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现代生活文案? 现代生活方式?英文双语对照


现代生活文案? 现代生活方式?英文双语对照






















































































1、充当信用中介,促进资金融通。金融中介最基本的职能,通过间接融资方式实现借贷者之间的资金融通。  2、充当支付中介,便利支付结算。为客户完成货币收付转移或清偿因交易形成的债权债务关系,通过现代化的支付系统,增加了支付效率。  3、提供金融服务,降低交易成本。降低了资金供给双方的搜寻和核实成本监督和审计成本,风险管理和参与成本;同时金融中介利用专门技术,以廉价成本提供多种服务。  4、解决信息不对称问题,防止逆向选择和道德风险。信息不对称即为交易双方拥有不同的信息,信息不对称造成后果是逆向选择和道德风险,而金融中介恰恰可以有效防止。  5、转移和分散金融风险。


Table of modern life article?

So have no alternative always is among 1. life, the life is a painful big dye vat, but chicken feather of this kind of one ground, the life of vinegar of this kind of fuel, also should let us slowly face this kind of reality.

2. lives occasionally is not so perfect completely, one ground chicken feather is among the life, among the life, only slowly go managing, the life that just can let oneself passes more happy.

Modern way of life?

1, libidinal pole brief

Understand oneself genuine desire, do not suffer the effect of explicit tide, not implicit, do not follow suit.

Use oneself energy on his urgentest desire entirely, if promote professional accomplishment, take care of cate of friend of family, care, pursuit to wait.

2, mental pole brief

Understanding, choice, dedicated at 1-3 the mental activity that oneself consider to be engaged in truly, sufficient study, rise. Waste oneself time and energy not blindly.

3, corporeal pole brief

Discard article of more than one year of unused in the home, send a person, sell or donate. Read the magazine that spend, book for instance, the dress that wears no longer, all sorts of gifts that receive in the past or adornment.

Make clear oneself desire and demand, do not buy the goods that does not need.

The article that is necessary truly, buy best, use it adequately.

Not store up thing, need not brummagem, defective goods.

With hop-pocket, replace polybag and paper bag.

Good with used pen, replace pen of accumulation mountainous neutral.

The cup that use porcelain, steel cup replaces paper cup.

Write a thing with computer, use paper less. The scanning of file of nurturance paper quality, habit that file.

Integrated, compact power supply cord, charge equipment. Do not repeat buy electronic product.

Compact go out actor's costumes, take only " skill key paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead " .

Compact bank gets stuck, withhold a piece to borrow only write down card a piece of credit card.

4, information pole brief

Compact information inputs fountainhead, reduce use socialization network, instant communication. See group of small gain, friend less.

Be far from Internet regularly, be far from a mobile phone, avoid information to annoy.

Not news of the recreation that attention and oneself have nothing to do, society.

Reduce email amount.

Attention is fewer but better, rather go without than have something shoddy-put quality before quantity. Time line is clean.

APP is used fewer but better, delete long-term unused application.

5, expressive pole brief

Write thing, speech, as far as possible simple, direct, clear.

Multi-purpose noun, verb. Use adjective, adverbial word less.

6, working pole brief

Use effective GTD method, not protracted.

Clear in time email, do not let their accumulation rise.

Only dedicated do a thing, do not do Multi-task as far as possible.

7, life pole brief

Slow life.

Do not do invalid socialization.

Take exercise.

Dress is concise, not flowery.

Take the provision that contains additive less.

Drink Bai Shui and pure fruit juice, do not drink the carbonic acid drink that added a large number of chemical part and fruit juice.

The method of brief creed, angle has practice pole a lot of, the key is to should act.

What consumption does modern life have?

Present life has what consumption, this also should see you live in a what kind of city, still have the environment that you live, if say the question that you ask is now,the life has those the most elementary spending, my quite much still VIP home life I go, be in basically consumption.

1. " eat "

The person's life is to cannot leave for certain then " eat " it is one of the mankind's biggest spending so, each days are inevitable thing, according to the basiccest beauty also be 3 yuan of money the least in the morning everyday, lunch and dinner are the most foolish since Jiashangyi is 30 yuan

2. " water "

Your life also is to leave not of boiled water, wash the dress, cook bathe even, want to have the life only, no matter be modern life or archaic life, water held very significant position, according to present price a ton of water 2 yuan of money, one person = of a day of 1.5 tons use quantity 1.5x2 3 yuan

Basic life consumes 3.

The face included a lot of things here, oh the need in the life uses " report " still have " burn gas " " broadband " " content runs cost " " communication is expended " in waiting a few lives a moment indispensable, calculate a month according to lowermost standard, a month also is in 500 the left and right sides.

4. " traffic "

The convenience that goes to go out shows, oneself car was bought in a lot of families, after having a car, going out is convenient all right, but your life consumption level also rose, the money that needs a flower also wants much place with respect to affirmation, expenditure of a year also does not consider a car low, need buys insurance to add benzine to do maintain if coming down one year, conservative computation also is in 10 thousand above, other those cost that we do not say what to had collision to need to maintain first, the consumption of anyhow car held the substantial that the person lives now.

5. is human

You need a friend ah need to make friend, go out with the friend you always cannot let your friend ask you to have a meal, so this also needs to consume on human association, a month calculates with 500, some people may say ah I do not need this respect beautiful money, I go out general metropolis somebody is being grabbed buy sheet or somebody asks you to have a meal, that child you can tell me the friendship between you too won't long and I also believe human perhaps relation affirms great difference in society of your this reality

Anyhow, your problem has a few too too extensive, in modern life, go there to need to consume, you outside last toilets need to consume, those who feel I reply is OK still nod an assist, pay close attention to me to thank

Is common people modern life poem word?

" the four seasons is rural miscellaneous promote "

Fan Cheng is big

Day goes hemp of accomplishment of weed cropland night, villatic children is in charge each.

Tong Sun was not solved knit for ploughing, also draw near Sang Yin learns kind of melon.

" pity farming "

V hoe standing grain day is become midday, sweat drop standing grain leaves ground.

Who knows dish of Chinese meal, bead bead is all painstaking.

The relation of tea culture and modern life?

Answer: Tea regards China as a carrier of culture, no matter be on culture inheritance, or the respect such as commerce of international communication, economy produced very main effect.

The life changes the society with very high rate in science, tea also needs the development of innovation sex, creativity.

What does reap without sowing person have in modern life?

Reap without sowing person has that in modern life very much. One kind is to gnaw old a group of things with common features, the school graduated not to go to work, eat and drink in the home pull scatter sleep to rely on parents completely, be disinclined not to want to move.

Still one is plant is cheater, science and technology developed now, network cheater is very much, fool an old person, cheat a student, fool the person that does not have culture, cheater is reap without sowing, think one night is cruel rich. Be far from the person of these negative energy so.

Design the influence of pair of modern lives completely?

Contemporary design and human life are more closely related, the process of 21 centuries globalization is accelerated increasingly, heavy responsibility is borne in the procedure that contemporary design is prompting contemporary mankind to explain, the design pervades each aspects at human life, the garment, feed, live, entertainment of travel, study, job, society communication, travel. The substantial information in contemporary design concept, corporeal life of the mankind and cultural life are full of below the action of globalization tide.

How does the Silk Road affect modern life?

BC 2 centuries, chinese fierce emperor sends the Western Regions of piece of Qian be sent on a diplomatic mission, open the history of the Silk Road, subsequently area and the Western Regions began Central Plains ground close communication and communication, after waiting for a respect to be in, economy, culture is affected each other ceaselessly. As the closes Guan Suoguo and maritime trade development of quiet day, trend of the Silk Road is dilapidated. Some closer year come, "One belt all the way " restart the Silk Road, but to common people, the Silk Road seems to be put in the history only all the time -- what had not experienced filar road is brilliant, how can you know the Silk Road affected our life again? This " desert and table " , what let us realise the Silk Road is affected to ours from alimental angle is tremendous.

       As in wheat advocate the animal of cooked wheaten food that produces an area to be brought up, arrive since begin to remember things now, all the time of of course think, wheat grows on this land below the foot from of old. But, wheat is an edge in inferior the region of the foot of a mountain of country transmits our country churchyard. This kind of example still has a lot of, for instance paddy rice is mix downstream in the Yangtse River India is upper by domestication, in was being passed into subsequently inferior, the hand that just had us to love to eat catchs a meal; Again for instance, "The pedigree of all domestication barley can be in the new moon fertile soil of South Asia finds source on the west " , or, "There is southwest of traceable of a lot of leguminous crops on the world inferior " . . . This " desert and table " told us alimental origin and transmission not only, still telling about all sorts of crop to us is how by the domestication, about that develops to suit human cultivation and edible gradually.

What effect does dancing have in modern life?

Dancing, arise as the occurrence of human society. It is wait for dancing language with expression, movement, modelling, will convey thought emotive of the person.

Dancing the special appeal with oneself, very main effect is having in modern life.

Dancing passes all sorts of movements and expression, express the feeling of all sorts of mankinds such as happy, distressed, piteous, care, cause people to associate to the freedom of life scene, cause the affection activity of the audience, cause resonance, to education people knows the life, effect that inspires fight since.

Dancing is returned with all sorts of beautiful dance appearance, substantial modelling movement, make the figure of aesthetic.

Dancing deserves to use the dance music that hear in order to coordinate, give a person the beautiful enjoyment that goes up with huge vision, hearing, increase the artistic accomplishment of people and aesthetic capacity.

Dancing or people have a kind of tool of ego recreation and social activity.

Of working leisure, view and emulate an excellent dancing performance, even attends to go in dancing activity, already but fitness can eliminate exhaustion again.

Dancing still is a kind of significant intercourse step, ball often is main intercourse room. In rising and falling dance music sound, people enhances knowledge each other, obtain information promotional friendship.

How does financial intermediary offer advantage for modern life?

1, appropriative credence intermediary, stimulative capital be in harmony is connected. The function with financial the basiccest intermediary, come true through indirect financing means leasehold person the capital be in harmony between is connected. 2, appropriative pay medium, advantage pays settle accounts. For the client the money that finish controls the concern of creditor's rights liability that pays move or pay off to be formed because of trading, the disbursement that carries modernization system, increased to pay efficiency. 3, provide financial service, reduce trade cost. Reduced capital to supply is searched for bilaterally and check cost to supervise with audit cost, the risk manages and share cost; At the same time financial intermediary uses expertise, with cheap cost provides a variety of services. 4, solve information asymmetry problem, avoid converse choice and moral risk. Information asymmetry is namely trade both sides possesses different information, information asymmetry causes consequence is converse choice and moral risk, and financial intermediary just can prevent effectively. 5, move and dispersive banking venture.

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