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南门口:烧烤小贩聚集地 旧劳动剧院旁的小雨厂坪附近,过去是烧烤及各类制作小吃的小贩驱之不去的地方。除四娭毑后来赫然在南路立起门面,现在刘记烧烤租了个小地方容身外,其他长沙市井中人传说的王婆婆水饺、糊涂婆婆经营的凉面、炖菜、小炒、五圆肚条似乎已寻不着踪影。



坡子街:火宫殿的臭豆腐 坡子街有被誉为湘风小吃的源头、湘菜的主要代表的火宫殿。始建于清朝乾隆年间的火宫殿以“火庙文化”为底蕴,辅以名品素食,以其独特的风格使历代名人纷纷慕名而来。 火宫殿有“八小吃十二名肴”之称。其八小吃为臭豆腐、、煮馓子、八宝果饭、、荷兰粉、红烧蹄花、三角豆腐。


游击坪:李娭毑的葱油粑粑 解放西路游击坪电线杆子旁李娭毑所炸、添加了胡椒的葱油粑粑,被一些长沙年轻网友评为“长沙第一好呷葱油粑粑”,李娭毑师从北正街头卡子一街办厂的老同事,1982年左右自立门户,李娭毑称要炸好葱油粑粑有一定的诀窍,比如磨制米浆中加入的现饭子必须是半生不熟的撩饭等,她的磨浆工作都是当天早上4点完成,每天炸完200个左右的葱油粑粑即收摊。而她的技艺,因为儿子、儿媳的不愿接手,可能失传。毕竟这是个辛苦活。真正的滋味在民间,而美食的悄然消亡有时就真像是一曲广陵散绝。



蔡锷北路:长青汤圆店 长青汤圆店是一家有百年历史的私营小店。小店主营小磨汤圆。祖传手艺,粉质细嫩。如今已传至第四代。其店内所经营的肉馅汤圆目前在长沙可能是独一无二的。其店不远另有一家开办于1985年的晶莹汤圆店。两家店面几乎比邻而居,颇有竞争之势。在竞争中两店互相促进提高,皆成为长沙最有生机的小吃店之一。两店均经营有荷兰粉、烫粉、白粒丸、麻油猪血等十数甚至是数十个品种。


荷花池:翁不倒蚕豆 翁不倒蚕豆以炒奶油蚕豆而闻名。







Changsha can say the blessing ground that is tourist, it is the blessing land that takes money more. Changsha is the city on a the tip of the tongue, changsha person loves to eat, delicious, the joy that can find the life from inside cate and contented. Changsha, a city that is surrounded by cate, have deep love for cate how won't taking money also forget it.

South doorway: Barbecue butcher collects the ground near the spit factory level ground by old labor theater, past is barbecue is reached of all kinds the does not go place that makes fastfood butcher drive. Be in awesomely later except 4 south the appearance since Luli, liu Ji barbecue hired a little place shelter oneself now outside, the cool side that the king mother-in-law boiled dumpling of fokelore of go-between of other Changsha marketplace, muddleheaded mother-in-law runs, dish that stew, small fry, 5 round abdomen already searched it seems that do not wear sign.

The doorway still has food taken late at night of Yang Yan lens to discharge archives to have proper name south. Labor theater goes down south the dummy of doorway food market.

Academic market: Liu writes down the academic market Ceng Youwen of old store of food taken late at night to turn a theater, can collect person energy of life quite, existence of downtown streets of food taken late at night already had more than 10 years, became famous with cold dish cold dish.

Slope child street: The slope of strong-smelling preserved bean curd of igneous palace child the igneous palace that the street has the main delegate that is known as dish of the fountainhead with Hunan fastfood wind, Hunan. Only then build at clear Chao Qianlong year the igneous palace between with " igneous temple culture " for details, complementary taste with the name maigre, with its distinctive color makes past dynasties celebrity is attracted in succession. Igneous palace has " 8 fastfood 12 meat and fish dishes " say. Its 8 fastfood for strong-smelling preserved bean curd, , the San that boil child, meal of eight treasures fruit, , bean curd of flower of hoof of Holand pink, braise in soy sauce, triangle.

Inspected igneous palace to taste strong-smelling preserved bean curd to make in person 1958 igneous palace more eaves of renown raise extensive region. In March 2003, the whole nation " two meetings " during, the premier says when attending Hunan delegacy to discuss: "What I once remembered igneous palace is fastfood with respect to covet unceasingly, dietary culture is very important to Changsha, the special flavor that must carry Changsha... "

Guerrilla warfare level ground: Plum the cake of green oily cake of is liberated on the west by pole of electrical wiring of level ground of road guerrilla warfare plum blast of place, added peppery green oily cake, by a few Changsha young netizen is judged for " Changsha cake of oily cake of green of the first good sip " , plum division from north one street does street checkpost the old colleague of the factory, controlled housekeep 1982, plum says to want cake of oily cake of scamper good green to have fair tricks of the trade, grind what join in the oar that make rice to show a meal for instance child the hold up meal that must be rawness, her job that grind an oar was that day finished at 4 o'clock in the morning, everyday scamper is over cake of 200 green oily cake receive booth namely. And her craft, because of son, daughter-in-law do not wish to take over, likelihood be lost. After all this is a hard work. Real taste is in folk, and of cate sadly die out resembles really sometimes is an An Ling comes loose absolutely.

Boreal road: Of Li Gong temple

Be located in boreal road new big new inclined the Li Gong temple on, before Changsha looks, the person is enraged most the inn of one wife and children of flourishing.

Road of north of Cai the blade of a sword: Evergreen inn of stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup is evergreen inn of stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup is a privately owned small shop that has hundred years history. Young shopkeeper battalion is small grind stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup. Ancestral craft, opaque is delicate. Already passed to the 4th generation nowadays. The meat stuffing stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup that manages inside its inn is in at present Changsha may be unique. Its inn is not far have an open additionally the inn of glittering and translucent stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup 1985. Two storefront almost near neighbour and house, have competitive power quite. In competition two inn are promoted each other rise, all become Changsha to have one of snack bar of opportunity of survival most.

Each love somewhat. Two storefront coexist before attracting more customers possibly instead, be gone to own alternative. Regrettablly, one already all is written to tear open a word bright redly on two gates area, by the powdery inn that of short duration of inn of glittering and translucent stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup moves to add that one to the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. Of inn of two wife and children south have Hua Na snack bar, opened several chain. Gram sand and cool surface are the famousest.

Lotus pool: Old man do not pour horsebean old man not to pour horsebean famed with frying butyric broad bean.

Of of Wang Wu smelly work child

It is the start of Huang Xingna road. There is store of clavicle of new fastfood duck around " Yi Jiajiang is written down " . Inn of this wife and children is a roadside booth originally, already opened 4 doors range around now, manage by the eldest sister of easy home and two little brothers. Calling easy home Jiang Ji is the elder sister's husband that is Yi Jiaxiong younger brother because of what invent thick gravy Jiang Mou, and the result that doing the business truly is of one mind of solidarity of sister of easy home brother greatly.

Here, what I should say is of Wang Wu is smelly work child. 5 is by canard in Changsha for a time ancient , 5 laughs, never explain, one fault is a lot of years. Via coverage of this locality media, and central TV 4 broadcast, of 5 smelly dry child dragon grows since booth in front of. 5 comes home now take care of 2 degrees of apoplectic sweetheart yellow dad, already arrived personally no longer before booth scamper is smelly dry child, if a few youth disappointed that queue up are broken, smelly work child or that smelly dry child, but always feel little 5 is little a flavour.

Of 5 smelly dry child be in absolutely Changsha is few and far between precious rare. Of 5 smelly dry child set two to nod: One, in the past by its personally or be in together with the eldest son Huang Xingna is wayside the booth dot that the place of a close driveway furnishs, another booth criterion by its young son is set in sanded river street declivous place. Of of Wang Wu smelly dry child sell 1000 only allegedly everyday, opened booth to rise at 3 o'clock from afternoon, sell early come loose early booth, do not sell more absolutely. Her this two place are smelly dry child be destined to be able to want to be in Changsha is flourishing go down.

Of because Changsha is very much small faker smelly work child because do not know to make element bittern, use the method with abominable nearsightedness namely, wait for snail Tuo flesh or clam shell flesh immerse smell adds the bittern of make it meat or fish such as pigment, and what bittern of meat or fish has a be bored with making a person on mouthfeel is fishy, and contain fleshy toxin because of its, great to human body harm, make a person smelly to these dry child big spoil one's appetite. And the element bittern that Changsha goes, according to the account of deceased epicure Yu Runquan, in " Culture Revolution " of early days " broken FOUR OLDS " in already was poured more, the other people that know to send bittern or stores element bittern is in Changsha now is very few.

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