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人体健康知识? 牙齿健康知识?英文双语对照


人体健康知识? 牙齿健康知识?英文双语对照



1. 饮食健康:保持均衡的营养摄入,多吃新鲜蔬菜、水果、全谷类食品、低脂肪乳制品和瘦肉,限制高糖、高盐、高脂肪和加工食品的摄入量。

2. 运动健康:每周至少进行150分钟的有氧运动,如快走、跑步、游、骑车等,同时进行力量训练,以增强肌肉和骨骼的健康。

3. 睡眠健康:保持足够的睡眠时间,成人每晚-9小时,儿童和青少年需要更多。避免使用手机、电脑等电子过刺激,保持宁静的睡环境。

4. 心理健康:保持极的情绪状态,学会应对压力和焦,尝试放松技巧,如冥想、深吸等。

5. 预防疾病:接种疫,定期体检,避免吸烟和饮酒,减少暴露于有害质中,如烟尘、有毒化学品等。























1 学习非常重要。2 因为掌握这些知识可以帮助我们预防和管理许多疾病和健康问题,同时也可以提高健康意识,提高生命质量。3 此外,学习能够推动整个社会朝着健康的方向发展,减少疾病的传播,维护公共卫生,是一个个人和社会的双重收益。建议人们定期接受相关知识的学习和科学的健康管理。



促进和保持从事所有职业活动的工人在身体上、精神上以及社会活动中最高度的幸福;预防由于工作条件而使工人失去健康;在工作中保护工人免受对健康有害因素的伤害;安排并维护工人在其生理和精神心理上都能够适应的环境中工作;总而言之,就是工作适应工人,工人适应他们或她们从事的工作。 一、促进高水平的职业安全卫生是全社会的责任,社会所有成员必须通过确保将职业安全卫生纳入国家议程的优先事项,以及通过建立和维护国家预防安全卫生文化的方式为实现这一目标做出贡献。 二、国家预防安全卫生文化,是指享有安全卫生的工作环境的权利受到各层面尊重的文化,政府、雇主和工人通过一个界定权利、责任和义务。







Knowledge of human body fitness?

Include the following fields:

1.Dietary health: The nutrition that keeps balanced is absorbed, eat fresh vegetable, fruit, complete cereal, small adipose dairy products and lean lean more, limitative high in syrup, tall salt, tall adipose the intake with treatment food.

2.Athletic health: The campaign having oxygen that has 150 minutes at least every week, if go quickly, ran, swim, wait by bike, undertake force trains at the same time, in order to enhance muscle and skeletal health.

3.Morpheus health: Hold enough Morpheus time, grow up every night - 9 hours, children and teenage need are more. Avoid to use the electron such as mobile phone, computer to cross stimulation, keep halcyon sleep environment.

4.Mental health: Maintain extremely mood condition, the society should be mixed to pressure anxious, the attempt loosens skill, if be sucked contemplatively, greatly,wait.

5.Prevent a disease: Vaccinal epidemic disease, fixed check-up, avoid to smoke and drink, decrease expose at harmful in pledging, wait like soot, toxic chemical.

Above is human body health a few basic knowledge, hope to be able to be aided somewhat to you.

Dental fitness knowledge?

Fixed oral cavity checks: Early discovery dental disease, early treatment, protect a tooth earlier.

Time brush one's teeth: Daily and time brush one's teeth reduce tooth bacterium spot, reduce caries disease effectively.

Boiled water gargle: Gargle can keep clear of dental calculus,

Healthy little knowledge?

1, rise in the morning everyday, should prepare a cup of tepid water, will immerse raise already dry the internal organs of the body of one night, and be since morning when the habit of nurturance defecate.

2, in defecate when do not see a mobile phone, do not see a book perhaps read a newspaper, want contemplative, absorption before today old eduction, hold a good convention.

3, after washing gargle to pass, can return a sitting room in, do a few simple pull out to play sport.

4, these can consult indoor gem gal is easy perhaps muscle classics, 8 traditional perhaps paragraphs bright and beautiful, can accomplish pull effectively pull, maintain the active of airframe, maintain everyday the vigorous state of early morning.

5, still have should remember eating breakfast in the morning, everyday the meal of early morning, it is the beginning of a day of energy, breakfast does not eat, the injury that gastric bowel can be gone against for a long time.

So, eat breakfast, motion, deep breathing, pull pull and defecate and a cup of water, it is everyday early morning is the mainest.

Knowledge of oral cavity fitness?

Oral cavity health should maintain oral cavity above all healthful, want to have the good habit of a clean oral cavity and tooth, control bacterium spot, eliminate bilge and food residual, enhance physiology stimulation, make oral cavity and tooth jaw system have the favorable environment of a clean health, develop its physiology function thereby, maintain oral cavity health.

Winter fitness knowledge?

Solstitial it is one of 24 solar term, also be a traditional festival. Are a lot of netizens discussing recently about solstitial the little skill that what preserve one's health there is? Interpose does not know specific answer at a lot of people, share the little skill about solstitial preserve one's health to everybody next, if be interested, look together.

1, respect of work and rest. Believe everybody knows solstitial it is the night in a year a the longest day, the proposal sleeps early rise early raise full essence of life to enrage a god, better because of the ability of work and rest that keeps good resist cold.

2, dietary respect. Winter needs to enter fill, suggest everybody chooses lukewarm the food that fill, the hotpot with most for instance common winter, chicken, cruelly oppress, can use these meat kind undertake Bao soup wait. Besides these flesh kind besides, still suggest everybody eats a few nut more, for instance walnut, happy fruit, almond, these food fat content are higher, can help us effectively resist cold.

Feline Mi healthy knowledge?

The health of feline Mi is one of topics that our cat slave cares most. A healthy feline Mi needs everyday enough water and food, periodic check-up and preventive diagnosis and treatment, and good wholesome condition, clean cat is for instance sanded claw of basin, clip, comb hair to wait.

In addition, reasonable carry momentum is very important also to feline Mi health, we can prepare a few toys for feline Mi, interact with him regularly. Finally, if feline Mi appeared unusual display, be like inappetence, many depilate, the circumstance such as vomiting or diarrhoea, need timely seek medical advice. Anyhow, we should pay close attention to the health of feline Mi closely, offer favorable living conditions to them, the company that makes them health, happy we.

Wholesome and healthy knowledge?

1 study is very serious. 2 because master these knowledge to be able to be helped,manage a lot of diseases and healthy problem, also can raise healthy consciousness at the same time, improve life quality. 3 in addition, study can drive whole society forward healthy way develops, reduce the transmission of the disease, safeguard communal sanitation, it is the double accrual of each person and society. The study that suggests people accepts relevant knowledge regularly and scientific health manage.

Professional fitness knowledge?

It is professional fitness knowledge below:

Promote and maintain the worker that undertakes all profession activity to go up in the body, on spirit and the happy; precaution of the topnotch in social activity makes the worker loses healthy; to protect a worker to avoid the harm that suffers harmful to health element to; is arranged and safeguard a worker in the job as a result of working requirement, it is the job gets used to a worker, the worker gets used to the job that they or they pursue. One, the responsibility that the professional safety sanitation of stimulative Gao Shuiping is whole society, all members must pass the society the first item that ensures professional safety sanitation brings into national agenda, and the kind that prevents safe and wholesome culture through build and defending a country is contributed to realize this one target to make. 2, the country prevents safe and wholesome culture, it is to show the right that enjoys environment of secure healthful work gets culture of each level valued, government, employer and worker limit the right, responsibility and obligation through.

Eye fitness knowledge?

The shift of the eye and focusing change. Tipple green tea, chrysanthemum tea, medlar tea, have spinach more, carrot, green pepper, leek, cucumber, spend dish, pluck, grandma kind with egg product. Thank!

The eye is to be one of human body facial features average everyday our eye should use 12 hours, the information that eye institute receives seized human body one day the contacts information 4/5 inside, because this has protected our eye, can say, nowadays is the most important thing.

Healthy knowledge?

We learn to nod healthy knowledge everyday, we want to know, the form that human body organizes makes component, skeletal muscle, splanchnic be scared all have protein, adjust physiology function is enzymatic, hormone antibody, maintain humoral permeate press and acid-base value, learn healthy knowledge to enjoy more everyday the life

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