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2007年5月,虞城被中国民间文艺家协会命名为“中国木兰之乡” ,并批准挂牌成立“中国木兰文化研究中心”







木兰围场在辽代时,为辽帝避暑狩猎之所,有“千里松林”之称。清代这里为蒙古喀喇沁杜楞君王扎锡和翁牛特镇国公吴塔特的领地。   公元1677年,康熙皇帝首次北巡塞外,看中了这块“万里山河通远檄,九边形胜抱神京”的地方。   1681年,康熙第二次北巡,以“喀喇沁、敖汉、翁牛特诸旗敬献牧场”的名义划定了14000多平方公里的围猎场,这座清代的皇家猎苑就此而建立,也成为世界上第一个、也是迄今为止规模最大的皇家猎苑。   自康熙二十年至乾隆四十六年(1781年),前后一百多年的新建和扩建,木兰围场逐步界定为72个围。










木兰秋狝文化园是为了再现当年“木兰秋狝”壮观场景和弘扬清代皇家文化而建的景区,一道高大华丽的三座门中式牌楼,金碧辉煌雕梁画栋与宽阔的草场、连绵的青山绿树、起伏的沙地灌木相互映衬,丝毫没有北京城皇家殿堂的威仪庄重,却独显桀骜张狂。园内的草场上明黄的雏菊一丛丛争相开放,野罂粟大而薄的花瓣在清风中瑟瑟抖动,还有各式叫不上名的红的、紫的、蓝色小花竞赛般的绽放笑靥。 园内各种文化娱乐项目多达二十多项,既有传统的“御驾亲征”、秋狝再现、骑马射箭,也有现代的激流勇进、海盗船、打靶射击。景区门票218元每人


One, what meaning of culture of Huang Bei magnolia?

Area of yellow Bei of Hubei Wuhan city and county of Henan Yu Cheng were declared 2008 " lily magnolia is fabulous " selected state level is immaterial culture bequest directory. So far, of lily magnolia native place contend for end. Before this, lan Zhi of flowers and trees of Yan'an of Wei Mulan of Wei Mulan of Yu Cheng of Zhu Mulan of yellow Bei of completely state-owned Wuhan, Henan, city of Anhui fine long hair, Shaanxi says.

Huang Bei ever had the history of buy magnolia county twice in ancient times

2, what to promote lily magnolia culture to carry a proposal to have?

Catch the platform on fine line, use shake the video promotion such as sound.

One continuous line serves, resemble rolling out series product by a product.

3, arrive from Shang Qiu is square of culture of Yu Cheng magnolia much further?

Not far, probably 15 kilometers.

Sit public transportation and most half hour, the appearance that drives 20 minutes.

4, raise two proposals to promote lily magnolia culture?

Catch the platform on fine line, use shake the video promotion such as sound.

One continuous line serves, resemble rolling out series product by a product.

5, who introduces research center of Chinese magnolia culture?

In May 2007, anxiety city is named to be by association of Chinese folk literary home " the countryside of Chinese magnolia " , approve hang out one's shingle hold water " research center of Chinese magnolia culture "

6, how does area of travel of zoology of culture of yellow Bei magnolia make an appointment?

Pay close attention to date of small letter public, wuhan city can make an appointment to include Hubei to visit each tourist attractions inside Wuhan focus.

7, ask you to promote style of lily magnolia culture the proposal of two rationalize?

The first, treat traditional culture correctly, take its elite to go its scum, adopt social practice, undertake culture innovates.

The 2nd, medium of masses of have the aid of undertakes publicize and be popularizinged to traditional culture, arouse the interest interest of people, accede thereby traditional culture.

8, culture of history of lily magnolia paddock?

Lily magnolia paddock is when distant is acting, the emperor that it is distant is away for the summer holidays chasing place, have " pine forest of a thousand li " say. Du Lengjun of ooze of La of Mongolia noise made in coughing or vomiting is here what Wang Zaxi and Weng Niu press down national fair Wu Date especially is feudal. The Christian era 1677, kang Xi's emperor first north of the Great Wall of boreal make one's rounds, took a fancy to this " 10 thousand lis of the land of country connect far a call to arms, nonagon gets the better of the Beijing that adopt a look " place. 1681, kang Xi make one's rounds of the 2nd north, with " Zhu Qi of ooze of La of noise made in coughing or vomiting, Ao Han, Weng Niu spy Jing Xianmu field " nominal delimit of kilometer of 14000 much square surround shooting, the royal hunt of this clear generation encloseds ground for growing trees at this point and build, also become the first, also be up to now the royal hunt with the largest scale encloseds ground for growing trees. Come 20 years from Kang Xi Qianlong 46 years (1781) , around more than 100 years build and extend, lily magnolia paddock is limitted stage by stage surround for 72.

9, is lily magnolia Cultural Festival wh what month?

Spring scenery does not close field completely, one branch red apricot gives a wall to come.

Month of spring flower autumn when, how much does the past know.

The bright moon gives day mountain, between vast sea of clouds.

Often fear Qiu Jie coming, illuminate yellow Hua Xie declines.

The bright moon gives day mountain, between vast sea of clouds.

The mouth of spring is silent cherish brooklet, shade illuminates Shui Aiqing soft, do not know fine Xie Sheicai to go out, spring breeze was like scissors in Feburary.

The window contains snow of Xi Ling a thousand years, men Bodong Wu Moli boat.

10, entrance ticket of garden of culture of of lily magnolia autumn?

Garden of culture of of lily magnolia autumn is for emersion in those days " of lily magnolia autumn " grand setting and promote clear acting royal culture and the scene division that build, pailou of a lofty and luxuriant 3 doors Chinese style, resplendent and magnificent carved beams and painted rafters and the green hill greenery with broad field, continuous grass, fluctuant sanded ground bush mutual set off, a bit is royal without Beijing city the impressive manner of the hall is grave, show insolent of the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty aing good horse alone however. On the careless field inside garden bright one clump Cong Zheng opens yellow daisy, wild opium poppy is big and thin leaf with a rustle shakes in cool breeze, still have various do not make go up of the name red, violet, like blue floret contest blossom dimple. All sorts of culture recreation projects inside garden amount to more than 20, have a tradition already " drive is driven ask for in person " , autumn emersion, equestrian archery, also contemporary lotic brave is entered, corsair, target practice shoots. Scene area entrance ticket 218 yuan each

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