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番外:风景依稀似旧年  如果人生可以重新再来一次,我依然会选择爱你。  ——题记  签字的时候我顿了一下,望了一眼离我不过咫尺之遥的那个男人。他似乎很放松地坐在沙发上,但明显心不在焉,眼睛看着窗外,心更是不知道又飘忽到什么地方。  倒是他的律师比他更紧张,见我如此,连忙半是疑惑半是催促地看着我。  只要我在协议上签下自己的名字,那么从此和他再无半分关系。或者还是有的,圈子里那些闲得发慌的太太们,也许背地里会将我称作他的前妻。不过我想,不至于有人这般不识趣,敢当面对我这样说。  前妻。  多么可笑的两个字。  我从来不曾做过他的妻子,他心知肚明,我亦心知肚明。  十年,从二十岁到三十岁,我这一生最好的时光已经过去。  和我结婚的时候他二十三岁,那时还是略显青涩的大男生,如今时光已经将他雕琢成稳重成熟的男人。岁月几乎没有在他身上留下太多痕迹,除了气质,他的一切恍若不曾改变。  我签完自己的名字,推开那份协议,再签另一份。  笔画出奇地流畅。十年前新婚之夜他第一次提出离婚,我用最尖酸刻薄的词汇与他大吵,最后他摔门而去。在他走后,我独自泣不成声,倒在床上放声大哭。  十年,我用最渴爱的孤独熬成了毒,一丝一缕,侵入了血脉。我以为自己会一生一世与他纠缠下去,不死不休。  没想到还有这一天。  我还记得他的私人助理给我打电话,他从来不给我打电话,连最起码的沟通亦是通过助理。一如既往公事公办的语气,恭谨而疏离:“慕小姐,莫先生同意出让港业49%的股份给慕氏,具体详情,您看是否方便让您的助理过来详谈?”  十年来,他第一次在我面前低了头,认了输,还是因为那个女人。  童雪。  他这样爱她到底为什么?  我一直以为他这样的人,铁石心肠,岿然不动,我一度都疑惑他是不是根本就不爱女人。  直到终于让我觉察到蛛丝马迹。  八卦报纸登载的新闻,照片里他紧紧牵着一个女人的手,十指相扣。  他从来没有牵过我的手。  十年挂名夫妻,我单独见到他的次数都屈指可数。即使是在家族的聚会中,大部分情况下,他和振飞的关系都比和我热络。所以父亲在委派执行董事去莫氏的时候,特意选择了振飞,而不是我。  父亲轻描淡写地说:“你不适合担任这类职务。”  我明白父亲的弦外之音,其实我更不适合做他的妻子。  我知道自己是发了狂。  那个演电影的女人,凭什么被他牵着手?  我要让她一辈子再也演不了电影。  敢阻在我和他之间的一切人和事,我都要毁掉。  振飞曾经劝过我,他说:“姐姐,算了吧。”  算了吧?  多么轻巧的三个字,十年来我倾尽一颗心,结果不过是一场笑话。  十年前我见到他,我发过誓,一定要嫁给他。  我的父亲是慕长河,我是慕氏最骄傲的掌上明珠,我想要什么,一定就可以得到。  十年前他第一次拒绝我,我没动声色,而是悄悄地布局。  我授意别人买通了他父亲手下的人,把整盘的商业计划偷出来给他父亲的竞争对手,然后步步为营,小心谋划。我想如果当他的父亲陷入困境,他也许会改了主意。我需要借助外力,才可以使他更接近我。  可是我没想到他的父亲会心脏病发猝死在机场,幸好我的目的已经达到。  我做的一切都非常隐秘,我很庆幸他永远不会知道我做过些什么,因为我不知道他会是什么样的反应。我十分清楚他怎样对待童雪,哪怕他那样爱她,却终究有着心魔。  他负着罪,以为爱她就是背叛自己的父亲。  我带着肆意的残忍看着私家侦探给我发来的那些照片,有一组拍得很清楚,童雪低着头,他就一直在她的身后,几次试探着伸出手,有一次他的指尖几乎触到了她的发梢,却终究还是垂下去,慢慢握成了拳头。  他的目光中有那样多的落寞,可惜她永远不会回头看见。  其实她对他而言,亦是唾手可得,却永不可得。  我觉得快意,多好,我受过的一切煎熬,他都要一遍遍经过。  她不爱他,如同他不爱我。  他们的一举一动都在我的掌握中。我无数次端详着童雪的照片,虽然五官端正清丽,可是比她美的人太多太多,莫绍谦到底看中她哪一点?  我渐渐觉得失落,或许在他和她认识之初,他已经知道她是谁的女儿。  也许就是因为这种禁忌,他反而对她更加无法自拔。甚至在认识之初,他就是带着一种猎奇与报复的心态,也许他起初,只是纯粹想逗她玩玩。  结果最后陷落的却是他。  我不能不想办法拆开他们,哪怕她根本就不爱他。  可是他爱她,已经太深。  深到他情愿逢场作戏,用一个演电影的女人来转移我的注意力。深到他已经宁可自己挣扎,却不让她知晓当年的事情。  他这样爱她,到底为什么?  十年前我执意要和他结婚,他说:“我不爱你,所以你务必考虑清楚。”  坦白得令我觉得心寒。  可那时候我以为,我可以改变一切,我可以让他爱上我,就如同,我爱他。  十年来,原来都是枉然。  这一切原来只是我自己痴人说梦。  慕氏帮助了他,他却更加地疏离我,因为他觉得这段婚姻是一段交易,一段令他痛苦万分的交易。  我一直在想,如果一切可以从头来过,我会不会还这样做。  就在我倍觉煎熬的时候,林姿娴告诉我另一个坏消息。  童雪怀孕了。  十年夫妻,莫绍谦从来没有碰过我,我视作奇耻大辱,可是现在童雪却怀孕了。  我终于知道他们已同居三年,莫绍谦将她藏得很好,一藏这么多年,如果不是机缘巧合,我几乎无法发现。  他一直在防着我,因为他知道我会做什么样的事。寂寞将我骨子里的血都变成了最狠的毒,我不会放过。  我决定见一见童雪,因为我已经失了理智,我本来不应该直接出面,可是我已经按捺不住。  我恨这个叫童雪的女人,我希望她最好去死。  我见到了童雪,我对她说了半真半假的一番话。  我知道莫绍谦会知道我做了些什么,但我已经顾不上了。  我不能再冒任何风险,我也已经没有任何耐心。  我知道自己乱了方寸,但总好过,我眼睁睁看着别的女人替他生孩子。  虽然我明明知道,童雪与他关系恶劣,她不会留下这个胚胎。  可我无法冒险。  因为我已经输不起。  例行的家族聚会他缺席,听说是因为病了。过了很久公司召开董事会,我才见到他,他瘦了许多,气质更加疏离冷漠。近年来他羽翼已丰,父亲照例和颜悦色地对他,而他照例很客气地待慕氏。一切都平静得仿佛百尺古井。  会议结束后我故意叫住他,笑靥如花地与他说话。  他神色倦怠,我想他已经知道我做过的一切。他对我说:“你觉得称心如意就好。”  我站在那里,看着他转身离开。  细碎的灯光将他的影子拉得老长。  光影寂寥。  我从来不曾知道,原来有着中央空调的会议室,也会这般冷,冷得像在冰窖。  称心如意?  恐怕我这一辈子,都不能称心如意。  我已经知道,他将所有的账都算在我头上,包括失去那个小小的胚胎。  其实我和他都心知肚明,就算我什么都不做,童雪仍旧不会留下这个胚胎。  我乱了阵脚,结果反帮了敌人的忙。  她明明不爱他,为什么他还要这样对她?  我决心让他清醒地知道,她不爱他,就是不爱他。  我像十年前一样,耐心布局。  他最看重什么,我就让他失去什么。  他最看重童雪,我就要让他知道,童雪从来没有爱过他。  他最看中事业,我就要让他知道,他连自己父亲留下的基业也保不住。  如果他一无所有,他会不会回头爱我?  不,当然不会。  他只会更加深切地恨我。  我在黑暗里静静地笑着,我已经无法控制自己血液中的毒。  如果这一切的最后都是毁灭,那么让我和他一起死吧。  我签完字后,律师将所有的文件拿给莫绍谦签字。  莫绍谦签好之后,又将其中一份交还给我的律师。  我从律师手中接过文书。  沉甸甸的文件,十年名分上的夫妻,具体到白纸黑字,却是一条条的财产协议。  他用他曾经最珍视的一切,换得另一个女人的平安。  我忽然想要流泪。  他从来不曾这样待我,他一直恨我,在童雪出事之后,他对我说过的唯一的话就是:“你到底想要怎么样?”  我不过是想他爱我。  十年,我倾尽一颗心,用尽全部力气,却都是水中月,镜中花。  我的脸全都毁了,在日本做过很多次整容手术,但仍旧恢复不了从前的样子。幸好看不出什么伤痕来,只是在镜中看到自己,难免会觉得陌生。  振飞总是安慰我说:“姐姐,你就是换了个样子,还是一样美。”  我知道其实我长成什么样子,对他来说,都不重要。  不管我美不美,漂亮不漂亮,他都不会爱我。  我抬起头来对他微笑。  每次他的视线都会避开我的笑颜,这次也不例外。  因为他的眼中从来没有我。  等一切的法律手续结束的时候,我对他说:“我有句话想要对你说。”  我坚持要求所有人离开,他的律师很警惕,但他仍旧是那种淡淡的疏离与漠然:“让她说吧。”  偌大的空间只有我和他两个人,世界从来不曾这样安静。  也许这是我最后一次单独与他站在这里,落地窗外,这城市繁华到了极致,而我心里,只是一片荒凉。  我凝视着这个我爱了十年的男人,到了如今,他都不曾正眼看过我。  也许到现在,他仍旧没有注意过,我和从前的样子到底是不是不一样,因为我在他心里,从来没留下过什么印象。  可这一切都是我自己的选择,我不会后悔我做过的事。  “绍谦,”我慢慢地对他绽开微笑,如果这是最后一次,我想在他面前,笑得最美。  “如果人生可以重新再来一次,我依然会选择爱你。”  番外 慕振飞番外 若使当时身不遇  慕振飞从来没有想过自己会栽在一个小姑娘手里。他慕振飞是谁?堂堂T大首席八心八箭的钻石王老五,整整三年啊,多少学姐学妹前赴后继,一个MM倒下去,怎么也有三五个MM站起来。算算大概总有一个连了,他照样是岿然不动。  赵高兴看着他对待那堆穿着水晶鞋来、捧着玻璃渣儿心回去的小姑娘,那叫一个干脆利落,多少小姑娘那眼圈红得呀,跟小白兔似的,忍不住教训他:“老大,不是我说你,你也委婉点啊,看看人家小姑娘伤心的。”  他只是笑,露出一口白牙,小酒窝若隐若现:“既然明知不可能,干嘛要给她希望,最后还不是更伤心。干干脆脆拒绝不是最好。”赵高兴斜着眼睛看他,叹口气:“老大,不是我说你,将来遭了报应可怪不得别人。”他嗤之以鼻,笑话,还有哪个小姑娘能报应得了他?  没想到——所谓的一语成谶。  他去参加那个机器人比赛纯粹是为了好玩儿,和P大的比机器人,那不就跟姚明和潘长江比身高一样——它根本就不再一个水平面上。进了赛场一看,发现P大的观众没有几个男生,全是一群HC的小姑娘,一见他连立场都歪了。至于比赛状况更不用说,赢得太轻松了。这样的比赛,其实也挺无聊的——在比赛还剩一半的时候他就想。  这次比赛几个和他同级的都有点事儿,就他带着一帮热血的小学弟,比赛胜利了也不知是太激动还是想引起P大那群小女生的注意,高高把他抛了好几次,他手机本来握在手里,结果一下没拿稳,给飞了。  坏了坏了——他心想,不会就这么坏了吧,上个月老哥刚送的手机。结果手机是真没有坏——砸到一个小姑娘眼睛上了!他很少那么慌,匆匆忙忙背起那个小姑娘就往医院赶——幸亏以前P大有小姑娘追他,他对校园还算熟。  事后回想,看着挺瘦的一个小姑娘,倒真是沉。可惜他第一次背人,居然不是自己的女朋友。可总是歉意,进手术室时他去握她的手,想给她一点安慰,她的手指纤细而指尖冰冷,连手腕都在发抖,不知是疼还是因为受了伤,一直在流泪。他忽然想起小时候捡到受伤的小刺猬,抱在手里凉凉的,哆嗦着抬头看他,一双黑豆一样乌溜溜湿润润的眼睛。  医生拿了一份手术同意书要家属签,他看了看陪那小姑娘来的同学,拿起笔来把同意书签了——要真有什么后遗症,大不了照顾她一辈子。  她的同学也一直在外面等,他于是随口和她聊了几句,这才知道小姑娘叫童雪。手术进行得很快,等她从手术室被推出了自己才仔细看了看她,包成那样也能看出来——原来是个长得挺漂亮的小姑娘,P大多美女倒真是句实话。  那天他去病房看她,她那个叫刘悦莹的同学也在,问到自己要是有后遗症怎么负责。他琢磨不会这次真就这样栽在这个叫童雪的小姑娘手里了吧,结果她却只说要他打一年的开水。倒真是第一次碰见小姑娘不对他有什么绮念,难不成是自己魅力锐减?  事后他去她宿舍送暖水瓶引起的轰动证明——其实自己的魅力仍旧在。不过那天没见到她,住院时天天见的,忽然见一面都没机会,总是有点不习惯。  每天勤勤恳恳送两壶开水,小姑娘倒是一面没见到,自己却惹了流言一堆。每天走在学校里,多少哥们打听:“老大,什么时候把你那P大校花女朋友带出来聚聚?不容易啊,真命天女终于出来了,不枉这么多年守身如玉啊。”  呸!三人成虎,他算是见识到了。  那天上午,辅导员找他,说是有一个出国交流半月的机会,问他愿不愿意去。当然愿意,惹不起他总可以躲得起吧。打水的事儿就先交给高兴吧,谁让他打听的最多,自己去送送试试吧。  结果第一天高兴发邮件过来,说是晚上和大嫂还有大嫂的同学一起吃的饭——言辞之间颇为得意。你说说为什么他去了这么多趟怎么一次没碰见过,高兴去一次就可以和她吃顿饭呢?  好容易熬过了半个月,高兴来机场接他,笑得不知道该怎么形容——既可以是说甜蜜蜜,又可以说是傻乎乎。他随口问了一句:“怎么,恋爱了?”高兴搔了搔头发,脸居然有点红:“就是大嫂的一个同学,这次真要谢谢大哥和大嫂当红娘了。”  想不到高兴这小子,跑得快追女生也快。  不过高兴和她那个同学开始谈恋爱,他们见面的机会也多了——他这才知道原来童雪视力下降了三百度,还是她同学说的。倒真是难得这么不腻歪的女生。每天大队人马拉出去吃饭,嬉笑嗔怒,一点也不做作,一堆人嘻嘻哈哈:“大嫂真是爽快,和咱们大哥真是天生的一对!”她将眉毛一扬,眼上的伤疤仿佛是眼泪,嘴角却弯弯的:“别在那儿胡说!谁是你们大嫂啊。”他自然随声附和:“就是,我们可是纯洁的男女关系。”  她每次怪他越描越黑,他只是笑——不否认,他不讨厌、甚至是喜欢这样的误会。逗逗这个小姑娘,倒也挺有意思的。  那天高兴来找他,说是他那个小女朋友要过生日,让自己在门口迎宾,笑得那叫一个不怀好意:“老大,帮帮忙吧,我和悦莹要在里面招呼客人,你就和大嫂在门口帮忙当个迎宾。”迎就迎吧,反正谣言也够多了,再多点也无妨。  天气有点冷,不过和她在KTV门口说笑几句,倒也挺热闹的。不过主要也是因为一堆人在那儿闹他:“不是吧,老大,这就为婚礼做演习了?看看这阵势,新郎新娘门口迎宾呢!”她居然难得不否认,只是笑,他于是说:“要不我去给你买束花捧着吧,这样更像了!”结果被拍了一下:“那去买啊。”——这小丫头,笑起来像只小狐狸。  其实她长得有点像母亲,眉梢眼角的韵致,真是像。其实他小时候一直觉得母亲像狐狸,狡黠而妩媚,直到小时候有一次和父亲去大宅玩儿,无意间听见家里的老佣人啐了一口,愤愤道:“真像那个狐狸精!”他这才知道,原来狐狸是不好的。  母亲在他面前,总是微笑的。只是那一次,他第一天上学,老师要求学会写自己的名字,于是他放学回家去问母亲。母亲从背后握着他的小手,一笔一划地在纸上写了“慕振飞”三个字,他只是奇怪:“妈妈,我不应该姓莫吗?为什么我的姓和爸爸的不一样?”母亲的声音听起来和平时不一样,像是轻轻地颤抖:“飞飞乖,飞飞还小对不对?所以飞飞就在‘莫’下面加一个‘小’,等飞飞长大了,就可以姓莫了。”他“嗯”了一声,乖乖在纸上一遍遍地练习,可是母亲一直没有再出声,只觉得有水滴掉在了自己的头顶上。  陈年旧事,记得倒真是清楚,鲜明如同母亲最后的决裂。深夜他听到响声起床去看,结果发现父亲母亲都在客厅里,他偷偷躲在楼梯的转角,第一次看到美丽的母亲那样歇斯底里:“你这个禽兽!你从一开始就是骗我的,你从来没有爱过我,我不过是你的一个玩物,现在你玩够了,就要丢开!”父亲坐在沙发上浅酌,声音平静一如往常:“我从来没有说过要你离开,只是警告你——不要做什么不可能的幻想。”母亲的哭声仿佛绝望:“你明明说过……你明明说过……”父亲嗤笑了一声,道:“我随口说说,你还当真了?”客厅里昏暗的灯光下,母亲的脸色苍白得近乎透明。  那是他最后一次看见母亲,第二天起床,只有父亲同他一起吃早餐,可他没有一次问起过母亲去了哪里。  番外 萧山GG的番外 前尘不共彩云飞  还有三天就要高考了,学校照惯例放了假,让学生回家休整,希望大家都可以以最饱满的精神参加考试。  每年到这个时候,最痛苦的不是高三即将解放的学长学姐,反而是他们这些高二马上就要进牢笼的学弟学妹们。听着楼上一片喧哗,离歌不由对同桌的玫瑰吐了吐舌头:“你听,高三的好像要走了,都收拾东西呢。唉,可怜哪,他们反正是要解放了,可学校腾出手来马上就要收拾我们了。”  玫瑰正在做一套数学的模拟题,闻言只是抬头一笑:“知道学校要收拾我们,还不赶快做题,整天嚷嚷着急就能多考两分了吗?”离歌点了点头:“是啊,我要是像你一样数学奥赛拿一等奖,不仅有保送资格高考的时候还能多加20分,我也不急了。”装模作样地叹了口气:“你说人和人的差距咋就这么大呢……”  玫瑰白了她一眼:“你要是连我都羡慕那可就羡慕不过来了,你看高我们一级的萧山,人家奥数一拿奖,立刻P大和T大两所学校都打电话来希望他过去。你再看看童雪姐姐,人家一摸二摸三摸全在全市前十,你不得羡慕死。”  离歌这次可是真叹气了:“要说‘物以类聚,人以群分’这句话说的可一点都不假,怎么你认识的人都这么牛啊。”  玫瑰不知为什么突然有点脸红,支支吾吾:“我跟童雪姐姐是从小一起长大的,可萧山只见过几面,怎么就算认识了。”  离歌“嗯哼”了一声,一双眼睛贼溜溜的:“不认识就不认识呗,你脸红什么?”又出主意:“反正他们马上要高考了,肯定有很多参考书闲下来,不如你去跟童雪姐姐要两本吧,顺便可以让她传授一下复习经验啊。”  其实玫瑰也早有这样的打算,所以趁着午休去了童雪的班里,倒正好见她在收拾东西,笑眯眯地叫了一声:“童雪姐姐!”  童雪正在整理书,看到玫瑰微微怔了一下,旋即微笑:“是小玫瑰啊,来得正好,我刚刚想去找你,让你看看有没有能用得着的资料,反正我拿回去也是没有地方放的。”  玫瑰嘻嘻笑:“童雪姐姐真好。”看旁边有童雪整理好的书,便翻找了起来。  说是旧书,其实都还是很干净的,玫瑰细细地翻着,忽然发现最底下居然是一个很精致的礼品盒,不由“呀”了一声:“童雪姐姐,这个不会是你男朋友送的吧。”抬起脸来,一双眼睛笑得弯弯的如同月牙:“我可要看看喽。”  不等童雪说话,便径自将盒子打开了。  没想到这个盒子虽然包装精致,里面盛的东西却有些杂乱:一只小巧的玻璃旋盖瓶,一本有些破旧了的数学奥赛书,一支摔裂了的笔,一个易拉罐的拉环,一片已经枯萎了的花瓣,一只折的虽然很精致但材质像是快餐店垫纸的纸鹤,最夸张的是——居然还有一包萝卜干。  玫瑰很有点不好意思,连忙合上,抱起一旁已经找好的书对童雪道:“姐姐,那你先忙吧,等考完试我再去找你好了。”话音未落,自己先溜之大吉了——丝毫没有留意到身后童雪的表情。  萧山,再次念到这两个字时,却完全没有想象中的心痛,两个字轻轻地划过舌尖,像是春天清新的风。盒子里这样多的过往,像是他们的回忆,再怎样细细地收藏,仍然只能是碎片,再也不能拼合起来。  她细细地摸索着每一样东西,像是审视着自己的心——  小巧精致的玻璃旋盖瓶,里面还盛着一点点蛇油,是那次长冻疮之后抹剩下的,真的很管用,这个冬天也没有复发。  已经被她重新折过很多次的纸鹤,因为她一直说要学会折,所以拆开过很多次,可最后依旧还是只能按照折痕叠起来,换一张新的纸则完全不行。萧山为这笑话过她很多次,她不服,还曾经信誓旦旦:“等高考完了以后,我一定折一罐给你!”可离高考还有三个月,他就说:“我们分手吧。”  旧旧的奥数参考书,只因为她问他一个题目,他那时还坐在自己的后面,凝神思索了一会儿,居然就从后面握住她的手,和她一起在纸上演算。幸亏他看不到她的脸,红得像是夏夜最美的晚霞。蓝黑的笔水划在书上,那样浓郁的蓝慢慢凝固出淡淡的墨色,仿佛是沉淀了岁月。她的手握在他的手里,让人想起岁月流逝,执子之手,与子偕老。  被摔了太多次裂掉的笔,因为她总是不够灵活,学转笔学了那么久,将他的一支笔都摔成了这样,弄得他简直哭笑不得,只好准备把这支笔丢掉,却被她悄悄地收了起来。  易拉罐的拉环,套在左手的无名指上,松松的一直往下掉,她却喜滋滋地戴了好几天,每天把一只左手藏在口袋里,不让别人看见。  花瓣是学校种了很多的白玉兰,初初摘下来的时候洁白而馥郁,她悄悄夹在日记本里,每天都要看一看、嗅一嗅,到了后来也就忘了。现在再拿出来,却已经枯萎成了淡棕色,这样颓废的颜色,带着飘堕的姿态。  那包萧山萝卜干,其实是她的生日礼物。萧山问了很久她才将生日告诉他,他“呀”了一声,有些懊恼地搔了搔头:“不就是去年我约你出来的那天,早知道应该送你点礼物的。”她只是微笑:“现在知道也不晚啊,今年可以补上的。”结果生日那天他神神秘秘地送给她一个精致的小盒子,居然还是自己包的。她很有点不安,只怕是太贵重的东西,但也不好拒绝。好容易放学回家打开,发现里面居然是一包萝卜干!真正的又好气又好笑,却看到底下一张小小的卡片,写道:“我把自己送给童雪,希望她一生都不要丢掉这个礼物。”她微微地笑,眼泪却掉了下来。  就算是碎片一样的回忆,她也不会丢掉,一定会好好地珍藏一生。  还有两个因为字数限制 贴不了了


Time outside: The scenery is like dimly old year if life can come again afresh, I still can choose to love you. -- when the preface signs, I paused, looked at that man of a Yao that veries close nevertheless from me. He appears very loosen the ground to sit on sofa, but apparently absent-minded, the eye looks at a window outside, the heart is not to know more where does fleet go to. The lawyer that is him is more intense than him, see I am such, it is interrogative partly at once it is to urge the ground looks at me partly. Want me to sign me name on the agreement only, so concern without half minutes again with him from now on. Still perhaps be some, those idle in circle get the wives that feel nervous, perhaps can call his ex-wife me privately. Nevertheless I think, unapt somebody so not know how to behave in a delicate situation, dare say so to me face to face. Ex-wife. Two how funny words. I never had done his wife, his heart knows abdomen bright, my Yixin knows abdomen bright. 10 years, arrive 30 years old from 20 years old, the years with my this best lifetime has gone. When marrying with me he is 23 years old, still show the old man student with acerbity blueness slightly in those days, days has become his carve the man of sedate maturity nowadays. Years did not leave too much mark on his body almost, besides temperament, if all his suddenly never are changed. I sign my name, turn that agreement, sign another again. Strokes exceptionally fluent. He raises the night of the newly-married 10 years ago for the first time divorce, I make a noise greatly with the acriddest and acerbity vocabulary and him, he throws the door finally and go. After he goes, I choke up with sobs alone, burst into tears on the bed. 10 years, I boiled poison with the loneliness of the most thirsty love, a, invaded hematic arteries and veins. I think I meet one's whole life and him pester go down, do not absolutely refuse to to rest. Did not think of to still have this one day. I still remember his personal assistant calling to me, he does not call to me, connect most the communication of at least also is to pass assistant. As always the mood of do official business according to official principle, respectful and cautious and scanty from: "Admire young lady, not the gentleman agrees with course of study of harbor of sell one's own things the share of 49% gives admire the family name, material detailed information, whether do you look to go to the lavatory does the assistant that lets you come over to have a detailed discussion? "   comes 10 years, his first time is small before me first, admitted to be defeated, because,still be that woman. Tong Xue. Does he love her after all so why? I think all the time him such person, ironhearted, lofty is not moved, I for a time interrogative he is essential not philogyny. Until make me conscious arrive eventually clues. The news that newspaper of the Eight Diagrams publishs, he is pulling the hand of a woman closely in the photograph, 10 point to buckle. He never has pulled my hand. Husband and wife of 10 years of nominal, the number that I see him alone can be counted on one's fingers. Even if in familial party, below major case, the relation of he and Zhen Fei is compared and I heat up subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy. So father goes in accreditation executive director Mohs when, chose Zhen Fei designedly, is not me. Ground of father mention lightly says: "You do not suit to hold the position of this kind of post. " I understand   father's implication, actually I do not suit to do his wife more. I know I was to send mad. That performs the woman of the film, by what be pulled to begin by him? I should let her all one's life also do not perform the film again. Dare block is mixed in all people between I and him thing, I want finish. Zhen Fei once had persuaded me, he says: "Elder sister, calculated. " did   calculate? 3 how deft words, come 10 years my bend uses up a heart, the result is a jest nevertheless. I see him 10 years ago, I had delivered pledge, must marry him. My father is Mu Changhe, I am a beloved daughter with admire the proudest family name, what do I want, can get certainly. He rejects me for the first time 10 years ago, I did not use woman and song, however stealthily layout. Bribe of others of my incite sb to do sth the person of his father at hand, come out dishes whole business plan to the competitor of his father secretly, next consolidate step by step, careful plan. The father get into trouble that if become him,I think, he perhaps can change a mind. I need outside force of have the aid of, ability can make he is close to me more. But I do not have the father understanding that thinks of him,sudden death of dirty ill hair is in the airport, fortunately my purpose has been achieved. Everything what I do is very secret, I very feel happy he won't know what I had done forever, because I do not know,he can be what kind of reaction. I am very clear how does he treat Tong Xue, even if he loves her in that way, having heart evil spirit after all however. He is sufferring a pain, think loving her is the father that betrays his. I am taking those wanton pictures that look at a priviate dective to be sent to me bloodily, one group is patted very clearly, tong Xue is low head, he is in all the time her back, exploring a few times to reach a hand, once his finger tip hit her hair end almost, still hang down after all however, grasped fist slowly. There is much in that way desolate in his look, regrettablly she won't see later forever. She is actually right him, also be hands-down, never can get however. I feel pleased, much better, everything what I had sufferred suffers, he wants to all over a course. She does not love him, do not love me as him. Their every act is in my control. I am looking Tong Xue's photograph up and down countless times, although facial features is regular clear beautiful, but more beautiful than her person is too much too much, does Mo Shaoqian take a fancy to her where after all a bit? I become aware gain and loss falls gradually, at the beginning of be being known with her in him probably, he has known she is whose daughter. Because this kind is no-no,perhaps be, he is right instead she more cannot extricate oneself. Be in even at the beginning of knowing, he is taking the state of mind of a kind of seek novelty and retaliation namely, perhaps he at first, just want to amuse her to play purely. As a result fallen finally is him however. I have to think method ravels they, even if she is essential,do not love him. But he loves her, already too deep. Arrive greatly he is willing join in the fun on occasion, the woman that performs the film with will divert my attention. Arrive greatly he himself would rather have struggled, do not make her witting however in those days thing. He loves her so, after all why? I am determined to want to marry with him 10 years ago, he says: "I do not love you, so you are sure to consider to be clear about. "   must make me feel candidly be bitterly disappointed. Can await me to think in those days, I can change everything, I can let him fall in love with me, as, I love him. Come 10 years, it is futile so. All these is myself idiotic nonsense only so. Admire family name helped him, he however more scanty from me, because he feels this paragraph of marriage is,one paragraph trades, one paragraph makes him painful extremely trade. I am thinking all the time, if everything can have come from the beginning, I can return such doing. Be in I times become aware when sufferring, lin Zixian tells me another bad news. Child snow was pregnant. 10 years of husband and wife, mo Shaoqian never has touched me, I inspect extremely deep disgrace, but Tong Xue was pregnant however now. I know they already lived together 3 years eventually, mo Shaoqian hides her very well, one Tibet is so old, if not be good luck coincidence, I cannot discover almost. He is in all the time preventing me, because he knows,I can do what kind of thing. Loneliness became the blood of my in one's heart most the poison of firm, I won't be let off. I decide to see Tong Xue, because I had broken reason, I should not appear personally directly originally, but I had been can'ted restrain. I hate this wife that calls Tong Xue, I hope she had better go dead. I saw Tong Xue, I said a partly true word to her. I know Mo Shaoqian can know what I did, but I had been not considered went up. I cannot risk any risks again, I also had done not have any patience. I know I became random heart, but total have an easy time, I look at other woman to give birth to the child for him helplessly. Although I know obviously, tong Xue and his relation are abominable, she won't leave this embryo. But I cannot take a risk. Because I had been defeated,do not rise. The familial party of routine he is absent, because,hearing is ill. Passed very long the company holds a board of directors, I just see him, he became thin a lot of, temperament is more scanty from inhospitality. In recent years his assistant already abundant, ground of with a kind and pleasant countenance of father as usual is right him, and his as usual needs admire family name politely. Everything must as if calmly 100 feet ancient well. After the conference ends, I call him intentionally, if beautiful ground and he talks,dimple. His expression is listless, everything what I think he has known I had been done. He says to me: "You feel gratified flexibly good. "   my station is over there, look at his face about to leave. Finely lamplight helps his reflection so that often grow. Smooth shadow is lonesome. I never know, having the assembly room of central air conditioning so, also meet so cold, so cold that resemble be in ice house. Gratified flexibly? Be afraid I this all one's life, cannot gratified flexibly. I had known, he calculates all Zhang go up in my head, include to lose that small embryo. Actually I am mixed he the heart knows abdomen bright, my what to calculate to be not done, tong Xue still won't leave this embryo. I became random condition, gave the enemy help instead as a result. She does not love him obviously, why he is opposite so even she? I am determined to let him know soberly, she does not love him, do not love him namely. Before I resemble 10 years same, patient layout. What does he value most, I let him what lose. He values Tong Xue most, I am about to let him know, tong Xue never has loved him. He most take a fancy to a career, I am about to let him know, he leaves even him father base course of study also most likely. If he is penniless, can he love me later? Not, of course won't. He hates me more can deep-feltly only. I am laughing silently in darkness, I am already uncontrollable the poison in him blood. If of all these finally is destruction, so let I and him die together. After I sign, the lawyer obtains all documents Mo Shaoqian to sign. After Mo Shaoqian has been signed, will among them the lawyer that a reassign gives me. I had received document from inside lawyer hand. The file of heavy, the husband and wife on 10 years of v/arc a person's status, specific arrive in black and white, it is however belongings agreement. He uses him once most everything what cherish, change those who get another woman is restful. I want to weep suddenly. He never waits for me so, he hates me all the time, after Tong Xue has an accident, the only word that he has said to me is: "How do you want after all? " I do not cross   is to think he loves me. 10 years, my bend uses up a heart, spent and entire effort, it is the month in water however, the flower in lens. My facial all was destroyed, face-lifting operation has been become a lot of times in Japan, but still cannot resume former pattern. Do not look to give what bruise to come fortunately, just see oneself in lens, hard to avoid can feel unfamiliar. Zhen Fei always comforts me to say: "Elder sister, you changed a pattern namely, euqally beautiful still. " I know   actually I blossom what appearance, to him, not important. No matter I am beautiful, beautiful, he won't love me. I raise a head to smile to him. Every time his line of sight can keep away from my smiling face, this is not exceptional also. In the eye because of him never I. When the legal procedures that waits for everything ends, I say to him: "I have a word to want to say to you. " I hold to   requirement everybody leaves, his lawyer is very vigilant, but he still is the sort of light scanty from with indifferently: "Let her say. " the space with so large   has two I and his people only, the world all along never so quiet. Perhaps this is me be here with his station alone for the last time, outside French window, this town is bustling arrived acme, and in my heart, just desolate. I am staring the man that this I loved 10 years, arrived nowadays, he never is crossing me soon. Perhaps arrive now, he still had not noticed, I and former appearance are different after all, because I am in his heart, had never left what impression. But the choice that all these is myself, I won't regret the thing that I had done. "Carry on modest, " I broaden to him slowly smile, if this is the last time, I want to be before him, laugh the most beautifully. "If life can come again afresh, I still can choose to love you. "   time outside Mu Zhenfei time outside if make,do not encounter Mu Zhenfei to never had thought he can be grown personally at that time in a girl hand. Who is his Mu Zhenfei? Formidable T is big presiding 8 hearts the diamond Wang Laowu of 8 arrows, full 3 years ah, more or less to learn elder sister to learn younger sister advance wave upon wave, a MM goes down, how 35 MM also stand up. Calculate calculate probably always one is connected, he is lofty is not moved all the same. Zhao Gaoxing looks at him to treat that caboodle to wearing crystal shoe to come, holding vitreous broken bits in both hands the girl that the heart goes back, that calls flat and agile, how many girl that eye socket is red ah, with Xiaobai like hare, cannot help teaching him a lesson: "The old, not be I say you, you are bit more euphemistic also ah, girl of home seeing a person is sad. " he just laughs at   , bare a white tooth, if show,small dimple is like concealed: "Since know perfectly well impossible, dry should hope to her, finally still is not sadder. Flat refusing is not best. " eyeball of Zhao Gaoxing inclined have sth in mind sees him, sigh: "The old, not be I say you, met with in the future judgement but no wonder others. " his sniff, jest, which girl still can sign up for deserveded he? Did not think of -- so called one language is become augury. He goes playing that robot game is for amusing purely, compare a robot greatly with P, that does not follow Yao Ming and Pan Changjiang to compare height same -- it is essential no longer on a horizontal. Entered competition ground to look, the audience that discovers P is big does not have a few schoolboys, it is the girl of a flock of HC completely, see he joins position crooked. As to match state prep let alone, win too relaxed. Such match, also hold out actually dull -- when the match returns remnant in part he thinks. This the match is the same as class a few times with him have bit of thing, bringing the elementary school younger brother of a gang warm blood with respect to him, it is too excited that the match won to also do not know still want to cause P big the attention of that group of young woman students, cast him high many times, his mobile phone is grasped originally in the hand, result did not take firm, to flew. bad -- his heart thinks, so won't bad, the mobile phone that old last month elder brother just sent. Result mobile phone is to be done not have bad really -- be bungled to eye of a girl! He is very few so confused, that girl since cursory back is driven toward the hospital -- fortunately P has a girl to chase after him greatly before, he still calculates to campus ripe. Afterthought, look at a quite poor girl, it is heavy really. Regrettablly he carries a person on the back for the first time, not be oneself girlfriend unexpectedly. Always can be apology, when entering surgery, he holds her hand, want to was comforted to her, her finger is fine and finger tip is frozen, quivering even the artifice, knowing is to ache to because sufferred,still be hurt, be in all the time weep. He remembers suddenly collect wounded small hedgehog in one's childhood, hold in the arms cool in the hand cool, shiver is worn look up see him, dark and liquid is wet like a pair of black soya bean the eye of embellish. The doctor took an operation to agree with a book to want family member lot, he visits the fellow student that accompanies that girl to come, take the first stroke of a Chinese character to come agree with bookmark -- should have what sequela really, alarming take care of her all one's life. Her classmate also waits outside all the time, he then blurt out and she talked about a few, this ability knows the girl calls Tong Xue. The operation undertakes very quickly, waited for her to be rolled out from surgery oneself just see her carefully, the bag is become also can see in that way -- it is a grows quite beautifully girl so, p mostly the belle is a truth really. He went that day ward sees her, she calls Liu Yueying's classmate that to also be in, if how sequela is in charge of,ask about oneself. He considers won't grow this so really was in in this girl hand that makes Tong Xue, as a result she says the boiled water that wants him to hit one year only however. It is girl of first time meet unexpectedly really incorrect he has what figured woven silk material to read aloud, is be not being become hard him is glamour acute decreased? He goes to after the event the resounding proof that her dormitory sends thermos flask to cause -- actually oneself glamour still is in. Did not see her that day nevertheless, see every day when be in hospital, see one side does not have an opportunity suddenly, always be a bit unaccustomed. Everyday conscientious send two crock boiled water, the girl did not see at the same time however, oneself offended gossip to pile however. Go in the school everyday, how many brother asks: "The old, when to take beautiful girlfriend of senior colonel of your that P get together? Not easy, true life day female came out eventually, not crooked is so old defend a body to be like jade. "   bah! 3 people become a tiger, he was experience to arrive. That day morning, the counsellor looks for him, saying is to one gives diplomatic relation to shed half-moon opportunity, ask he wishs to not be willing to go. Be willing of course, offend do not remove him to always can hide to rise. The thing that makes water gives first glad, who makes what he asks most, oneself go sending send try. As a result mail of the first day of glad hair comes over, saying is the meal that the fellow student that there still is elder sister with sister-in-law in the evening eats together -- between one's words very complacent. You say why he went so much wades how to do not have meet unexpectedly to pass, glad to you can be mixed does she eat a meal? Get over of with great difficulty half month, glad to come to the airport receive him, laugh so that do not know how to should be described -- can be to say sweet honey already, can saying again is foolish. His blurt out asked: "How, love? " glad to scratch a hair, the face has a place unexpectedly red: "It is a classmate of sister-in-law, should thank eldest brother and sister-in-law this to become a soubrette really. "   wants to be less than glad this boy, run quickly to recall a woman student fast also. Glad nevertheless that with her that classmate begins to talk about love, the chance that they meet is much also -- his this ability knows 300 degrees to eyesight of original Tong Xue dropped, still her classmate says. It is god-given really so not the schoolgirl with crooked be bored with. Forces of every extremely big gang is pulled out have a meal, get angry of be laughing and playing, feigned not at all, one caboodle person giggle: "Sister-in-law is really frank, mix a our eldest brother is really inherent pair! " she brow one raise, the scar on the eye ases if is tear, corners of the mouth bends a turn however: "Not be there bullshit! Who is your sister-in-law. " his nature chime in with others: "Namely, we can be relations of pure male and female. " she blames   every time he exceeds copy blacker, he just laughs -- do not deny, he is fed up with, it is to like such misunderstanding even. Funny amuse this girl, also hold out interesting. Glad that day to look for him, saying is him that small girlfriend has wanted birthday, let oneself welcome guest in the doorway, laugh so that that calls cankered: "The old, help, I and Yue Ying should be inside accost guest, you help in the doorway with sister-in-law when welcome guest. " greet be greeted, anyway the rumor is quite much also, again much dot also just as well. Weather is a bit cold, it is with her nevertheless at the door KTV josh a few, also hold out lively. Because pile a person to be troubled by him over,also basically be nevertheless: "Not be, the old, do this do exercise for wedding? Treat this condition, bridegroom bride doorway welcomes guest! " she is not denied inaccessibly unexpectedly, just laugh, he says then: "I go to otherwise buying bundle of flower to be being held in both hands to you, such more resembled! " the result was patted: "That goes buying. " -- this is small girl, laugh to resemble only small fox. Actually she grows so that resemble a mother a bit, the charm of canthus of tip of the brow is sent, it is to resemble really. Actually he feels the mother resembles a fox all the time in one's childhood, crafty and enchanting, until play curtilage greatly in one's childhood once with father, hear the old servant spit in the home accidentally readily, anger anger: "Resemble that fox essence really! " his this ability knows, original fox is bad. The mother is before him, always smile. Just that time, his the first sky learns, the teacher asks to learn to keep his name, then he classeses are over come home go asking a mother. The mother is holding his little hand from backside, brushstroke was written delimitingly on paper " Mu Zhenfei " 3 words, he is strange only: "Mom, should be I surnamed not? Why of my surname and father different? " maternal sound sounds and different at ordinary times, resembling is tremble gently: "Fly fly good, fly fly to pairs small still incorrect? Fly so fly to be in ' not ' below add ' small ' , etc fly fly was brought up, can surname not. " he " hum " , good gracious go up to practice everywhere in paper, but the mother is done not have all the time again phonate, feel to water is dropped only was in on oneself the top of head. Age old job, be being written down really is clear, bright as the break with with final mother. He hears the late night noise gets up go looking, the result discovers parents is in the sitting room, he hides in the corner of stair secretly, see beautiful mother is hysterical in that way for the first time: "You this birds and beasts! You from what cheat me namely at the beginning, you never had loved me, I am your plaything nevertheless, you play now enough, be about to leave off! " father sits on sofa shallow drink, sound is like calmly as one used to do: "I never had said to want you to leave, just warn you -- do not become the illusion with impossible what. " maternal cry ases if acedia: "You had said obviously... you had said obviously... " father sneer, path: "My blurt out says, were you still taken seriously? " below the dim lamplight in the sitting room, maternal complexion is gotten palely approximately transparent. That is he sees a mother for the last time, get up the following day, only father has breakfast together with him, but he had not asked about a mother once where to go to. Time outside of Xiao Shan GG time outside the past not in all pink clouds flies to still 3 days are about the university entrance exam, the school put a holiday conventionally, let student rest and reorganization coming home, hope everybody is OK with the fullest spirit to take an examination. Arrive every year this moment, the most painful is not tall 3 be about to liberate learn to grow learn elder sister, it is them instead these second year in high school want those who enter cage to learn younger brother to learn younger sister immediately people. Upstairs listening to roaring, from the song not by say a tongue to be the same as the rose of the desk: "You listen, tall of 3 seem to want, clear away a thing. Alas, pitiful, they should be liberated just about instead, but the school vacates a hand to want to clear away us immediately. " the imitate problem that   rose is becoming one a cycle of songs in a traditional opera to learn, wen Yan just looks up to laugh: "Know the school wants to clear away us, still do not become a problem at once, all the day is shout anxious can you take an examination of two minutes more? " nod from the song: "Be, if I resemble you abstruse contest takes same maths first prize, not only recommend qualificatory the university entrance exam when still can add 20 minutes more, I am not urgent also. " sighed bumblingly: "The difference that you say person and person how so big... "   rose became white she is one: "If you envied even me that to be able to not come over with respect to envy, you look tall we the Xiao Shan of one class, abstruse number takes the someone award, immediately P is mixed greatly T is big two schools call will hope he goes. You visit child snow elder sister again, the family is felt 2 feel 3 feel it is completely before whole town 10, you must not be envied dead. "   leaves a song can be true sigh this: "Should say ' things of one kind come together, person with group cent ' this word says but a bit truly, the person that how you know is so arrogant. "   rose does not know why to blush suddenly a bit, fumble: "I follow child snow elder sister is brought up together as a child, but Xiao Shan has met only a few, how to calculate understanding. "   leaves a song " hum hum " , thief of a pair of eyes is smooth smooth: "Do not know be not known, do you blush what? " give an idea again: "The university entrance exam wants on their horse anyway, for certain a lot of reference book idle come down, go wanting two with child snow elder sister as you, can let her impart to review experience incidentally. " actually the rose has   early also such plan, taking the advantage of noon break so went in Tong Xue's class, pour as it happens to see she is clearing away a thing, smilingly ground cried: "Child snow elder sister! "   Tong Xuezheng is arranging a book, see a rose slightly terrified, come back to smile namely: "Be small rose, will get just in time, I just want to look for you, let you look can the data of find sth useful, anyway I am taken also is put without the place. " Xi of   rose Xi laughs: "Child snow elder sister is really good. " look on the side the book that Tong Xue has been arranged, break up searched. Saying is books written in ancient times, still be very clean actually, fine fine ground is turning over the rose, discover suddenly most next it is a very delicate gift box unexpectedly, not by " ah " : "Child snow elder sister, this won't be your boy friend send. " raise a face to come, a pair of eyes laugh the turn is curvedly as crescent moon: "I can want to look. "   differs Tong Xue talks, without consulting anyone opened the box. Although pack,did not think of this box delicate, the thing that fills inside is a little wild however: A cabinet glass comes back lid bottle, one have some of shabby maths Ao Saishu originally, one throws cracked pen, a ring tab that pulls coal tub easily, already wither petaline, fold only although very delicate but the paper crane that material pledges resembling is paper of snack inn mat, most exaggerated is -- unexpectedly still a packet of turnip works. The rose has a dot to feel embarrassed very much, get on even be busy, hold a book that has searched aside in the arms to to Tong Xue: "Elder sister, that you first busy, etc take an examination of try me to look for you again became good. " one's voice in speech did not fall, oneself sneaked away first -- a bit did not arrive alertly the expression of back Tong Xue. Xiao Shan, when reading aloud these two words again, in imagining completely however aching, two words had delimited gently the tip of the tongue, resembling is the wind with fresh spring. The so much associate with in the box, resemble the memory that is them, again how fine fine ground is collected, still can be a fragment only, also cannot go all out again close. She is fine fine gropingly each type thing, resembling is the heart that examining his -- the glass with cabinet and delicate   comes back lid bottle, there still is little snake oil inside, it is that subaltern wipe after chilblain remain, true canal is used, also did not have a relapse this winter. The paper crane that has been folded a lot of times afresh by her, because she says to want to learn to fold all the time, had ravelled a lot of times so, but still can fold according to crease only as before finally rise, change one Zhang Xin's paper to be no good completely. Xiao Shan crosses her a lot of times for this jest, she refuses to obey, once still vowed solemnly: "After waiting for the university entrance exam to be over, I fold one canister to give you certainly! " still can have 3 months from the university entrance exam, he says: "We part company. "   is old old abstruse number reference book, ask him a theme because of her only, he still sits at the back of his in those days, wirh fixed attention pondered a little while, handhold from the back unexpectedly her hand, go up in paper together with her figure. Fortunately he sees the face that is less than her, so red that resemble it is Xia Ye's most beautiful afterglow. Pen water of La Hei delimits go up in the book, full-bodied in that way La Man is slow caky a light Chinese ink is lubricious, asing if was to precipitate years. Her hand holds the hand in him in, let a person remember years passes, hold your hand, grow old with you. Was thrown too the pen that cracks for many times, because she always is not quite agile, learn to turn the pen learned so long, threw his pen such, do so that he finds both funny and annoying simply, be forced to prepare to desertion this pen, was received stealthily by her however. Pull the ring tab of coal tub easily, on the ring finger that covers leftward, of Song Song drop downward all the time, she wore several days feeling pleasedly however, hide a left hand in the pocket everyday, do not let others see. Leaf is the school was planted a lot of Bai Yulan, first when be being picked first white and fragrant, she is placed in the diary stealthily this in, should have a look everyday, smell one smell, arrived to also forget later. Take again now, however already wither was become fallow, so decadent color, taking wave the attitude of fall. Chervil of that packet of desolate works, it is her birthday present actually. Xiao Shan asked very long she just tells him birthday, he " ah " , scratch a head a little vexedly: "Not was last year I make an appointment with you to come out that day, early know to should send you dot gift. " she just smiles: "Know now not late also ah, can fill this year those who go up. " he sent result birthday mysteriously that day her a delicate caddy, unexpectedly still oneself are wrapped. She has bit of uneasiness very much, be afraid of only is too precious thing, but bad also to refuse. With great difficulty classeses are over come home open, a packet of turnip doing is unexpectedly inside discovery! True good energy of life comical, look after all to issue one Zhang Xiaoxiao's card however, write: "I send Tong Xue myself, hope she does not desertion all one's life this gift. " she laughs slightly, tear was dropped however. It is the memory like the fragment, she also won't desertion, regular meeting well collect carefully lifetime. Because the word counts limitation to stick,still have two not know clearly
