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旅游最值得去的地方? 东北最值得旅游的地方?英文双语对照


旅游最值得去的地方? 东北最值得旅游的地方?英文双语对照









1. 故宫博物院:中国最大、最全、最完整的古代宫殿建筑群,是世界文化遗产之一

2. 颐和园:占地260公顷,极具中国式的园林韵味。

3. 天坛公园:一座北京古代皇宫,纪念祭天的其中一个祭祀场所,是中国古代宗教建筑之一。

4. 长城:是世界文化遗产之一,蜿蜒千里,是中国的标志性建筑之一。

5. 雍和宫:是中国最著名的清代寺庙之一,是汉传佛教中一座有影响的寺庙。

6. 北京大学:是全国最具影响力的高等教育机构,有较高的学术声誉和知名度。
























1. 北极圈地区:可以观赏极光,如挪威的特罗姆瑟、芬兰的罗瓦涅米等。

2. 瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉:可以滑雪、雪橇、泡温泉,如滑雪胜地滑雪胜地圣莫里茨、采尔马特等。

3. 日本北海道:可以欣赏雪景、泡温泉,如旭川、富良野、札幌等。

4. 加拿大洛矶山脉:可以滑雪、观赏冰川,如班夫国家公园、贾斯珀国家公园等。

5. 美国科罗拉多州:可以滑雪、泡温泉,如阿斯彭、维尔等。

6. 挪威的斯瓦尔巴群岛:可以观赏北极光、雪地探险。

7. 中国的哈尔滨:可以参观冰雪大世界、冰灯艺术展等。

8. 澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚:可以观赏冰川、雪山,如克兰比山、弗雷雪山等。











Does travel deserve the place that go most?

Beijing the Imperial Palace, heilongjiang snow countryside, jilin mist Song, liaoning Shenyang the Imperial Palace, yunnan stone forest, on the west double edition accept, sichuan channel of 9 stockaded village, chongqing 3 gorge, guizhou Huang Guo cultivates chute, knit golden hole, tibetan the Potala Palace, shaanxi Mount Hua, qinghai Qinghai lake, mo Gao hole of Gansu Province Dunhuang, slope of Ningxia sanded head, pool of sky of Xinjiang day mountain, the beach outside Shanghai, jiangsu clumsy politics garden, zhou Zhuang, zhejiang west lake, anhui yellow hill, shandong Mount Taishan.

Jiangxi cottage hill, fujian rouses billow island, heibei is away for the summer holidays mountain villa, shanxi 5 hill, 8 bridges of Inner Mongolia are desert diversiform-leaved poplar forest, park of forest of bound of Hunan Zhang Jia, hubei favour applies gorge, henan the Longmen Grottoes, hill of Guangdong red glow, guangxi Guilin landscape, hill of Hainan the five fingers, hong Kong marine park, hotel of Beijing of Macao new Pu, taiwan life pool.

Does northeast deserve the place of travel most?

Go northeast travel, a lot of cities are worth to go, for instance: River of Harbin, Shenyang, Changchun, Dalian, Daqing, Qiqihaer, Yi Chun, peony, if must say which " be worth most " , that is old moxa recommend Harbin.

Harbin ~ another namer puts a city on the ice. Harbin is famous city of national history culture, be " one country two face " birthplace, namely gold, clear birthplace of two acting dynasties, gold is located at A city toward the first capital, qing Dynasty is born in Harbin to depend on toward Tamerlane of Zhao Zumeng elder brother orchid, golden source culture spreads all over northeast from this, develop the whole nation. Harbin is culture of world-famous ice and snow and city of travel of ice and snow, element has " Oriental Moscow " and " Oriental small Paris " say.

Does Beijing deserve the place that go most?

Beijing is the city with long culture of a history, a lot of deserve the place that go. It is a few places that are worth to recommend quite below:

1.Museum of the Imperial Palace: China's the the biggest, most complete, most complete ancient time palace is built group, it is one of world culture bequest

2.The Summer Palace: Cover an area of 260 hectare, have the gardens lasting appeal of Chinese type extremely.

3.Park of the Temple of Heaven: Palace of ancient time of a Beijing, mark day of hold a memorial ceremony for among them a sacred place, it is one of buildings of religion of Chinese ancient time.

4.The Great Wall: It is one of world culture bequest, winding a thousand li, it is one of mark sex buildings of China.

5.Yong He palace: It is one of China's famousest clear acting cloister, it is Han Chuanfo an influential cloister in teaching.

6.Beijing University: It is the higher education orgnaization that the whole nation has force most, have taller science fame and famous degree.

Of course, this is a few viewpoints of the individual only, it is other and worth while to still have a lot of the place that swims, be like south alley of gong and drum, 798 artistic areas are waited a moment, be worth to go very much.

Does Chongqing periphery deserve the place of travel most?

1, Hong Ya hole: Swim condole foot Lou Qun, Guan Hongya drips emerald green, shop, admire Bayu culture, see two rivers converge.

2, magnetism implement buccal ancient guard: Chiliad ancient town, chongqing epitome, be in full of beautiful things in eyes of the cate on the street, toward in walk along the feeling that has old Chongqing.

3, emancipatory tablet: Original name fights tablet of skill of conquer profit record, periphery is one of commercial shopping malls with the most flourishing Chongqing nowadays.

4, Sichuan academy of fine arts () of Huang Jueping campus: The advanced academy of fine arts with Chinese exclusive southwest, the far raise of doodle market reputation outside campus.

5, square of door of Chongqing day day: Day day door is square of a dock, the Jiang Shui that can see two kinds of different color is handed in collect.

6, goose mountain park: Goose mountain park is located in in Chongqing city change warden river all the way, the neck because of goose of its be similar in shape, get a name so.

Does Wu Qing travel to deserve the place that go most?

The place with Tianjin military clear amused division:

1, area of scene of the lake austral Tianjin

Lake scene area is located in Wu Qing area to issue bright red Zhuang Jie south, here is green careless light of supple, wave is crystalline. Lake park plans to have 5 functions area south, include urban story to show market of area, water division of recreational recreation motion, wet zoology experiences recreational shopping centre, family area and high-end business affairs are recreational area.

Urban story reveals an area to will build square of water bank large stage and sculpture of urban story LOGO, planned the mark sex landscape such as the lamplight water beautiful arena of 6000 much square metre and water act film; Wet zoology experience area is comprised by island of 3 lakes heart, be linked together through landing stage, with different in approach but equally satisfactory in result of Hangzhou west lake, lake face still will cultivate lotus further, lake heart advocate the island will serve as avian habitat, can pass the island on yacht only; The admiral of dock of type of edge lake quant of wooden a plank road built along a cliff sets dining room of 3 themes museum, at present among them one has been dock theme dining-room certainly; Division of domestic entertainment motion introduces domestic activity in the environment of green nature, the motion outside connecting change the name of owner in a register, horticultural wait for an activity with the lecture, the mobile content of the outdoors ground that provides a collective activity for this locality dweller and foreign visitor and rich and colorful.

2, Eden of triumphal and regnal theme

Eden of triumphal and regnal theme opens up by group of garden of Guangdong jade an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions endowment 3 billion yuan of RMB invests build, cover an area of an area to make an appointment with 1300 mus. Garden area is located in Yong Hedao of Tianjin military clear division, north receives Wu Qing developing zone, qing Dynasty of fierce of Tianjin of tall iron of border of city of ferry of Na Lin Beijing stands, be located in the central position that Beijing ferry business encircles. Already began to plan collect theme sex, cultivation, amusement, recreational sex in installment at present the northward dimensions at an organic whole function of the biggest, equipment the base of integrated recreational travel with top level of the strongest, service. Distinguish field two period development construction, among them first phase covers an area of 461 mus, give priority to with establishment of large and outdoors entertainment, include triumphal square, enthusiastic pleasure ground, brave to enter Somalia, pass through base of adventure of infinite, adventure, space and Tong Le are collected wait for 7 themes You Le area. 2 period cover an area of 800 mus, give priority to with establishment of water of room a relative on one's wife side entertainment, cent thes upper part of the body for water Yo stimulates paddle of house of You Le house, the surf on water, children on athletic shop, water You Le house, selva is recreational 5 themes such as the house project of You Lexiu idle.

3, swan lake hot spring goes vacationing village

Swan lake hot spring goes vacationing the village is located within clear developing zone of Tianjin city fierce, pond of proximate Beijing ferry freeway, be apart from 71 kilometers of Beijing, be apart from Tianjin 30 kilometers. It is meal of a collect, conference, recreation, recreational the large travel area that is an organic whole.

When the Changjiang Delta below Qianlong of according to legend, ever stayed here small rest, " of carry of aid of diversion of slash " of Kang Xi drive still is put up to now stay in recreational area " to know chrysanthemum hall " inside. Olden whenever the emperor issues Changjiang Delta transient here, namely the white swan flies face a lake to go up, show auspicious sign scene, swan lake name from this and come.

Go vacationing the village covers an area of a face to accumulate 1200 mus, among them lake face many mus 600, build Qing Dynasty having copy building of guest room of the various villa such as royal siheyun, medium, Europe, beautiful, day, business affairs

In good health the around place that deserves travel most?

Sweet brook hole, seaing lake, niu Tiling, prefectural river, actually of a lot of, just see you want to see what kind of landscape, still having is what season goes, fly cross gorge, na Gongshan the prospect is good, the closest is circuit of edge river side, air, scenery morning and evening rambles circuit mood case is free from worry, sweet brook hole walks along if the body is good is more back and forth not more, summertime seaing lake turns circuit, already cool stimulate again, still saw beautiful scenery, your fish is particularly fat, be worth to sample, actually in good health this place did not decrease climate of a lot of environments, climate delightful, if have time, can live on year ramble slowly, look slowly, experience slowly

Does winter travel deserve the place that go most?

It is below a few recommend:

1.Area of the Arctic circle: Can view and admire aurora, wait like Norwegian Teluomuse, Finnish Luowaniemi.

2.Swiss the Alps: Can hot spring of ski, sledge, bubble, wait like the Ci of Mo Li of emperor of resort of ski resort ski, Matt that collect Er.

3.Japanese Hokkaido: Can admire hot spring of Xue Jing, bubble, wait like Huang of Xu Chuan, Fu Liangye, thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China.

4.Mountain range of Ji of Canadian the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces: Can ski, view and admire glacier, park of state of the husband that be like a class, Jasper state park.

5.American division collect helps much city: Can hot spring of ski, bubble, wait like Er of A Sipeng, dimension.

6.Norwegian Siwaerba archipelago: Can view and admire ground of aurora borealis, snow expeditionary.

7.Chinese Harbin: Can visit macrocosm of ice and snow, art glacial the lamp to exhibit etc.

8.Australian Dasimaniya: Can view and admire glacier, snow mountain, if overcome Lan Bishan, Fuleixue hill.

These places have distinctive winter landscape and activity, very worth while.

Does Heibei spend the New Year to deserve the place of travel most?

Answer: ? Glue 9 dimple illuminate does busy show off return Chu?

The Great Wall is the Chinese nation resemble asking for, and hill custom Great Wall recorded the history with castiron the Chinese nation, it has Japanese pirates to invade China confirm, have the flower performance with people ab extra and aggressive beat back, accordingly ecbolic the place entering the sea of Great Wall old bibcock and grand " the world the first close " .

Does boreal Europe travel deserve the place that go most?

Norway is thalassic!

Norwegian bay has the name of the country of firth, reason nature landscape with glacial the firth landform that cut authentic and becomes has distinguishing feature most, firth landform is namely glacial history. Among them in order to be located in the Song Enxia near low Er root the bay is most famous, it is the firth with the biggest churchyard, also be the world at the same time go up the deepest the longest firth, with beautiful scene celebrated at the world.

Does A travel deserve the place that go most east?

Museum of Chinese donkey-hide gelatin, east city of A donkey-hide gelatin, ai Shan of Dong Ahuang river garden of 10 thousand mus of peony, grave of establish of piscine hill Cao, east A culture of hundred years donkey-hide gelatin encloseds ground for growing trees, park of lake of Dong Aluo god, garden of magpie countryside plum, the Yellow River 8 scene, east hill of A medicine king
