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都市兵王小说? 都市位面科技小说?英文双语对照


都市兵王小说? 都市位面科技小说?英文双语对照






《科技霸权》 作者:秒速九光年







科技搭配: 攻击:(1)近战组件(2)改进弹膛(3)超速弹仓



 搭配思路: ① 副武器是极光主要的输出手段、战术技能的使用频率决定了极光的灵活


《现代奇人》 内容简介: 一个平凡的大学生,在一次修炼气功中,被一艘外星战舰上的智脑看中,趁他在练功中和他融合,因此他从外星智脑中得到了大量的超前的科技以及一些不可思议的魔法。从此他走上了一条不平凡的路.


星际农民,星际海盗,星际传奇,星际特工,星际刺客,极品电脑,机动风暴, 星际之亡灵帝国 ,机甲农民


超级神豪科技系统 作者: 流失大能




1. 加强科技教育:在学校和社区开设科技课程和活动,引导少女们对科技的兴趣和热情,激发她们的创新能力和实践能力。

2. 建立科技创新平台:为少女提供创新平台,鼓励她们进行科技创新、实践和应用,提高她们的科技水平。

3. 加强科技交流合作:促进与国内外科技机构、企业、学术界等的交流合作,拓展少女们的国际视野和科技知识。

4. 引入新科技:引入新的科技产品和应用,如人工智能、虚拟现实等,提高少女们的科技认知和应用能力。

5. 倡导科技创业:鼓励少女们积极参与科技创业,培养她们的创业精神和实践经验,推动科技创新和社会进步。












One, novel of city arms king?

Recommend to give you, absolutely and good-looking, novel name is " ultimate ace "

2, city novel of face science and technology?

All-purpose variety shop is multiple a person of discuss with sb face to face, scampish businessman, beggar person of discuss with sb face to face, the earth person of discuss with sb face to face, red carry a face businessman on the head, interstellar a person of discuss with sb face to face, space person of discuss with sb face to face, discuss with sb face to face goes, pass through of two bounds a form of a address for an official or rich man a face trade law face official businessman person of discuss with sb face to face has eye spring city culminating plant does a person of discuss with sb face to face of bound of different of person of discuss with sb face to face person of the person that accuse is small discuss with sb face to face is first-class

3, seek city black science and technology or outside novel of astral science and technology?

" hegemony of science and technology " author: Second fast 9 light-year

Book review: Beautiful of leading role collect receives the full knowledge inheritance of advanced universe civilization, the behind the curtain that makes progress of overspeed of earthly science and technology shoves a hand, times of open world black science and technology. Male advocate iron and steel is straight male, lone dog, climb tree of science and technology intently, hit a face to get the company that is not China toply inside the country individually. Special bright, not at all Ga. Science and technology is academic also from be in harmony reasonable. Enter interstellar hind, the group name that forms with free scientist sells ammunition, buy interstellar science and technology.

4, heroine of city arms king?

The heroine Xie Qingyan of city arms king

Chen Bahuang of city arms king has 1 female advocate, female advocate it is Xie Qingyan. Chen Bahuang of city arms king's author is the god does not have footprint. Novel brief introduction:

"If my Chen Bahuang is in, who dare hurried? " he is surnamed old, renown unripe, word 8 barren, for brother, for the woman, know for justice, he unplugs knife, this wanting low-key, come all right all the way, however already everywhere halo.

5, is science and technology of aurora of motor-driven city alpha tie-in?

Science and technology is tie-in: Attack: (Component of 1) fighting at close quarters (2) improves chamber (3) overspeed plays a storehouse

 Defence: (Case of 1) fast Leng Fang (5) engine pressure boost (6) amortize call

 Does driver technical ability recommend: ? Is impossible of the morning that wring Kui low?

 Tie-in train of thought: What the use frequency that ① deputy weapon is skill of the output measure with main aurora, tactics decided aurora is agile

6, the city novel of science and technology of the star outside having?

" contemporary strange person " content brief introduction: An ordinary undergraduate, in repairing refine qigong, by outside the wisdom head on astral battleship is taken a fancy to, take the advantage of him to counteract his confluence in acrobatics, accordingly him from outside the science and technology that many lead got in astral wisdom head and a few mysterious blackart. From now on the road that he was on a rough every.

7, beg city science and technology to develop kind! Novel?

Interstellar farmer, interstellar pirate, interstellar legend, interstellar secret service, interstellar assassin, highest grade computer, motor-driven storm, interstellar the soul of a deceased person is Caesarean, machine armour farmer

8, fiction of the belle's much city science and technology?

Author of system of science and technology of super god a person of extraordinary powers: Prediction of a person's luck in a given year is large can

Content brief introduction: Divine a person of extraordinary powers is my dream, since had system of divine a person of extraordinary powers, the job that does not do everyday. Li Lin flies after having system of divine a person of extraordinary powers. Wanting how to spend money everyday. Hey. Beautiful Qian Zhen is a technical work. The flower is not over to still have penalty, hey, really special irritated.

9, how does value of girl city science and technology promote?

Want to promote girl city science and technology the value, need from proceed with of the following respects:

1.Strengthen education of science and technology: Course of science and technology and activity are offerred in the school and community, guide girls the interest to science and technology and enthusiasm, arouse their innovation ability and practice ability.

2.Build platform of innovation of science and technology: Provide innovation platform for the girl, encourage them to have innovation of science and technology, practice and application, raise level of their science and technology.

3.Strengthen cooperation of communication of science and technology: Promote the communication that waits with orgnaization of domestic and international science and technology, enterprise, academia to cooperate, extend the international eye shot of girls and knowledge of science and technology.

4.Introduce new science and technology: Introduce product of new science and technology and application, wait like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, increase the acknowledge of science and technology of girls and applied capacity.

5.Advocate science and technology to do poineering work: Encourage girls to take an active part in science and technology to do poineering work, foster their poineering spirit and practice experience, drive innovation of science and technology and social progress.

10, configuration of science and technology of caramel of motor-driven city alpha?

Lowermost configuration:

Brave dragon 655 reach above, moving memory 4G

Recommend configuration:

Brave dragon 835 reach above, moving memory 8G

 IOS configuration

Lowermost configuration:

 Iphone6S reachs above

Recommend configuration:

Iphone8 reachs above
