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豆腐可以做什么美食? 小刘美食臭豆腐高汤做法?英文双语对照


豆腐可以做什么美食? 小刘美食臭豆腐高汤做法?英文双语对照




. 昆布剪小片、金針菇洗淨待用。 起油鍋拌炒植物肉,再加入豆瓣醬、麻辣醬爆香至傳出香味,放入醬油膏、糖調味。 2. 加進清水及昆布,待水滾之後加入臭豆腐、毛豆,煮約15分鐘。 3. 加入金針菇,等所有食材煮軟,嘗試一下味道即可起鍋。































7、最后倒上调料,撒上葱花包浆豆腐制作完成。 注意事项: 包浆豆腐需要在加入食用碱和盐的温水中浸泡住够的时间,这样才能形成包浆豆腐,食用碱可以让豆腐形成浆,盐是为让豆腐入味。







豆腐一大块,灯笼椒或着辣椒适量,姜 蒜适量,生抽,糖适量,玉米淀粉,盐


























内酯豆腐 1盒

葱,姜,蒜 少许

盐 适量

白糖 半勺

淀粉 1勺

蚝油 1勺

生抽 1勺

老抽 半勺

胡椒粉 1勺

辣椒酱 2勺

八角 1颗




























One, what cate can bean curd do?

Bean curd can do diversiform cate, from of old people is become with soya bean treatment, pink and of all kinds food, common people can be machined with soya bean pink, noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch, bean curd, sort of bean curd doable is more, as domestic , can fry bean curd of the daily life of a family commonly, hemp mother-in-law bean curd, also but scamper bean curd piece, sneak away next bean curd adds a few Chinese cabbage, celery fries an of all kinds and delicious dish, bean curd is the dish of the daily life of a family of common people, fry 100 appearance, frying 100 flavour is a kind of food that common people likes most!

2, practice of soup-stock of strong-smelling preserved bean curd of small Liu cate?

. Kelp cuts stay of proceedings of Zuo of flake, gold to wash stand-by. Zuo having oil mixes fry plant flesh, Zuo of rejoin beans valve, hemp hot Zuo explodes sweet give sweet smell to , put flavour of Zha of Zuo ointment, candy. 2. The clear water that add Zuo reachs kelp, the after of the that need water adds strong-smelling preserved bean curd, young soya bean, the Ji that boil 15 minutes of Zuo . 3. Join golden Zuo stay of proceedings, wait for all feeding material boils Zuo , flavour can remove Yu Zuo .

3, does cate of horn of bean curd of Long Chuan characteristic introduce?

Horn of bean curd of dragon plain characteristic prepares the following data:

Boreal bean curd

Pig 5 flowers

Face of any of several hot spice plants of green Jiang Hu

Sweet green balm

Little skill


Save the practice the mobile phone

Bean curd shifts to an earlier date try to win sb's favor, accuse an oar, 5 flowers become the pig stuffing, hill precious seafood is OK, along with the gender.

1. bean curd shifts to an earlier date try to win sb's favor, accuse an oar, 5 flowers become the pig stuffing, hill precious seafood is OK, along with the gender.

Bean curd repair and maintain, cut the triangle with thick 1cm

Repair and maintain of 2. bean curd, cut 1cm thick triangle

Oily boiler is burned to 4 into heat, blast of medium baking temperature comes golden, adjust firepower at any time, fish out accuses oil

3. oily boiler is burned to 4 into heat, blast of medium baking temperature comes golden, adjust firepower at any time, fish out accuses oil

Choose a Bian Shunxiang to dissection, dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed gives bean curd to fill the stuffing of mix up

4. chooses a Bian Shunxiang to dissection, dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed gives bean curd to fill the stuffing of mix up

Boiler of green ginger boil in water for a while, leave soup-stock or choice of clear water chicken, peppery face, bean curd part is put after be being burned, a bit tasty of cook over a slow fire, spot sesame oil gives boiler, remove sweet onion powder

Boiler of boil in water for a while of 5. green ginger, leave soup-stock or choice of clear water chicken, peppery face, bean curd part is put after be being burned, a bit tasty of cook over a slow fire, spot sesame oil gives boiler, remove sweet onion powder

4, outstanding does cate wrap oar bean curd?

Will bean curd piece is put into join edible alkaline immerse one day with saline Wen Shuizhong, mix up spice is wrapped to bean curd on owe pink, reach bean curd blast golden fish out, join condiment to be able to be finished,

Next mask body introduce:

Advocate makings: Bean curd 1.

Complementary makings: Water is right amount, oily right amount, edible is alkaline powder of right amount, salt, garlic, millet oil of hot, chili is right amount, white sugar, vinegar, crude pump right amount, sesame oil chopped green onion is right amount, right amount.

1, prepare Wen Shui of a bowl, edible is joined in the bowl alkaline with salt.

2, what had cut bean curd piece is put into the bowl, immerse one day.

3, garlic powder, millet is put in another bowl oil of hot, chili, white sugar, vinegar, unripe smoke, mix of balm, clear water is even.

4, one is wrapped equably to owe pink to bean curd before scamper.

5, fire of will oily boiler 7 into heat, fizzle out the blast in passing to put bowl to gold color.

6, will blast of bean curd piece is installed to golden yellow fish out dish.

7, go up finally condiment, scatter on bean curd of oar of bag of chopped green onion is made finish. Note: Need of the bean curd that wrap an oar is joining edible alkaline enough time immerses in the Wenshui with salt, such ability form the bean curd that wrap an oar, edible is alkaline can let bean curd form an oar, salt is to let bean curd tasty.

5, is bean curd of Oriental cate fish delicious?

The flavour of bolus following a fish is about the same ~ fish bean curd basically uses a fish, water increases a few provision complementary makings makes treatment, soja is not contained inside, just resemble bean curd because of appearance, accordingly we name it the bean curd that it is a fish. It differs with piscine cake. Fish bone can do piscine bean curd through smashing inside, the volume that contain calcium is very high, old person child also can have, solved the drawback that has a fish to remove thorn and cooking trouble usually. Piscine bean curd is food of a kind of pure natural green, do not contain any chemical material and preservative. Piscine oar adds amylaceous fish bean curd is the arrange in a kind of chaffy dish is pulled, have a way euqally with respect to dumpling of bolus following tribute, swallow, egg dumpling. Its exterior is the strong-smelling preserved bean curd with a square lesser elephant having a place. Nevertheless color arrives is outside be being become is golden, this golden place flavour resembles the piscine ball that scamper passes, the flesh becomes the place that there is a circle among, the flavour of this flesh resembles the stuffing of the bolus that wrap a heart a bit.


6, does shallot fry bean curd the first cate?

I like to do hemp mother-in-law bean curd, sweet decoct bean curd eats, shallot mixes bean curd is delicious also

7, smooth bean curd of water of old northeast cate?


Bean curd one chunk, lantern any of several hot spice plants or move chili is right amount, ginger garlic is right amount, unripe smoke, candy is right amount, corn is amylaceous, salt


1, boiled water is heated in boiler, put bean curd in the stripping and slicing on the hand next, cut at the same time, put in hot water at the same time. Boil in hot water iron 2 minutes of fish out to reserve.

2, chili stripping and slicing. ginger section, garlic cuts end.

3, the oil that use heat explodes ginger sweet, put garlic end of preparation, put the amount of the half only, those who remain is final put again.

4, what had ironed with hot water bean curd piece enters boiler in.

5, wait for bean curd one side a little hard, flip through again bean curd.

6, etc additional at the same time a little hard, join salt, mix a few giving birth to to smoke reach candy and salt, if like bean curd color a few deeper, pour to often smoke chromatically, perhaps fall to be born more smoke, according to individual be fond of.

7, enter water starch juice (the scale of starch and water 1: 3, or 1: 4) , scatter powder of a few garlic again finally.

8, mix carefully divide evenly can, if like to slip a few, the proportion with respect to water and starch is a few larger, it is water many somes, starch is a few less.

8, practice of a round mass of food of bean curd of Mom of love cate a person of extraordinary powers?

1. feeds capable person: Bean curd 2 jins, egg 1, salt is right amount, 13 sweet right amount, ginger right amount, garlic 1 bone, pepper pink of right amount, Chinese prickly ash right amount, taste is extremely little a few, gallinaceous flavour juice a few.

The water that enough dip adds to cross bean curd in 2. boiler is burned, put most spoon salt, agitate divide evenly.

3. cuts bean curd small, put into brine to boil 5 minutes or so, among a little agitate one agitate.

Water accuses after 4. boils good bean curd is small fish out to come while air is cool.

5. cuts ginger and garlic end to reserve.

After air of 6. bean curd is cool, grasp an edge to be worn with at hand basin bottom presses rub to become end.

7, the hand that holds rub still can use fist back tiredly to pound pressure. Grasp, rub, pound, no matter use what act,press, should use bit of interest, hold to above 20 minutes, bean curd can feel have interest of pliable but strong very much.

8, arrange next, press smooth planish, button resembles waking wake 78 minutes like the face, again knead a little while, till bean curd grabs,will hold won't inattentive.

9, toward inside lay an egg, agitate divide evenly.

10, again ordinal join all sorts of condiment, agitate divide evenly, OK round a round mass of food.

11, round a round mass of food when take preexistence of end of right amount bean curd grasp a few times in control, put in the group in two control to become small a round mass of food again.

12, one-time will all a round mass of food is round be over, go to the lavatory to issue boiler deepfry together.

13, after the oil in boiler is hot, a round mass of food ordinal put, the filter that use a fish trap gently agitate one agitate, stick boiler in case.

14, accuse scamper oil to fish out of golden bean curd a round mass of food, can install dish eat directly, OK also soup of a round mass of food of make it bean curd, still can join braise dish, chaffy dish inside, have a way varied.

9, practice of bean curd of the ester inside old northeast cate?

Inside ester bean curd 1

Green, ginger, garlic a few

Salt is right amount

White sugar half spoon

Amylaceous 1 spoon

Oyster sauce 1 spoon

Unripe draw 1 spoon

Often draw half spoon

Pepper 1 spoon

Pepper sauce 2 spoon

Anise 1

Practice measure

1, bean curd of the 1 ester inside the box is opened pack, slip gently a few times to reserve with the knife.

2, chop of 2 valve garlic.

3, a few ginger is mincing.

4, red pointed any of several hot spice plants cuts a group.

5, 2 shallot are cut paragraph.

6, prepare 2 spoon to abstain pepper sauce (usable thick broad-bean sauce will replace) .

7, water of a few of the preparation in small bowl is amylaceous.

8, remove boiler to burn oil, garlic of next the ginger that enter green and an anise boil in water for a while boiler.

9, issue pepper sauce, stir-fry before stewing fries a sweet piquancy.

10, a bowl of big water is added in past boiler next.

11, after waiting for water to be burned, enter below inside ester bean curd piece, churn gently, in small baked wheaten cake 3 minutes.

12, at the same time, join 1 spoon to be born smoke, half spoon often is smoked, 1 spoon oyster sauce, 1 spoon pepper, half spoon white sugar, a few salt flavors, continue to burn to bean curd tasty.

13, drench ready water is amylaceous.

14, take care to churn, big baked wheaten cake sees to soup juice little, thick stiff can involve fire.

15, fill dish in.

16, scatter on shallot is beautiful, group of red any of several hot spice plants can leave eat!

10, does Chinese cabbage of old northeast cate stew bean curd?

1. needs feed capable person:

Chinese cabbage, bean curd, vermicelli made from bean starch, steaky pork, onion, millet is hot, garlic, green Chinese onion, old smoke, salt, gourmet powder

2, an old bean curd is cut thick piece reserve, steaky pork section. Prepare a vermicelli made from bean starch to use hot water bubble soft, bubble is controlled 5 minutes with respect to molten. A Chinese cabbage root ministry cut away, again Chinese cabbage one is broken come down, come to dish leaf and dish side departure again, the place that dish helps is cut a little a few bigger, in leakage basket is being put after been cut

3, much bubble of reoccupy clear water a little while, although Chinese cabbage is outside look those who hold out clean, it also has pesticide remain to be inside. Chinese cabbage leaf is particularly soft, cut need not cut, it is OK to be broken gently, use cold water bubble to wear likewise next, bubble is controlled ten minutes, running water of the reoccupy after bubble is good is rinsed

4, green Chinese onion cuts a group, millet is hot go cutting a group after the base of a fruit, onion cuts onion powder. Bubble of vermicelli made from bean starch is soft, with scissors vermicelli made from bean starch from which cut open, pour the water of bubble vermicelli made from bean starch again next, put a few to often smoke chromatically in vermicelli made from bean starch again, mix is even, mix edible oil is put after divide evenly, mix again divide evenly, such vermicelli made from bean starch are stuck not easily together

5, hot pot is oily, put the boiler below steaky pork to explode sweet, fry sweet hind put onion powder, millet hot, chopped green onion explodes together sweet, put a few to often smoke chromatically again, break up fry even, also come in dish in vain again break up fry, after frying divide evenly, come in dish Xie Ye again break up fry, fry dish leaf molten, put gourmet powder of one spoon salt, one spoon again, fry divide evenly again

6, after frying divide evenly, also add bean curd, build above, a lot of friends like a bean curd to unload boiler simmer in water first, in that way mouthfeel tastes had not issued boiler to had eaten directly. Also add vermicelli made from bean starch again, rejoin cold water, can see cold water is OK, not too much also, because Chinese cabbage can give a lot of water, the boiler on the lid is built, big baked wheaten cake leaves, in small fire stews ten minutes slow

7, when time arrives, chinese cabbage stews bean curd to had been done, fill an outfit basin next, come in the Shang Zhiye of the bean curd that stew finally, full one grail, too substantial.

上一篇:健身房有氧区介绍? 对膝盖最友好的健身房有氧器械?英文双语对照
