . 10 thousand configuration of the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character is not had when reading M ò .

"Gallop " basic meaning is the word car horse run, tantivy. Meaning of extend the meaning is yearning, transmission, spread, drive out car horse angle.

In contemporary Chinese language, "Gallop " the word is commonly used the term gallops, commonly used idiom is gallop think of daydream.

9, 50 thousand horsepower what concept?

5 discontinue force is equivalent to the work that 50 thousand horses do

Imperial horsepower, what a few countries such as England, United States use is imperial horsepower. 1 imperial horsepower is equal to pound of 550 feet of · / second, be equal to 745.7 watt. In 18 centuries later period, british physicist watt (1736, 1819) to determine new the power that produces the steamer that come out, the result that he is the definition regulation of horsepower inside 1 minute to lift the clog of 1000 pounds 33 feet, this is imperial horsepower, express with alphabetical HP.

Horsepower is power unit, so called interest is the unit of force. Power and force are different physical dimension. But can visit an intuitionistic appearance: The power of masses way fighting spirit is 400 horsepower left and right sides, in first gear when can procrastinate move resemble Boeing medium-sizedly 747 in that way planes. Tank is general also with respect to 1000 horsepower, the top speed discomfort that run can climb very big slope however. The word of project car probably namely the power of this level, but the force when low speed is blocked is very big.

10, do 10 thousand horses fly swiftly upward phrasal?

1000 army 10 thousand horses [ǎ of Nm of à of Nw of ū of Qi ā Nj]

Basic paraphrase

Describe the impetus of magnificent team or huge.



" old Qingzhi of bridge book · passes " : "It is Luoyang children's folk says first: ' renown division high-ranking officer not from prison; 1000 arms 10 thousand horses avoid white gown. ' "

下一篇:佳能SX200怎么样? 佳能sx200还值得入手吗?英文双语对照
