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吴江县的演变 吴江于后梁开平三年(909年)闰八月设县,由五代吴越王钱镠奏请朝廷划吴县南地,嘉兴北境,置吴江县。因以今八坼西、松陵南的广袤太湖下游水网为源头的吴淞江,在晋唐时属吴县,那时的吴淞江也称吴江,置县时就以江名为县名。并以松陵为县治所在。县境东西180里,南北150里。元元贞二年(1296年),吴江县例升为州,县治改为州治。明洪武二年(1369年),吴江县改州为县,州治改为县治。


吴江设县前的地域归属 据清乾隆《吴江县志》、白《震泽县志》,"自秦至唐初,松陵地属吴(县),平望地属乌程"。期间,据同治《湖州府志》,晋武帝,太康三年(282年),分乌程东乡置东迁县。东迁的东境至平望官河(即今江南老运河),北境则有东西两洞开庭山并荻塘直北诸溇港,南境直至新市、乌镇、双林、琏市、含山,西境在湖州府城东二十八里。至隋文帝开皇九年(589年),东迁重新并入乌程。从那时一直到唐代,吴县和乌程都在苏州的管辖之下。按照东迁县境范围,今平望以西部分都在东迁县管辖之内,长达三百余年。注:古时的乌程县,就是今天的湖州市。乌程为秦县,故址在今湖州市南约十公里名为菰城的地方。东晋时迁今湖州市治。当时太湖岸线可能较今为南,今天的湖州市地还可能为沼泽一片。自东汉末年以来,太湖西南部东西苕溪域渐次开发,生齿日繁,需要增设郡级政区加以管理。于是三国吴宝鼎元年(266年),划出吴郡、丹阳的九县设立吴兴郡,治乌程(今湖州市)。



Wu Jiang county annals

Of Wu Jiang county evolve into Wu Jiang to leave at the later Liang dynasty make the same score 3 years (909 years) intercalary set a county in August, by the Five Dynasties achieve of Zuo of money of Wu Yue king asks an imperial court to delimit the ground austral the county, fine the condition that begin north, county of buy Wu Jiang. Because of with today 8 split open on the west, Song Lingna's length and breadth of land too downstream a network of rivers is the lake the Wu Song river of fountainhead, belong to when Jin Tang county, the Wu Song river in those days also weighs Wu Jiang, prefectural name is with river name when buy county. Control a seat for the county with Song Ling. Prefectural area from east to west 180 lis, north and south 150 lis. Yuan Yuanzhen 2 years (1296) , prefectural exemple rises Wu Jiang for the city, the county treats instead city. Ming Hongwu 2 years (1369) , wu Jiang county changes a city to be a county, the city treats instead county.

Qing Yongzheng 2 years (1724) , accept of Cha Bi of two rivers governor with Suzhou, Song Jiang, Changzhou ode of 3 government office weighs a matter numerous, achieve asks an imperial court to rise a city to divide a county. Yong Zheng 4 years, divide Wu Jiang county to slant the ground sets shake lustre county on the west. Two counties are a bound with the river. North from harbor of melon short for the Jinghe River the mouth enters river of 7 lis of harbor, academy of classical learning on the west, pond river is gone to on the west east too big bridge, into Shui Xiaodong door (today people hospital) the river arrives into westerly before door of Song Ling restaurant, trigonometry well, give river of Xi Menru city southward, enter grade of Home Wu harbor, sail a boat, by 8 split open harbor of big river mouth enters the canal, to smooth hope the town enters An Deqiao westerly, wear warbler Man lake, go to Zhejiang all the time into sodden brook pond bar of north of town of tung countryside black. Borderline with shake lustre county is on the west, wu Jiang county is to the south of. Two counties are the same as a city and treat, prefectural Ya is in Wu Jiang today municipal government courtyard, ya of shake lustre county is in today to the south of Wu Dou big public house. Ming Guoyuan year (1912) , two counties are compound for Wu Jiang county.

The district before Wu Jiang sets a county is attributive according to Qing Qianlong " Wu Jiang county annals " , white " shake lustre county annals " , "Come from the Qin Dynasty Tang Chu, loose hill ground is belonged to (county) , smooth hope the ground belongs to black Cheng " . During, treat according to be the same as " annals of lake state seat of government " , advance fierce emperor, too Kang Sannian (282 years) , buy of countryside of the Cheng Dong that separate black east change county. East of change east condition to smooth Wang Guanhe (namely today Changjiang Delta old canal) , boreal condition has a thing hill of two holes open a court session and straight north of pond of a kind of reed all harbor, south till the condition is new city of city, black town, Shuang Lin, Lian, contain hill, on the west condition in city of lake state seat of government east 28 lis. To Sui Wen the Supreme Being opens emperor 9 years (589 years) , change merges into afresh east black Cheng. Thenceforth arrives all the time Tang Dynasty, county and black Cheng are in of Suzhou administer under. According to east limits of change county condition, make the same score today look with be in partly on the west east change county administer in, be as long as more than 300 years. Note: Olden black Cheng county, with respect to the lake state city that is today. Black Cheng is county of the Qin Dynasty, reason location is in the place that 10 kilometers name arranges to be wild rice city south lake state city today. The change when the Eastern Jin dynasty today lake state city is treated. At that time too lake water front is likely relatively it is today south, land of today's lake state city is marsh possibly still one. Since last years of a dynasty or reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty, too region of brook of Chinese trumpet creeper of thing of lake southwest ministry graduallies development, dentition day is numerous, need adds county class politics area tries to manage. Then the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of Wu Baoding of the Three Kingdoms (266 years) , the 9 counties of lay off Wu Jun, Dan Yang establish Wu Xingjun, the Cheng that treat black (today lake state city) .

Comprehensive institute says: Before Wu Jiang sets a county, hope in order to make the same score to be a bound, north is belonged to for the center with loose hill town county, smooth look with on the west with south county of the Cheng that belong to black, during with county of Ceng Zaidong change plays the part administer on the west be as long as 300 one's remaining years; Smooth hope to be entered with delimiting on the west the county should be in Tang Kaiyuan 28 years (740 years) ; Smooth look with south delimit the county should be in yuan with 5 years (810 years) after dredge of Fan Chuanzheng of lake state feudal provincial or prefectural governor makes the same score the canal austral Wang Yi.
