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1. 先用钩针将一段毛线插入到固定工具上,固定好。

2. 然后开始编织整个帽子,先从帽底开始编织,用单钩钩法,从一个点开始,将毛线捻绕在钩子上,再从帽底的一个点开始,抽钩,取毛线,再将钩子拉过第一根钩子,然后将钩子往下拉一下,再抽钩,再取毛线,这样钩四次左右,一般就可以形成一起帽底。

3. 接下来,开始编织帽壁,用单钩钩法,钩完这一环之后,再用双钩钩法向上钩三行,这样就形成了一个宽帽檐的帽子。



























第1圈:套圈,11长针 第2圈:每针加1针,22长针 第3圈:每隔1针加1针,33长针

2、第4圈:每隔2针加1针,44长针 第5圈:每隔10针加1针,48长针

3、第6圈:每隔11针加1针,52长针 第7圈:每隔12针加1针,56长针 第8圈:每隔13针加1针,60长针

4、第9圈:每隔14针加1针,64长针 第10圈:每隔15针加1针,68长针

5、第11-15圈:不加不减,68长针(不断线开始钩护耳) 护耳: 第1行:12短针 第2行:第1,2短针并1针,8短针,最后2短针并1针 第3行:10短针 第4行:第1,2短针并1针,6短针

6、最后2短针并1针 第9行:4短针 第10行:第1,2短针并1针,最后2短针并1针,断线结束 帽子1折2,前面比后面多留几针,开始另一个护耳,钩法一样





第5圈:隔3针加1针(按1,1,1,2的规律去钩),钩完一共有30针; 第6圈:隔4针加1针(按1,1,2,1,1的规律去钩),钩完一共有36针;第7圈:隔5针加1针(按1,1,1,1,1,2的规律去钩),钩完一共有42针;第8圈:隔6针加1针(按1,1,1,2,1,1,1的规律去钩),钩完一共有48针。





































Does fashionable lady cap braid a tutorial?

The first pace, remove 60 pins. In be being braided actually, still need to measure good head to surround will remove a pin.

The 2nd pace, knit cap limit. Allocate coil on 3 needles to braid next needles, knit 2 inches length.

The 3rd pace, after cap limit has been knitted, begin to change stitch. We will knit sweet-scented osmanthus needle, knit the needle below 2 needles, knit the needle on 2 needles again, knit this circuit. Play circuit next, crisscross is braided.

The 4th pace, knit cap body. Going up the needle on 2 needles is knitted on the foundation below the 2 needles of circuit, on the foundation that goes up in 2 needles next 2 needles issue a needle, braid with respect to such stagger. Knit the length of need.

The 5th pace, decrease a needle. Knit the needle below stitch, again 2 needles change stitch. Knit this circuit. Knit the needle below circuit again next.

The 6th pace, after knitting the needle below stitch again, 2 needles change stitch. Knit return remnant 10 come 20 centimeters long wool stays to break a string next when the needle, wear line into coil, taut con has been fastened.

The 7th pace, had turned over a face to be arranged next.

The 8th pace, had oversewed adornment floret finally. Fashionable lady cap is braided finished.

Braiding is a kind of technology, also be the motion of finger, it is the mother is opposite to children, wife more affectionate kindness of the husband, those who braid is feminine heart.

Does cap of fashionable wide the brim of a hat weave a method?

Cap of wide the brim of a hat is used weaving a method is a kind of simpler crochet hook is braided, concrete step is below:

What require a tool: Date or a 6 7 crochet hook, the wool that 800 grams control, permanent worker of a cap is provided (if secure needle, fixed annulus to wait)


1.Use crochet hook to insert a paragraph of wool to fixed tool first, had secured.

2.Begin to braid whole cap next, begin to braid from cap bottom first, the hook that use sheet hooks a law, from the dot begins, twist wool circle on hook, again from cap bottom the dot begins, take a check mark, take wool, had pulled hook the first hook again, pull hook downward next, take a check mark again, reassume wool, hook the left and right sides 4 times so, can form cap base one case commonly.

3.Next, begin to braid cap wall, the hook that use sheet hooks a law, after hooking this one annulus, reoccupy double hook hooks a law hooks 3 up, formed the cap of a wide the brim of a hat so.

In braided course, need notices the uniformity of size and circularity, do not break an examination, ensure the size of the cap, appearance and design accord with a requirement. In braid after finishing, plunge into the in-house thrum of the cap close, hide the rest thrum in cap interior, final clip gets offline the head is OK.

Does fashionable wool hat weave a method?

1, the first, remove a pin. Make the line a slipknot, wear good shot into slipknot.

2, next the right hand winds a string, cover coil on good shot. Repeat a needle so 28 needles.

3, we will do braid set an example.

4, braid cap limit. By the side of the circle begins to knit a cap after the needle is finished since, the method that uses fluctuation needle will braid cap limit.

5, the length that knits cap limit to oneself to like can.

6, braid cap body. Of cap body braid us to come to those who use sweet-scented osmanthus needle weave a method, knit the needle below two needles first, knit the needle on two needles again, repeat knit.

7, get on the knitting below two needles again needle, the knitting on two needles issues a needle, crisscross is braided, repeat likewise braid two rounds, knit the look that can see Xiaogui is spent a few rounds more.

8, repeat the length that braids need cap body so.

9, braid crown. Begin decreasing from crown, the coping decreasing of each cap has its method and skill.

10, we are adopted after knitting the needle below two needles, two needles and the method of stitch decreasing comes decreasing.

11, continue to repeat braid good shot to go up to still have 10 needles left and right sides.

12, wear with thrum into coil, in the opposite taut department is good.

13, had turned over a face to be arranged again, of wool hat braid finished.

Is new fund of vogue of female cap winter braided?

1, crown is braided. Remove 8 pins, give priority to a line with this 8 needles, cent is 8 groups, one group adds 1 needle, circuit adds 8 needles, knit 11 continuously, add 12 needles to be a group all the time, altogether is 96 needles, it is plain knit entirely.

2, begin to braid pattern. Pattern is 12 needles a group, circuit 8 groups of pattern, in all 96 needles. The 1st knits the needle on 7 needles first, carry 5 needles to be not knitted, the line very loose region crossed the face once upon a time, still follow the injection on 7 needles next, carry 5 needles to be not knitted, the line very loose region crossed the face once upon a time... such repetition knit 8 pattern;

3, needle of the 2nd entire troops under one's command;

4, the 3rd, 5, 7 all repeat the 1st texture;

5, the 4th, needle of 6 entire troops under one's command;

6, the 8th knits the needle below 9 needles first, the 10th needle (namely in front 1, 3, 5, among the 5 needles that 7 winkle come to that 1 needle) from pull below 4 lines that had taken knit the needle below stitch, that 1 needle needs among every 5 needles to winkle from what pull 4 carry pull below the line knit, repeat undertake... till knit 8 groups of pattern, at this moment 8 groups of pattern, actual number issueing a needle is 12 needles, the needle below intermediate stitch is from carry those who knit is pull below the line;

7, the 9th, 12, knit 4 plain knit;

8, the 13rd begins to knit a pattern, like weaving a method, just pattern and the 1st want to stagger, knit so on the place of the needle carries a needle, the place that chooses a needle so is knitted on needle; Repeat according to this.

9, cap limit. The 1st average decreasing, 96 needles receive 80 injections (decide according to size of each one head) , next 4 the 4 needles on travel, needles, repeat 4 times, finally 1 plain knit add a needle to 96 needles, decreasing is finished

Of hat of wool of fashionable air man weave a method?

The 1st: Ferrule, 11 long shots the 2nd: Every needle adds 1 needle, 22 long shots the 3rd: 1 needle adds every other 1 needle, 33 long shots

2, the 4th: 2 needles add every other 1 needle, 44 long shots the 5th: 10 needles add every other 1 needle, 48 long shots

3, the 6th: 11 needles add every other 1 needle, 52 long shots the 7th: 12 needles add every other 1 needle, 56 long shots the 8th: 13 needles add every other 1 needle, 60 long shots

4, the 9th: 14 needles add every other 1 needle, 64 long shots the 10th: 15 needles add every other 1 needle, 68 long shots

5, 11-15 circle: Do not add do not decrease, 68 long shots (ceaseless line begins to hook earmuffs) earmuffs: The 1st: 12 brief shots the 2nd: The 1st, 2 brief shots and 1 needle, 8 brief shots, finally 2 brief shots and 1 needle the 3rd: 10 brief shots the 4th: The 1st, 2 brief shots and 1 needle, 6 brief shots

6, finally 2 brief shots and 1 needle the 9th: 4 brief shots the 10th: The 1st, 2 brief shots and 1 needle, finally 2 brief shots and 1 needle, cap of the end that break a string 1 fold 2, compare in front from the back take a few injections more, begin another earmuffs, like hooking a law

How is the cap braided?

The 120 needles since the line that strawberry cap braids a method to use green first (the degree of finish according to the line) needle of big odd Luo Wen 1 inch (10) reoccupy red wool knits next 7 needles, next the 8th 4 needles 1 go up needle 3 needles are ordinal circularly. Knit next 7 needles again the 16th goes up needle 7 needles are ordinal knit. Knit 32 (do not calculate Chan Luowen) decreasing. Roof fall pattern hooks leaf to hook 8 needles to lock up a needle to link circle first with green line, 24 needles are hooked to grow a needle to synthesize circle in clump circle again. Hook brief shot next the needle grows in 1 needle 1 needle hooks 3 needles to grow a needle in needle of lock of the 3rd needle again 1 in 1 brief shot finishs long shot a leaf hooks 8. The 8 needles since the axis among leaf hook needle of 6 brief shots to be pressed into the circle in seam among leaf in roof fall

Is vaulted cap braided?

The 1st: Annulus rises, 6 needles brief shot is hooked in annulus (do not bring unplug, annulus is hooked) ; The 2nd: Every needle swallows the bait 2 needles brief shot, the hook is over to share 12 needles (because be annulus hook, so we add earmark to buckle on every the 1st needle) ; The 3rd: Lie between 1 needle to add 1 needle (by 1, the law of 2 goes hooking) , the hook is over to share 18 needles; The 4th: Lie between 2 needles to add 1 needle (by 1, 1, the law of 2 goes hooking) , the hook is over to share 24 needles.

The 5th: Lie between 3 needles to add 1 needle (by 1, 1, 1, the law of 2 goes hooking) , the hook is over to share 30 needles; The 6th: Lie between 4 needles to add 1 needle (by 1, 1, 2, 1, the law of 1 goes hooking) , the hook is over to share 36 needles; The 7th: Lie between 5 needles to add 1 needle (by 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, the law of 2 goes hooking) , the hook is over to share 42 needles; The 8th: Lie between 6 needles to add 1 needle (by 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, the law of 1 goes hooking) , the hook is over to share 48 needles.

The 9th: Lie between 7 needles to add 1 needle (press 7 1, 2 go hooking) , the hook is over for 54 needles; The 10th: Lie between 8 needles to add 1 needle (press 4 1, 2, 4 1 go hooking) , the hook is over have 60 injections; The 11st: Lie between 9 needles to add 1 needle (press 9 1, 2 go hooking) , the hook is over have 66 injections; The 12nd: Lie between 10 needles to add 1 needle (press 5 1, 2, 5 1 go hooking) , the hook is over for 72 needles. Demonstrative money crown was hooked 12 rounds, the diameter is 18 centimeters about, everybody can make up the wire that uses to resembling reaching place to decide a hook how many rounds to suit quite neatly according to the hook (afore-mentioned rules still are pressed if continueing to add a needle, every add 6 needles, friendship clew: The diametical *3.14 that the circumference that the head surrounds is crown circle almost) .

The 13rd: Do not add do not decrease hook circuit brief shot; The 14th: Lie between 11 needles to add 1 needle (press 11 1, 2 go hooking) , the hook is over have 78 injections; The 12nd: Do not add do not decrease hook circuit brief shot. Then we buckle this needle from the 1st earmark, give 5 injections toward different number, add an earmark to buckle again on the 5th needle.

The 26th: 1 lock, search an area, hook brief shot first 2 and 1, repeat from the back lie between 4 needles to add 1 needle (by 1, 1, 1, 1, the rule of 2) , 2 needles hook brief shot finally 2 and 1 (note: We are the hook arrives in front the mark that add buckles this needle, every are encircled from the back is such) ; 27-28 encircles: 1 lock, search an area, do not add do not decrease hook brief shot; The 29th: 1 lock, search an area, brief shot 2 and 1, repeat from the back lie between 5 needles to add 1 needle, 2 needles hook brief shot finally 2 and 1; 30-31 encircles: It is 1 lock, search an area, do not add do not decrease hook brief shot; The 32nd: 1 lock, search an area, brief shot 2 and 1, repeat from the back lie between 6 add 1 (press 6 1, 2) , brief finally shot 2 and 1; 33-34 encircles: It is 1 lock, search an area, do not add do not decrease hook brief shot (if still think share of the brim of a hat is chiefer wider, can continue to be hooked downward by the rule) .

Demonstrative money was hooked downward no longer to the 34th travel hind, carry side hook to bring directly next unplug needle (the check mark is raised in every group almost 1 needle) , the place side the horizontal stroke raises a check mark in every 1 needle 1 needle, arrive again the side of across, also be every the check mark is raised in group 1 needle. After carrying a hook to be over completely, this vaulted cap is finishing ~ !

Is lady cap braided?

1, prepare wool and wool needle we will braid wool hat, preparation braids flower of a diamonds. The first pace, 48 needles are done since set an example with. Specific braid even good surround will remove a pin.

2, minute hand. Distribute 48 pins on 3 needles, there are 16 injections on every needle.

3, the edge that knit a cap uses the needle on 2 needles the needle below 2 needles, braid a inch length.

4, we braid the body that knit a cap a kind of diamonds is beautiful, knit the needle below 4 needles to knit the needle on 4 needles again, knit the needle below 4 needles again, knit the needle on 4 needles again, knit circuit with respect to such crisscross. Altogether knits 4 seniority to become many a diamonds.

5, after 4 ends, again crisscross is braided, issue the needle on knitting, knitting issues a needle on. Knit 4 again, altogether 8, a loop ends.

6, add of succeed of end of a loop repeats with same method braid, knit the length of need.

7, knit the needle below circuit next, begin to decrease a needle.

8, the method that decrease a needle, the 2 needles after knitting the needle below stitch and stitch. Knit the needle below stitch again, again 2 needles and stitch, repeat so braid circuit. Reduce the pin number of the half so, knit the needle below circuit again next.

9. repeats the method decreasing a needle of the 7th pace, continue to decrease a needle 2 times, decrease return remnant to the needle 10 come needle.

10. takes a line 20 centimeter break a string next, wear thrum into coil lira to tighten, had fastened in the opposite. Arrange, such adult caps had been braided.

Braid cap crown?

Tool / raw material: Needle of wool, wool.

1, above all, remove 50 pins, circle a line to cover with forefinger go up in the needle, removed stitch so.

2, next, allocate go up in 3 needles, knit fluctuation needle.

3, after knitting a inch to grow, begin to change stitch to knit next needles.

4, the of 2/3 length moment that knits a cap, begin decreasing.

5, knit the needle below 6 needles to receive stitch, continue to knit 6 needles to receive stitch again next, continue to get on 3 needles knit, knit the needle below circuit next.

6, next, every knit stitch to receive stitch, knit circuit, knit the needle below circuit again next.

7, the practice that repeats the 6th situation next is knitted again.

8, the coil that gets on the needle then uses wool to wear.

9, in the opposite taut department is good.

10, break up next, arrange.

11, finished so, see the effect.

Does the cap braid a tutorial?

The cap braids cent to be 4 parts: Case the needle, edge that knit a cap, body that knit a cap and knit crown. We begin from the needle since the first part first, 30 shots are done since braid set an example. Have needle method: Hit a slipknot on good shot above all, after winding a string with the right hand next, cover go up in good shot. 30 needles removed a needle to be finished so since.

2 the 2nd part braids cap limit. After the needle is over since, begin to braid cap limit, the circle knits the needle below stitch, the needle on stitch, common calls fluctuation the needle. Repeat braid the length that braids the need side the cap.

3 the 3rd part braids cap body. After cap limit has been braided, begin to braid cap body, cap body converts the circle is knitted the method of the needle, do not add do not decrease repeat the length that braids need cap.

4 the 4th part braids crown. Can braid crown after the cap braids the length of need, weave the method of crown: Knit two needles the two needles after the needle and stitch, knit two needles again next needle, again two needles and stitch, repeat so knit this circuit; Continue to be knitted two rounds again with same method next.

5 remnant is returned on good shot at this moment 10 come a coil, next we are adopted good-looking receive a skill simply again, can use wool head to wear coil, in the opposite taut department is good.

6 had turned over a face to be arranged next, such caps are braided finished.
