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文科学校。西南财经大学(Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,简称西财),位于四川省成都市,是中华人民共和国教育部直属高校,位列国家首批“双一流”建设高校、国家“211工程”和“985工程优势学科创新平台”建设高校,入选国家“2011计划”“111计划”“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”。现任党委书记赵德武,校长李永强。校训为“严谨、勤俭、求实、开拓”。





















上海财经大学(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所以经济管理学科为主,经、管、法、文、理、哲等多学科协调发展的研究型重点大学,国家首批世界一流学科建设高校,国家“211工程”、“985工程优势学科创新平台”重点建设高校。



南京财经大学是文理兼收的学校,以经济管理类为主,多学科支撑配套、协调发展的江苏省属重点建设大学。总的来说,多数专业偏文科,譬如会计、法学、金融学等等,但也有统计、数学与应用数学、数量经济等偏理科专业,是一所很不错的大学 ,欢迎报考。


One, is university of finance and economics liberal art or science department?

Finance and economics kind the major of the school is unity and coherence in writing holds a newspaper concurrently more very, perhaps enrol science department only.

University of Shanghai finance and economics is rank first finance and economics kind university

Finance and economics kind major is to point to economy kind manage kind of major with economy, common major includes tax of management of resource of market sale, accountant, manpower, finance, international trade, business management, statistic, wealth to wait, be in last few years the popular major on talent market. Additional, concerned expert is forecasted, future 10 big popular professions are division of program of conduct financial transactions, system respectively division of compositive engineer, lawyer, content shedding, register engineer of division of accountant, sale, environment, essence of life calculates division, medicine to sell doctor of Chinese and Western, management to seek advice from division. Among them, division of program of conduct financial transactions, content shedding division, register division of accountant, sale, essence to calculate division, management to seek advice from division 6 major belong to finance and economics kind industry.

Finance and economics kind major is to point to economy kind manage kind of major with economy, common major includes tax of management of resource of market sale, accountant, manpower, finance, international trade, business management, statistic, wealth to wait

2, is university of Shanghai finance and economics liberal art or science department?

University of Shanghai finance and economics is a when Ministry of Education and Shanghai people government are built in all 211 universities, of the professional that basically develops financial economy field. The mainest major of university of Shanghai finance and economics is economic management major, this major is given priority to with liberal art. But big finance and other major also have Shanghai money to be given priority to with science department, it is an unity and coherence in writing holds the finance and economics that close concurrently kind university.

3, is university of southwest finance and economics liberal art or science department school?

Liberal arts school. University of southwest finance and economics (Southwestern University Of Finance And Economics, abbreviation on the west money) , be located in Sichuan to save the Chengdu City, it is college of directly under of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China, home of the various states first " double top-ranking " construction college, country " 211 projects " and " platform of innovation of course of 985 projects advantage " build a college, selected country " 2011 plans " " 111 plans " " education of outstanding law talented person develops a plan " . Currently hold the post ofZhao Dewu of Party committee secretary, president Li Yongjiang. School example is " rigorous, hardworking and thrifty, be realistic, develop " .

4, is university of northeast finance and economics liberal art or science department?

University of northeast finance and economics is an omnibus university, in recruit students process, recruit average science department in a college to be born already, recruit common liberal art to be born again, it is an unity and coherence in writing all the university of appropriate. University of northeast finance and economics is an university with driving actual strength, but, pitch on is judged in a few rounds of 211 universities, all lose out, solid regret therefore! Reviewing matter of on 211 universities may be many sided, before long in the future, money can enter top-ranking university range certainly east!

5, does university of Jiangxi finance and economics belong to liberal art or science department?

University of Jiangxi finance and economics belongs to liberal art kind, what she enrols major is financial management, finance manages the major of the respect, once university of Jiangxi finance and economics is inapproachable existence in limits of Jiangxi province university, line of mark of the university entrance exam exceeds Nanchang university, jiangxi Normal University, as in last few years manage of Nanchang university soft science is versed in of mark of kind of recruit students of electric automation major rise, nanchang university also becomes Jiangxi to save college of a exclusive 211 projects, now in order to exceeded liberal art of university of Jiangxi finance and economics kind the position of college old!

6, does university of Shanghai finance and economics belong to liberal art or science department?

It is liberal art, general unity and coherence in writing holds concurrently close.

Our country has representative finance and economics kind the school has: University of Shanghai finance and economics (211 projects) , medium south university of politics and law of finance and economics (211 projects) , university of central finance and economics (211 projects) , university of southwest finance and economics (211 projects) , external economic commerce university (211 projects) , economy of university of university of northeast finance and economics, Jiangxi finance and economics, capital.

7, Guo Wentao liberal art or science department?

Science department

Guo Wentao was graduated from Beijing University brilliance to run an institute 2016, appearance is handsome, intelligence quotient is high. : of achievement of the university entrance exam? Engrave?26, maths 129, english 138, maths 278, always divide 671.

The Guo Wentao that comes from Beijing University is finance of institute of government of Beijing University brilliance and mathematical bachelor, because of grow too handsomely and let a person pay close attention to him more, the very much to also letting definitely vermicelli made from bean starch that silvers coin with star poplar screams.

As we have learned, 2012, guo Wentao saves the good achievement of science department Number One Scholar to enter Beijing University with Qinghai, always divide 671. Nowadays, the severe test that passes Beijing University 4 years, he had cast off babyish face. Better and better besides achievement, his appearance also became super handsome little fresh pork, also be called in Beijing University officer is female. This, his teammate also says, guo Wentao is the sort of colour value that can rely on him apparently, but the person that must prove oneself with his endowment.

8, is Shandong university to slant article or science department?

Shandong university is the national emphasis university that article, manage pays equal attention to.

Shandong university is a history long, course all ready, actual strength the emphasis of directly under of comparative Ministry of Education with abundant, clear-cut characteristic is omnibus university, in have main effect domestic and internationally, stride world top-ranking university smoothly 2017 to build a college (A kind) cavalcade. The school covers an area of a face to accumulate more than mus 8000, form one school 3 ground (Jinan, power sea, Qingdao) managerial pattern.

9, is university of Shanghai finance and economics is given priority to with liberal art still science department?

University of Shanghai finance and economics is give priority to with liberal art, because major of ace of university of Shanghai finance and economics is economic management,give priority to, classics, canal, law, manage, article, history, the much discipline such as sagacious, division of unity and coherence in writing has, nevertheless economic management major is deflection liberal art.

Fractional line is annual it is floating, will make according to examinee number, the person that enter oneself for an examination is much, fractional line is tall, the person that enter oneself for an examination is little, fractional line is small.

Line of liberal art mark is small because the answering question of article put together gives cent,be under science department, because science department problem is forbidden,have uniqueness, have an accurate result only, it is right to, wrong be wrong, problem of 20 minutes answered sb's question to give 20 minutes, all marks are fixed, and liberal art is different, a brief answering question of 20 minutes although you answered sb's question, obtain full marks very hard also, how many meeting is buckled 35 minutes.

Patulous data:

University of Shanghai finance and economics (Shanghai University Of Finance And Economics) be directly under of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China one so economic management course is given priority to, the much discipline such as classics, canal, law, article, manage, sagacious coordinates university of the research of development key, country first world is top-ranking course builds a college, country " 211 projects " , " platform of innovation of course of 985 projects advantage " the key builds a college.

Selected country " 111 plans " , base of education of qualified personnel of base of economics of plan of poineering training of innovation of undergraduate of plan of training of education of outstanding law talented person, state level, country, country is abroad high-level talent innovation does poineering work college of base, whole nation carries out Yo person to innovate poineering base, Ministry of Education is humanitarian, first countrywide doctor, master's degree awards an unit, division of test of Chinese free trade innovates in coordination central leading unit, in alliance of Europe business school is virgin member, build in all by Ministry of Education, Ministry of finance and Shanghai tripartite.

10, does university of Nanjing finance and economics slant does liberal art still slant science department?

University of Nanjing finance and economics is unity and coherence in writing holds the school that control concurrently, manage with economy kind give priority to, the Jiangsu province of the much discipline form a complete set that prop up, harmonious development belongs to a key to build an university. As a whole, most major slants liberal art, for example accountant, law, finance learns to wait a moment, but also economy of statistic, maths and applied maths, amount waits slant science department is professional, it is a very good university, welcome to enter oneself for an examination.
