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食物选择:选择适合猫的高质量宠物猫粮, ideally必须是猫专用的,因为猫的营养需求与人和狗有所不同。避免将人类食物喂给猫,因为某些人类食物对猫来说是有毒的。












食物:可以选择AVO的牛油果/凌采露华/凌采加州/渴望红肉/百利本能 以上牌子间隔喂,怕只吃一种营养不均衡,根据自己经济情况尽量选择天然粮主食。
















1. 使用宠物医生推荐的驱虫药物:宠物医生可以根据猫咪的年龄、体重和虫种选择合适的驱虫药物。一些驱虫药物可以通过口服或外用的方式给猫咪使用,操作简单且效果较快。

2. 使用驱虫粉:驱虫粉可以撒在猫咪的食物或环境中,有效杀灭成虫和幼虫。然而,使用驱虫粉需要注意控制用量,以防止猫咪误食或吸入过多的粉末造成伤害。

3. 使用驱虫贴片:驱虫贴片可以粘贴在猫咪的颈部或身体其他部位,能够持续数月的时间驱虫。使用驱虫贴片需要遵循使用说明,确保安全和有效。


1. 遵循使用说明:不要超量使用驱虫药物或驱虫粉,以防止猫咪误食或过量使用造成伤害。使用驱虫贴片需要遵循说明书上的指示。

2. 定期驱虫:根据宠物医生的建议,定期给猫咪驱虫,以防止寄生虫的滋生和侵害。

3. 维持环境清洁:保持猫咪生活环境的清洁卫生,定期清理猫咪的粪便和猫咪所在的地方,能够减少虫类的滋生。
















































One, the accurate method of pet cat feed?

The correct feed method of pet cat includes the following:

Food choice: The choice suits food of cat of high quality pet, ideally must be feline appropriative, because nutrient demand of the cat and person are mixed,the dog differs somewhat. Avoid to feed human food the cat, because certain mankind food is poisonous to the cat.

Water: The source of water that carries pet cat is clean, provide fresh drinking water, ensure have practicable water at any time. Some cats prefer the water of drinkable flow, the feline watering trough that offers fountain form so is a good choice.

Eat feeds frequency: Every endowment times for many times hello feed, grown cat needs 2-3 food commonly. The attention does not want limitation to feed appetite, not excessive also hello feed, lest bring about fat or other healthy issue.

Control appetite: Level of the age according to the cat, weight, activity and healthy state will determine proper appetite. Abide by pet to food packs the proposal that go up or seek advice from vet.

Avoid human food: Avoid to feed eat human food, because some food are poisonous to the cat, and certain mankind food may cause gastric bowel unwell or other healthy issue.

Checkup: Have feline area checkup there vet regularly, ensure feline weight and healthy state are normal.

The cleanness of feline arenaceous basin: Clear everyday feline arenaceous basin, maintain wholesome environment of the cat, the type with use arenaceous cat and brand can be mixed according to individual be fond of of the cat suit will choose.

The most important is, cherish and care your pet cat, be willing according to its individual demand adjusts feed plan. If have special healthy situation or other issue, suggest advisory vet division gets more specific proposal and guidance.

2, how is pet cat raised?

Manner: Above all we raised it to cannot abandon anyhow it, cannot mistreat it with can not hitting it more, abreact to it oneself dissatisfaction. Want to love it, become it friend, so the faithfulness that you can harvest it. Admit you when it, it can abandon for you life.

Vaccinal: A month that buys, can not bathe absolutely, want to observe it can have contagion to wait. Observe to vaccine must be made after stability. Hit every year later, also had better make the vaccine of the acute communicable diseases that prevent a cat. Want the first year to be hit 3 times, want or so yuan 300 about, also control every year with respect to 200 yuan later, arrived 67 years old to entered old age to need not be hit. Every area value may be different

Bear: Feline cat probably 6 months, had better seek advice to the doctor will have sterilization operation, such feline Mi can accompany you 15 years at least below healthy circumstance or longer, I know a grimalkin to have 23 years old, it is sterilization. And sterilization operation is humanner way actually, the meeting when feline Mi oestrus is very torturous, and mother cat returns classics of meeting forthcoming month. Leave no room for manoeuvre must not be cheated when Yo operation, generally speaking fair cat does an operation to be less than 100, valuable feature wants mother cat 200 much. Want to have the pet hospital of license plate, finish go asking a doctor the note after the operation.

Food: The bovine oil fruit that can choose AVO / approach collects dew China / Ling Cai California / yearn for red meat / interval of brand of above of 100 benefit instinct is fed, be afraid of eat disequilibrium of a kind of nutrition only, according to oneself economic condition chooses natural food staple food as far as possible.

No-no: Feline Mi cannot eat contain a grandma, contain salt, oiliness, character is strong big perhaps thing. The thing with protein too high content cannot take more! Get nephrosis easily! (for instance shrimp / squid / shellfish) cannot have too much fish, want to feed river fish to be hit into fleshy mashed vegetable or fruit to be fed again please, otherwise thorn blocks throat very easily! The need that lie between a day feeds feline grass, let a cat can the Mao Qiu that go in eats to spit when clean hair everyday come, , grass wants with division of standing grain wood give priority to, want leaf only commonly. Hello unripe feed ask every half an year to do bug of the drive inside body (good anguish of the process that feed medicine cannot bear memory) , annual at least takes boss to do check-up.

Important is to want to accompany this cat Mi all the time, do not let him feel loneliness

3, pet cat how express?

Main and available carry, freight. One, feline Mi does not have a law to choose an express company to be able to be sent casually like article, because it is live body. Feline Mi is airborne it is to need to handle quarantine card before carry, ability is carried normally, airborne rate is rapidder, dangerous sex is small.

2, feline Mi can be carried with the train, need quarantine also is before be being carried, the train is carried general a little a few slower, if vaccine did not inject,be over to be felt easily poison of catch a disease.

4, how to send pet cat?

Post Hunan run from Shanghai further, the proposal is airborne, generally speaking, the price of airborne cat Mi also too won't costly, just be in airborne before the procedures that has a lot of and relevant job want to prepare. Whether does decision cat Mi need airborne this time paragraph best can shift to an earlier date 1-2 lunar decision.

Among them need notices the animal consigns item, e.g. :

The preparation that 1. packs: Need uses appropriative plastic aviation box, at ordinary times family expenses iron makes pet basket all unqualified.

The preparation of 2. quarantine: The airport can ask you are taking pet to do quarantine, quarantine expends 20-30 yuan, quarantine proves to want to be added on carry sheet. So, when deciding airborne cat Mi, must do quarantine to feline Mi ahead of schedule.

The preparation on 3. time: After selecting good flight number, want to shift to an earlier date 3 hours to reach the airport at least, finish otherwise quarantine, the likelihood cannot be caught up with board the plane. Want to predict good latency time and flight time, for the water with pet enough provision and food, to be warm, ventilated and bad to wait, can bring harm to pet.

After 4. journey ends: Hold carry only pick up the goods as soon as possible. If you did not seize the opportunity at the same time, let him pet only solo flight, odd numbers of fate of person of pick up the goods of the announcement after the plane takes off is piled up (can fax carry odd) , person of pick up the goods should remember carrying id card.

5. arrives from Shanghai Hunan is airborne can arrive in a few hours probably, what need not worry about pet cat completely is safe.

5, pet cat how drive bug?

It is to give pet cat helminthic the method quickly below:

1.The anthelmintic content that use pet doctor recommends: Pet doctor can be mixed according to the age of feline Mi, weight bug is planted the anthelmintic thing with right choice. A few anthelmintic content can pass profess to convinced or the means of external use is used to feline Mi, the operation is simple and the effect is faster.

2.Pink of use drive bug: Drive bug pink can be scattered in the food of feline Mi or environment, exterminate imago and larva effectively. However, pink of use drive bug needs to notice to control dosage, with preventing a cat Mi is fed by accident or inspiratory and overmuch powder causes harm.

3.Use drive bug sticks piece: Drive bug is stuck piece OK and stickup in feline Mi cervical or the body is other place, can last the time drive bug of a few months. Use drive bug sticks a need to follow service instruction, ensure safety is mixed effective.

No matter use means of bug of which kinds of drive, need to notice the following:

1.Follow service instruction: Do not exceed a quantity to use anthelmintic content or drive bug noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch, with preventing a cat Mi is fed by accident or excessive is used cause harm. Use drive bug sticks a need to follow the instruction on the manual.

2.Fixed drive bug: According to the proposal of pet doctor, give feline Mi drive bug regularly, with preventing helminth cause and enroach on.

3.Maintain environmental cleanness: Maintain feline Mi the cleanness of surroundings is wholesome, clear regularly the excrement and urine of feline Mi and the place that feline Mi is in, can reduce bug kind cause.

6, how young cat feed? How young cat feed?

Measure / means 1

Delicate food is given priority to, ensure digest easily.

The intestines and stomach of feline Mi oneself is very flimsy originally, be being added is young cat, feeding right now when feeding, the food of the choice is paid attention to as far as possible a bit more delicate, it is more easy to still need to ensure of course digestive ability goes. Must not pledge to flesh of a few big meat or fish food will to it eat, can machine a little make fleshy mashed vegetable or fruit, mix inside the meal, such feeding feed rise should have nutrition more a bit.

Measure / means 2

Insist to eat much food less, feed appropriately feed complementary feed.

From feed the kind that eat to go up for, feed everyday as far as possible feed 3-4 eat left and right sides, every time holds very few amount, in this respect it is to having certain scientific level, will feed according to the principle that eats much food less feed, there can be a help on the body to young cat more. Of course, this is being fed in feeding level, to reinforce growing growth, can add inside a few complementary feed, such ability are in quite nutrient respect is more a bit enougher

Measure / means 3

Promotion resistance, do cold work of drive of good heat preservation.

Just was born is very poor on the resistance of the young cat body of 2 months, should begin right now from the angle that increases strength, the work of good heat preservation must be done inside the feline nest that young cat sleeps especially, after encountering chill otherwise, can create ailing appearance. In this phase, no matter be summer or the working content that cannot ignore heat preservation aspect in the winter.

Measure / means 4

Fixed drive bug, by the regulation the vaccine that finish injects.

Differ the feline Mi of lunar age is the vaccine that need differs according to formulary inject, should be finished in time so, ten million cannot ignore this issue, after all this is the influence arrives after young cat healthy, can browbeat even the thing of life. Say so, this is very important. Still having is drive bug job, in this moment as far as possible 1-2 lunar drive bug, such ability let young cat won't get quite the infection of helminth

Measure / means 5

Accompany more accompany it, give young cat enough safe sense.

The young cat with 2 big months, after just entering new home, still be very unfamiliar to the environment here, still can have scared appearance even, lack safe sense after all here. Accordingly, bestow favor on in this respect advocate should accompany more accompany it, those who be is to be able to be touched touch it, strengthen with the communication between young cat, let it can have enough safe feeling.

7, golden wool dog how feed, the feed common sense of golden wool dog?

Jin Maoyou dog does not need too much exercise, especially when to be warm. Young dog is optimal motion is the game that makes it footloose on the meadow runs. From 4 rise to 6 months can begin to taking it to take a walk (must not pull with bicycle or engine run) , but at the beginning when do not go too far, want gradually lengthen distance taking a walk.

Do not let Jin Maoyou dog absolutely (12 months are the following) play cloddishly together with the dog of other, especially big dog. The limb that Jin Maoyou dog grows quickly gets hurt very easily. 12 months are big previously, taking run of small gold wool, such meeting gives have not the bone Ga of complete calcify brings too great pressure. If you are in,Jin Maoyou dog should take its run after 12 months are big, remember likewise at the beginning when do not run too far, want gradually lengthen ran distance.

The Jin Maoyou dog before 3 months, one day is fed 4 times, the 3 young dogs to 6 months are fed one day 3 times, 6 months are fed one day 2 times later, grew up one day to be fed can.

Filling calcium and microelement notice during growing, what must assure moisture is enough, hello feed want time ration, what can not feed is overmuch, golden wool always is so greedy, eat much can make its body burden aggravating.

Hair of body of dog of golden wool dog is longer, be infected with dirty stuff easily, the body can have peculiar smell, want to time it bathes so, bathing is to be born 2 months to undertake later, above of two weeks after hitting inoculate against needle just begins. The dog that raises outdoor is washed one year 3 come 4 times, indoor 20 days when raise come a month advisable. But the skin of golden wool perspires easily in that way unlike the mankind, do not need to often bathe, wash much the skin that objects a dog is bad, it is a week washs summer commonly, it is OK that winter half moon is washed. It should let take a walk before bathing, let it eduction make water and, undertake bathing by order next.

Put the doggie in Wen Shui of ℃ of 36 ℃ ~38, eliminate the secretion near anus first. Immerse sponge in dilute in the shampoo of a few times (brand but oneself are chosen) , wash the whole body backward from the head next, later, clean it clean with clear water. The attention does not let shampoo water enter eye, nose and mouth. The water of usable also and same temperature has shower bath. Clean after ending, let golden wool dog shake off the moisture that goes up personally, wipe with towel next. After the moisture that rub-up body expresses, blow wool with blower and comb dry arrange.

To golden wool bathing attention must blow hair in time dry, otherwise damp skin causes skin disease easily. Return those who have golden hair to raise the consideration with master and careful need, often do not leave golden wool dog in a place alone, it can feel doleful loneliness, suffer from as a result of,go up of disease.

8, is the discriminative pet cat of pet cat and moggy blooded pet cat?

Of pet cat and moggy different, basically be origin differs, pet cat is to show foreign cat is planted commonly, for instance, british undercoat cat, american undercoat cat, remote because the cat, and moggy basically is to point to domestic cat to plant, for instance, china is rural wait field, accordingly, the place on put together is narrated, the main distinction of pet cat and moggy, pet cat, basically be the cat that points to foreign breed, and moggy, basically be the cat that points to domestic breed.

9, young dog how feed?


Young dog resistance is inferior, intestines and stomach is weaker, can feed the milk powder that feed a sheep, nutrition to cream at ordinary times wait for health care to taste, will increase the strength of golden wool.


Should decide a dot to feed feed, the attention will be fed after dog food bubble is soft feed golden wool, feed raise of much food science less to feed, avoid by all means eats and drink too much.


The immune system of young dog oneself still fails to perfect, want special attention so food, water, move and rest etc. Food should notice sanitation cannot feed the food that eats metamorphism, drinking water needs to often change, avoid acuteness activity as far as possible, when resting, should notice not to want catch a cold. In be born 50 days to control vaccination, have worm of drive of body inside and outside.

10, how is feed small duck?

One, duck nest

Can be in sunshine, catchment, ventilated good place, the duck check that makes an appropriate bulk will raise a duck, use plastic foam case commonly, heat preservation is first-rate.

2, temperature

The temperature that just gave the duckling of housing to need 30 ℃ just goes, but if raise a duck in the winter,be impossible to reach this temperature, the upper part 30-50cm that had better buy an incandescent lamp to be hanged in duck nest so is in, and on the side of case park radiator, in order to facilitate heat preservation. Bulb had better cheat a cloth, duckling does not like too bright, had better rectify evening to open the lamp a few days ago.

3, feed

Put in a suitable place to breed for complement the inadequacy of period feed, timely to putting in a suitable place to breed duck wants filling raise. Cheeper duck puts in a suitable place to breed begin from 4 week age, early days is brood period, can encircle raise and basket raise. Cheeper duck fills each in morning and evening raise 1, with the inadequacy of complementary capabilities. As the growth of cheeper duck, can put in a suitable place to breed according to putting in a suitable place to breed duck peck fireweed, potherb, insect decides the filling raise of duck. Give priority to period in order to put in a suitable place to breed, answer in the evening filling raise has after abandoning canopy, have enough drinking water, contented and drinkable.

4, put in a suitable place to breed

Want to undertake putting in a suitable place to breed to the duck, in the process that put in a suitable place to breed, the duck can forage by oneself. Duck action is stupid, cannot go up tree peck, depasture for orchard low hurdles offerred assure. Always soil and fountainhead condition are better, trunk taller or the garden such as tree of the the aged's apple, pear, apricot, hawkthorn, persimmon, walnut all can put in a suitable place to breed.

5, water

Water want cleanness of course, had better be warm plain boiled water. The container Cheng Fang that controls deep mouth with a 5cm but, water is unfavorable and overmuch, can wet mat makings otherwise, duckling does not like too damp. Must " feed water again first makings " , did not feed absolutely makings, otherwise duckling meets what choke arrives, water is dirty should change in time clean.

6, clear

Stuff of the mat after period of time can become damp, and can have a lot of, should change regularly so mat makings. The birdbath that small duck uses and feed a basin to want to wash clean down regularly.
