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3000元配置 CPU AMD Sempron 2200+ 380 风扇 AVC 112C80 40 主板 华擎K7S41GX 380 内存 宇瞻 256M DDR400 310 硬盘 ST 7200.7 80G/120G 505/645 显卡 集成 声卡 集成 网卡 集成 光驱 hp 50X CDROM 120 机箱 普通机箱+航嘉BS2000P4电源 260-280左右 键鼠 罗技光电高手套装 150 显示器 优派E70f+SB 1000 一共是3150元,这套配置不高,但对于一般要求看看文献,看看电影来说已经足够了。

如果是mm用的话,可以把机箱换成技嘉的,很pp。显示器也可以换个好点的。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4000元配置 CPU AMD Sempron2200+ 380 风扇 AVC 112C86低速版 50 主板 七彩虹龙战士pro 480 内存 宇瞻 256M DDR400 310 显卡 双敏9508加强版 570 声卡 集成 网卡 集成 光驱 先锋16X DVD 250 硬盘 ST 7200.7 80G(行货) 500 机箱/电源 普通机箱+BS2000 P4 260 显示器 三星793DF 1020 键盘/鼠标 微软极动鲨光电套装 190 一共是4000,这个配置玩一般的游戏是没问题的。显卡双敏9508是2.8ns的,9600 很正常,好点可以超到9600pro的。足够一般男生玩游戏的了。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5000元配置(LCD) CPU AMD Sempron 2200+ 380 风扇 AVC 112C86低速版 50 主板 计嘉GA-7S748-L 430 内存 Apacer 256M DDR400 310 硬盘 ST 7200.7 80G/120G 505/645 显卡 旌宇MX440 8X白金珍藏版 大版 390左右 声卡 集成 网卡 集成 光驱 hp 50X CDROM 120 机箱 普通机箱+航嘉BS2000P4电源 260 键鼠 罗技光电高手套装 150 显示器 优派VE510B/LG 1530S 都高于2500吧 如果显示器是2500的话,是5100的价格。

这个配置推荐给mm使用,LCD保护眼睛,也 保护我们的下一代:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000元配置(CRT) CPU AMD Sempron 2200 380 风扇 AVC 112C86高速版 80 主板 升技 NF7 (老板,不要新版哦) 550 内存 Apacer 256M DDR400 *2 310*2 硬盘 ST 7200.7 80G/120G 505/645 显卡 双敏9518/迪兰横进 (128bit 128M) 600/640 或者影池5700LE超频版 700 声卡 集成 网卡 集成 光驱 先锋16x DVD 250 机箱 技嘉天鼎 330 键鼠 微软激动鲨套装 190 显示器 三星785MB/795MB 1320/1140 这款配置还不到5000元,但性能绝对不错。

对于有高点游戏要求的男生来说,无疑 5000的配置是最好的选择了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5500元配置(专门给FPS玩家) CPU AMD Sempron 2200 380 风扇 AVC 112C86高速版 80 主板 升技 NF7 (老板,不要新版哦) 550 内存 Apacer 256M DDR400 *2 310*2 硬盘 ST 7200.7 80G/120G 505/645 显卡 耕生5700红旗版 1050 声卡 集成 网卡 集成 光驱 先锋16x DVD 250 机箱 技嘉天鼎 330 鼠标 微软IE4.0促销版(IE4+1030鼠标垫) 350 键盘 罗技易上手键盘 50 耳机 Plantronics A90 160 显示器 三星795MB 1140 一共是5460元,这个配置给准专业的游戏玩家(CS,war3),IE4+1030才350元价格哦。 6000桢再加上1030,绝对定位准确(我的就是哦),a90的耳机,听音乐不怎么样, 但在cs里的定位,嘿嘿,没的说啊,就是职业站队也用他哦。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6000元配置(LCD) CPU AMD Sempron 2600+(盒) 740 主板 映泰M7NCG400 590 内存 kingston 256M DDR400 345 显卡 集成 声卡 集成 网卡 集成 光驱 先锋16x DVD 250 硬盘 ST 120G 650 机箱/电源 技嘉502-B 350 显示器 Benq 737 (17液晶) 键盘/鼠标 罗技光电高手套装 150 不算液晶才3420,可以有3000给液晶的,可以考虑17寸Benq 737哦。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6000元配置(CRT办公) CPU AMD64 3000+(盒装) 1400 风扇 CPU自带 主板 技嘉K8T800 800 内存 kingston 512M DDR400 670 显卡 旌宇mx440 8x白金版 400 光驱 先锋16x DVD 250 硬盘 ST 80G 510 机箱/电源 技嘉502-B 350 显示器 ViewSonic G71f+/三星795MB 1320/1140 键盘/鼠标 微软极动鲨光电套装 190 5900元,体验64位处理器哦,办公来说是没有问题的。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6000元配置(CRT游戏) CPU AMD64 3000+(盒装) 风扇 CPU自带 主板 磐正nf3 250GB 2150 (套装价格) 内存 kingston 512M DDR400 670 显卡 双敏R9518XT限量版 800 光驱 先锋16X DVD 250 硬盘 希捷7200.7 120G 650 机箱/电源 技嘉502-B 350 显示器 ViewSonic G71f+/三星795MB 1320/1140 键盘/鼠标 微软极动鲨光电套装 190 微软IE4.0+微软多媒体 480 6200元,没什么游戏玩不了了,可能就Doom3不流畅吧。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7000元配置(LCD) CPU AMD Sempron 2600+(盒) 740 主板 升技NF7 550 内存 kingston 256M DDR400 *2 345*2 显卡 双敏9508 570 声卡 集成 网卡 集成 光驱 先锋16x DVD 250 硬盘 ST 120G 650 机箱/电源 技嘉502-B 350 显示器 Benq 737 2999 键盘/鼠标 罗技光电高手套装 150 正好接近7000,一般游戏可以玩,又是17液晶,真是平时玩游戏,又想要17液晶的人的 选择啊。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以上配置都没有写出音箱来,因为音箱个人差异太大了,从20-xxxx不等的。3000的就 耳机吧,或者20元那种能发音的就行了。像4000以上就可以来比较不错的音箱了,推荐 漫步者r1000tc北美版,创新下面的3个牌子,SBS/pcwork/inspire等等,再高可以来 惠维的。寝室使用,2.1就很好了,5.1的根本没有必要,因为你放都放不下的。 报价每天都变化的,我们尽量保持1周1更新吧。 还有就是再高端的,8000的配置,这里不再列出了,肯定可以上AMD 64位,而且显卡也 可以不错,或者在音频方面更加突出的配置了。 提供给你一些参考信息,慢慢看看吧


AVC 112C80 40 of fan of CPU AMD Sempron 2200+ 380 of buy of 3000 first wives advocate board ST 7200.7 80G/120G 505/645 of hard disk of 256M DDR400 310 of look up of eaves of memory of Hua Qing K7S41GX 380 shows calorie of compositive sound to block compositive net to block box of Hp 50X CDROM 120 of compositive CD driver common box + boat fine rat of key of left and right sides of 260-280 of BS2000P4 power source ace of Luo Jiguang report, this configuration is not tall, but read document to general requirement, see a movie for already enough.

If be the word that Mm uses, can change box into ability fine, very Pp. Monitor also can be changed bit better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Edition of low speed of AVC 112C86 of fan of CPU AMD Sempron2200+ 380 of buy of 4000 first wives 50 advocate board 256M DDR400 310 of look up of eaves of memory of Pro 480 of soldier of 7 rainbow dragon shows Ka Shuangmin 9508 strengthen edition 570 card goods of travel of ST 7200.7 80G(of hard disk of 16X DVD 250 of pioneer of compositive CD driver of compositive net card) 500 box / power source is common, this configuration plays average game is no problem. The Shuang Min that show clip 9508 be 2.8ns, 9600 very normal, good place can exceed 9600pro. Enough and average man student plays game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------5000 yuan of configuration (edition of low speed of AVC 112C86 of fan of LCD) CPU AMD Sempron 2200+ 380 50 advocate board ST 7200.7 80G/120G 505/645 of hard disk of Apacer 256M DDR400 310 of memory of Ji Jia GA-7S748-L 430 shows big edition of edition of collect carefully of platinum of Ka Jingyu MX440 8X or so times 390 to block compositive net to block box of Hp 50X CDROM 120 of compositive CD driver common box + boat fine 260 key of BS2000P4 power source, it is the price of 5100.

This configuration recommends Mm to use, LCD protects an eye, also protect next our generation: )--------------------------------------------------------------------------Buy of 5000 first wives (edition of high speed of AVC 112C86 of fan of CRT) CPU AMD Sempron 2200 380 80 advocate board boss of NF7 (promoting skill, not new edition oh) ST 7200.7 80G/120G 505/645 of hard disk of 550 memory Apacer 256M DDR400 *2 310*2 shows Ka Shuangmin 9518/ enlighten Lan Heng is entered (128bit 128M) 600/640 perhaps shadow pool 5700LE exceeds frequency edition 700 times to block compositive net to block ability of box of 16x DVD 250 of pioneer of compositive CD driver Jia Tianding 330 key, but performance is absolutely and good.

For the man student that selects game requirement high to having, undoubted the configuration of 5000 is best choice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Buy of 5500 first wives (give FPS technically the player) edition of high speed of AVC 112C86 of fan of CPU AMD Sempron 2200 380 80 advocate board boss of NF7 (promoting skill, not new edition) ST 7200.7 80G/120G 505/645 of hard disk of 550 memory Apacer 256M DDR400 *2 310*2 shows Kageng to give birth to edition of 5700 red flags 1050 times to block compositive net to block Jia Tianding of ability of box of 16x DVD 250 of pioneer of compositive CD driver edition of sales promotion of IE4.0 of 330 mouses Microsoft (IE4+1030 mouse is filled up) 350 clavier collect ability, this game player that configures accurate major (CS, war3) , IE4+1030 just 350 yuan of prices. 6000 hardwood plus 1030, absolutely location is exact (mine is oh) , the earphone of A90, listen to musical not up to much, but the fixed position in Cs, hey, do not have say, be professional stand in line also uses him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Buy of 6000 first wives (box of LCD) CPU AMD Sempron 2600+() 740 advocate board Kingston 256M DDR400 345 of memory of the M7NCG400 590 that mirror peaceful shows calorie of compositive sound to block compositive net to block box of ST 120G 650 of hard disk of 16x DVD 250 of pioneer of compositive CD driver / power source ability fine liquid crystal of Benq 737 (17 of 502-B 350 monitor) clavier / mouse ace of Luo Jiguang report, can 3000 give liquid crystal, can consider 17 inches of Benq 737. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Buy of 6000 first wives (CRT handles official bussiness) outfit of box of CPU AMD64 3000+() 1400 fan CPU is taken oneself advocate board ability fine Kingston 512M DDR400 670 of K8T800 800 memory shows edition of platinum of Ka Jingyu Mx440 8x box of ST 80G 510 of hard disk of 16x DVD 250 of pioneer of 400 CD driver / power source ability fine clavier of 795MB 1320/1140 of SamSung of ViewSonic G71f+/ of 502-B 350 monitor / mouse Microsoft, experience 64 processor, there is a problem for office. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Buy of 6000 first wives (CRT game) outfit of box of CPU AMD64 3000+() fan CPU is taken oneself advocate board huge rock value of suit of Nf3 250GB 2150 () memory Kingston 512M DDR400 670 shows edition of set limit to of Ka Shuangmin R9518XT box of 7200.7 120G 650 of rare nimble of hard disk of 16X DVD 250 of pioneer of 800 CD driver / power source ability fine ViewSonic G71f+/ of 502-B 350 monitor, game of it doesn't matter plays not know clearly, likelihood with respect to Doom3 not fluent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Buy of 7000 first wives (box of LCD) CPU AMD Sempron 2600+() 740 advocate board Kingston 256M DDR400 *2 345*2 of memory of NF7 550 promoting skill shows sound of Ka Shuangmin 9508 570 to block compositive net to block box of ST 120G 650 of hard disk of 16x DVD 250 of pioneer of compositive CD driver / power source ability fine clavier of Benq 737 2999 of 502-B 350 monitor / mouse Luo Jiguang report, average game can play, it is 17 liquid crystal, it is to play game at ordinary times really, the choice of the person that wants 17 liquid crystal again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Above configuration did not draw up sound box comes, because difference of sound box individual is too big, from 20 - Xxxx differs. Of 3000 with respect to earphone, or 20 yuan the sort of can pronouncing went. Can compare pretty good sound box like 4000 above, recommend edition of rambler R1000tc North America, 3 brands below innovation, SBS/pcwork/inspire is waited a moment, can come again high of Hui Wei. The dormitory is used, 2.1 very good, of 5.1 not was necessary at all, because you are put,do not put those who fall. Quote changes everyday, we maintain 1 week as far as possible 1 update. Still have even if again of high end, the configuration of 8000, here listed no longer, can go up for certain AMD 64, and it is OK also to show clip pretty good, perhaps be in the configuration with frequency more outstanding respect. Provide your a few referenced information, look slowly
