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这种反应也被称为“振荡时钟”,其中布里格斯-劳舍尔(Briggs-Rauscher)反应是最常见的化学振荡反应之一。在这个反应中,参与反应的为三种无色化学物质——酸化碘酸钾(KIO3 + H2SO4)、丙二酸和一水硫酸锰(HOOCCH2COOH + MnSO4·H2O)的溶液、稀释的过氧化氢(H2O2)。






这种反应的美妙之处在于,它是被意外发现的。当化学家鲍里斯·贝洛索夫(Boris Belousov)试图建立活细胞中有机分子氧化的化学模型之时,他观察到反应没有进行到完全,而是在不同的颜色之间振荡,看起来就像是一个万花筒。





















   Chemistry is very interesting, all sorts of phenomena that this science can produce all round the explanation. a lot of people like chemistry, because a little chemical reaction can produce the visual result that makes a person fab,be. Will introduce the 10 chemistry that Dabukesai discusses to react below.

1, blackart oscillation reaction

This kind of reaction also is called " oscillation clock " , among them Briggs - Laosheer (Briggs-Rauscher) reaction is one of the commonnest chemical oscillation response. In this reaction, share reaction for 3 kinds of colorless and chemical material -- acidification iodine acerbity Potassium (KIO3 + H2SO4) , 2 acid mix third one water is vitriolic manganese (H2O of · of HOOCCH2COOH + MnSO4) solution, attenuant cross oxidation hydrogen (H2O2) .

Result, the color of solution is in colorless, amber and blue-black between continuously oscillation is made an appointment with 3 to 4 minutes.

2, the anguine reaction with old law

If think what reproduce Egypt in the lab is magical, this reaction suits very much. One of reactant are sulfur cyaniding mercury (Hg(SCN)2) , solid of this kind of white can pass nitric acid mercury in the lab or the precipitation reaction of chloridize mercury and Potassium of sulfur cyanic acid is made. After sulfur cyaniding mercury is ignited, can produce a kind of chain reaction, release an aerosol and cindery, grow a strip material that looks like a snake, because this gets a name " the snake with old law " .

"Snake " color can be changed through adding proper chemical substance. However, mercury is the chemical material with a kind of very strong noxiousness, need tread lightly.

3, kaleidoscope reaction

The wonderful part of this kind of reaction depends on, it is discovered by the accident. When chemist Boris · Bei Luo alls alone husband (Boris Belousov) the chemical model that in trying to build vivid cell, organic element oxidizes when, he observes reaction did not undertake complete, it is however between different color oscillation, resembling it seems that is a kaleidoscope.

In this reaction, bromine and organic acid (had better be third 2 acid) in metallic activator (like magnesium or chromium) the meeting below action produces reaction, the result can get the ripple of constant change color.

4, elephant toothpaste reaction

This reaction is to oxidize too hydrogen and potassium iodine are changed or iodine changes what happen between sodium and soap to decompose reaction, it can produce many foam, explode from pipe like toothpaste like coming out. In addition, also can join dye to make in solution more bright-coloured " toothpaste " . However, it whether can the tooth of clean elephant, still remain test and verify.

5, man-made snow reaction

Polypropylene acerbity natrium is a kind of interesting polymer, it is had extremely strong bibulous with the ability that defend water. Accordingly, in mixing polymer of this kind of cross-linking when water, it can close with to hydrate instantly, form the round bunch with fleeciness white, each other are not stuck together, resemble snow it seems that same.

Inside a few seconds, polypropylene acerbity natrium can be in pure water bibulous achieve 500 times of quality formerer. If add fluorescent dye, in the observation in darkness, visual effect will become more dream.

6, reaction glacial fire

The chemical part that the oxidant such as the metal such as aluminous, magnesian, zinc and oxidation bismuth, ferric oxide made thermite. After this kind of compound is ignited, OK and direct frit wears a metal, use at railroad maintenance.

However, the ice of thermite and super-cooling or liquid nitrogen react not so effective. Should place when ice thermit catchs fire, ice can release much energy inside very short time, bring about massive explosion and dazzling ray.

7, candy blows up reaction

When chloric acid Potassium and source of candied or other candy react, can produce the blaze of violet color and much quantity of heat, this kind of reaction had used a few centuries in fireworks. Candy contains much energy, the person's body passes the chemical bond in breaking candy molecule gradually, release this kind of energy slowly. However, when all chemical bond rupture at the same time, much energy can be inside short time release with light and hot form.

8, black blackart reaction

This kind of reaction is similar to the anguine reaction with old law, reactant is dextrose acerbity calcium. Although this kind of compound looks,be like stability, when be being ignited together when they and fuel, will produce strange foam. Bubble presents grey black, because bases is carbon. This is a relatively safe experiment, it is carbon dioxide and vapor because of the gas that release.

9, feather explosion reaction

3 iodine change nitrogen (NI3) it is a kind of compound that does not stabilize extremely, want feather only or mosquito touchs an opportunity to produce explosion a little, the aerosol that releases a purple (iodic simple substance) .

Iodic atom is bigger, when atom combines 3 so big atom and a lesser nitrogen, do not have enough oscillatory space, this increased the pulling force that remains to release in the element.

10, invisible " water "

The last be not is chemical reaction, however phenomenon of a kind of physics. 6 fluorine change sulfur (SF6) it is the gas with a kind of extremely high density, be equivalent to airy 5 times. It is transparent that 6 fluorine change sulfur, and be dull.

6 fluorine change sulfur to be able to sink airy lower part, can let tinfoil boat float rise, making its are looked like is to float on water. If give tinfoil boat to change sulfur into 6 fluorine, the boat can sink gradually.
