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真爱幼幼是来自新加坡的权威幼教品牌,于2006年进驻国内,率先开创了“全日制早教”模式, 一站解决中国0~4岁婴幼儿家庭日间托管和早期教育的双重需求,成功中国家长最为欢迎和期待的早教模式。



2006年,源自新加坡的真爱幼幼教育集团进驻中国,开创了 “全日制早教” 模式的先河,一站解决中国家庭0~4幼儿日间托管和早期教育的双重需求,成为中国家长最为欢迎和期待的早教模式。







真爱幼幼能为家长提供现今0-4岁婴幼儿教养过程中,最有价值的成长和最超值的养、护、育一体高性价比的家庭育儿选择。在这里,宝宝的早期教育、工作与育儿的冲突、保姆及隔代抚养的弊端、宝宝缺乏玩伴等 问题都能得到最佳的解决。




2、music baby








● 真爱幼幼只聘用具备国家认可的资质及经验丰富的教师,并经过严格的背景核查方可入职,这是我们对教育品质的保证和承诺。



亲子欢动、Music baby 、身体资源开发、魔幻绘本故事屋等共800节早教课程,











●通过提供一流的1~4岁幼儿精细化教养服务,解决家长急需的幼儿看护及早期教育问题; 通过举办多种形式的公益性质的文化、教育交流活动,促进社会各界对早期教育的认知及重视;

●通过组织鼓励幼儿参加各类慈善、环保等公益活动,培养幼儿对他人、对社会的责任感; 特别设立的“辣妈基金”,为更多弱势群体的妈妈提供创、就业帮扶,积极施行扶弱助困这一重要社会责任。



True love young

True love young young it is the brand of authoritative children education that comes from Singapore, garrisoned 2006 home, took the lead in initiating " full-time teachs early " mode, one station solves Chinese 0~4 year old infant family daytime is mandatory the dual requirement with inchoate education, successful China parent welcomes to teach mode early with what expect most.

Brand brief introduction

The inaugurator that full-time teachs early

2006, the true love that comes from Singapore group of Yo of young children education garrisons China, initiated " full-time teachs early " the beginning of mode, one station settles during the day of infant of Chinese family 0~4 mandatory the dual requirement with inchoate education, become Chinese parent to welcome to teach mode early with what expect most.

Come from the authoritative brand of Singapore

Regard Singapore authority as children education brand, true love young elite of young inheritance Singapore teachs culture, pay attention to cheeper to develop the relationship that develops with future now, devote oneself to to develop the outstanding character with cheeper hopeful and brave, self-confident independence, the concept of scientific and inchoate education of culture of will perfect shirt-sleeve Chinese and Western brings China father and mother.

Interlink brand image outstandingly

Develop up to now, depending on advanced education concept and outstanding service consciousness, true love young young already inducted numerous partner, more than 100 high end are opened to join in in countrywide each district center, every year on 10 thousand families and cheeper are enjoyed come from true love young young caress meticulously with happy teacher and student.

Product and service

True love young young teach the largest different part early with the tradition, use namely " round-the-clock schoolteaching mode " . Loving really young, darling people can experience sterling Singapore is inchoate everyday education, and high grade daytime is mandatory service.

True love young young can offer nowadays 0-4 for the parent year old in infant breeding process, the most valuable grow and most of overflow raise, protect, the domestic Yo that price of tall sex of Yo an organic whole compares choice. Here, the inchoate education of darling, job and Yo the problem such as playmate of shortage of conflict, baby-sitter and the corrupt practice that separate era to bring up, baby can get first-rate is solved.

Curricular setting

4 cardinal principle tie course

1, close child move happily

2, Music Baby

3, body resource development

4, demon unreal draw this story house

Every will love really young young darling, can obtain every months 40 not reduplicative teachs course early. The internationalization classroom that moves happily, hey happy multivariate game, dedicated perception operation, rich limbs experience helps darling joy grow each days.

Educational concept

● loves really young young hold to " regression is natural, comply with nature " natural education law, to 0-4 year old the ego that the infant has body, heart, spirit grows education.

The freedom of body and mind of infant of ● comply with develops, encourage children oneself start work, in " the life and practice " obtain " sense organ " with " experience " experience, accomplish the ego of healthy, happy, wisdom, humanitarian.

The core that ● teachs is a teacher. The teacher's underlying tone, manner, ability produce an effect to the child momently. We believe the teacher of quality of tall affection business, business, can edify the child that an a flock of bodies, heart, clever health grows.

● loves really young young the aptitude that hires appliance to have the country is approbated only and seasoned teacher, check through firm background just can enter office, this is us the assurance to teaching character and acceptance.

Educational content

Singapore system of Cheng of 4 a lecture given to a large number of students

Close child move happily, draw of unreal of development of resource of Music Baby, body, demon this story house in all 800 teach course early,

The intelligence to darling, start work, think, language, affection have comprehensive education, let every darling be in of life in before 3 years, the health that gets body and mind develops the wisdom foundation that originallies with difficult.

Company culture

Catchword: Make an appointment to love really! Life is bold and generous! Be thankful person of heaven and earth, my essence enrages raise god!

Concept: Amount to the world really, love Man Qiankun!

Mission: Inheritance loves really, perform duty!

Target: Service society, portray complete person!

Spirit: Harmonious, blessing is happy, accrete, in all flourish!

Style: Assiduous, honest and sincere, essence is entered, innovation!

Social responsibility

Love group of Yo of young children education to regard the globalization citizen that has sense of responsibility as a medium really, will scrupulously abide by the moral personal integrity of enterprise citizen and commonweal feelings all the time for years, through us chain teachs orgnaization, our preschool education, and labour of all teaching and administrative staff and student, carrying out us the positive contribution to social responsibility:

● is passed offer top-ranking 1~4 year old cheeper changes breeding to serve subtly, solve the cheeper nurse that the parent is badly in need of and inchoate education problem; The culture that passes the commonweal property that holds a variety of forms, education communicates an activity, stimulative society all circles is reached to the acknowledge of inchoate education take seriously;

● encourages cheeper to enter the commonweal activity such as of all kinds charity, environmental protection through the organization, education cheeper is right the other, sense of responsibility to the society; Special establish " hot Mom fund " , for more the mom of weak force group is offerred achieve, obtain employment side is helped up, apply actively help up aid infirmly strand responsibility of this one important society.

Woo the educational group with outstanding Asia-Pacific banner area as, the social responsibility that we emphasize will be being taught from beginning to end serves as our due obligation, try hard ceaselessly for it.

上一篇:时尚和快时尚的区别? 谁知道时尚这两个字的缩写字母?英文双语对照
下一篇:宠物甲虫寿命? 哪种宠物甲虫寿命最长?英文双语对照