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深科技(原深圳长城开发科技股份有限公司)系经深圳市人民政府深府办复(1993)887 号文件批准,由原“开发科技(蛇口)有限公司”改组设立,于一九九三年十月八日注册成为股份有限公司,并经深圳市证券管理办公室深证办复(1993)142 号文件批准,向社会公开发行普通股股票(A股),在深圳证券交易所上市。公司企业法人营业执照注册号企股粤深总字第111183 号,注册资本人民币87,951.8521 万元。公司法定代表人为谭文鋕,公司注册及办公地址为深圳市福田区彩田路7006 号。公司的控股股东为长城科技股份有限公司,2006 年经国务院国有资产监督管理委员会批准,中国长城计算机集团公司(原本公司之实际控制人)并入中国电子信息产业集团公司【简称“CEC”】并成为公司的实际控制人。 公司2005 年度(第一次)临时股东大会审议通过了《关于变更公司名称的议案》,并经广东省深圳市工商行政管理局核准,公司名称由原“深圳开发科技股份有限公司”变更为“深圳长城开发科技股份有限公司”。

公司经营业绩逐年攀升,2005年出口创汇9.43亿美元,2006年1~9月,公司营业收入72.66亿元,实现净利润2.55亿元,同比增长19.23%和11.51%,净资产达30.12亿元。因应全球IT产业向中国转移的发展态势,公司决定投资成立苏州长城开发科技有限公司,就近为大客户提供配套服务。2006年8月,注册资本1500万美元的苏州长城开发一期厂房竣工投产,公司在长三角和珠三角的战略布局已基本形成, 这为公司可持续健康发展奠定了坚实的基础。



2014年9月并出了智能路由器产品newifi mini.成为当时业内超顶尖的千兆AC双频智能路由器,以及国内首个百元以下的千兆双频智能路由器,是消费者能买到的性价比超高的智能路由器。从此newi新路由迈入一个新的发展高峰期。2015京东与联想投资。



Develop brief history

Held water 1985, extroversion of a large high-tech appear on the market company (negotiable securities abbreviation: Deep science and technology, code: 000021) , accuse product, memory product and electronic product treatment to wait with research and development and product of magnetic head of manufacturing hard disk, ammeter product, duty give priority to course of study, accuse by limited company of group of Chinese electron Information Industry, it is limited company of group of Chinese electron Information Industry (English abbreviation CEC) subordinate enterprise.

Deep science and technology (Inc. of science and technology of development of former Shenzhen Great Wall) deep government office of government of people of city of department classics Shenzhen does answer (approval of 1993)887 date file, by former " development science and technology (Shekou) limited company " reorganization establish, become Inc. at was being registered on October 8, 1993, manage office deep evidence to do via Shenzhen city negotiable securities answer (approval of 1993)142 date file, issue common stock share publicly to the society (A) , appear on the market in Shenzhen stock exchange. Business charter of company legal entity registers date look forward to another name for Guangdong Province is deep total word the 111183rd, register capital RMB 87, nine million five hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and twenty-one yuan. Company legal representative is Tan Wen Zuo , the company is registered reach business address to be cropland of Shenzhen city blessing Ou Caitian road 7006. Of the company accuse a partner to be Inc. of Great Wall science and technology, via the State Council state-owned asset supervised administrative committee approval 2006, company of group of computer of Chinese Great Wall (originally the effective control person of the company) merge into company of group of Chinese electron Information Industry [abbreviation " CEC " ] the effective control person that becomes a company. 2005 year of company (for the first time) temporarily shareholder plenary meeting is discussed passed " about modificatory company name second reading " , visit Shenzhen town via Guangdong approve of bureau of industrial and commercial administration, company name by former " Inc. of Shenzhen development science and technology " change is " Inc. of science and technology of development of Shenzhen Great Wall " .

The company is climbed via year after year of battalion outstanding achievement litre, exit was achieved 2005 collect 943 million dollar, 2006 1~9 month, company business income 7.266 billion yuan, implementation net profit 255 million yuan, grow compared to the same period 19.23% with 11.51% , net assets amounts to 3.012 billion yuan. Because answer,global IT industry grows posture to what China transfers, the company decides investment establishs Suzhou Great Wall to develop limited company of science and technology, nearby offers form a complete set to serve for big client. August 2006, register capital the put into production of complete of workshop of first phase of development of Suzhou Great Wall of 15 million dollar, the company is mixed in long triangle bead three-cornered strategy position is formed basically already, this can last for the company healthy progress laid solid foundation.

Regard large high-tech as the enterprise, the company holds to own innovation from beginning to end, increase investment of science and technology ceaselessly. Through 20 old development, the company already became a state base of industrialization of 863 plans gain and Guangdong visit major project center, have Chinese lab country to approve committee (CNAL) admissive dependability lab, have on product technology have apparent comparison advantage. The automation of company own research and development produces equipment, make the magnetic head product of 90% came true automation or semi-automatic turn production. Be in international to travel together the hard disk magnetic head of banner level is full automatic production, and shock-proof, smudgy control, antistatic interference, advanced course purifies a bear ion to control the farther promotion that waits for engineering competence, the core competition dominant position that makes firm magnetic head is made is more prominent. The formulate that the company is ammeter occupation standard person one of, the long-range control ammeter of own development and prevent the expression that steal report to precede to international level. Company or duty accuse the national level of cash register to basically draft an unit, technical level is in domestic banner level, obtain 4 exteriors to design patent and 11 software copyright early or late.

To solve intelligent means by problem of hard disk loss. All previous classics of test of a market and experience it is better to after accumulating, discover it is OK that Newifi is returned actually. And again burnish product, join " mixture cloud " technology, allow Newifi new way by better more perfect.

Gave intelligent way in September 2014 by implement product Newifi Mini. Become the thousand AC that the tip exceeds inside course of study at that time means of double frequency intelligence by implement, and domestic head intelligence of 100 yuan of the following thousand pairs of frequency road by implement, it is the sexual price that consumer can buy compares superhigh intelligence means by implement. From now on Newi new way by stride a new development fastigium. 2015 Beijing east with associate investment.

In August 2015, newifi new way rolled out new way by the success by 2. It is in before on product function foundation embedded " quicken the cloud " . Stay in not merely for demesne the cloud is quickened, however more specific aim is quickened for video.

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