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1. 《人类简史》:由以色列历史学家尤瓦尔·赫拉利所写,探讨了人类从出现到今天的演化历程,讨论了农业革命、工业革命等人类发展的重大转折点,提出了一系列深刻的思考和观点。

2. 《时间简史》:由英国物理学家史蒂芬·霍金所著,用通俗易懂的语言解释了宇宙、时间、空间、引力等科学问题,并提出了自己对于这些问题的深刻见解。

3. 《未来简史》:同样由尤瓦尔·赫拉利所著,探讨了人类未来可能面临的各种挑战和机遇,包括人工智能、基因编辑、气候变化、贫富差距等问题,并提出了一些启示性的看法。










1. 《时间简史》:这本书是一本宇宙学的入门读物,它介绍了宇宙的起源、演化和结构,以及人类对宇宙的探索和认识。这本书的内容比较基础,适合初学者阅读。

2. 《人类简史》:这本书是一本人类学的入门读物,它介绍了人类的起源、演化和文明的发展,以及人类对世界的认识和改变。这本书的内容比较有趣,适合对人类历史感兴趣的读者阅读。

3. 《未来简史》:这本书是一本关于未来学的读物,它探讨了人类未来可能的发展方向和趋势,包括人类的进化、科技的发展、社会的变革等等。这本书的内容比较前卫,适合对未来感兴趣的读者阅读。























    诺贝尔(阿尔弗雷德·贝恩哈德·诺贝尔 ),1833年10月21日出生于斯德哥尔摩,是瑞典化学家、工程师、发明家、军工装备制造商和炸药的发明者。     他曾拥有Bofors(卜福斯)军工厂,主要生产军火,在第二次世界大战中该公司多项产品曾授权多国生产,并受军队广泛好评。1896年12月10日诺贝尔在意大利的圣雷莫因病去世,终年63岁。






One, the mankind brief history time brief history future brief history which good?

These 3 books are excellent book, every book has its unique value and sense, accordingly very it's hard to say which is better. It is their brief introduction and characteristic below, in order to offer reference:

1." the mankind brief history " : Cover with tiles by Israel historian what Er · He Lali writes especially, discussed the mankind from the evolution course that appears to today, debated the major turning point that the mankind such as agricultural revolution, Industrial Revolution grows, offerred a series of deep reflection and point of view.

2." time brief history " : By British physicist Stephen Hocking is written, explained the scientific problem such as the universe, time, space, gravitation with straightaway language, put forward oneself the deep opinion to these problems.

3." future brief history " : Be written by Youwaer Helali likewise, all sorts of challenges that discussed human future to may be faced with and good luck, include the issue such as difference of change of editor of artificial intelligence, gene, climate, the rich and the poor, offerred view of a few revelatory.

The place on put together is narrated, these 3 books are very excellent book, have very tall read value and revelatory sex. The choice depends on which your interest to the history and science and preference, and the issue that wants to understand what aspect.

2, the world brief history with time brief history?

" time brief history " it is the popular science book that Sidifen William Hocking writes British physicist, publish first 1988. Whole book in all 12 chapters, told about the foremost edge knowledge about cosmic nature, include: The content such as the origin of principle of our cosmic image, space and time, bulgy universe, uncertainty, black hole, universe and destiny, ground of explain the profound things in a simple way introduced the knowledge such as distant galaxy, black hole, particle, antimatter, mix to cosmic origin, space the old proposition such as time and the theory of relativity undertook elaborating.

The world brief history: Welles of · of H · G is England well-known writer. One's early years should cross apprentice in a cloth store, england is graduated from after royal institute. Ever tried to make a living with teach, create with news and literature however famed at the world. Its are written " time machine " , " concealed body person " be contemporary sci-fi cut into a mountain make. Lifetime dabble is very wide, although not be a historian, however with " world Shi Gang " ascend body at historiography everybody. But " world Shi Gang " it is grand piece gigantic make, brilliant brilliant is close 1 million words, be not a general reader to be able to be inducted.

3, the mankind brief history with future brief history distinction?

The mankind brief history: 214 years in November, the books that the press issues is believed in. From there is contemporary mankind evidence to begin 21 centuries capital before 100000, the human phylogeny that science and technology interweaves.

Future brief history: ?

4, time brief history the mankind brief history with future brief history should what order is read?

" time brief history " " the mankind brief history " and " future brief history " it is very welcome popular science reader, they learn from the universe respectively, anthropologic the history that discussed the mankind with the angle of futurology and future. Be a few proposals below read order:

1.  " time brief history " : This book is the introductory reader that an universe learns, it introduced cosmic origin, evolution and structure, and the human exploration to the universe and understanding. The content of this book compares a foundation, suit abecedarian to read.

2.  " the mankind brief history " : This book is an anthropologic introductory reader, it introduced human origin, evolution and civilized development, and the human understanding to the world and change. The content of this book is more interesting, the reader that suits to be interested in human history is read.

3.  " future brief history " : This book is a reader about futurology, it discussed the development way with human possible future and tendency, of the development of the evolution that incorporates the mankind, science and technology, society change etc. The content of this book compares halfback, suit the reader that is interested in future to read.

Anyhow, the content of these 3 books has certain across and jackknife, but their side key and point of view are different, the reader can choose right order to read according to his interest and demand.

5, how many years does the Great Cultural Revolution have?

The Great Cultural Revolution has 10 years

The concrete analysis that when begins about the Great Cultural Revolution is as follows:

The Great Cultural Revolution began 1966, ended 1976. Experienced 10 years of disaster in all.

10 years the Great Cultural Revolution is begin from 1966, come to ended 1976. 10 years the Great Cultural Revolution is our country is built hind cannot an evasive period, the economy that is in this period our country is basic backwater not before, have retrograde sign even, and be in the historical architecture of this period our country, traditional book, antique, culture is traditional, wait to enrol the destruction of great rate, even a few patriotic personages also are persecuted in this period by the person of have ulterior motives, this is cannot evasive fact, this is cannot evasive dark period.

6, Keluodeya brief history?

It is the republic that is located in European southeast ministry, be in mediterranean and Ni Yaping of Nuo of Pan of the Balkan peninsula former boundary, land gross area 56594 square kilometer, coasting grows 1778 kilometers. Official language is Keluodeya language.

7, spit Gu Hun brief history?

Spit cereal (Y ù ) muddy (313 years, 663 years) , also say to tell state of muddy, Henan, it is Chinese ancient time the local political power that a surname of chieftain of Xianbei a group of things with common features says Gu Hun to migrate to be built to the place after northwest area.

A surname spits Gu Hun the north of city of Xi Changli thorn takes former nomadism Yu Liaohe, for family name of Xianbei a surname, hind its ministry on the west change up to now Gansu Province, Qinghai is taken. Its Sun Xie is delayed only then it is with ancestor name a group of things with common features say. Jin Yixi the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor (405 years) , its chieftain cultivates doing of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces to profess king of the big chief of the Xiongnu in ancient China, muddy that spit cereal. When the Northern and Southern Dynasties, early or late accessary the Song Dynasty, neat, Northen Wei Dynasty. The first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of bridge Great Harmony (535 years) , lv Shi of its king boast weighs sweat, city of wait of bend over of found a capital (today Qinghai Hunan Tie Bo blocks Gu Cheng) , he pursues policy of good relations of neighbourhood, with room of the Eastern Wei Dynasty 534-550, the Sui Dynasty in succession intermarriage. Tang Chu, cent of its political power is a thing two parts, by its king Fu Yunzi amounts to wave of the knot that delay awn to lead western, it is a center with Shanshan, submit oneself to the rule of after at Tibetan regime in ancient China; The eastpart part is arranged by a surname of volt allow cornstalk lead, with Fu Qi the city is a center, submit to Yu Tang. Chastity watchs 9 years (635 years) , a surname is suitable be killed by following, child succession of Nuo how earthen bowl. Second year, suffer Tang Feng to be king of river source county, date black ground also unplugs diligent fabaceous cham. Great of Virgo of Shangtang an administrative unit in Xizang changes a princess after, suffer Feng Weifu Ma Douwei. Secondly child also marry Tang Jincheng county advocate, Jin Ming county advocate. Long Shuo 3 years (663 years) , because suffer attack of Tibetan regime in ancient China, rate ministry escapes cool city (today Gansu Province Wu Wei) , country of the muddy that spit cereal is ruined. Hind numerous medicinal powder in new moon square, river the condition east. Tribe is dispersive, history say " retreat muddy " . [1]

The muddy that spit cereal most flower its territory east case today northwest of Gansu Province south, Sichuan, qinghai southern part is supported south, qiang is like to Xinjiang on the west, and end, north lies between Qi Lianshan and river westing corridor to connect. Economy is given priority to with stock raising, hold battalion agriculture concurrently, date of landed horse of fine breed " Qinghai Cong " . Be apt to makes weapon. [When 1] the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Qinghai area that place of the muddy that spit cereal occupies became one of centers of traffic of Chinese and Western in fact, contacting the association of and other places of highland of Central Plains and desert north, the Western Regions, Tibet, India.

8, oil brief history?

Oil is fuel of a kind of fossil, it is tellurian a kind of natural resource. It is oil below brief history main content:

Ancient time: Be in early BC was controlled 4000, people has begun to use oil. At that time, people basically is use oil at lamplight and lube.

Before Industrial Revolution: 18 centuries end comes at the beginning of 19 centuries, as the arrival of Industrial Revolution, oil begins to be used extensively. At that time, people basically is use oil Yu Zhaoming and lubricating oil.

After Industrial Revolution: 19 centuries end comes at the beginning of 20 centuries, as the invention of car and plane, demand increases petrolic quickly. Right now, oil had become one of the most important the sources of energy on the world.

Oil monopoly: At the beginning of 20 centuries, american Luokefeile is familial established standard Petroleum Company, begin market of oil of forestall whole world. After this, other country also built his Petroleum Company in succession, formed global oil monopoly situation.

Oil crisis: 20 centuries at the beginning of 70 time, because the politics of middle east area is queasy,produce national boycott with oil, global oil is supplied appeared to be in short supply badly, caused global oil crisis.

The progress of oil exploitation technology: As the ceaseless progress of science and technology, oil extracts the technology also got huge rises. Now, people can adopt the technique such as horizontal artesian well, fracture, from exploitation gives more oil natural resources in underground.

Anyhow, oil is one of important the sources of energy that human society develops, having the effect that cannot replace to modern industry and life.

9, celebrity brief history?

   Nobel (Bain of · of heart of A Erfu thunder breaths out De Nobel) , was born in a Stockholm on October 21, 1833, it is the contriver of manufacturer of equipment of Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor, war industry and dynamite.    He ever had Bofors (Bo Fusi) war industry factory, basically produce ammunition, in the Second World War this company multinomial product ever accredit is multilateral production, stand army extensive reputably. Nobel cared about the Shengleimoyin disease of big profit to die on December 10, 1896, all the year round is 63 years old.

   Nobel lifetime has 355 patent creations. Before one year when die in him, establish enjoin to regard fund as the much of its bequest, will annual income interest component is 5, establish physics, chemical, physiology or medicine, literature and peace 5 kinds of bonus (namely nobel prize) , award world each country to make the person of significant contribution to the mankind in these domains.

10, Iraq brief history?

BC 3000 middle period, su Meier's person creates the dweller with two rivers the earliest region cuneiform, 60 into make counting method and circumferential break up rate. After this, iraq experienced Liu of empire of ancient Babylonian kingdom, Assyria, new Babylonian kingdom, Persia, a place of strategic importance on the west (Chinese history says) , rest, dynasty of Persia Sa Shan is regnant. Bagdad of choose a site for the capital of A Basi dynasty. The beautiful demand that reduced England 1920 does not amount to Miyatuo to provide the ground. 1921, the Englishman breaths out rare Mu royal family to be chosen from Mecca generation of Er of Sa sending cost builds Iraqi kingdom to Bagdad. Announced to establish an Iraq 1958. On July 6, 2019, on congress of bequest of U.N. Educational world, relics of Iraqi Babylon Gu Cheng is selected world bequest directory.

Oil industry of Iraq is its economy pillar, crude reserves ranks the world the 4th, be next to Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran. 73% what the Arab occupies countrywide total population, person of library Er heart is occupied 21% . Moslem takes this country 95% of population, among them assorted leaf clique is occupied 54% , the clique occupies abdicate Buddhist nun 41% . Official language is Arabic, the official language of area of heart of upper library Er is library Er German, area of the eastpart part has some of dweller to speak Persia language.
