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在我们这个充满着绚丽色彩的世界中,声音起到着重要的作用。没有声音的世界将会怎样。让我们来幻想一下那将会是一个怎样的世界呢?是有趣的?阴冷的?安静的?还是……   人类是世界的主宰者,首先声音会对人类怎样呢?那就让我们先来谈谈声音对人类的影响吧!如果没有声音,人类会怎样呢?如果没有声音人们说话发不出声音,就像是那些失声的人打着哑语来交谈。人又为什么要耳朵呢?又没有声音能听,难道是用来装饰的吗?现在的那些优美的音乐又怎么会有呢?如果没有声音整个世界都死寂在死一般宁静的宇宙中有何意义呢?如果没有声音,学生们上学如何读书、识字呢?又怎么会有音乐、英语、信息……课程呢?又将如何表达想要表达的意思,难道靠手语吗?我实在无法想象那时的教学会是怎样的。   中国的祖先盘古制造出人类就是他觉得世界太安静了,太缺少生气了,但现在如果没有声音,没有那欢声笑语。那为什么又要有人类呢,有了人类又有何意义呢。我们不是贝多芬,也没有贝多芬的本领,即使听不见,也能够用牙咬住木棍,根据振动颅骨感到声音,但如果没有声音,连声波也没有,即使是贝多芬也不能感受到声音,更别说弹钢琴了。假如没有声音又怎么会有现在的电话呢,如果亲人在远方,他们又将如何交谈呢?难道相隔那么远也能够打手语吗?如果……如果……太多的如果了,我认为这些如果是不可以的,总而言之人类需要声音。   很难想象如果没有声音,人类将怎样生存呢!当然这不只有人类;动物也同样需要声音,如果没有声音连动物也无法生存;举个例子来说吧!蝙蝠可以说是特殊的动物了,它虽然长有一双眼睛,按说听不见总可以看见吧,但是你们可知道被喻为动物界中的“盲人”。它的眼睛是名不副实的,因为它靠得是耳朵。用耳朵听超声波来辨别位置和躲避障碍物的。如果没有声音,蝙蝠听不见声音,捕不到食物,也不能够飞翔,那它还有生存的机会吗,当然不止蝙蝠一种动物,其他动物同样离不开声音。这里举出这个例子强调“地球离不开声音”。   没有声音,人们仿佛生活在真空中,安安静静的,一丝声也没有。没有风声雨声读书声,更加鸟声歌声欢笑声。所以现在有人类生存的这个宇宙中不能没有色彩更加不能没有声音。


研华科技读音拼音写法是:yán jiū kē jì;研字读音拼音写法是:yán 声调读第二声,声母是:y,韵母是:an。华字读音拼音写法是:huá 声调读第二声,声母是:h,介母是:u,韵母是:a。科字读音拼音写法是:kē 声调读第一声,声母是:k,韵母是:e。技字读音拼音写法是:jì 声调读第四声。







One, does the axis grind what is technology of core of science and technology?

Technical innovation ability is the company's main core competition ability. The company built whole technical innovation system, assumed a large number of countries, province (ministry) , project of city class scientific research, obtain positive result of multinomial and great scientific research early or late, end 2019 end, company accumulative total wins national authorization patent 1, 275. These have the taking of achievement of own intellectual property and promotion application, casting the base that the company can expand continuously and innovation ability, made important contribution for the technical progress of the industry and industrial development.

2, does Luoyang axis grind science and technology and 158 factories which good?

Salary 1500 the left and right sides, bonus sees departmental door, more than 10000 good, 669 poor, it is salary those who go up is slow, will before pay two years look about the same still, two this years state-owend enterprise salary went up, this unit has not gone up to appear poorer, in Luoyang at most namely medium, should be the poorest in place of courtyard of Luoyang scientific research nevertheless, the undergraduate that enrols two this years is not little, find new job or take an examination of those who grind particularly much also. First time obtain employment considers cautiously

3, does the axis grind science and technology why industry of energy of incognito nation plane?

The axis grinds division cast ability to be versed in buy again by plane of nation of center look forward to, turn a country into enterprise of subordinate of machine heavy industry, more the name is a country engine energy industry, produce a product formerly changeless, personnel is changeless, in the meantime,

4, does the stock grind newspaper purpose?

Grind the newspaper is commonly by certificate business, namely the professional inside stockjobber undertakes study through waiting for a respect to the main area of the stock, analyse a kind of analytic research to report thereby.

Report of this kind of research can bring the reference on a lot of investment to investor, average after all investor is the knowledge that does not have too much major for the most part, grind the newspaper is a vane that how-to and average investor undertakes investing way, grind so the investment direction that signs up for the biggest effect to be able to guide the market to go up namely, how-to major investor makes a decision.

5, stock 20 axes how do 80 axes install 50 axes?

Set a means: Advocate graph attune pursues to K line, right key- - advocate graph coordinate- - logarithm coordinate.

When 2. time span is longer, oversight grows hatching. Namely, rise when the passageway, trajectory joins on hatching apogee; Drop when the passageway, leave price of closing quotation of trajectory join hatching.

3. join high point and high point, reach the trajectory on the trend; Join low and low, reach the trend issues trajectory. When selecting a site, can take the near future commonly situation include goes in to be opposite.

6, does the stock grind home where signing up for is strong?

Current, china still does not have the orgnaization of ability of very powerful research and development. In home well-known illicit collect company has a few.

7, does science and technology grind learn article table?

In us this is full of flowery colorific world in, sound is having main effect. The world that does not have phonic sound will how. A what kind of world will letting us imagine that be? Be interesting? Gloomy and cold? Quiet? Or... the dictate that   mankind is the world person, above all does sound meet pair of mankinds how? That lets us talk about the sound effect to the mankind first! If do not have sound, how is the mankind met? If without sound people conversation delivers news of save one's breath, hitting dumb language to chat like the person that is those aphonia. Why does the person want ear again? Do not have sound to be able to listen again, be to use an illuminative? How can those present beautiful music have again? Be if whole without sound world deathlies stillness, in dead is there He Yiyi in halcyon universe commonly? If do not have sound, do students go to school how to read, literacy? How can you have music, English, news again... course? How will convey the meaning that wants expression again, rely on sign language? I am really unthinkable the education in those days can be what kind of. Ancestral Pan Gu of China makes a mankind is he feels the world is too quiet, too lack vitality, but there is voice now, without language of Na Huansheng laugh. Why should that have the mankind again, had the mankind to have He Yiyi again. We are not Beethoven, also do not have the competence of Beethoven, although inaudible, also can use club of tooth bite into, feel sound according to oscillatory skull, but if do not have sound, connect sound wave to also be done not have, even if Beethoven also cannot experience sound, more never mention it play piano. How can if do not have phonic sound,have present telephone call again, if the family member is in distance, how will they chat again? is be apart so far can you also make sign language? If... if... too much if, I think if these are not possible, altogether the mankind needs voice. If very difficult imagination does not have sound, the mankind lives how! Of course this has the mankind not merely; The animal needs voice as much, if do not have sound to also cannot live even the animal; Cite a case for! Bat can say is special animal, although it is long have a pair of eyes, ordinarily inaudible always can see, but you can know bound of the animal that be by analogy is medium " the blind " . Its eye is be unworthy of the name or the title, because it leans,be auditive. Listen to ultrasonic to discern with ear the position and those who avoid fraise. If do not have sound, batty inaudible sound, do not catch food, also cannot fly quite, does then it still have existent opportunity, more than of course bat a kind of animal, other animal cannot leave sound likewise. This example emphasizes adduce here " the earth cannot leave sound " . Without sound, people seems in living in vacuum, quiet, a sound also is done not have. Read without rumour pitter-patter sound, more sound of mirth of bird sound singing. There cannot be colour in there is this universe that the mankind lives now so cannot do not have sound more.

8, grind pronunciation of Hua Ke ability?

Grind phoneticize of pronunciation of Hua Ke ability writes a law is: ì of J of ē of K of ū of Y á N Ji; Grind word pronunciation phoneticize writes a law is: Y á N is tonetic read rising tone, initial consonant is: Y, simple or compound vowel is: An. Phoneticize of China word pronunciation writes a law is: Hu á is tonetic read rising tone, initial consonant is: H, interpose mother is: U, simple or compound vowel is: A. Phoneticize of division word pronunciation writes a law is: K ē is tonetic read high and level tone, initial consonant is: K, simple or compound vowel is: E. Phoneticize of ability word pronunciation writes a law is: J ì is tonetic read falling tone.

9, does Luoyang axis grind a pay how?

Monthly pay 6000 reach 9000 yuan, have 5 a place difficult of access one gold

Luoyang bearing institute is founded 1958, it is Chinese bearing industry technology of industry of place of a kind of large scientific research, bearing studies country of exclusive affiliated to a ministry, center of Wu of development, advisory kimono. 1999, run the requirement that system reforms about scientific research orgnaization according to the country, luoyang bearing institute enters central enterprise to be versed in appoint Chinese machinery of management equips (group) company, turn by the institution make for science and technology enterprise.

10, does the stock grind when is the newspaper announced everyday?

The stock grinds newspaper, it is commonly before stock market open quotation, namely nine before, it is in the morning probably arrived at 9 o'clock at 9 o'clock 30 the left and right sides

