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  • 1. 课程设置:学校应合理设置课程,将德育内容融入各个学科中,让学生在学习过程中自觉形成正确的价值观和道德观。
  • 2. 教育方法:教师应采用启发式教学、情感教育等方法,引导学生参与社会实践活动,增强他们的社会责任感和公民意识。
  • 3. 校园文化建设:学校应营造积极向上的校园文化氛围,开展各类德育活动,帮助学生形成良好的行为习惯和价值观念。
  • 4. 家庭教育的重要性:家庭是培养学生品德的重要场所,家长应注重与孩子的沟通交流,关注他们的成长,给予正确的引导和榜样。







The value that De Zhi teachs

De Zhi is taughtIt is the moral education that points to to education student is paid attention to in teaching a course and intellectual education, pioneer the educational concept of full-scale development. Photograph comparing is taught at the intellectual education of knowledge of pure pursuit course, the education that De Zhi teachs the moral character that pays attention to a student more, morality and social responsibility, aim to train the talented person that has good quality and integrated quality.

The executive strategy that De Zhi teachs

Want to carry out De Zhi effectively to teach, need the effort of many sided and strategy:

  • 1.Curricular setting: The school should reasonable setting course, in blending in moral education content each course, make a student self-conscious in learning a process form true viewpoint of value and moral view.
  • 2.Educational method: The teacher should use the method such as education of heuristic education, affection, guide a student to participate in a society to carry out an activity, enhance their social sense of responsibility and citizen consciousness.
  • 3.Campus culture builds: The school should be built active up campus culture atmosphere, develop activity of of all kinds moral education, help student forms good behavior convention and value sense.
  • 4.The value that the family teachs: The family is the important site that develops student moral character, the parent should pay attention to the communication communication with the child, pay close attention to them grow, offer correct guiding and example.

The effect that De Zhi teachs is evaluated

The effect that measures De Zhi to teach passes academic grade of the student not just, still need to think the development of the student's moral character and integrated quality. The integrated expression of the many respects such as ability of collaboration of sense of responsibility of the moral act that evaluates a standard to include a student, society, group.

The help that De Zhi teachs

The develops pair of students it is important to grow to having with social progress sense that De Zhi teachs. Pass De Zhi to teach, the student can obtain good moral character and moral sense, raise social sense of responsibility and citizen consciousness. In the meantime, integrated quality conduces to education student the challenge that they answer future better, raise a talent to foster quality, drive social progress.

Thank you to read the article, the importance that hopes to understand De Zhi to teach to you has a help with executive strategy.

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