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拍摄功能可以看出,佳能IXUS 132依旧是在走最传统的卡片小相机路线,具备先进的BSI-CMOS传感器和先进的图像处理引擎。


佳能IXUS 132是一款便携式数码相机,采用了1600万像素的 CCD 传感器和光学 8 倍变焦镜头,可以拍摄出清晰明亮的照片和高清晰度的视频。

该相机还内置了多种拍摄模式和特效,方便用户进行创意拍摄和后期处理。此外,佳能IXUS 132还具有轻巧便携、易于携带的特点,适合于旅游、日常拍摄等各种场景。综合来看,佳能IXUS 132是一款性能稳定、操作简单、适合入门用户的数码相机。


1、数码相机上有一个比快 门 键小一些的键,就是电源键,长时间按下,一般一两秒,数码相机开机,镜头伸出,可以拍照了。











- ISO感光度:选择相机的感光度,以控制图像的亮度和噪点。

- 白平衡:调整相机的白平衡,以匹配光线的颜色温度。

- 曝光补偿:调整相机的曝光,以获得更亮或更暗的图像。

- 对焦模式:选择相机的对焦模式,以确保图像清晰。

- 闪光灯模式:选择相机的闪光灯模式,以在低光条件下拍摄更好的照片。












1. 打开相机并按下“播放”按钮,这将使相机进入“回放”模式。

2. 使用相机背面的方向键或旋转控制环浏览照片。

3. 若要查看照片的详细信息,可以按下“菜单”按钮并选择“详细信息”。

4. 您还可以使用“缩放”按钮来放大或缩小照片。

5. 如果您想删除照片,请选择要删除的照片,然后按下“删除”按钮。




佳能ixus 132作为700元左右的卡片相机,性价比还是不错的;有几种外观可选择色彩。它拥有一枚1/2.3英寸1600万有效像素的CCD传感器,28mm的广角变焦镜头且具有8倍光学变焦能力,拍风景及远景还是蛮实用的。DIGIC 4影像处理器,支持720p高清视频拍摄,对焦迅速。整体性能不错,值得入手。


佳能IXUS 132和230是两款功能和性能相似的相机,但它们有一些不同的特点和功能。以下是它们的一些主要差异和特点,以帮助您做出选择:镜头:佳能IXUS 132的镜头比230的镜头更长,这意味着它可能有更广泛的视角。如果拍摄风景或大场景很重要,那么选择132可能更适合您。传感器:佳能IXUS 230使用更先进的传感器,可以产生更高质量的图像。如果图像质量很重要,那么230可能是更好的选择。附加功能:佳能IXUS 230具有一些高级功能,例如手动模式和RAW拍摄模式。如果这些功能对您的拍摄很重要,那么您应该选择230。外观和手感:这两款相机的外观和手感略有不同。132更小巧轻便,容易携带,而230则更重一些,手感也更好。根据您的喜好和使用方式,您可以选择更适合您的相机。总之,佳能IXUS 132和230各有千秋,选择哪一款相机取决于您的需求和偏好。如果您注重镜头质量和图像质量,那么230可能是更好的选择。如果您需要更广泛的视角或更小巧轻便的相机,那么132可能更适合您。










One, beautiful can IXUS132 how? Beautiful can is IXUS132 good?

Quality is very good

Beautiful can IXUS132 is the card camera that beautiful can roll out below the banner, sensor of 16 million CCD resembling element and camera lens of 8 times optical scorch were blended in inside lesser airframe, market of class of fixed position introduction, offerred a few those who go to the lavatory is automatic

Film the function can see, beautiful can IXUS 132 is the course of card little watch for a chance that going the most traditional as before, have advanced BSI-CMOS sensor and advanced image processing engine.

2, beautiful can Ixus132 how?

Beautiful can IXUS 132 is camera of a portable number, used the 16 million CCD sensor that resembles element and optics camera lens of 8 times scorch, can film the video that gives clear and bright picture and high definition.

This camera is returned inside buy a variety of filming mode and specially good effect, convenient user undertakes originality films handle with later period. In addition, beautiful can IXUS 132 still has the deft and portable, characteristic that carries easily, agree with travel, daily film wait for all sorts of setting. Will integratedly look, beautiful can IXUS 132 is stability of a function, operation the simple, number camera that suits introductory user.

3, beautiful can how is digital Ixus132 used?

1, there is an a few smaller than shutter key key on digital camera, it is power source key, press for long, general 9 seconds, digital camera switchs on the mobile phone, camera lens is extended, can take a picture.

2, look at type camera lens to going, if have board obscure camera lens, so this next pushing board perhaps push toward diagonal inclined lower part, lens brainpan is opened at the same time mains switch is opened, can take a picture.

3, turn over to digital sheet, one kind is there is key of a mains switch outside rotary table. Another kind is high number sheet be in instead right underside of screen of liquid crystal of camera the reverse side, have a switch that can rotate, it is mains switch.

4, still camera of a kind of number comes through rotary table switch power source, rotary table closes the mark point that OFF turns when machine, when switching on the mobile phone, turn automatic or kinescope or type of hand movable mould switched on the mobile phone. Anyhow sees camera end whether use a switch that can slide to obscure above all, if be, so prompt this switch. If do not have, so in camera around the left and right sides searchs ON/OFF model of written characters, some pushbutton ask to be pressed time is longlier, need attempt. Additionally still a kind of number that uses mains switch expresses, need searchs carefully.

4, beautiful can how does Ixus132 move parameter?

Hello, beautiful can Ixus132 is camera of number of an introduction level, its parameter setting is relatively simple. It is the measure that adjusts parameter below:

1. opens watch for an opportunity, by " menu " key enters menu interface.

Key of 2. use direction chooses " film mode " option, press next " Func. / Set " key.

3. chooses what you want to film mode, for example " intelligence is automatic mode " , " figure mode " , " scenery mode " wait.

4. is pressed " menu " key returns menu interface, choose " parameter set " option, press next " Func. / Set " key.

5. is in parameter set interface, you can have the following setting:

- ISO speed: Choose the speed of camera, in order to control the brightness of image and aspect of a confusion of voices.

- Bai Pingheng: Adjust the Bai Pingheng of camera, in order to match color temperature of the light.

- exposure compensation: Adjust the exposure of camera, in order to obtain brighter or dismaller picture.

- to anxious mode: Choose pair of anxious mode of camera, in order to ensure picture is clear.

- flashlight mode: Choose the flashlight mode of camera, with be in low smooth requirement leaves the picture with film better.

6. is pressed " menu " key returns menu interface, choice " save set " option, press next " Func. / Set " key.

7. is pressed " menu " key exits menu interface, begin to film.

Attention: Above measure may be mixed because of camera model firmware version and differ somewhat. The proposal consults the user manual of camera in order to get more expatiation.

5, beautiful can how is Ixus132 moved like element?

1, the setting bill of fare that opens watch for an opportunity by MENU key.

2, choice picture is qualitative, click enter.

3, the choice wants to adjust resemble element accordingly.

4, the choice that finish, exit menu.

Also can be additionally below mode of optical find a view, with navigation key chooses the first the 4th parameter, use next unplug dish undertake adjustment, adjust the method is as similar as afore-mentioned methods.

6, beautiful can how does Ixus132 check photo?

The answer is as follows: Should examine beautiful can Ixus132 magazine photograph, you can press operation of the following measure:

1.Open watch for an opportunity and press " broadcast " pushbutton, this will make camera is entered " time put " mode.

2.The direction of use camera the reverse side bolts or rotate operating ring browses a photograph.

3.If want to examine the detailed information of the photograph, can press " menu " pushbutton chooses " detailed information " .

4.You still can be used " shrink put " pushbutton will magnify or contractible photograph.

5.If you want to delete a photograph, choose to want the picture that delete please, press next " delete " pushbutton.

Ask an attention, if you are photograph memory in SD card, you can insert SD card corresponding software is used to examine a photograph in the computer.

7, beautiful can does Ixus132 pat figure to be clear about?


Beautiful can the card camera that Ixus 132 controls as 700 yuan, sexual price is compared still is pretty good; A few kinds of exteriors can choose color. It has a 1/2.3 inch the 16 million CCD sensor that resembles element effectively, the camera lens of extensive role scorch of 28mm and have capacity of 8 times optical scorch, taking scenery and distant view still is pretty is practical. DIGIC 4 video processor, supportive 720p high-definition video films, to Jiao Xun fast. Integral performance is good, be worth proceed with.

8, beautiful can Ixus132 and 230 which good?

Beautiful can IXUS 132 and the 230 camera that are two functions and function likeness, but the characteristic that they have a few to differ and function. It is their a few main difference and characteristic below, make a choice in order to help you: Camera lens: Beautiful can the shot of IXUS 132 is longer than the camera lens of 230, this means it to may have wider perspective. If film scenery or big setting are very main, so choice 132 the likelihood suits you more. Sensor: Beautiful can IXUS 230 uses more advanced sensor, can arise more the image of high quality. If picture quality is very important, so 230 the likelihood is better choice. Add function: Beautiful can IXUS 230 has a few advanced functions, for example type of hand movable mould and RAW film mode. If these functions film to yours very important, so you should choose 230. The exterior and feel: The exterior of these two camera and feel differ somewhat. 132 more cabinet and light, carry easily, and 230 a few heavier, feel is better also. The be fond of according to you and use means, you can choose to suit your camera more. Anyhow, beautiful can IXUS 132 and 230 each has his strong point, choose which camera to depend on your demand and preference. If you pay attention to camera lens quality and picture quality, so 230 the likelihood is better choice. If you need wider perspective or more cabinet and light watch for an opportunity, so 132 the likelihood suits you more.

9, beautiful can when how long can be Ixus132 batteries used?

Beautiful can camera charges want 2 hours, batteries of this brand camera is lithium report, charge time the first time with its he charges time should be same, it is good that green light of charger indicator light shined to explain batteries has been filled should stop to charge.

EOS-1V uses 45 bits of area to be opposite automatically anxious system, the different position of OK and corresponding main body make fast and accurate be opposite automatically anxious, because this cameraman won't be missed any film preciously always. Because be occupied at 45 o'clock to anxious system,go the picture exceeds 23% , although main body is not in the center of the picture, EOS-1V can diagnose the position of main body automatically and undertake rapid and accurate be opposite automatically anxious

10, beautiful can how does Ixus132 see photo?

Beautiful can digital camera searchs a photograph to be as follows:

One: Click right trigonometry key is examined in camera indication screen.

2: Facility of department of substandard of computer, TV, measuring projector is received to examine outside using Usb data line.

3: With read card implement outside receive facility of department of substandard of computer, TV, measuring projector to examine.

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