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1. Jay Chou的突破

Jay Chou被誉为中国流行音乐的代表人物,而2004年正是他事业上的突破之年。他发行的专辑《七里香》风靡亚洲音乐界,其中的主打歌曲〈七里香〉更是成为了他的代表作。这张专辑的成功奠定了他在流行音乐界的地位,并引领了华语流行音乐的新潮流。

2. 《功夫》的大卖


3. 超女比赛引发狂潮


4. 张艺谋指导奥运开幕式


5. 陈奕迅获得第25届香港金曲奖


6. 潘玮柏飙车事件


7. 周杰伦与昆凌确认恋情







Every year a few make a person hard the recreational incident of dismiss from one's mind, and not exceptional also 2004. Be in this year, recreational group produced a lot of conspicuous event, involve star, film, music and put together art the respect such as the program. The article will review the popular entertainment event 2004, take you to review this paragraph together queasy and wonderful time.

1.The breakthrough of Jay Chou

Jay Chou is known as the delegate character of Chinese popular music, and 2004 is the breakthrough on his career year. The special that he issues " 7 lis sweet " group of fashionable Asia music, among them advocate play song < 7 lis sweet > it is the masterpiece that became him more. The success of this piece of special established his position in popular music group, led Chinese popularity new trend of music.

2." kongfu " sell greatly

The motion picture that showed 2004 " kongfu " , you Zhouxing gallop playwrite, director and main actor, became China on film history one big classical. This comedy piece gained huge success on booking office not only, more be by recognition a far-reaching work. " kongfu " through its the kongfu movement of distinctive humorous color and originality is designed, won an audience love, also be Chinese film infuse at the same time new vitality.

3.Exceed female match to cause mad tide

The summer 2004, excellent program of Chinese true person " super female voice " in the hurricane on TV temporarily. Purpose of this archives section lies distinctly at, the audience can pass the girl in memory of short message ballot people. This chose beautiful match to lift fanaticism of a the whole people, also rolled out a batch of new female heavenly bodies for Chinese entertainment group at the same time, be like in those days champion Zhang Jing clever.

4.Zhang Yi seeks opening ceremony of directive Olympic Games

The opening ceremony of Athenian Olympic Games was sought by Chinese director Zhang Yi 2004 hold guide, left deep impression to the world. This opening ceremony gives priority to a problem with Chinese traditional culture, showed the distinctive glamour of China civilization through delicate dancing, fireworks and music. The talent that Zhang Yi seeks makes this opening ceremony becomes the most wonderful the twinkling of an eye on Olympic Games history.

5.Old Yi Xun wins award of music of gold of the 25th Hong Kong

The actual strength that old Yi Xun is Chinese happy altar sends a singer, depended on song 2004 " 10 years " those who won award of music of gold of the 25th Hong Kong " optimal male singer " award. This song is mixed with its affectionate libretto moving air, touched audience's heartstrings deeply, also show the musical talent of old Yi Xun incisively and vividly.

6.Incident of car of violent wind of Pan Wei cypress

2004, valuable Bai Yin of Taiwan actor Pan drives autocycle overspeed is arrested by police, caused wide media attention. Incident of car of this violent wind let the figure of Pan Wei cypress be affected certainly, also appeal the public pays close attention to traffic safety problem at the same time, remind everybody to hold convention of good drive a vehicle.

7.Zhou Jielun and elder brother approach affirm amour

2004, taiwan singer Zhou Jielun and approach of elder brother of Chinese female star affirmed their amour publicly, caused a sensation. The relation of sweethearts of this pair of star gets attention fully, not only the identity because of them, more because they are Chinese,the equipment in Le Tan gets two actor that fix eyes upon, vermicelli made from bean starch people to their relation development is full of expect.


Above was 2004 only the partial event that recreational group produces, although had gone old, but these incident still are worth us to recall. These incident showed the recreational culture below period setting to develop flourishingly not only, also mirrorred social posture and people are right at that time the attention of star and recreational group. Through reviewing these event, the development course that we can know recreation to encircle better and star people rise abruptly, also let us have a paragraph of good memory at the same time.

Thank you to spend time to read the article, believe to carry this article, you had more comprehensive knowledge to the popular event that recreational group produced 2004.
