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One, App of news of finance and economics which good, listen to the App of news of finance and economics everyday?

1, money is new

Of a major achieve platform of finance and economics formerly, have numerous scoop inside story, content is covered have the field such as company, politics, big data, culture, consumption, the sources of energy, the different perspective that adopt presents the financial analysis of angle of a diversity for the user, have news uninterruptedly everyday push send, a harbor wait for prices to be updated in real time.

2, net of finance and economics

Net of finance and economics is " finance and economics " the APP edition of the magazine, content does not have too big difference, its content bag contains negotiable securities, finance, produce the numerous industry field such as classics, science and technology, real estate, can pass macroscopical and prices of microcosmic finance of analysis of professional finance knowledge. 3, Ft Chinese net

FT is England " financial times " APP of subordinate a finance and economics, have news history of 129 years, undertake an analysis through a few major event that attend in finance to China, announce a backside accumulate contained business, content relatively internationalization, at present partial content needs to collect fees.

4, wall street information

Possess information of news of finance and economics, wait for subscription content to be able to undertake commendatory everyday to dot of risk of core of heat industry market, undertake an analysis through professional point of view, deepness understands the money market that always fluctuates.

5, the first finance and economics

Can push the news of finance and economics that sends the whole world in real time everyday, global each district has a reporter to have the story of incident of finance and economics from different point of view, can wait for more form to watch news information through direct seeding, TV, broadcast and character.

6, with dispatch finance and economics

Can know the news of the respect of finance and economics such as the stock, more than 3000 appear on the market the stock of the company can undertake choosing, to finance tendercy and policy wind direction can undertake unscrambling, supportive frequency listens.

7, sina finance and economics

All the time the news trends to the whole world has sina finance and economics to be updated timelily, can examine Shanghai deep A at any time and place fund data, still deepness of big V of finance and economics unscrambles an opportunity, can seasonable to the content such as the research report of the stock market undertake pushing sending.

8, 21 finance and economics

21 finance and economics are the platform that a confluence has numerous finance information, can undertake reading through character, video and frequency. To incident of finance and economics, capital the major news such as the market can undertake analytic unscrambling, its are objective the reportorial style of fact of thorough, be particular about is quite welcome.

9, interfacial news

Advocate hit the platform that achieves high-quality goods news formerly, it is China those who have force is former achieve new media of finance and economics, the respect waits in commerce, finance and economics, news, have thorough press and analysis, have the characteristic of accurate, fast, high quality.

10, gold ten according to

Gold ten occupying is an APP that can understand major issue of Euramerican country finance and economics, cover have the trends of exclusive news of timely finance and economics that achieves the whole world formerly, and stock head information, have an expert more finance and economics of foreign currency of detailed and analytic whole world is politic, can undertake following in mobile phone APP post, the user undertakes communicating.

2, see App of news of finance and economics which good?

1.Recommend AppA" of news of use " finance and economics. 2. Because AppA" of news of " finance and economics has resource of rich news of finance and economics, can in time get information of newest finance and economics. Its interface is concise and clear, the operation is convenient, user experience is good. In addition, it still offerred individuation to recommend a function, can push for its according to the interest preference of the user send relevant finance and economics news, offer more essence of life reads an experience definitely. 3. In addition, appA" of news of " finance and economics still provided the function such as comment of analysis of real time prices, stock, finance and economics, OK and contented user the many sided demand to information of finance and economics. It still supports download leaving a line, the user is OK read the news that already downloaded at any time below the circumstance that does not have a network, convenient and practical. Overall and character, appA" of news of " finance and economics is a function the news of finance and economics with good experience of comprehensive, user reads platform.

3, stock of news of finance and economics is that App good?

Stock of news of finance and economics, interfacial news App is good. Interfacial news is domestic influence very big achieve media of finance and economics formerly, it is given priority to with news of finance and economics want edition piece to pay close attention to information of commercial forward position continuously, thorough capital market reports newest trends, app records a times with having the thought of deepness and distinctive social perspective.

4, pay close attention to news of newest finance and economics what to App use?

A few compare APP of outstanding news of finance and economics:

Weekly of company of rich of inside of comment of haing Buddha commerce, commerce, CNBC, WIRED, Peng, times.

5, fry, it with what APP watch news of finance and economics is better to with what APP watch news of finance and economics?

Most shareholder fries when the function that uses: Information, prices (, grail) , free, function of discussion community, characteristic.

Different APP has him advocate play column and function, I say the use of next my more commonly used APP is experienced.

Straight flush: Old brand fries a software, look information, prices, free first selection, what do in straight flush of this two respects is the real time sex that compares information of comprehensive, data very strong, an interface although the interface is small,go up in mobile phone APP but can let a person be clear at a glance.

Snowball, community discussion atmosphere is freer, participate in degree very tall also, the high profit that still often great mind can share him invests strategy, the OK inside study go to that compare much actual combat experience, and I follow the strategy that dropped a few original posters a few times have profit.

Cloud finance and economics, it is a software that just begins to use recently, because they have the characteristic function that a share that gives newly trades automatically, among them snowball follows drop functional just in time appropriate I user of this old snowball, additionally still condition of price condition sheet, time can time price help issues sheet quickly.

6, it news of international finance and economics looks to which APP choose on the mobile phone is good that news of international finance and economics looks to which APP choose on the mobile phone?

1, money is new

Of a major achieve platform of finance and economics formerly, have numerous scoop inside story, content is covered have the field such as company, politics, big data, culture, consumption, the sources of energy, the different perspective that adopt presents the financial analysis of angle of a diversity for the user, have news uninterruptedly everyday push send, a harbor wait for prices to be updated in real time.

2, net of finance and economics

Net of finance and economics is " finance and economics " the APP edition of the magazine, content does not have too big difference, its content bag contains negotiable securities, finance, produce the numerous industry field such as classics, science and technology, real estate, can pass macroscopical and prices of microcosmic finance of analysis of professional finance knowledge.

3, Ft Chinese net

FT is England " financial times " APP of subordinate a finance and economics, have news history of 129 years, undertake an analysis through a few major event that attend in finance to China, announce a backside accumulate contained business, content relatively internationalization, at present partial content needs to collect fees.

4, wall street information

Possess information of news of finance and economics, wait for subscription content to be able to undertake commendatory everyday to dot of risk of core of heat industry market, undertake an analysis through professional point of view, deepness understands the money market that always fluctuates.

5, the first finance and economics

Can push the news of finance and economics that sends the whole world in real time everyday, global each district has a reporter to have the story of incident of finance and economics from different point of view, can wait for more form to watch news information through direct seeding, TV, broadcast and character.

6, with dispatch finance and economics

Can know the news of the respect of finance and economics such as the stock, more than 3000 appear on the market the stock of the company can undertake choosing, to finance tendercy and policy wind direction can undertake unscrambling, supportive frequency listens.

7, sina finance and economics

All the time the news trends to the whole world has sina finance and economics to be updated timelily, can examine Shanghai deep A at any time and place fund data, still deepness of big V of finance and economics unscrambles an opportunity, can seasonable to the content such as the research report of the stock market undertake pushing sending.

8, 21 finance and economics

21 finance and economics are the platform that a confluence has numerous finance information, can undertake reading through character, video and frequency. To incident of finance and economics, capital the major news such as the market can undertake analytic unscrambling, its are objective the reportorial style of fact of thorough, be particular about is quite welcome.

9, interfacial news

Advocate hit the platform that achieves high-quality goods news formerly, it is China those who have force is former achieve new media of finance and economics, the respect waits in commerce, finance and economics, news, have thorough press and analysis, have the characteristic of accurate, fast, high quality.

10, gold ten according to

Gold ten occupying is an APP that can understand major issue of Euramerican country finance and economics, cover have the trends of exclusive news of timely finance and economics that achieves the whole world formerly, and stock head information, have an expert more finance and economics of foreign currency of detailed and analytic whole world is politic, can undertake following in mobile phone APP post, the user undertakes communicating.

7, App of American dialog novel?

The conversational novel APP that compares fire now is " fan say " , the autograph on platform made an appointment with a lot of writers, content quality is good also. If like 2 dimension content, conversational novel APP is " touch read " .

8, beg the APP of news of finance and economics that recommends to had been compared?

Company of money couplet company, Wind, the first finance and economics, E, head company of the couplet that shift money

9, drive everyday go to work, what App can listen to news of finance and economics?

Large news portal APP can listen to news of finance and economics. I am the most authoritative xinhua net, all sorts of medium companies such as the phoenix net of CCTV net and home. It is OK that channel of finance and economics is clicked to listen inside.

10, what calls finance and economics news?

News of finance and economics has the branch of broad sense and narrow sense. The news of finance and economics of broad sense or news of economy weighing extensive, cover all socioeconomy life and the field that concern with economy, include to arrive from production consumption, reach a village from the city, from macroscopical to microcosmic, arrive from safe production service quality, from economy the job lives to politics, society medium relevant domain. The news of finance and economics of narrow sense, pay close attention to capital market, money market and the element market related to investment mainly, the perspective that uses financial capital market sees Chinese economism live.
