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垃圾分类的好处 垃圾分类的好处是显而易见的。垃圾分类后被送到工厂而不是填埋场,既省下了土地,又避免了填埋或焚烧所产生的污染,还可以变废为宝。例如被称为“微型杀手”的废电池,众所周知生活中的电池都是含有汞或镉等重金属的,这些重金属如果留在地下就很容易通过雨水的淋溶,进入到地下水当中,对水资源和土地造成严重的迫害。但是废电池里含有多种有用的金属矿才,回收利用的价值很高。正因为废电池有严重的危害和特别的回收价值,许多国家严禁它们在与垃圾混置,日本的社区专门有这种黄色的桶,将纽扣电池等分别投放。再如剩饭生菜,蛋壳果皮,采帮菜叶一类的厨房垃圾等生物垃圾,它们却可以用来制造很好的有机肥料。像槐柏树小区里这台大纳梦生物垃圾处理机,就可以将生物垃圾烘干,粉碎,制成高效的有机肥料。居民可以用它种花养草。用它们施种出的蔬菜,比起化肥食品来,既安全又健康,在超市还挺受欢迎。生物垃圾通常占了垃圾总量的40%,如果他们都能变成有机肥,既省下用做填埋场的土地,又节约运送他们的车辆和能源,还防止他们滋生蚊蝇和细菌。 所以,垃圾分类好处多多。 介绍环保分类垃圾桶 一般来说,常见环保分类垃圾桶分为绿色,黄色,和红色。 绿色的是投放可回收垃圾的,可回收垃圾:纸类、塑料、橡胶、金属、玻璃等。 黄色的为不可回收垃圾,不可回收垃圾:主要是厨房垃圾,包括果皮、菜 皮、剩饭菜等。 红色的投放有毒有害垃圾有毒有害垃圾:电池、荧光灯管、水银温度计、 油漆桶、药品、化装品等。 有关垃圾分类的宣传口号






































保健养生 家电 购车养车 购物 育儿等








Does life rubbish classification collect little common sense?

Does life rubbish classification collect little common sense?

(1) cover an area of overmuch. If rubbish holds the post of his to pile up, will embezzlement is many land. The time that rubbish discloses place completely below natural condition to need is very long, it is 1-5 like fabric of butt, abb year; Pull coal tub easily to be 80-100 year; Plastic for 100-200 year; Glass is 1, 0 years.

(2) pollute air. Rubbish is being carried and open air piles up in the process, organic matter decomposes generation effluvial, release the many ammonia, contaminant such as sulfide to atmosphere.

(3) contaminative water system. Groundwater of system of irruptive ground water, infiltration is the rainwater of harmful composition The Book of Changes in rubbish, rubbish is abandoned directly river, laky or marine, can cause more serious pollution.

(4) safe hidden trouble. Rubbish lets off Cheng Zhonghui to produce methane to wait in natural caboodle can burn gas, easy cause spontaneous combustion to explode even, cause significant loss.

(5) pestiferous. Rubbish not only contain cause of disease microbial, and can be mice, avian the place that reachs midge fly to offer food, perch and breed, also be the germ that catchs a disease.

Does rubbish classify common sense?

The advantage that the advantage rubbish that rubbish classifies classifies is clearly. The plant is sent after rubbish is classified and not be to fill bury, save already left land, avoided to fill again bury or burn the pollution of a generation, still can become useless to be treasure. Be called for example " miniature killer " useless batteries, the batteries in well-known life contains the heavy metal such as mercury or cadmium, if these heavy metal stay in underground to pass the leaching of rainwater very easily, enter groundwater in the center, cause to water natural resources and land persecute badly. But a variety of useful metal ore deposit are contained in useless batteries just, reclaim the value that use is very high. Because abandon batteries to have,be being endangered badly and reclaim particularly value, a lot of countries are forbidden they are in mix buy with rubbish, japanese community has the bucket of this kind of yellow technically, wait for button batteries to put in respectively. Be like leftover lettuce again, chorion peel, leaf of the dish that select a band the biology rubbish such as a kind kitchen rubbish, they can be used however produce very good organic fertilizer. Processor of rubbish of biology of dream of this big offer in village of cypress resembling a pagoda tree, OK biology rubbish drying, smash, make efficient organic fertilizer. The dweller can plant a flower to raise grass with it. Apply kind of vegetable that give with them, come compared with chemical fertilizer food, already safe healthy, still hold out in the supermarket welcome. 40% what biology rubbish occupied rubbish gross normally, if they can become organic fertilizer, save next using to do already fill bury the land of field, managing the car that ships them and the sources of energy, still prevent them to cause midge fly and bacterium. So, rubbish classification advantage is great. Introductory environmental protection classifies ash-bin generally speaking, common environmental protection classifies ash-bin cent to be green, yellow, with red. Green is to put in can reclaim of rubbish, can you reclaim rubbish: ? The ⑺ that chew yo ancients name for a water catltrop У of A of ⒉ of Dian of fish hawk of ⒔ of body of rare ⑾ a mythical bird like the phoenix takes? yellow to cannot reclaim rubbish, cannot reclaim rubbish: ? Dish of skin of? of ⒉ of ぁ of  of ü of  of  of  of  of Ke of Tao  shallow  , leftover. Put poisonous and harmful rubbish on gulesly: of poisonous and harmful rubbish? Dew of  of  of ⑺ of Peng of ping of badger of  of red Chu ⒂ lights Pi? paint bucket, medicines and chemical reagents, masked article etc. Publicize catchword about what rubbish classifies

Benefit of 1. rubbish classification is much, environmental protection relies on us

2. seeks a proper home to rubbish please

3. if rubbish turns into treasure, classification reclaims cannot little

4. everybody classifies a heart, rubbish also can become gold

5. rubbish is classified, the fatigue of raise one's hand

6. rubbish separates branch, the environment is beautiful very

The fatigue of 7. raise one's hand, resource agelong fountainhead

8. is refuse " white is polluted " , become " white resource "

Meal is used to 9. nurturance civilization, reduce eat hutch rubbish

10. rubbish children should break up, live and work in peace and contentment rely on everybody

Does rubbish classify little common sense?

Gross 4 kinds of big rubbish

1. can reclaim owner wants 5 kinds big to include waste paper, plastic, glass, metal and material.

Bag of the litter that 2. other dry rubbish includes to divide towel of waste paper of earth of the tile pottery and porcelain besides a few kinds of afore-mentioned rubbish, broken bits, toilet, paper to wait to reclaim hard and fruit carapace, dust, food (box) . Adopt sanitation to fill bury can reduce pair of groundwater, surface water, soil and airy pollution effectively.

More than wet rubbish includes 3. hutch leaf of dish of root of ort leftover, bone, dish, peel feed category trash. On the spot of classics biology technology handles compost, every tons of producible 0.6~0.7 ton organic fertilizer.

4. harmful rubbish contains harmful to human body health heavy metal, toxic substance to perhaps cause the litter that reality is endangered or endangers potentially to the environment. Include home appliance of bucket of batteries, fluorescent tube, bulb, mercuric thermometer, paint, part, expire medicines and chemical reagents, expire cosmetic.

Patulous data: Dividing rubbish into this 4 kinds big basically is a basis two principles:

1, origin. Rubbish lets it which return from what which come. Having in wet rubbish is hutch beyond rubbish partly greatly very. Hutch beyond rubbish is cultivate from inside land come out, should be taken alone, through the biology such as compost processing means returns soil afresh. And a few other kinds of dry rubbish, can reclaim rubbish, harmful rubbish is industry is made mostly come out.

2, the need that later period handles. For instance, can reclaim rubbish loop recycle, but poisonous and harmful rubbish needs alone processing, if mix them,handle, can affect an environment badly not only, return meeting pollution to be able to reclaim content, create resources waste.

Does rubbish classify commonsensible sentence?

1, rubbish is not classified, be equal to in waste.

2, rubbish classification, the fatigue of raise one's hand.

3, rubbish classifies there is no shirking the responsibility, develop a thousand years continuously 10 thousand generation.

4, the whole people participates in rubbish classification, share life of environmental protection low carbon.

5, do good rubbish classification, let us add a green more for the earth together.

6, courteous meal, clean home.

7, do not throw me in disorder please, I can pollute an environment.

Is rubbish classification little common sense short sentence?

Rubbish classification is to show according to certain mark brigadier rubbish classification stores, put in and carry, make rubbish change becomes the activity of a kind of public natural resources thereby. Rubbish can be divided to can reclaim rubbish, other rubbish, hutch beyond rubbish, harmful rubbish 4 kinds.

Is the Xiaochang that rubbish classifies known?

Can be life rubbish divided for: ? Does faint of cover with a straw mat burst does Mu of  of  of  of Lu of  of  of  of  of all of  of  of  of  of have diarrhoea of    cast faint of Bo  cover with a straw mat bursts   basketry does basketry shovel of  of  of  of all of  of speedily cross  lie have diarrhoea  of  of  of doubt of basketry antrum of  of  of  of   Lu?

Does rubbish classify common sense to publicize a data?

1, can reclaim rubbish basically includes, waste paper, plastic, glass, metal and cloth.

2, hutch beyond rubbish includes leftover ort, bone, dish root, miscellaneous leaf feed category trash, classics biology technology handles compost.

3, harmful rubbish includes to abandon batteries, abandon fluorescent lamp, abandon mercuric thermometer, expire medicines and chemical reagents, need special and safe processing.

4, other rubbish includes afore-mentioned a few kinds beyond, tile pottery and porcelain, broken bits earth, toilet waste paper, adopt sanitation to fill bury.

How is life common sense classified?

Home appliance of sanitarian preserve one's health buys a car to raise car shopping Yo etc

Is life rubbish classified?

Be classified normally even if can reclaim rubbish and cannot reclaim rubbish

Generally speaking bottle pulls coal tub easily to be put one case alone. Paper rubbish, of ort and so on put one case. These want classification to throw.

Rubbish classification also has profit to the society, convenient also to processing the working personnel of rubbish a lot of

Does rubbish classify life rubbish what to system classify?

Life rubbish is divided, can reclaim rubbish and cannot reclaim rubbish
