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宠物网上怎么接单? 宠物网店怎么开?英文双语对照


宠物网上怎么接单? 宠物网店怎么开?英文双语对照














现在也没多少出名的宠物网站好像有个 有缘宠物狗网,还比较有名气













One, how to accept the order on pet net?

Special pet can make consign a company to come to take in net fluctuation sheet.

2, how does pet net store open?

Want pet net shop, want to choose a platform that oneself want above all. Upload next business charter and all sorts of data.

After passing attestation, the pet net store that uploads the goods that oneself need sale to oneself can open

3, does store of pet net shop introduce model essay?

Welcome to our pet net inn! We are the net inn of Wu of kimono of things of content of a dedicated Yu Chong. We offer all sorts of pet food, toy, dress and health care to taste etc, be opposite in order to satisfy you the demand of pet.

Our product quality is reliable, the price is reasonable. In addition, we still offer pet hairdressing, bathe to wait for a service with fosterage, ensure your pet gets be takinged care of all-aroundly.

We devote oneself to to provide best life character and care for your pet. No matter you are the host of Mi of dog dog, cat or other puppy, we can serve for you wholeheartedly. Thank you to choose our pet net store, expect the pet that is you and you brings happy shopping experience!

4, what function does pet website have?

Pet website has the following function normally: Offer pet adopt of information and breed introduction, pet and search be missing knowledge of Medical Protection of the platform of pet, pet and vet seek advice from service, pet to things is bought and be recommended, pet community and forum, pet grooms and information of activity of behavior guidance, pet and match is released, pet hairdressing and bathe make an appointment.

These functions aim to provide all-around pet conserve and communication platform for pet host, satisfy the requirement of pet host, stimulative pet health and happiness.

5, is that pet website the famousest?

Not much also now famous pet website seems to have a net of dog of pet having a reason, still have name quite

6, how is introduction of project of pet net inn written?

Does project of pet net inn introduce: ?

7, pet net name is there?

The pet that I had raised is some more, it is pet dog, from most those who begin is stupid stupid (Beijing cling to) , girl girl (Labuladuo) , hei Ni (Luo Wei accept) , arrive in last few years riches and honour (gigantic expensive) , lucky (Tai Di) , remain now flexibly (law ox) , it is pure like a dog, either the dog is peddled.

8, what is address of net of Zi rich pet?

You sit 89 buses, terminus is market of Lu Zhongchong content (market of Zhang Gang pet, the east of stadium of Zi rich city) over there bigger, dog, cat, ichthyornis, the animal is more, in piece inn is bigger pet market.

9, does the sale on pet net belong to electronic business affairs?

The sale on pet net belongs to electronic business affairs,

Electronic business affairs includes the sale on the net

10, the pet website that what has been compared?

Net of the world pet, pretty good still, there is introductory pet dog above, pet cat, pet bird, all sorts of pet such as pet fish have the introduction

