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(1986年4月12日第六届全国人民代表大会第四次会议通过 2006年6月29日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十二次会议修订)

目  录

  第一章 总  则

  第二章 学  生

  第三章 学  校

  第四章 教  师

  第五章 教育教学

  第六章 经费保障

  第七章 法律责任

  第八章 附  则

第一章 总  则

  第一条 为了保障适龄儿童、少年接受义务教育的权利,保证义务教育的实施,提高全民族素质,根据宪法和教育法,制定本法。

  第二条 国家实行九年义务教育制度。




  第三条 义务教育必须贯彻国家的教育方针,实施素质教育,提高教育质量,使适龄儿童、少年在品德、智力、体质等方面全面发展,为培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义建设者和接班人奠定基础。

  第四条 凡具有中华人民共和国国籍的适龄儿童、少年,不分性别、民族、种族、家庭财产状况、宗教信仰等,依法享有平等接受义务教育的权利,并履行接受义务教育的义务。

  第五条 各级人民政府及其有关部门应当履行本法规定的各项职责,保障适龄儿童、少年接受义务教育的权利。




  第六条 国务院和县级以上地方人民政府应当合理配置教育资源,促进义务教育均衡发展,改善薄弱学校的办学条件,并采取措施,保障农村地区、民族地区实施义务教育,保障家庭经济困难的和残疾的适龄儿童、少年接受义务教育。


  第七条 义务教育实行国务院领导,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府统筹规划实施,县级人民政府为主管理的体制。


  第八条 人民政府教育督导机构对义务教育工作执行法律法规情况、教育教学质量以及义务教育均衡发展状况等进行督导,督导报告向社会公布。

  第九条 任何社会组织或者个人有权对违反本法的行为向有关国家机关提出检举或者控告。


  第十条 对在义务教育实施工作中做出突出贡献的社会组织和个人,各级人民政府及其有关部门按照有关规定给予表彰、奖励。

第二章 学  生

  第十一条 凡年满六周岁的儿童,其父母或者其他法定监护人应当送其入学接受并完成义务教育;条件不具备的地区的儿童,可以推迟到七周岁。


  第十二条 适龄儿童、少年免试入学。地方各级人民政府应当保障适龄儿童、少年在户籍所在地学校就近入学。



  第十三条 县级人民政府教育行政部门和乡镇人民政府组织和督促适龄儿童、少年入学,帮助解决适龄儿童、少年接受义务教育的困难,采取措施防止适龄儿童、少年辍学。


  第十四条 禁止用人单位招用应当接受义务教育的适龄儿童、少年。


第三章 学  校

  第十五条 县级以上地方人民政府根据本行政区域内居住的适龄儿童、少年的数量和分布状况等因素,按照国家有关规定,制定、调整学校设置规划。新建居民区需要设置学校的,应当与居民区的建设同步进行。

  第十六条 学校建设,应当符合国家规定的办学标准,适应教育教学需要;应当符合国家规定的选址要求和建设标准,确保学生和教职工安全。

  第十七条 县级人民政府根据需要设置寄宿制学校,保障居住分散的适龄儿童、少年入学接受义务教育。

  第十八条 国务院教育行政部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据需要,在经济发达地区设置接收少数民族适龄儿童、少年的学校(班)。

  第十九条 县级以上地方人民政府根据需要设置相应的实施特殊教育的学校(班),对视力残疾、听力语言残疾和智力残疾的适龄儿童、少年实施义务教育。特殊教育学校(班)应当具备适应残疾儿童、少年学习、康复、生活特点的场所和设施。


  第二十条 县级以上地方人民政府根据需要,为具有预防未成年人犯罪法规定的严重不良行为的适龄少年设置专门的学校实施义务教育。

  第二十一条 对未完成义务教育的未成年犯和被采取强制性教育措施的未成年人应当进行义务教育,所需经费由人民政府予以保障。

  第二十二条 县级以上人民政府及其教育行政部门应当促进学校均衡发展,缩小学校之间办学条件的差距,不得将学校分为重点学校和非重点学校。学校不得分设重点班和非重点班。


  第二十三条 各级人民政府及其有关部门依法维护学校周边秩序,保护学生、教师、学校的合法权益,为学校提供安全保障。


  第二十五条 学校不得违反国家规定收取费用,不得以向学生推销或者变相推销商品、服务等方式谋取利益。

  第二十六条 学校实行校长负责制。校长应当符合国家规定的任职条件。校长由县级人民政府教育行政部门依法聘任。

  第二十七条 对违反学校管理制度的学生,学校应当予以批评教育,不得开除。

第四章 教  师

  第二十八条 教师享有法律规定的权利,履行法律规定的义务,应当为人师表,忠诚于人民的教育事业。


  第二十九条 教师在教育教学中应当平等对待学生,关注学生的个体差异,因材施教,促进学生的充分发展。


  第三十条 教师应当取得国家规定的教师资格。


  第三十一条 各级人民政府保障教师工资福利和社会保险待遇,改善教师工作和生活条件;完善农村教师工资经费保障机制。



  第三十二条 县级以上人民政府应当加强教师培养工作,采取措施发展教师教育。


  第三十三条 国务院和地方各级人民政府鼓励和支持城市学校教师和高等学校毕业生到农村地区、民族地区从事义务教育工作。


第五章 教育教学

  第三十四条 教育教学工作应当符合教育规律和学生身心发展特点,面向全体学生,教书育人,将德育、智育、体育、美育等有机统一在教育教学活动中,注重培养学生独立思考能力、创新能力和实践能力,促进学生全面发展。

  第三十五条 国务院教育行政部门根据适龄儿童、少年身心发展的状况和实际情况,确定教学制度、教育教学内容和课程设置,改革考试制度,并改进高级中等学校招生办法,推进实施素质教育。



  第三十六条 学校应当把德育放在首位,寓德育于教育教学之中,开展与学生年龄相适应的社会实践活动,形成学校、家庭、社会相互配合的思想道德教育体系,促进学生养成良好的思想品德和行为习惯。

  第三十七条 学校应当保证学生的课外活动时间,组织开展文化娱乐等课外活动。社会公共文化体育设施应当为学校开展课外活动提供便利。

  第三十八条 教科书根据国家教育方针和课程标准编写,内容力求精简,精选必备的基础知识、基本技能,经济实用,保证质量。


  第三十九条 国家实行教科书审定制度。教科书的审定办法由国务院教育行政部门规定。


  第四十条 教科书由国务院价格行政部门会同出版行政部门按照微利原则确定基准价。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府价格行政部门会同出版行政部门按照基准价确定零售价。

  第四十一条 国家鼓励教科书循环使用。

第六章 经费保障

  第四十二条 国家将义务教育全面纳入财政保障范围,义务教育经费由国务院和地方各级人民政府依照本法规定予以保障。



  第四十三条 学校的学生人均公用经费基本标准由国务院财政部门会同教育行政部门制定,并根据经济和社会发展状况适时调整。制定、调整学生人均公用经费基本标准,应当满足教育教学基本需要。



  第四十四条 义务教育经费投入实行国务院和地方各级人民政府根据职责共同负担,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府负责统筹落实的体制。农村义务教育所需经费,由各级人民政府根据国务院的规定分项目、按比例分担。



  第四十五条 地方各级人民政府在财政预算中将义务教育经费单列。


  第四十六条 国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规范财政转移支付制度,加大一般性转移支付规模和规范义务教育专项转移支付,支持和引导地方各级人民政府增加对义务教育的投入。地方各级人民政府确保将上级人民政府的义务教育转移支付资金按照规定用于义务教育。

  第四十七条 国务院和县级以上地方人民政府根据实际需要,设立专项资金,扶持农村地区、民族地区实施义务教育。

  第四十八条 国家鼓励社会组织和个人向义务教育捐赠,鼓励按照国家有关基金会管理的规定设立义务教育基金。

  第四十九条 义务教育经费严格按照预算规定用于义务教育;任何组织和个人不得侵占、挪用义务教育经费,不得向学校非法收取或者摊派费用。

  第五十条 县级以上人民政府建立健全义务教育经费的审计监督和统计公告制度。

第七章 法律责任

  第五十一条 国务院有关部门和地方各级人民政府违反本法第六章的规定,未履行对义务教育经费保障职责的,由国务院或者上级地方人民政府责令限期改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分。

  第五十二条 县级以上地方人民政府有下列情形之一的,由上级人民政府责令限期改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分:





  第五十三条 县级以上人民政府或者其教育行政部门有下列情形之一的,由上级人民政府或者其教育行政部门责令限期改正、通报批评;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分:




  第五十四条 有下列情形之一的,由上级人民政府或者上级人民政府教育行政部门、财政部门、价格行政部门和审计机关根据职责分工责令限期改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:



  第五十五条 学校或者教师在义务教育工作中违反教育法、教师法规定的,依照教育法、教师法的有关规定处罚。

  第五十六条 学校违反国家规定收取费用的,由县级人民政府教育行政部门责令退还所收费用;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。



  第五十七条 学校有下列情形之一的,由县级人民政府教育行政部门责令限期改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:





  第五十八条 适龄儿童、少年的父母或者其他法定监护人无正当理由未依照本法规定送适龄儿童、少年入学接受义务教育的,由当地乡镇人民政府或者县级人民政府教育行政部门给予批评教育,责令限期改正。

  第五十九条 有下列情形之一的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定予以处罚:




  第六十条 违反本法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第八章 附  则

  第六十一条 对接受义务教育的适龄儿童、少年不收杂费的实施步骤,由国务院规定。

第六十二条 社会组织或者个人依法举办的民办学校实施义务教育的,依照民办教育促进法有关规定执行;民办教育促进法未作规定的,适用本法。


The legal laws and regulations that plan of law of law of legal laws and regulations concerns children staying behind 2014/1/7

Obligation of People's Republic of China teachs a law

(the 4th times the conference passed the 6th National People's Congress on April 12, 1986 on June 29, 2006 the 10th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress the 22nd times the conference edits)


General principles of the first chapter

Student of the 2nd chapter

School of the 3rd chapter

Teacher of the 4th chapter

The 5th chapter teachs teacher and student

Funds of the 6th chapter is ensured

Responsibility of law of the 7th art of composition

Supplementary articles of the 8th chapter

General principles of the first chapter

The first accepts the right of compulsory education to ensure children of of the right age, teenager, assure compulsory education carry out, improve entire nation quality, according to constitution and educational law, make this way.

The 2nd country implements 9 years of compulsory system of education.

Compulsory education is the education that the country unites children of executive all of the right age, teenager to must be accepted, it is the country must give the commonweal sex career of safeguard.

Implement compulsory education, do not receive tuitional, incidental expenses.

The country builds obligation to teach funds to ensure a mechanism, make sure compulsory system of education is carried out.

The 3rd compulsory education must implement national educational policy, executive quality is taught, improve educational quality, make children of of the right age, teenager waits for a respect to develop in the round in moral character, intellective, constitution, think to foster rational, the morality, literate, socialism builder that has discipline and successor lay a foundation.

The 4th every has the children of of the right age of citizenship of People's Republic of China, boy, do not divide belief of state of worth of sexual distinction, nation, phyletic, household, religion to wait, enjoy equality to accept the right of compulsory education lawfully, fulfil the obligation that accepts compulsory education.

Government of the 5th various people and each obligation that its ought to fulfil this code to decide about the branch, children of safeguard of the right age, teenager accepts the right of compulsory education.

The parents of children of of the right age, teenager is other perhaps law

The school that implements compulsory education lawfully ought to finish educational teaching job according to formulary level, assure to teach education quality.

Organism and individual ought to accept compulsory education to create favorable environment for children of of the right age, teenager.

The 6th the State Council and government of people of place of prefectural class above ought to reasonable configuration teachs resource, stimulative obligation teachs balanced evolution, improve the managerial condition of fragile school, take step, region of safeguard a rural area, nation implements compulsory education, accept compulsory education what ensure domestic economy difficulty with the children of of the right age of deformity, teenager.

The country is organized and encourage economy to develop the area assists economy to owe develop the area implements compulsory education.

The 7th compulsory education executes leader of the State Council, government of people of province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government makes overall plans carry out, government of prefectural class people gives priority to administrative system.

Specific and responsible compulsory education carries out service of education of government of people of prefectural class above the job; Other concerned department is in government of people of prefectural class above responsible obligation teachs executive job inside respective duty limits.

Superintend and director of education of government of the 8th people guides the orgnaization teachs the job to carry out quality of education of circumstance of law law plan, education and obligation to teach balanced development state of affairs to wait to obligation undertake superintend and director guides, superintend and director guides the report is announced to the society.

Any the 9th organism or the individual has authority to put forward impeach to perhaps accuse to concerned state office to violating the act of this law.

Produce the major event that violates this law, hamper compulsory education is carried out, cause great society to affect, the people government that has leader responsibility or controller of service of people government education ought to hold oneself responsible for a serious mistake abdication.

The 10th compulsory to be in education carries out the organism that outstanding contribution makes in the job and individual, various people government reachs his to give according to concerned regulation about the branch commend, award.

Student of the 2nd chapter

Eleventh every year full the children of 6 one full year of life, other perhaps and legal guardian ought to send its parents to its enter a school is accepted and finish compulsory education; The children of the area that the condition does not have, can remit to 7 one full year of life.

Children of of the right age, teenager needs to defer enter a school because of body state or of suspend one's schooling, other perhaps and legal guardian ought to put forward its parents application, by government of people of local villages and towns or government of prefectural class people teachs service to approve.

Dozenth a children of of the right age, teenager is avoided try enter a school. Various people government ought to guarantee the place children of of the right age, teenager learns school nearby enter a school in census register seat.

The children of of the right age that other perhaps and legal guardian is in parents to seat of blame census register works or live, teenager, in its parents other perhaps and legal guardian works or house dwelling place accepts compulsory education, government office of local civil administration ought to offer equality to accept the condition of compulsory education for its. Specific measure is set by province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government.

Service of education of government of prefectural class people is right the military children inside area of politics of one's own profession accepts compulsory education to give safeguard.

Thirteenth service of education of government of prefectural class people and government of people of villages and towns are organized and supervise and urge enter a school of children of of the right age, teenager, the help solves children of of the right age, teenager to accept the difficulty of compulsory education, adopt measure to prevent discontinue one's studying of children of of the right age, teenager.

Dweller committee and villager committee assist a government to do good work, supervise and urge enter a school of children of of the right age, teenager.

The 14th prohibits servantchoosing a person for a job unit action uses the children of of the right age that ought to accept compulsory education, teenager.

According to the country concerned regulation recruits children of of the right age, teenager to undertake the organism of the professional training such as literary, sports via approval, the children of of the right age that ought to assure to recruit, teenager accepts compulsory education; Implement compulsory education by oneself, ought to teach service to approve via government of prefectural class people.

School of the 3rd chapter

The amount of the children of of the right age that basis of government of people of place of above of class of the 15th county lives inside area of politics of one's own profession, teenager and the element such as distributinging state, concern a provision according to the country, make, adjust the school to set a program. Build residential area to need to set the school, ought to undertake with the construction synchronism of residential area.

The 16th school is built, ought to accord with the managerial standard of national regulation, get used to educational education need; The optional location that ought to accord with a country to set asks and build a standard, ensure the student is mixed teach a worker safety.

Basis of government of people of class of the seventeenth county needs a setting to lodge make the school, safeguard lives enter a school of children of dispersive of the right age, teenager accepts compulsory education.

Basis of government of people of service of education of the 18th the State Council and province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government needs, develop in economy the school that area setting admits children of minority of the right age, girl (class) .

Government of people of place of above of class of the 19th county sets the corresponding school that implements special education according to need (class) , to the of the right age of eyesight deformity, audition language deformity and intellective deformity children, teenager implements compulsory education. Special education school (class) ought to have the place that gets used to characteristic of deformity children, teenager study, rehabilitation, life and establishment.

Average school ought to be received have the children of deformity of the right age that accepts common education ability, teenager to be read along with the class, provide a help for its study, rehabilitation.

Basis of government of people of place of above of class of the 20th county needs, the teenager of of the right age of the serious and undesirable action that to have precaution minor crime law sets installs special school to implement compulsory education.

The 21st what teach to half-baked obligation is minor make and be adopted mandatory the minor that teachs measure ought to have compulsory education, what need funds to be given by people government safeguard.

Government of people of above of class of the 22nd county and its education service ought to promote the school balanced development, run a school between contractible school conditional difference, must not attach most importance to school cent bit of school and blame key school. The school does not notch establish key class and blame key class.

Government of people of prefectural class above and its education service must not be changed with any name or covert the change is general the property of managerial school.

Government of the 23rd various people and its uphold school periphery order lawfully about the branch, protect the legitimate rights and interests of student, teacher, school, provide safe safeguard for the school.

Wu teachs working person to hold the position of a staff member.

The 25th school must not disobey a country to set collection fee, must not promote the means seek interest such as commodity, service with be promoted to the student or coverting.

The 26th school executes the president to be in charge of making. The president ought to accord with what the country sets to hold a post condition. The president teachs service by government of prefectural class people lawfully appoint to a position.

The 27th runs the student of the system to disobeying the school, the school ought to give criticism is taught, do not get discharge.

Teacher of the 4th chapter

The 28th teacher enjoys the right that law provides, fulfil the obligation that law sets, ought to be person a person of exemplary virtue, be loyal to educational enterprise of people.

Whole society ought to respect a teacher.

The 29th teacher is in educational education ought to equality serves a student, pay close attention to individual difference of the student, teach students in accordance of their aptitude, the sufficient progress of stimulative student.

The teacher ought to value the student's human dignity, must not discriminate against a student, must not carry out physical punishment to the student, covert physical punishment is other perhaps the behavior that insults character dignity, must not encroach a student to close right increase.

Thirtieth the pedagogic competence that the teacher ought to gain a country to set.

The country builds unified obligation to teach pedagogic place system. Pedagogic post cent is primary duty, intermediate post and senior post.

Material benefits of wages of teacher of safeguard of government of a various people mixes thirtieth social insurance pay, improve pedagogic job and living conditions; Funds of pay of teacher of perfect rural area ensures a mechanism.

Average wage standard of the teacher ought to not the average wage standard under local officeholder.

Special education teacher enjoys allowance of special post allowance. The teacher that works in ethical region and remote and impoverished area enjoys difficult poverty area allowance is subsidiary.

Government of people of above of 2 counties class ought to strengthen thirtieth the teacher develops the work, adopt measure to expand pedagogic education.

Service of education of government of prefectural class people ought to balanced configuration solvency of division of the school inside area measures this administration, those who organize the president, teacher groom and flow, strengthen the construction of pair of fragile schools.

Various people government encourages 3 the State Council and place and teacher of supportive city school and graduate of colleges and universities go to thirtieth region of a rural area, nation is engaged in compulsory education working.

The country encourages graduate of colleges and universities to lack pedagogic school to teach to region of a rural area, nation with the volunteer's means. Government of prefectural class people teachs service to maintain its teacher qualification lawfully, its teach time plan enters length of service.

The 5th chapter teachs teacher and student

Thirtieth teachs teaching job 4 times to ought to accord with educational rule and student body and mind to develop a characteristic, face all student, teach Yo person, wait for moral education, intellectual education, sports, aesthetic education organic and unified in teaching education activity, pay attention to education student to ponder over ability, innovation ability and practice ability independently, stimulative student develops in the round.

The condition that service of education of 5 the State Council develops according to body and mind of children of of the right age, teenager mixes thirtieth actual condition, decide content of education of education system, education and course are installed, reform exam system, improve way of recruit students of advanced and secondary school, advance executive quality education.

The school and teacher teach education content and curricular setting to develop educational education activity according to what decide, make sure the basic mass that reachs national regulation asks.

The country encourages the school and teacher to use the educational education method such as heuristic education, improve educational education quality.

Thirtieth 6 schools ought to put moral education in the first place, contain moral education at teaching teacher and student in, begin the society that suits with student age photograph to carry out an activity, the thought morality that forms the school, family, society to cooperate each other teachs a system, the thought moral character with stimulative student good nurturance and behavior are used to.

7 schools ought to assure thirtieth extracurricular activity time of the student, the organization develops the extracurricular activity such as culture recreation. Facilities of common culture sports ought to be the society the school begins extracurricular activity to offer advantage.

Thirtieth 8 schoolbook are written according to national educational policy and curricular standard, content do one's best is compact, handpick and necessary ABC, basic technical ability, economy is practical, assure quality.

National office working personnel and schoolbook examine personnel, must not be participated in or covert those who share schoolbook write the work.

9 countries execute thirtieth schoolbook is authorized system. The authorized method of schoolbook teachs service regulation by the State Council.

Without authorized schoolbook, must not publish, choose.

The 40th schoolbook fixes fiducial price according to small profit principle jointly with publication service by service of quotation of the State Council. Service of quotation of government of people of province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government fixes retail price according to fiducial price jointly with publication service.

The 41st country encourages schoolbook to be used circularly.

Funds of the 6th chapter is ensured

The 42nd country brings into compulsory education finance to guarantee range in the round, compulsory education funds by the State Council and place this law sets according to of various people government give safeguard.

The State Council and place are various people government brings into compulsory education funds finance budget, according to teach a worker average per capita of staff level, salary standard and school construction standard, student public funds standard, seasonable obligation of appropriate of full specified amount teachs funds, ensure the normal movement of the school and school building are safe, ensure teach worker pay to extend according to the regulation.

The incremental ratio example that various people government uses the State Council and place at carrying out obligation to teach finance to allocate funds ought to prep above finance is regular the incremental ratio exemple of income, assure according to in school student number average compulsory education cost rises stage by stage, assure to teach worker pay and student average per capita public funds progressively growth.

The student average per capita of the 43rd school is public funds is basic the standard is made jointly with educational service by department of finance of the State Council, develop a condition according to economy and society timely adjust. Make, adjust student average per capita public funds is basic standard, ought to satisfy educational education to need basically.

Government of people of province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government is OK according to this administration the actual condition of area, make do not learn unripe average per capita under the school of national level public funds standard.

Special education school (class) student average per capita is public funds standard ought to prep above is common school student average per capita is public funds standard.

Investment of funds of the 44th compulsory education executes the State Council and place basis of various people government responsibility is joint burden, government of people of province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government is in charge of the system that implements as a whole. Rural obligation teachs place to need funds, by basis of various people government the regulation of the State Council distributes an item, partake in proportion.

The children of of the right age with various people difficult to domestic economy government, teenager supplies text book freely and allowance lodges unripe living cost.

The specific measure that compulsory education funds ensures is set by the State Council.

The 45th place is various people government teachs funds sheet to list in obligation of finance budget lieutenant general.

Budget of staff of government of prefectural class people, divide outside tilting to school of a rural area and fragile school, ought to balanced arrangement obligation teachs funds.

Finance changes standard of government of people of the 46th the State Council and province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government pay an institution, increase run-of-mill move to pay dimensions and normative obligation to teach special move to pay, support and lead the investment that various people government increases the place to be taught to obligation. The place is various people government ensures the obligation of government of will ranking people teachs move to pay capital to be used at compulsory education according to the regulation.

The 47th the State Council and basis of government of people of place of prefectural class above need actually, create special fund, give aid to region of a rural area, nation implements compulsory education.

The 48th country encourages organism and individual to be donated to compulsory education, encourage the provision that concerns foundation management according to the country to establish obligation to teach fund.

Funds of the 49th compulsory education is used strictly at compulsory education according to budgetary provision; Any organizations and individual do not get obligation of embezzlement, divert to teach funds, must not to the school illegal collection or apportion charge.

Fiftieth the audit that builds perfect obligation to teach funds controls a government of people of prefectural class above and statistical announcement system.

Responsibility of law of the 7th art of composition

Fiftieth various people government disobeys concerned branch of a the State Council and place Benfadi the regulation of 6 chapters, did not fulfill what guarantee obligation to compulsory education funds, by the State Council government of people of ranking perhaps place instructs deadline to correct; The clue is serious, to the director that is in charge of directly personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibility give disciplinary sanction lawfully.

Fiftieth government of people of place of above of 2 counties class has one of following state, instruct deadline to correct by ranking people government; The clue is serious, to the director that is in charge of directly personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibility give disciplinary sanction lawfully:

(one) did not make about the regulation according to the country, the setting that adjusts the school plans;

(2) school construction does not accord with a country to managerial standard of the regulation, optional location asks and build a standard;

(3) did not undertake checking to safety of school school building regularly, seasonable maintenance, transform;

(4) not this code decides according to balanced arrangement obligation teachs funds.

Fiftieth government of people of above of 3 counties class or its teach service to have one of following state, by ranking people government or its teach service to instruct deadline to correct, notice of criticism; The clue is serious, to the director that is in charge of directly personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibility give disciplinary sanction lawfully:

(one) the school cent attachs most importance to school of bit of school and blame key;

(2) change or covert the change is general of managerial school property.

Government of prefectural class people teachs service or government of people of villages and towns did not adopt measure to organize enter a school of children of of the right age, teenager to perhaps prevent discontinue one's studying, provision of the section before according to investigates legal duty.

Fiftieth 4 have one of following state, by ranking people government government of ranking perhaps people teachs service of department of service, finance, quotation and audit mechanism to instruct deadline to correct according to duty division of labor; The clue is serious, to the director that is in charge of directly personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibility give disciplinary action lawfully:

(one) obligation of embezzlement, divert teachs funds;

(2) to the school illegal collection or of apportion charge.

Fiftieth 5 schools or the teacher teachs what educational law, teacher law disobeys to set in the job in obligation, according to teachs the concerned regulation of law, teacher law to punish.

Fiftieth 6 schools disobey a country to set collection fee, by government of prefectural class people educational service is instructed return place to collect fee; To the director that is in charge of directly personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibility give disciplinary action lawfully.

The school promotes the means seek interest such as commodity, service with be promoted to the student or coverting, by government of prefectural class people educational service offers notice of criticism; Have illegal income, confiscate illegal earning; To the director that is in charge of directly personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibility give disciplinary action lawfully.

Office working personnel and schoolbook examine the country to personnel is participated in or covert participate in schoolbook to write, by government of people of prefectural class above or its teach service to instruct deadline to correct according to responsibility limits of authority, give disciplinary sanction lawfully; Have illegal income, confiscate illegal earning.

Fiftieth 7 schools have one of following state, by government of prefectural class people educational service instructs deadline to correct; The clue is serious, to the director that is in charge of directly personnel and personnel of other and direct responsibility give disciplinary action lawfully:

(one) reject to receive those who have the children of deformity of the right age that accepts common education ability, teenager to be read along with the class;

(2) cent establishs key class and blame key class;

(3) disobey this code to decide discharge student;

(4) choose without authorized schoolbook.

Fiftieth the parents of children of 8 of the right age, teenager is other perhaps and legal guardian does not have warrant not this code sends according to enter a school of children of of the right age, teenager surely accept obligation to teach, by government of people of local villages and towns or service of education of government of prefectural class people offers criticism education, instruct deadline to correct.

Fiftieth 9 have one of following state, according to gives about the regulation of law, administrative regulations punishment:

(one) threatening or coax ought to accept be deprived of education of the children of of the right age of compulsory education, girl, discontinue one's studying;

(2) unlawful action uses the children of of the right age that ought to accept compulsory education, teenager;

(3) publish without lawfully of authorized schoolbook.

The 60th disobeys this code to decide, those who make crime, investigate criminal duty lawfully.

Supplementary articles of the 8th chapter

Children of the 61st of the right age that teachs to accepting obligation, teenager does not receive the executive measure of incidental expenses, by regulation of the State Council.

The 62nd organism or the school of run by the local people that the individual runs lawfully implements compulsory education, according to run by the local people teachs stimulative law to be carried out about the regulation; Run by the local people teachs stimulative law to did not make a provision, applicable this law.
