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Does the dimensions that recreation encircles have many after all small?

A lot of people were full of curiosity to recreational group, after all is recreational group one has much smaller circle? The article will announce through a series of data and fact the true condition of recreational group dimensions.

The overview that recreation encircles

Recreational group is one amuses the circle that course of study is core, include the many fields such as the film, music, teleplay, put together art. The main worker that recreation encircles has actor, singer, playwrite, director, producer to wait, they bring an audience fun and recreation through creation and performance.

The number statistic that recreation encircles

According to statistic, up to by 2021, the whole world has more than 1 million professional actor active in recreational group. Among them, china is the film producing area with the largest whole world and one of consumptive markets. Recreational group number of China is huge, exceeded 100 thousand actor. The United States regards global recreation as the metropolis of course of study, also 100 thousand several participate in recreation to encircle from personnel of course of study. Although the number is huge, the proportion of population of Dan Zhanquan ball is very small, take the one fraction of total population only.

The market dimensions that recreation encircles

Recreational group serves as an industry, its market scope is vast. According to statistical data, dimensions of market of global entertainment estate exceeded 2 trillion dollar 2019. Among them, the film, music and teleplay are the mainest income source. And be in China, income of countrywide film booking office achieved many yuan of 400 RMB 2020, dimensions also is in the market of the domain such as music and teleplay to grow continuously.

The obtain employment opportunity that recreation encircles

Recreational group serves as an industry, also offerred obtain employment opportunity for numerous person. Besides actor, recreational group still needs all sorts of post such as playwrite, director, producer, cameraman, film cutter from personnel of course of study. According to statistic, the obtain employment number that recreation encircles increases ceaselessly. For example, in Chinese movie industry, the whole nation was engaged in the number of film-making reaching tens of 10 thousand people 2019.

The exposure that recreation encircles is spent

The luminosity exposing to the sun that recreation encircles is in gregarious media and medium very tall. He Fei hears the news of actor to often become popular topic, drawing the attention of wide audience. The luminosity exposing to the sun that recreation encircles also gave actor more commercial chances, take the place of for example character advertisement, chair program and participate in commercial activity to wait.


Although recreational group looks very large in our eye, but its dimensions is relatively actually lesser, just hold the industry of one fraction in the market. However, recreation encircles the domain that is full of passion and originality as, pay close attention to and participate in what drawing countless people.

Thank you to read the article, the hope passes the introduction of the article, the dimensions that you can encircle to recreation has clearer knowledge.
