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贵州大专王牌专业? 贵州轻工王牌专业?英文双语对照


贵州大专王牌专业? 贵州轻工王牌专业?英文双语对照













国家级特色专业 金融学 市场营销 会计学 信息管理与信息系统 财政学 法学


应用经济学 理论经济学 管理科学与工程


工商管理 农林经济管理 法学 公共管理 计算机科学与技术 马克思主义理论 社会学


法学 公共管理 计算机科学与技术


应用经济学 管理科学与工程 统计学 工商管理



1 西安财经大学 金融学 国家级 2019

2 西安财经大学 会计学 国家级 2020

3 西安财经大学 电子商务 国家级 2020

4 西安财经大学 经济统计学 国家级 2020

5 西安财经大学 经济学 国家级 2021

6 西安财经大学 信息管理与信息系统 国家级 2021

7 西安财经大学 法学 国家级 2021

8 西安财经大学 保险学 国家级 2021

9 西安财经大学 应用统计学 国家级 2021

10 西安财经大学 市场营销 国家级 2021

11 西安财经大学 公共事业管理 国家级 2021

12 西安财经大学 财务管理 国家级



专业名称 平均分

会计学 522

金融学 513

财务管理 507

商务英语 505

审计学 505

金融工程 504

投资学 501

国际经济与贸易 500

法学 499

工商管理 499

金融学(佛山校区全学段) 499

汉语言文学 499

广告学 499

软件工程 499

经济学 499

文化产业管理 498

社会学 498

公共事业管理 498

旅游管理 498

金融学(中外人才培养实验班) 498

社会工作 498

税收学 498

编辑出版学 498

计算机科学与技术 498

劳动与社会保障 498

财务管理(中外人才培养实验班) 497

会展经济与管理 497

财政学 497

酒店管理(佛山校区全学段) 497

经济统计学 497

物流管理 496

人文地理与城乡规划 496

数学与应用数学 496

市场营销 496

统计学 496

信息与计算科学 496

国际商务(中外人才培养实验班) 496

电子商务(佛山校区全学段) 496

国际商务 496

行政管理 496























税收学 :国家级

审计学: 国家级

金融工程 :国家级

市场营销 :国家级

经济学: 国家级

劳动与社会保障 :省级

人力资源管理 :省级

软件工程 :省级

应用统计学 :省级





One, is ace of Guizhou three-year institution of higher learning professional?

1, traffic operation manages major

Major of traffic operation management aims to foster get used to railroad industry, especially the demand that in recent years high speed railroad expands quickly, have certain computer and foreign language to use capacity basically, master high speed railroad to carry basic and academic knowledge and basic and professional skill, have railroad to carry an organization to direct, application is operated and design ability basically, can be related high speed railroad the applied sex that the unit is engaged in carrying organization and production, technology management is special talent.

2, computer application technology is professional

This professional education heart, wisdom, body, beautiful full-scale development, have good profession morality and humanitarian accomplishment, master all of computer science department and information processing knowledge, have database management, data processing, big data to apply a system to build, the ability that big data analysis handles, be engaged in the Information Industry, business affairs serving trade news to collect, processing and the high quality technology that analyse the job skill talent.

3, accountant report calculates change major

Education has good professional morality and innovation mind, familiar accountant reachs relevant economy basically to manage knowledge theoretically, use the mastery of a skill or technique that the computer has the accountant is operated, can suit of all kinds enterprise or business unit requirement, the high skill application that the accountant post such as forms for reporting statistics of business accounting of goods and materials of Wu of;equal;fitter;fittest;qualified;equal to cashier, audit, duty, material, salary business accounting, cost accounting, income and profit business accounting, general ledger works talent.

2, is Guizhou light industrial is ace professional?

Big data technology and application, interior artistic design, content sheds management.

Guizhou is light industrial professional technology institute is the school of advanced profession education that establishs via approval of government of Guizhou Province people, the school is a country high grade specialized subject is advanced professional school.

3, is ace of university of Jiangxi finance and economics professional?

One, national emphasis breeds course: Produce industry economics

Finance of major of national level characteristic learns management of information of market sale accounting and law of information system cameralistics

2, Jiangxi is saved " 925 " Gao Shuiping course

Economics of applied economics theory manages science and project

3, Jiangxi saves a college " 925 " key course (one degree course)

Science of computer of manage of fair condominium of law of government of economy of aricultural of industrial and commercial management and technical Marxism theory are sociological

4, Jiangxi is saved " 925 " demonstrative sex Master degree program

Science of computer of manage of law fair condominium and technology

5, Jiangxi province builds course first-rate

Apply economics government science and project are statistical industrial and commercial managing

4, is ace of university of Xi'an finance and economics professional?

Introduce national level to you ↓ of major of top-ranking undergraduate course

Finance of university of 1 Xi'an finance and economics learns national level 2019

Level of state of accounting of university of 2 Xi'an finance and economics 2020

Level of state of business affairs of electron of university of 3 Xi'an finance and economics 2020

Economy of university of 4 Xi'an finance and economics is statistical national level 2020

Level of state of economics of university of 5 Xi'an finance and economics 2021

Management of information of university of 6 Xi'an finance and economics and level of information system state 2021

Level of state of law of university of 7 Xi'an finance and economics 2021

University of 8 Xi'an finance and economics is sure to learn national level 2021

University of 9 Xi'an finance and economics uses statistical state level 2021

Level of state of sale of market of college of 10 Xi'an finance and economics 2021

University of 11 Xi'an finance and economics is public level of career management state 2021

Level of state of financial management of university of 12 Xi'an finance and economics

5, is ace of university of Guangdong finance and economics professional?

In rank of major of dominant position of university of Guangdong finance and economics, major of liberal art advantage ranks first is accounting major. Major of science department advantage ranks first is finance learns major.

Professional title is divided on average

Accounting 522

Finance learns 513

Financial management 507

Business affairs English 505

Audit learns 505

Financial project 504

Investment learns 501

International economy and commerce 500

Law 499

Industrial and commercial managing 499

Finance learns (Fosan campus learns completely paragraph) 499

Chinese character literature 499

Advertisement learns 499

Software project 499

Economics 499

Culture industry manages 498

Sociological 498

Common cause manages 498

Travel management 498

Finance learns (class of experiment of education of talent of China and foreign countries) 498

Work 498

Taxation learns 498

The editor is published learn 498

Computer science and technology 498

Labor and social security 498

Financial management (talent of China and foreign countries trains experimental squad) 497

Can exhibit economy and management 497

Cameralistics 497

Hotel management (Fosan campus learns completely paragraph) 497

Economy is statistical 497

Content sheds management 496

Humanitarian geography and urban and rural program 496

Maths and applied maths 496

Market sale 496

Statistical 496

Information and computation are scientific 496

International business affairs (talent of China and foreign countries trains experimental squad) 496

Electronic business affairs (Fosan campus learns completely paragraph) 496

International business affairs 496

Administration 496

Dominant position of university of Guangdong finance and economics is professional

Market sale is professional

This professional education gets used to socialist market economy to build need, heart, wisdom, body develops in the round, master academic knowledge of the system, have stronger professional fact Wu to run the talented person of high-quality market sale of ability.

Law major

Law major develops knowledge of systematic control law, be familiar with the relevant policy of our country law and party, can be in national office, enterprise or business unit and social organization, can be in especially the advanced and technical qualified personnel that mechanism of legislature, executive authority, procuratorial work, adjudgement mechanism, arbitral orgnaization and legal service orgnaization are engaged in law working.

6, is ace of university of southwest finance and economics professional?

University of southwest finance and economics is located in the Chengdu City, be directly under of Ministry of Education " 211 " project college, 2017, selected country first " double top-ranking " world top-ranking course builds a college.

The ace major of university of southwest finance and economics is:

1. world top-ranking course builds course: Applied economics (decide oneself)

Course of 2. nation emphasis: Finance learns, plutonomy, accounting, statistical

3. saves key course: Science of academic economics, application economics, industrial and commercial management, government and project

At present university of southwest finance and economics has full-time teacher 1300 more than person, full-time student 24600 more than person.

7, is the ace of university of Hunan finance and economics professional?

Without the appellation of university of Hunan finance and economics, have college of economy of Hunan finance and economics only, the ace major of the school has accounting major, finance learns major and computer science and technical major.

The institute is initiative the institute of thick unripe accountant that established 1933, 1942, institute of thick unripe accountant is incognito privately run for Hunan continuation school of thick unripe accountant. After liberating, continuation school of thick unripe accountant take-overs by government of Hunan Province people, and 1951 more the name is Hunan school of thick unripe accountant, by private instead fair do. After this, in succession more the name is accounting of finance of school of school of Hunan Province finance, Hunan Province finance and trade, Hunan Province school, Hunan Province money is met the school. Promote was schools of Hunan finance and economics 1985, 1993 more the name is Hunan finance and economics advanced schools. Classics Ministry of Education was approved in March 2010, promote is undergraduate course school, and more the name is institute of Hunan finance economy.

8, Piao of major of ace of university of Jiangxi finance and economics?

International accountant.

Very recommend, this is very popular can go abroad a major of development, the future is like bright and beautiful, advocate push English, develop internationalization person with ability, to accepting foreign business, it is a major that deserves a consideration very much.

9, is major of ace of university of Zhejiang finance and economics ranked?

Major of ace of university of Zhejiang finance and economics has cameralistics, administration, accounting, financial management, finance to learn, statistical, taxation learns economy of industrial and commercial management, international and commerce, economy, audit learns to wait.

Major of provincial and level of 2020 year state, top-ranking undergraduate course builds bit of list:

Professional: Level

Taxation learns: National level

Audit learns: National level

Financial project: National level

Market sale: National level

Economics: National level

Labor and social security: Provincial

Manpower resource manages: Provincial

Software project: Provincial

Application is statistical: Provincial

10, is major of ace of university of Shanghai finance and economics ranked?

List of major of national level characteristic: Economics, financial management, accounting, finance learns, economy of cameralistics, international and commerce, statistical, industrial and commercial management.

National level reforms pilot major integratedly: Law.

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