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1. 引言:介绍被分析者的基本情况,包括姓名、年龄、性别、职业等,并简要说明本次分析报告的目的和意义。

2. 外貌特征:详细描述被分析者的外貌特征,包括身高、体型、面部特征(如五官的形状、眼睛的大小等)、肤色、发型、头发颜色等。

3. 体态和姿势:描述被分析者的体态和姿势,如站立、坐姿、走路的方式等,同时对其体态和姿势给出评价和感受。

4. 衣着风格:描述被分析者的日常着装风格,包括服装颜色、款式、搭配和细节等。同时对其衣着风格进行评价,如得体、时尚、个性等。

5. 自信和气质:分析被分析者所展现出的自信和气质。可以通过观察他们的表情、姿势、语言和行为等方面,对其自信和气质进行分析和描述,并给出评价。

6. 个性特征:通过观察和了解被分析者的外貌特征、衣着风格、体态姿势等,对其个性特征进行简要分析,如内向、外向、开朗等。

7. 优点和改进建议:总结被分析者的优点,并提出有针对性的改进建议,帮助其在个人形象上取得更好的表现。建议应该具体、明确,并且符合被分析者的特点和需求。

8. 结语:总结分析报告,再次强调被分析者的优点和改进的重要性,并提出希望被分析者能够在形象上有所提升的期望。




















1. 产品分析:分析产品的特点、功能、优势、缺陷、品质、价格等方面,以便确定产品的市场定位和营销策略。

2. 市场分析:分析市场的规模、增长趋势、消费者需求、竞争情况等方面,以便确定市场的潜力和营销策略。

3. 竞争对手分析:分析竞争对手的产品、价格、营销策略、市场份额等方面,以便确定自己的竞争优势和营销策略。

4. 渠道分析:分析产品销售渠道的特点、优势、缺陷、竞争情况等方面,以便确定最适合的销售渠道和营销策略。

5. 客户分析:分析客户的需求、购买行为、消费习惯等方面,以便确定最适合的目标客户和营销策略。






1. 用于向投资主管部门备案、行政审批的可行性研究报告  

2. 用于向金融机构贷款的可行性研究报告  

3. 用于企业融资、对外招商合作的可行性研究报告  

4. 用于申请进口设备免税的可行性研究报告  

5. 用于境外投资项目核准的可行性研究报告  

6. 用于环境评价、审批工业用地的可行性研究报告


本人在校热爱祖国,尊敬师长,团结同学,乐于助人,是老师的好帮手,同学的好朋友。我学习勤奋,积极向上,喜欢和同学讨论并解决问题,经常参加班级学校组织的各种课内外活动。  在家尊老爱幼,经常帮爸爸妈妈做家务是家长的好孩子,邻居的好榜样。 初中三年我学到了很多知识,思想比以前有了很大的提高,希望以后能做一个有理想,有抱负,有文化的人,为建设社会主义中国做出自己的努力。 当然我也深刻认识到自己的不足,字写的不是很好,有时候做事情会只有三分钟热情,我相信只要克服这些问题,我就能做的更好。  本人品德兼优、性格开朗、热爱生活,有较强的实践能力和组织能力。 学习之余,走出校门,本人珍惜每次锻炼的机会,与不同的人相处,让自己近距离地接触社会,感受人生,品味生活的酸甜苦辣。 本人品德兼优、性格开朗、热爱生活,有较强的实践能力和组织能力







1.资金成本的控制。  (1)融资期限与资产结构的合理匹配。  (2)应收账款中坏账的防范与及时回收。  (3)应付账款政策的设计与延迟支付。  

2.存货成本的控制。  (1)如何确定存货决策。  (2)零库存的条件与误区。  (3)存货成本控制的技术。  






全球 UPS市场规模75亿美元稳健增长,中国UPS增速显著好于海外。2018 年,全球 UPS 市场规模达 75.6亿美元,同比增长 2.4%,2015-2018 年全球 UPS 市场基本维持在 2%左右增幅稳健成长。中国 UPS 行业较海外市场发展更为迅速,2018 年国内 UPS 市场规模为 68.1 亿元,同比增长 10.3%。从全球占比来看,UPS 的主要消费市场仍是经济发达的国家和地区,国内 UPS 市场仍有较大的增长空间。


One, how is report of individual appearance analysis written?

Individual appearance analyses a report to be able to undertake writing according to the following structure:

1.Foreword: Introduce by the fundamental condition of analyst, include full name, age, sexual distinction, profession to wait, brief specification the purpose that this second analysis reports and meaning.

2.Appearance feature: Detailed description by the appearance feature of analyst, include height, bodily form, facial feature (the size of the appearance that is like facial features, eye) , color of color of skin, hairstyle, hair.

3.Posture and pose: Describe the pose that be mixed by the posture of analyst, if stand, the sitting position, means that walk, to its at the same time posture and pose give out to evaluate and be experienced.

4.Dress style: The description is installed by the daily move of analyst style, include dress color, design, collocation and detail to wait. To its at the same time dress style undertakes evaluating, wait like decent, vogue, individual character.

5.Self-confidence and temperament: The self-confidence that the analysis is shown to go out by analyst institute pledges compatibly. Can traverse the field such as the expression that observes them, pose, language and behavior, to its self-confidence and temperament have analysis and description, give out evaluation.

6.Character trait: Be waited for by pose of style of the appearance feature of analyst, dress, posture through observation and understanding, to its character trait undertakes brief analysis, be like indrawn, extroversion, optimistic etc.

7.Advantage and improve a proposal: Sum up by the advantage of analyst, put forward those who have specific aim to improve a proposal, help its obtain better performance on individual figure. The proposal is should specific, specific, and accord with be mixed by the characteristic of analyst demand.

8.Epilogue: Summary analyses a report, emphasize the importance that is mixed to improve by the advantage of analyst again, offer the hope that hopes to be able to be gone up to promote somewhat in figure by analyst.

Those who need an attention is, when compose individual appearance analyses a report, want objective, bona fide to describe by the appearance of analyst, give out reasonable and specific proposal. In the meantime, remain neutral and valued manner, avoid to use too subjective or negative description, lest cause needless misunderstanding or harm.

2, how is report of individual product analysis written?

1, product general situation

Schematic product, just as its name implies, it is the setting data to the product, integral circumstance makes a simple introduction. With the foreword likeness of document.

2, product direction

Of product configuration push act, be like brief book from " literal tool " to " content community " ; Arrange the newer specification of each version; Test and verify, whether are function and iteration accorded with push act.

3, product analysis

On product structure plan, all function cent the product is the means that the proposal pursues with the head one class, 2 class, can observe whether its function distribution is equitable at the same time, can deny undertake adjustment, we can promote our administrative levels function of frequency, high demand, or a more prominent place is arranged in unified administrative levels.

To user use flow chart, need to analyse a demand only normally or a main way, need not list all method, for example: To cleaning out treasure, give out its shopping flow is OK.

In the function the experience analyses a respect, on the base that uses flow chart in product structure plan, user, to some function, its make labor the user is dissatisfactory (poor) or deserve appreciation (actor) place, outstanding function provided core method and specific setting for its.

3, how is individual psycho report written?

Above all, introduce psycho boy or girl friend, bisect analyse object makes the understanding of full-scale development, from inside the life contrail that analyses an object extraction gives the important clue that can represent this for a short while, have the thing of main effect to him namely, best can go into particulars.

Next, to logistic requirement. Narrative and best press time order, it is OK in the past to perhaps arrive greatly from now as a child. It is clear to should be conveyed to the time of main event, different age paragraph differentiate for different share, listing a crosshead is right choice.

The 3rd pace, consecution wants clarity, language expression is straightaway, the picture that if have an analysis,the object provides or the evidence content of diary and so on is OK annotations above. Want to abide by a fact, the root has the flaw that appears very likely to go up logically according to making up chaos to build why.

The 4th pace, content. According to oneself record, make good processing to literal content, amend good wrongly written or mispronounced characters, the format. . . The fact that to the description the object offers does not alter casually easily, but try to be decorated certainly or very be necessary, had better let content look authentic rate is high

The 5th pace, adjust. Make final treatment to the logistic order of time, outstanding performance has the fact of rich content, come with ably character to doing not have the place of hundred perfect degree nap, stress a good point, build central argument.

The 6th pace, final editor, assure to rectify the rigorous sex of an article, can think in you very crucial part does some of work that adds thick and so on, to row pitch, paragraph is retractive do final examination work, try the evidence article of annotations to keep

4, how is P analysis report analysed?

P analysis report is a kind of commonly used market sale tool, use at analysing the case of the respect such as product, market and competitor, so that formulate more effective sale strategy. It is the analytic method that a few common P analyse a report below:

1.Product analysis: Analyse the respect such as the characteristic of the product, function, advantage, blemish, character, price, so that define the market fixed position of the product and sale strategy.

2.Market analysis: The respect such as circumstance of demand of trend of the dimensions that analyses the market, growth, consumer, competition, so that define the latent capacity of the market and sale strategy.

3.Competitor analysis: The respect such as share of strategy of the product that analyses a competitor, price, sale, market, so that define oneself competitive advantage and sale strategy.

4.Channel analysis: Analyse the respect such as circumstance of the characteristic of product sale channel, advantage, blemish, competition, the sale channel that so that decide,suits most and sale are politic.

5.Client analysis: The demand that analyses a client, buy the respect such as habit of behavior, consumption, the cause client that so that decide,suits most and sale are politic.

Above is the analytic method that a few common P analyse a report, concrete analysis method can undertake adjust and complementing according to actual condition.

5, financial analysis report and the distinction that management analysis reports?

Financial analysis report is forms for reporting statistics of enterprise basis accountant, financial analysis watch and the abundance that management activity and financial activity place offer, important information reachs his immanent connection, apply certain science to analyse a method, to the management feature of the enterprise, profit implementation reachs his to distribute a case, capital increase and decrease changes and have enough to meet need uses a case, taxes pay circumstance, the investory profit of the main belongings goods and materials such as goods in stock, fixed assets, dish the fluctuant circumstance such as deficient, damage and right this period or below period the analysis that financial standing will produce the item of major effect to make objective, comprehensive, system and evaluation, have the written report that be forecasted scientificly and forms necessarily. Management analysis reports to the enterprise management circumstance undertakes analytic: . One, should provide inside data and outside data for the analysis above all. Inside data is the mainest is report of accountant of company finance affairs, financial report is the written file that reflects enterprise financial standing and operation result, include an accountant advocate watch (flow meter of watch of balance sheet, profit, cash) , the; such as annotations of forms for reporting statistics of subordinate list, accountant is exterior the data is from the enterprise exterior acquisition data, the data that includes trade data, other competitor. . 2, according to financial report: ? Does collect Zhan treat Bao Shen of which health where a surname treats? finance affairs to is situation of analysis of benefit analysis, capital operation state, liquidity analysed and develop ability to analyse; to differ according to analytic object is cent: ? Gan of  of assorted  conspicuous treats Gan of an insect destructive of the roots of seedlings of  of ⒗ of an ancient wine vessel made of horn to treat Gan of collate of condyle of Yu of paper of ⑾ of an ancient wine vessel made of horn to treat?(of an ancient wine vessel made of horn one) state of the.1 of purpose content analysis according to the analysis, financial beneficial result. Namely the earnings ability of company assets. Capital gains ability is the serious problem that the person that accountant information is used cares, the person that it is investor, creditor, business management of enterprise through the analysis to it provides decision-making basis. Does analytic index basically have: ?  of ⒂ of province of lap of  of Ju of drop of  of Yong of ⒅ of province of heart of crucian carp of a surname of V of the neck when Hui assorted  looks for Yuan to save ⒆ ⒊ of  of be jealous of of daughter-in-law of paper procuress U kills Jing to delay fact of beautiful  lap to take state of carry of battalion of?2, asset. It is the circumstance of have enough to meet need that points to company assets, reflective enterprise takes up of economic resource. . . Financial analysis report is the foundation that management analysis reports, management analysis report is the assurance that financial analysis reports.

6, the report utility that industry analysis reports?

Industry analysis report is project executive main body need to entrust professional research organization to write written important document to carry out some economy activity, its basically reflect in effect of following a few sides:   

1.Use at be in charge of a branch to put on record to investment, the feasibility that administration examines and approve considers to report

2.The feasibility that with Yu Xiangjin orgnaization of be in harmony borrows money considers to report

3.Use at the industry financing, feasibility that enrols business collaboration external to study a report

4.Import the feasibility with duty-free equipment to study a report please with Yu Shen

5.The feasibility that is used at project approve investing outside the condition considers to report

6.Use at the environmental evaluation, feasibility that examines and approve industrial land to study a report

7, does analysis of individual psychology quality report integrated quality is evaluated?

Oneself are in school have deep love for the motherland, respect a division commander, unitive classmate, be happy to help a person, it is good helper of the teacher, the classmate's good friend. My study is assiduous, active up, like and solve a problem, activities of all sorts of class inside and outside that often join class school organization. home honour often loves young, often help father mother do the good child that housework is the parent, the good example of neighbour. 3 years I acquired junior high school a lot of knowledge, the idea is very older than having before rise, the hope can do a rational to want later, have ambition, literate person, make oneself effort to build socialistic China. Of course the inadequacy that I realise myself deeply also, what the word writes is not very good, do a thing to be able to have only 3 minutes occasionally enthusiastic, I believe to want to overcome these problems only, what I can do is better. This person moral character holds actor, disposition concurrently optimistic, have deep love for the life, have stronger practice capability and constituent capacity. Of study, walk out of a school gate, oneself cherish the opportunity that takes exercise every time, get along with different person, let oneself close quarters ground contacts a society, experience life, savor the joys and sorrows of life of the life. This person moral character holds actor, disposition concurrently optimistic, have deep love for the life, have stronger practice capability and constituent capacity

8, how is report of class mental health written?

Mental health state can be mixed from qualitative sex quantify two respects to write.

1, qualitative sex: Suffer from yourself's observation and subjective feeling, in perhaps looking for a student to talk, know the mental health state of class student. It have quality of psychology of how many student is good to have quality of psychology of how many student, mental health level is normal. What to have abnormal, expression why?

2, quantify: Look for a few mental health to measure a watch, undertake applying measuring to class student, according to metrical outcome, report according to the facts the mental health level of class student. Have have an informal discussion to quantifying the student with not quite good outcome next, thorough knowledge, abound material. Mental health measures a watch to be able to be found on the net, if Scl-90 belongs to list of this kind of volume. Hope to be helped somewhat to you.

9, does cost analyse a report?


The control of 1. capital cost. (1) of financing deadline and capital structure reasonable match. (2) in receivable Zhang money of bad Zhang be on guard with reclaim in time. (3) the design that handles Zhang money policy and defer pay.   

The control of cost of 2. goods in stock. (1) how to decide goods in stock is decision-making. (2) the condition of 0 inventory and error. (3) technology of pilot of cost of goods in stock.   

The control of 3. sale cost.   

4. manages the control of cost.   

The control of 5. revenue cost. Above is my solution to this problem, the hope can help great master.

10, does Ups industry analyse a report?

Ups industry is analysed,

Dimensions of global UPS market 7.5 billion dollar is steady grow, chinese UPS is added fast outside remarkable good Yu Hai. 2018, dimensions of global UPS market amounts to 7.56 billion dollar, grow 2.4% compared to the same period, 2015-2018 year global UPS market is maintained basically in 2% or so amplitude dovish grow. More overseas market expands Chinese UPS trade more rapid, dimensions of domestic UPS market was 6.81 billion yuan 2018, grow 10.3% compared to the same period. Occupy from the whole world look than coming, the main spending market of UPS still is the country that economy developeds and area, domestic UPS market still has larger growth space.
