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简麦如何下载? 麦块怎么下载?英文双语对照


简麦如何下载? 麦块怎么下载?英文双语对照









麦麦是谁? 谁是麦麦>?





这是周杰伦的 《Mine Mine》。



《Mine Mine》这首歌原本是《我不配》的背景音乐,是周杰伦即兴创作炫技完成的作品,原来的目的只是好玩,没想到越听越有感觉,于是周杰伦把这首歌完成 。周杰伦包办《Mine Mine》词曲创作,歌词用普通话、英语、闽南语:“Cuz baby you are mine mine”(因为你是我的);“Mine Mine”同音的闽南语“唛唛”意指“不要”,“唛唛你唛搁唛搁偷偷离开”解答了为何还想要为已分开的情人撑伞、帮她缴罚单。












1. 安装mind+并安装驱动,点击“一键安装串口驱动”;

2. 驱动装好后将麦昆小车和电脑连接,能看见多出一个com3-microbit选项;

3. 点击右上角上传模式,再点击左下角扩展选项,然后选择麦昆机器人;

4. 再点击连接设备—com3-microbit,右上角显示连接设备成功;

5. 将左竖条的命令拉到中间的主程序里,编程结束后点击右上角上传到设备,上传完毕拔掉数据线,再打开开关即可。








If why Jianmai downloads?

Open the applied store in the mobile phone, the search downloads

How does wheat piece download?

Mobile phone of the system that install eminent downloads software method to have a lot of, offer the following kinds of way for you, ask you to consult:

1. passes shop of the application in the mobile phone " search the software of need and download installation.

The software that 2. needs through search of mobile phone browser downloads installation (if from the browser of the belt, the installation bag of download saves the file in me - in Download folder) .

3. passes tripartite assistant kind the order that software download installation needs.

4. downloads the installation bag of APK format through computer, transmit the installation in the mobile phone next.

Who is Mai Mai? Who is Mai Mai > ?

Mai Mai's classmate, was born on March 29, it is Chinese broadcast group accepted all-round from days of HIGH is small king, the form that complete China says to the edge is sung with the edge directs program of broadcasting station music the first person.

How does fast wheat Pda download?

Fast wheat Pda can open official website to apply a column to download

Which song is wheat barley barley?

This is Zhou Jielun " Mine Mine " .

Be by Zhou Jielun write words, compose, linmaike is composed, the song that Zhou Jielun sings, collect the special that on November 11, 2011 musical limited company issues Jieweier " exclamation mark " in.

On June 30, 2012, this obtain a list of names posted up of gold of music of popularity of the 2nd whole world - 2011 year award of music of 20 big gold.

" Mine Mine " this song is originally " I do not deserve " background music, it is the work that ability of extemporaneous creation dazzle completes Zhou Jielun, original intent is amused only, did not think of to listen to have a feeling more more, then Zhou Jielun finishs this song. Zhou Jielun monopolizes " Mine Mine " creation of a general term for ci and qu, libretto uses the language austral mandarin, English, Fujian: "Cuz Baby You Are Mine Mine " (because you are mine) ; "Mine Mine " the language austral unisonant Fujian " Ma Ma " mean " not " , "Ma Ma your Ma puts aside Ma leave secretly " solved why to still want to be apart already lover to support umbrella, side her capture punishs sheet.

Are red wheat and wheat of palm of wheat of white Mai Huang distinguished?

Red wheat is a kind of wheat. Red wheat is to show seed coat is cardinal or rufous Mai Li not under the wheat of 90% (cutin of red hard wheat is led not under 70% , opaque of red soft wheat is led not under 70% ) .

Bai Mai is a wheaten kind, , white wheat cent is horniness white wheat and soft qualitative Bai Xiaomai. A year or biennial herb, the bine is erect, hollow, leaf is wide a form, seed is elliptic, n has channel. Seed contains a large number of starch, it is one of our country's indispensable grain crop.

Huang Mai shows wheat fizzled out, fast maturity.

Palm wheat is brown wheat.

What is Mai Mai carry? What is Mai Mai carry?

   "Mai Mai is carried " it is person of the Uygur nationality commonly used a kind of name. This word has several meanings, when Chinese inland is current interpret makes Chinese surname be rice.

The 2nd kind of meaning points out unripe, be born or become of worldly come to here; Still can point to additionally be interested in something other people and exploratory study, for example: Should write a paper, I begin to browse the data searchs reference book record.

Measure of process designing of robot of wheat elder brother?

The programming language that the process designing measure of robot of wheat elder brother may use because of place and tool and differ somewhat. It is with Mind+ exemple, can consult the following measure:


1.  Install Mind+ and install drive, click " one key installation strings together buccal drive " ;

2.  After drive has been installed, Mai Kun car and computer join, can see option of many a Com3-microbit;

3.  Click top right corner to upload mode, click again left next horn are patulous option, choose robot of wheat elder brother next;

4.  Click join equipment again, Com3-microbit, top right corner shows join equipment is successful;

5.  Will left vertical stroke the command helps the main program among in, top right corner is clicked to upload equipment after process designing ends, upload end unplug data line, open switch again can.

How does wheat Ji robot play?

Install electrify pool above all, press switch bolts next, the setting mode that chooses a robot is started. It carried dispatch to fly to those who clean out the cloud system of kind of person head TYOS, part is small talk about interactive, TV habit of 100 divisions become reconciled fosters interpret of interactive, Sino-British each other, high in the clouds at an organic whole, pass Wifi interconnection, can have real time speech with mobile phone end small a little, can help the parent foster child fine exceedingly to learn a habit alive as a child, implementation and golden eagle cartoon defend the item that inspects place to broadcast to undertake real time interacts. It can ponder over study like the mankind, have the true person voice with wheat distinctive Ji, it is a true domestic intelligence member, company child joy grows.

One downloads on preexistence mobile phone ' clean out the cloud to interact ' App, register entry measure 2: Those who click a page to go up ' + ' date measure 3: Click ' equipment gets online ' measure 4: The Wifi password measure in inputting your home 5: Right now App meeting clew arrives in list of Wifi of your mobile phone, the hand moves choice ToyClound-*** or the Wifi of Hipanda-*** begin, the password is: 00000000 measure 6: Hook up after Wifi, return App measure 7: Await robot of wheat Ji intelligence to hint couplet net succeeds can

If there is occurrence ToyClound-*** in list of your mobile phone Wifi or the Wifi of Hipanda-*** begin, you can grow those who press robot of wheat Ji intelligence to collect key 6 seconds left and right sides, next refresh Wifi list can.

Does key-press of wheat Ji robot explain?

Wheat Ji robot is an intelligence toy, have a variety of functions and characteristic. It is specifications of a few common key-press of wheat Ji robot below: Switch machine: In the front of wheat Ji robot, have a mains switch, press can switch on the mobile phone. Long after pressing a few seconds, wheat Ji robot can be given out switch on the mobile phone phonic effect is entered bide one's time condition. Close when need when machine, press again switch can. Speech recognition pushbutton: Wheat Ji robot has speech recognition function, there is button of a speech recognition in the coping of the robot. Press after pushbutton, you can speak an instruction to wheat Ji robot or quiz, the robot can undertake discriminating and make corresponding response. Volume adjustment pushbutton: In the flank of wheat Ji robot, can find pushbutton of two volume adjustment. Pass these two pushbutton, you can adjust the volume volume of the robot. Story mode pushbutton: The buy inside wheat Ji robot a variety of stories and children's song, can broadcast corresponding story or children's song through pressing story mode pushbutton comes. Define instruction pushbutton oneself: Besides speech recognition function, wheat Ji robot returns support to define an instruction oneself. Define instruction pushbutton oneself through pressing, what you can install yourself is exclusive instruction, let the robot identifies and be carried out. Conjugate pushbutton: Before robot of use wheat Ji, need undertakes conjugate is operated. In the reverse side of the robot, can find conjugate pushbutton. Press after pushbutton, undertake according to clew conjugate is operated can. Network join pushbutton: Wheat Ji robot supports network join function, can join through pressing the network joins pushbutton comes domestic network. Besides the key-press with common above, wheat Ji robot still may have other and special function and button, specific and OK referenced manual or connection customer service know more news.

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