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深化文化体制改革 强调要?英文双语对照


深化文化体制改革 强调要?英文双语对照

一、深化文化体制改革 强调要?






























党的十一届三中全会召开三十五年来,我们党以巨大的政治勇气,锐意推进经济体制、政治体制、文化体制、社会体制、生态文明体制和党的建设制度改革,不断扩大开放,决心之大、变革之深、影响之广前所未有,成就举世瞩目。     改革开放最主要的成果是开创和发展了中国特色社会主义,为社会主义现代化建设提供了强大动力和有力保障。事实证明,改革开放是决定当代中国命运的关键抉择,是党和人民事业大踏步赶上时代的重要法宝。     实践发展永无止境,解放思想永无止境,改革开放永无止境。面对新形势新任务,全面建成小康社会,进而建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,必须在新的历史起点上全面深化改革,不断增强中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信。






One, deepen culture system reform to emphasize wanting?

Deepening what culture system reform emphasizes is to should strengthen socialistic cultural and ideological progress, raise thought ethics training, promote comprehensive progress of the person thereby, progress of society of economy of article melt into offers mind power intelligence to support a thought to ensure, strengthen cultural and ideological progress only, construction socialism is advanced culture, ability has thrust to move socialistic harmony society to develop, ability enhances people's spiritual outlook, offer inner world ability to provide mental power, make our country construction prosperous and strong, the socialistic modernization powerful nation with democratic harmonious and beautiful culture.

2, the effect that deepens culture system reform?

System of the culture below new condition reforms great at 5 o'clock real significance

One, deepen culture system reform, it is to promote culture industry to span the urgent need of structural adjustment of type development, stimulative industry. Accelerate development culture industry, be helpful for optimizing economic structure and industrial structure, be helpful for pulling move a dweller to consume a structure to upgrade, be helpful for expanding obtain employment and do poineering work. Must reform through deepening culture system, breed main body of large quantities of eligible culture market, compose builds healthy and orderly culture market environment, to accelerate culture industry development lays next solid foundations.

2, deepen culture system reform, it is to expand further inside need, the urgent need of the mental culture demand that contented people increases increasingly. Must adopt culture system reform, the common culture product with offer more system, better and service serve in farther perfect and common culture while, develop culture property energetically, in order to satisfy the mental culture requirement of the diversity that people grows increasingly, mutiple level, many sided.

3, deepen culture system reform, it is to increase the quality of entire nation culture, urgent need that heightens economy to develop Chinese to change content significantly. When this age bound, economy and culture more and more be in harmony is an organic whole. Must increase culture system to reform working strength, arouse culture to develop the energy of innovation, the quality that develops to improve economy and benefit, make contribution to can develop continuously.

4, deepen culture system reform, it is to advance culture and confluence of science and technology, increase culture field the need of own innovation ability. Realize the confluence of culture and modern science and technology only, ability spans to come true in culture domain type development provides new power. Must accelerate culture system to reform pace, boost the tie of culture and modern science and technology energetically, use an advanced technique to breed, develop and transmit advanced culture.

5, deepen culture system reform, it is to drive China culture to go, the urgent need that extends international to develop a space. Increase of actual strength of our country economy ceaselessly and expand of international consequence ceaselessly, to promote China culture " go " offerred new opportunity. Must increase culture system to reform working strength, exert oneself cultivates industry of a batch of extroversion that have international competition ability culture, drive Wu of kimono of product of culture enterprise, culture to be walked out of energetically

3, what meaning is deepening culture system to reform?

Deepening culture system to change a car is to let culture system become drive a society the cardiac with each respect best development

4, deepen culture system reform, perfect culture runs system, how should accelerate compose to build?

The system mechanism that puts social beneficial result in benefit of the first place, society and economic benefits photograph to unite.

5, deepen administration to execute the law what should system reform perfect?

It is to deepen administration to execute the law system reform. Perfect authority duty clarity, movement the administration with smooth, clean-fingered and strong, efficient safeguard executes the law mechanism, rise energetically execute the law executive force and public letter force.

Fulfil city and in principle of city area under administration to set to execute the law only in the round a class, high new developed area of banner county area and rare earth is executed commonly " bureau team syncretic " system, brazilwood villages and towns and street and progressively implementation " canal of a team executes the law " reform principle and requirement.

Villages and towns of high new developed area of area of county of city, banner and rare earth, brazilwood and street and integrated execute the law orgnaization and work out of concerned management department announce integrated administration to execute the law matter detailed list, duty border detailed list, delimit turn execute the law item, perfect join mechanism.

Perfect administration executes the law the safeguard mechanism such as working funds, equipment, advance execute the law car, execute the law equipment standardizes construction, normative and integrated administration executes the law the dress that make type and mark government.

6, is deepening the system that ask for a canal to reform in the round?

Of the party 18 big since, in the adamancy of the Party Central Committee that is core with Comrade Xi Jinping the leader falls, reform of system of our country taxation is deepened ceaselessly, taxation ask forring is in charge of system to be optimized continuously, the compasses plasticity that pay taxes service and duty Wu execute the law, convenient accurate sex of gender, essence promotes ceaselessly, but compare with the demand bearing that advances a country to administer system and processing capability modernization, the expectation that expends a person with taxpayer capture is compared still have certain difference. " opinion " the outstanding issue that base oneself upon asks for the existence in the canal at solving current revenue and depth second contradiction, around hold new development level, carry out new development concept, compose to build new development structure, to deepening taxation to ask for a canal further reform makes comprehensive deploy, have many sided to weigh great sense.

7, what is to deepen reform of medical treatment system?

Medical treatment ensures the serious content that is safeguard of the people's livelihood. The Party Central Committee, the State Council takes this height seriously, perfect medical treatment to guarantee a system soundly continuously. Especially of the party 18 big since, cure of the whole people protects reform depth to advance, see a doctor in broken solution difficult, see a doctor revolutionary headway was gained on expensive issue. Current, our country already built the primary medical treatment with the largest scale on the world to ensure a net, ginseng of insurance of countrywide primary medical treatment protects a number to exceed 1.35 billion person, enclothe stability to be in 95% above; Medical treatment ensures dimensions of fund income and expenses and accumulative total cash on hand to expand steadily, whole moves dovish can last.

Enter new era as Chinese characteristic socialism, people grows increasingly to the good need of healthy happiness and benefit, development of domain of medical treatment safeguard is lopsided inadequate problem is shown stage by stage. Main show: It is system fragment is changed. Cut of policy of a few places is loose, system pile one bed upon another or build one house on top of another. 2 it is pay lopsided. Level of the safeguard between the area joins insufficient, excessive safeguard and safeguard are not worth a phenomenon to coexist. 3 it is safeguard has short board. Worker doctor protected individual account to be changed infirmly in all aid ensures a function, outpatient service safeguard is not quite sufficient. 4 it is to superintend not perfect. The phenomenon that erodes cure to protect fund and interest of enroach on masses is commonner, cure protects pair of medical treatment to serve behavior to restrain inadequacy. 5 it is reform does not cooperate with. Medical service resource is lopsided, cure is protected, system of achievement of reform of medical treatment, medicine is compositive and insufficient. These problems matter to people to obtain feeling, must try to reform.

8, deepen system to reform a requirement in the round what?

Deepening economic system to reform a requirement in the round is: It is to do not waver in the least to consolidate and expand state ownership economy, do not waver in the least encourage, support, conduct development of economy of blame state ownership.

The great theory of socialism of 1. China characteristic and practice innovate, it is socialism the component of basic economy system.

Sex of structure of more outstanding side reforms 2. , outstanding seize reform measure fall to the ground.

The economic reform that 3. comes to 5 years obtained striking progress.

9, why should deepen economic system reform?

Reforming and opening is the new Wei great revolution that the party leads a the people of all nations to undertake below new age requirement, it is contemporary China's brightest characteristic.

11 of the party 3 in plenary meeting holds 35 years to come, our party with enormous political courage, the construction institution that acute meaning pushs system of civilization of system of economic system, politics, culture system, society system, zoology and faction is reformed, expand ceaselessly open, of determination big, of changing deep, influence wide unprecedented, achievement attracts worldwide attention. The achievement with the mainest reforming and opening is initiate and developed Chinese characteristic socialism, provided powerful motive force and strong safeguard for socialistic modernization. The fact proves, reforming and opening is the crucial choice that decides contemporary China destiny, it is the main a magic weapon that party and people facilities in big strides catch up with a times. Practice development is never-ending, emancipatory thought is never-ending, reforming and opening is never-ending. Face new condition new job, build comparatively well-off society in the round, the Chinese nation of the socialistic modernization nation that builds prosperous and strong and democratic civilized harmony then, implementation is great national Chinese dream, must deepen reform in the round on new historical start, enhance self-confidence of road of Chinese characteristic socialism, academic self-confidence, system self-confidence ceaselessly.

10, what is the core that deepens system reform?

The relation that handles good government and market is the core that deepens reform, can make the market rises decision action and better play government action in resource configuration.

Treat good government and market concern further, should handle namely actually fortunately the market in resource configuration has conclusive effect or the government has conclusive effect this problem. Theory and practice prove, market configuration resource is the most businesslike form. The responsibility that emphasizes a government and action basically are to maintain macroscopical economic stability, strengthen and optimize public service, safeguard competes fairly, strengthen the market to superintend, uphold market order, drive can develop continuously, promote collective and rich, make up for market malfunction. No matter be of our country,the economy of western developed country grows course, how realizing the market to decide resource configures a respect, governmental action depends on doing away with administrative forestall, allow fairness of market main body to enter each economy field freely. Only such, true health develops market ability, resource ability is able to configure effectively truly.

The core that deepens reform is the relation that handles good government and market, such ability let the market develop health, resource can better allocation.

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