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丝绸之路游戏原型? 丝绸之路游戏人物原型?英文双语对照


丝绸之路游戏原型? 丝绸之路游戏人物原型?英文双语对照





东汉:班超,甘英 唐代的玄奘 元代马可波罗 蒙古的成吉思汗西征 ...丝绸之路游戏以历史苦难时期被战乱、内乱导致亚洲和欧洲文化经济的交流中枢(即丝绸之路)逐渐消失的历史事件为背景,是一款结合了中国、波斯、罗马等古代文明的幻想类...

































张骞出使西域开创了丝绸之路 丝绸之路,简称丝路.是指西汉(公元前202年—公元8年)时,由张骞出使西域开辟的以长安(今西安)为起点,经甘肃、新疆,到中亚、西亚,并联结地中海各国的陆上通道(这条道路也被称为“西北丝绸之路”以区别日后另外两条冠以“丝绸之路”名称的交通路线).因为由这条路西运的货物中以丝绸制品的影响最大,故得此名(而且有很多丝绸都是中国运的).其基本走向定于两汉时期,包括南道、中道、北道三条路线.


陆上丝绸之路起源于汉武帝派张骞出使西域,形成其基本干道。它以西汉时期长安为起点,经河西走廊到敦煌。它的最初作用是运输中国古代出产的丝绸。因此,当德国地理学家Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen 最早在19世纪70年代将之命名为“丝绸之路”后,即被广泛接受。


One, is game of the Silk Road archetypal?

This game is brought about by chaos caused by war, civil strife with historical affliction period the communication centre of Asia and European culture economy (namely the Silk Road) the historical incident that disappears gradually is setting, it is one combined the ancient time such as China, Persia, Rome to imagine kind of MMORPG game civilizedly. This game is 7 centuries setting issues the Christian era, the airy RPG game that is setting with culture of various places history and mythological fokelore.

2, is character of game of the Silk Road archetypal?

Onshore: The Western Han Dynasty: Li Anli of general of period of emperor of Zhang Qian, Chinese fierce (of the Western Regions of go on a punitive expedition big as if country)

The Eastern Han Dynasty: The class exceeds, gan Yingtang's acting Xuan Zang yuan the Cheng Jisai sweat of Mongolia asks for acting Makeboluo on the west. . . Game of the Silk Road is brought about by chaos caused by war, civil strife with historical affliction period the communication centre of Asia and European culture economy (namely the Silk Road) the historical incident that disappears gradually is setting, it is one combined the illusion of the archaic civilization such as China, Persia, Rome kind. . .

3, does castle of game of the Silk Road play a way?

Game regulation is simpler, bilateral by turns dice, when to cast take a few steps, where to walk along to get corresponding kinds or types of goods in him van.

Robber: Grab commodity at will

Hun person: Capture Zhang Qian (historical real event) lose dice chance

Forestall: Get two same goods, criterion full-court puts in one person 's charge with commodity all (include freight car of the other side inside)

4, does desk of the Silk Road swim is game regular?

     Game regulation is simpler, bilateral by turns dice, when to cast take a few steps, where to walk along to get corresponding kinds or types of goods in him van.

Robber: Grab commodity at will

Hun person: Capture Zhang Qian (historical real event) lose dice chance

Forestall: Get two same goods, criterion full-court puts in one person 's charge with commodity all (include freight car of the other side inside)

5, why does the Silk Road call the Silk Road?

The Silk Road, abbreviation silk road. It is to point to the Western Han Dynasty (BC 202 years, the Christian era 9 years) when, of open up of the Western Regions of You Zhangqian be sent on a diplomatic mission with Chang'an (today Xi'an) for start, via Gansu Province, Xinjiang, arrive in inferior, on the west inferior, the onshore passageway of each country of shunt-wound knot mediterranean (this road also is called " northwest the Silk Road " in order to distinguish in the future additionally two coronals with " the Silk Road " the traffic course of the name) . Because by this road the with silk goods impact in the goods that carries on the west is the biggest, reason gets this (and having a lot of silk is our China carry) . Its are moved toward basically on two Chinese period, include south path, medium path, north path 3 courses.

The Silk Road is the line of commerce liaison man that Eurasia traverses on the history, promoted the friendly intercouse of Ou Yafei each country and China. China is the birthplace of silk, in the trade that in by this course has, the goods that China exports is provided most with silk representative. Below 19 centuries half period, germany is geographical domestic plum Xi Huofen calls line of this onshore traffic " the Silk Road " , historian of after this China and foreign countries holds with this to say, continue to use up to now.

One word comes from the Silk Road the earliest at Germany geographical home Feidina Feng Lixihuofen published 1877 " China " , sometimes also abbreviation is filar road. Although the Silk Road is the product that each country of along the line promotes classics trade to develop jointly, but a lot of people think, chinese Zhang Qian connects the Western Regions twice, open up what China and foreign countries communicates is epochal. Successful the thing the final bead shade between Fang Zhi is lifted. From now on, this course is served as " the country " walked, the way that each country emissary, businessman opens along Zhang Qian, contact in an endless stream. The nobility comes on, to beggar jail makes below, kept oneself track on this road. This thing access, central Plains, the Western Regions and Arabia, Persian Gulf close connection is together. Through the ceaseless effort of a few centuries, xiang Xishen of the Silk Road exhibited mediterranean. Of road of the silk on broad sense east paragraph had arrived at Korea, Japan, on the west paragraph to France, Holand. Pass sea route to still can amount to Italy, Egypt, make the way of the friendship that culture of economy of each country of Asia and Europe, Africa communicates.

6, ice does the Silk Road compare maritime the Silk Road fortunately?

Ice the Silk Road is to point to from our country the eastpart part coastal and northerly, course the Bering Strait, the Arctic Ocean to Europe arrives on the west western, reach the line of the eastpart part of the North American eastwards.

Those who pass the Arctic Ocean is ice the Silk Road basically has than advantage of maritime the Silk Road at 2 o'clock: 1. The distance is short, expended time, the sources of energy is less, save freight. 2. Ice the Silk Road need not pass the canal, need not have paid river fee.

7, the distinction of maritime the Silk Road and the Silk Road?

Maritime the Silk Road (the road of pottery and porcelain) the maritime passageway that is archaic China and foreign traffic commerce and culture association, this basically are a center with Nanhai, start basically is fontal city, Guangzhou, call Nanhai the Silk Road again so. Maritime the Silk Road forms Yuqin Chinese period, develop at period of day of the Sui Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms, period of the Song Dynasty of prosperous Yu Tang, period of change Yu Mingqing, it is foregone most old sea route.

Onshore the Silk Road, abbreviation silk road. It is to point to the Western Han Dynasty (before 202 years, 8 years) when, of open up of the Western Regions of You Zhangqian be sent on a diplomatic mission with Chang'an (today Xi'an) for start, start is with Luoyang when the Eastern Han Dynasty, via Gansu Province, Xinjiang, arrive in inferior, on the west inferior, the onshore passageway of each country of shunt-wound knot mediterranean (this road also is called " northwest the Silk Road " in order to distinguish in the future additionally two coronals with " the Silk Road " the traffic course of the name) . Because by this road the with silk goods impact in the goods that carries on the west is the biggest, reason gets this

Main distinction: Which, flourishing account is different, former it is china, latter it is silk; The country of connection is not quite same, former it is East Asia, southern Asia, West is coastal country; Latter basically is the highroad those who go up is medium inferior, on the west Asia-Europe continent country; Still have, initial drop is different also, former for Hua Na coastal; Latter basically is taken for Central Plains, the central Shaanxi plain.

8, the course of the Silk Road and maritime the Silk Road?

Maritime the Silk Road divides Nanhai the Silk Road and the Silk Road of the East China Sea. Guangzhou of start of Nanhai silk road and fontal city, in classics south peninsula and Nanhai all countries, cross the indian ocean, enter the Red Sea, arrive at East Africa and Ou Zhou, more than 100 countries mix by way of area.

Road of silk of the East China Sea from glue east the peninsula is direct distant east peninsula, korea peninsula, japanese a chain of islands till southeast Asia. And onshore silk road is set out from Xi'an, classics Gansu Province, xinjiang arrives in inferior, afghanistan of by way of, iran, iraq, syria arrives Mediterranean, terminus is Osmanli Istanbul.

9, the Silk Road and limits of join of maritime the Silk Road?

" of " the Silk Road is to point to acting China of initiative Yu Gu, the ancient time of join Asia, Africa and Europe is onshore commercial trade line. The Silk Road of narrow sense points to onshore the Silk Road commonly. Tell on broad sense divide again for onshore the Silk Road and maritime the Silk Road.

1, Asia. Asian area is wide, in ancient time, the Asia spreads all over a country, the Silk Road joins these countries of the Asia gradually rise, have culture communication and commercial trade.

2, Europe. With the Asia's conterminous Europe, also be the outspread ground of the Silk Road, european district is narrow, but capital is adequate, the Silk Road also provides a help for the communication of Europe and Asia.

3, Africa. Heat up those who take mainland Africa to also have the Silk Road to spread, enter commodity full of beautiful things in eyes of Africa from the Asia, also have trade from Africa, exchanged a lot of goods.

10, the relation of the Silk Road and archaic the Silk Road?

"Ancient the Silk Road " east remove Chang'an of Chinese ancient capital, country and mediterranean wait to India, Iran on the west east bank, can arrive directly at Rome, overall length 7000 much kilometers, there are 4000 much kilometers in Chinese churchyard. Vehicle basically relies on camel and go-cart, carriage.

"New the Silk Road " the modern road net that is join China hinterland and center of Western Europe industry, china and in inferior, on the west inferior, South Asia, hamster, meridional a lot of countries that wait for an area with Western Europe are contacted together. In Chinese churchyard full-length of 4395 kilometers connect Huo Lu (Dong Qijiang Su Lianyun harbor, fruit of Xinjiang suddenly Er comes on the west this) , the longest country in line of mainstay of line of our country nation mainstay line. Vehicle is motor vehicle

The Western Regions of Zhang Qian be sent on a diplomatic mission initiated the Silk Road of the Silk Road, abbreviation silk road. It is to point to the Western Han Dynasty (BC 202 years, the Christian era 8 years) when, of open up of the Western Regions of You Zhangqian be sent on a diplomatic mission with Chang'an (today Xi'an) for start, via Gansu Province, Xinjiang, arrive in inferior, on the west inferior, the onshore passageway of each country of shunt-wound knot mediterranean (this road also is called " northwest the Silk Road " in order to distinguish in the future additionally two coronals with " the Silk Road " the traffic course of the name) . Because by this road the with silk goods impact in the goods that carries on the west is the biggest, reason gets this (and having a lot of silk is Chinese carry) . Its are moved toward basically on two Chinese period, include south path, medium path, north path 3 courses.

1877, huo Fen of Li Xi of home of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of German ground quality of a material is in its composing " China " in one book, " come 114 years from BC the Christian era 127 years, china and in inferior, intermediary is with silk commerce between China and India road of traffic of this the Western Regions " name for " the Silk Road " , this one noun is accepted very quickly by academia and masses place, apply formally.

Emperor of Han Wu of traceable of onshore the Silk Road sends the Western Regions of piece of Qian be sent on a diplomatic mission, form its main artery. It is start with Chang'an of period of the Western Han Dynasty, corridor of classics river westing goes to Dunhuang. Its first action is the silk that carriage China ancient time produces. Accordingly, when Germany geographical home Ferdinand Freiherr Von Richthofen is in the earliest 19 centuries 70 time will name for " the Silk Road " hind, be accepted extensively namely.

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