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学宠物美容有前途? 宠物美容要学多久?英文双语对照


学宠物美容有前途? 宠物美容要学多久?英文双语对照













宠物美容师有不同的级别划分,一般学宠物美容师的都选择学C级。如果以后不是为了专业的比赛,C级远远已经足够了,此类的课程一般学习时间在一个多月左右就可以学会。 B级宠物美容师:


2.有一年以上的在正规美容培训学校或美容服务机构进行实务操作的经验。 A级宠物美容师 1.取得宠物美容师B级证书三年以上者。 2.有三年以上的在正规美容培训学校或美容服务机构进行实务操作的经验。 除了宠物美容技术外,还应该学习的是:犬行为学,工具养护知识,宠物繁殖饰品制作,简单的宠物医疗等。











One, learn pet hairdressing to there is an outlook?

Learn pet hairdressing to have an outlook very much, because raise the person of pet now a lot of

2, how long should pet hairdressing learn?

C class probably 1-2 lunar time, the meeting that 2 months learn is a lot of solidder, c class belongs to introductory course to learn basically modelling poodle of the foundation is to be no problem, in the word bud department of high-end door inn is very popular quite, also very be necessary to learn, be proud male pet has teach, can look.

3, how long to learn pet hairdressing to want?

This see you want to acquire what degree specific, pet hairdressing also has minute of level, have C class, b class, class of class A teacher... if you just want to learn a kind of modelling, or two kinds of formative words, it is probably 1 to 2 months OK, of two months probably charge is 12000 arrive 15000 the left and right sides, can acquire 3 modelling of honoured guest probably, than an ursine modelling, probably with respect to these.

4, learn pet hairdressing to groom where to go learning?

Fill south have those who learn pet hairdressing to groom. Collecting fees is 2800 yuan, bag society. Tuition is to have little expensive. Because a lot of person raises pet now. The skill that is an overmatch is lively.

5, namely which have Chinese ink learn car hairdressing decorate?

A lot of provincial capital cities of countrywide have straight battalion school, the provincial capital school that can be in a province to you understands on the spot

Should you build a car or learn a car?

6, how does the novice learn pet hairdressing skill?

Pet beautician has different level to differentiate, learn pet beautician commonly choose to learn C class. If not be for professional match later, c class far already enough, it is OK that this kind course learns time to be controlled in a many month commonly society. Beautician of B class pet:

1. has letter of class of pet beautician C one year above person.

2. has a year of above groom in normal hairdressing the school or the experience that hairdressing serves an orgnaization to undertake solid Wu is operated. Beautician of class A pet 1. Obtain letter of class of pet beautician B 3 years above person. 2. Have 3 years of above groom in normal hairdressing the school or the experience that hairdressing serves an orgnaization to undertake solid Wu is operated. Besides pet hairdressing technology, returning what should learn is: Canine act learns, tool conserve knowledge, pet breed is acted the role of article make, simple pet medical treatment.

7, it where go learning pet hairdressing is good to go learning pet hairdressing?

There are a lot of friends to want to learn to bestow favor on beside me

Content hairdressing, some think of Korea and Singapore qualifications and record of service compare high school to learn, I feel too strange, china has school of cosmetology of so much pet insufficient still you learn, the biggest groom the school is not to call new Oriental qualifications and record of service very tall also, and there is minute of school in each cities, it is much better that door mouth can learn.

8, which have An Yue county pet hairdressing inn?

On the west there is store of domestic pet hairdressing before the Holand street on the side of the cut of the ave, did not leave seemingly now nevertheless.

9, learn pet hairdressing major to there is an outlook?

What is the future that I am not clear about to you say, but unwell syncretic does hairdressing of individual feeling pet only, because hairdressing is too tired, the beautician with very long working hours is injury having a small of the back, also if if be class A beautician,someone can say, need him left-hand seat far from, but a few nod an used class A? Opposite for less still. But pet hairdressing is a bit oilier what the individual thinks to had compared is: If the word of own set up shop is devoted cost is smaller. Each have advantages and disadvantages, pure the think of a way that sees you oneself.

10, learn pet hairdressing how to many money need?

Learn tuition of hairdressing of C class pet to reach 8000 yuan or so in 6000 yuan about, c class is the dog dog hairdressing that is aimed at pet shop commonly, the charge that learns hairdressing of B class pet is between 15000-20000, b class basically is the high-grade client that is aimed at shop of a few pet is mixed take part in the match canine hairdressing, class A tuition is controlled in 3W.

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