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1. 在开始进行拉伸之前,先完成有氧操的运动部分,让身体稍微热身。这样,可以增加肌肉的温度和柔韧性,更容易进行拉伸。

2. 选择适合自己的拉伸动作:拉伸可以包括静态拉伸、动态拉伸和PNF拉伸等不同类型。根据自己的需要和身体状况,选择合适的拉伸动作。

3. 注意呼吸:在拉伸时,保持深呼吸,以帮助松弛肌肉并增加柔韧性。慢慢地深吸气,然后用舒展的姿势缓慢呼气,放松并深化拉伸。

4. 缓慢稳定:拉伸动作要缓慢、平稳地进行,避免剧烈伸展或突然拉扯。与之前的运动部分一样,遵循适度、稳定和舒适的原则。

5. 注重平衡:确保身体各个部位都得到适当的拉伸。对于有氧形体操,可能会集中在腿部、臀部、背部和肩部等部位进行拉伸。保持全身均衡的柔韧性。

6. 尊重自身限制:每个人的身体柔韧性和适应能力不同,不要强迫自己完成超出舒适范围的拉伸动作。尊重自己的身体限制,根据自己的感觉调整拉伸的强度。

7. 逐渐放松:在完成一组拉伸动作后,逐渐放松肌肉,恢复正常呼吸,并保持轻松的状态。







The distinction of gymnast and street fitness person?

1. gymnast and street fitness person are mixed in purpose of athletic skill, training the distinction with clear existence of expressional form respect. 2. The gymnast is it is main training object with the gymnastic movement such as all sorts of ballet, operation, rope, training purpose depends on raising skill level of the athlete, achieve the requirement of performance and contest, training time and intensity are higher. And all sorts of characteristic acts that street fitness person constitutes with freedom and appliance training are given priority to, pay attention to expressional form and individual style more, training purpose basically depends on increasing fitness and keep healthy. 3. The gymnast needs to cost many time to learn and practice all sorts of skill movements, need maintains dedicated force of height and psychokinesis. And street fitness person can get from inside having deep love for motion cheerful and loosen, it is OK that this is returned in explicit campaign the motion of associate with have a common goal is companionate, enjoy gregarious fun.

Is there case of oxygen fitness article?

I like athletic fitness, I feel self-discipline is not the ticket that others gives you, blend in the passion of the life however, will move, let us do fitness having oxygen together, let life spurt give out happiness.

Gymnastic male athlete?

Li Ning, chuang, party member of the Communist Party of China, was born in city of Liuzhou of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on March 10, 1963. 20 centuries champion of gymnast of famous man of 80 time China, world, Olympic Games champion, president of group of author of Li Ning brand, Li Ning holds couplet banquet concurrently CEO, extraordinary China accuses a limited company chairman to hold a CEO concurrently. Have brilliance of bachelor's degree of law of courtyard of Beijing University law, Beijing University to manage academic administrator master's degree of industrial and commercial management, England pulls honor of technology of husband fort university college of doctor's degree and industry of Hong Kong grain is honorary person literature doctor's degree. Obtained in June 2010 promulgate award academician of honor of university of Hong Kong science and technology.

Gymnast poetry?

Vibrant rhythm, the passion that fly upwards. Let vigor 4 shoot, let youth fly upwards. No matter your age and sexual distinction, can attend this happy party. Do not have a person to be able to mock your behavioral level here, want you to have a young heart only, everything so other will become an issue no longer.

Jumpy rise, wave rise, make life energized, law of Sui Yun letting a heart is jumpy.

Let oneself become a symbol that is full of vitality, make us collective acclaim for the vigor of life.

African gymnast?

Black athlete is general height is taller, type of build or figure is stronger, body condition restricted them to cannot make a lot of gymnastic motions. Additionally gymnastic motion needs to have arouse petite and agile.

Gymnastic sportswoman?

Cheng Fei, was born in Hubei to visit Huang Shi port area of yellow stone city on May 29, 1988, polity holds team team member in, team leader of female group of former China gymnastics.

2004, cheng Fei is obtained in Athenian Olympic Games the 4th is held in woman freedom.

Championship of woman vaulting horse was won in gymnastic tounament of the 38th world 2005.

2008, cheng Fei wins gold of party of woman of gymnastics of Beijing Olympic Games, obtain Ji Jun of woman vaulting horse.

In June 2012, cheng Fei announces to retire, transition is a coach.

Is gymnastics to oxygen still does not have oxygen?

Oxygen moves

From the point of the behavioral quality position of setting-up exercise, it is motion having oxygen. Differentiate a physical training is to oxygen moves to still do not have oxygen to move, say the speed condition that should treat its motion heartbeat only and the time that can last simply how long OK. Have oxygen campaign: Devoted and overall strength is not high, without lactic acid reaction appears, the act is not quite violent, process go-between can have scarcely anoxic feeling, and metrical sex and rhythm feeling are had in motion, duration is longer also. Have the crucial feature that oxygen moves, athletic heartbeat (the young and factitious exemple with 20 years old) be in commonly 90~170 second

Does body there is oxygen hold direct seeding how drawing?

In oxygen body operates direct seeding course, undertaking proper drawing is very important. It is the fundamental skill of a few drawing and note below:

1.Before beginning to undertake drawing, achieve the athletic share that oxygen is held first, let the body be heated up a little personally. Such, can add sarcous temperature and flexibility, undertake drawing more easily.

2.The choice suits his drawing movement: Drawing can include the different type such as static drawing, dynamic drawing and PNF drawing. According to oneself need and body state, choose appropriate drawing action.

3.The attention breathes: When drawing, maintain deep breathing, add flexibility in order to help flabby muscle. Slowly deep inspiratory, use the gesture that extend next slow and expiratory, loosen and deepen drawing.

4.Slow and stable: Drawing movement wants to undertake smoothly, avoid acuteness extend or abrupt drag. Like the athletic section before, follow measurable, stability and comfortable principle.

5.Pay attention to a balance: Ensure each place get the body proper drawing. Gymnastic to having oxygen look, may center in the place such as leg ministry, coxal, back and humeral ministry to undertake drawing. Preserve the flexibility with balanced whole body.

6.Respect oneself limitation: The body flexibility of everybody and get used to ability to differ, not ambitious him approach completes the drawing action that exceeds comfortable range. Respect oneself body limitation, adjust the intensity of drawing according to his feeling.

7.Loosen gradually: After completing action of a group of drawing, loosen muscle gradually, return to normal breath, hold comfortable position.

Ask an attention, if you have any health problem or had sufferred an injury, refer the proposal of medical personnel before the campaign that has any forms and drawing please. They can give out to build make peace specificly to coach, in order to ensure your safety is mixed healthy.

How does pregnant woman have oxygen gymnastics to do?

It is OK that pregnancy has oxygen to hold clip rubber ball, choose a soft rubber ball, sit on bench, double foot departure and break down with wide, place rubber ball between knee, want to be placed forcibly, hold to 3~5 minute, loosen again next rest a little while, do 3~5 to fall every time can, still can go at a stride, during pregnant woman is pregnant, OK and proper stride goes, should compare big at ordinary times 1~2 only the distance of sole is OK, at the same time double arm wants those who have range to swing with shoulder level height, do not want a pine to break down those who break down place, do not have the effect so. Walking speed can be decided according to his circumstance, must with feeling asthma overworked is advisable.

Fitness and conflict there is oxygen?

Do not conflict. Because fitness is mixed,oxygen trains is to be able to promote healthy athletic kind. What oxygen motion makes our heart and lung better is run, increase the endurance of the body and metabolization capacity, and the muscle that fitness lets us is more healthy and strong, reduce the adipose proportion of the body. Both and complementary, can achieve healthy goal. Normally, motion having oxygen is to be in inside short time below the circumstance of athletic intensity moderate commonly, suspend time very short, canter for example, go quickly etc is motion having oxygen. And fitness can be divided have oxygen to be mixed without oxygen, the training that do not have oxygen is weight, low commonly second, the training manner of high group, for example weight lifting, push-up is waited a moment, and training having oxygen is to increase a heartbeat to promote metabolism, for example dumbbell leap, step crouchs etc. Accordingly, below the condition that allows in time, we can undertake oxygen and fitness train having at the same time, in order to reach better athletic effect and healthy level.

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